The trend of producing consistent photographic excellence (pictures and videos) in the dental industry, along with the automation technology implementation, further increases the demand for a high-capacity intraoral camera. The industry analysts of MarketWatch forecast the market to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of over 9% in the period between 2019 to 2022.
The intraoral camera is a tiny camera which takes the X-ray of patients’ tooth or gums. It offers a clear photograph of the teeth and mouth, which helps the dentist to determine the line of treatment. This article will walk you through five other amazing usages of the intraoral cameras in the dental healthcare setting.
Usage #1: Give New Patients a Tour of Their Mouth
The intraoral camera gives new dental patients an exciting experience of touring their mouth visually; the mouth tour also permits for better communication which gives the patients a chance to see what the dentist sees.
The intraoral camera also helps demonstrate the dental hygiene of the patients and allow dentists to suggest a proper line of treatment with a higher acceptance rate since the patients have a clear visual understanding of what kind of issues they are facing.
Usage #2: Help Identify Tooth Decay Not Visible on X-ray
Amazingly, the intraoral camera can detect interproximal decay even during the initial stages, which is often undetectable by X-rays. For instance, during the assessment of maxillary and mandibular teeth crown, it allows the patients to see dark regions which signify the presence of interproximal decay. Being able to address this problem in an early phase helps save the patients’ teeth from further damage.
Usage #3: Give a Persuasive Pre-examination for a More Extensive Line of Treatment
Most patients come to a dental office with a firm belief of what they require. But in reality, dentists give the final say. However, some patients are hard to convince, especially when they are asked to go through a more comprehensive dental examination, which is an essential step for patient care.
In these situations, advanced technology like the intraoral camera plays a vital role in persuading the patients. Intraoral cameras help gather enough evidence to convince the patient of their problems and why it is critical for them to take a comprehensive exam. Once the patients can see their problem areas, patients are more likely to accept the treatment suggestion.
Usage #4: Reduce the Risk of Tooth Loss
Periodontal probes help measure the depths of a pocket around a tooth to establish the patient’s dental health status. Hence, maintaining the accuracy of the periodontal probe is critical. Fortunately, an intraoral camera helps enhance accuracy.
The intraoral cameras help demonstrate the patients’ deep pockets and whether they are at risk of losing a tooth, hence, preventing tooth loss during the early stage. Patients who are not aware of progressive dental disease may end up with severe infection or pain and may lose their precious teeth.
Usage #5: Demonstrate Occlusal Wear
Tooth to tooth contact may cause occlusal wear, which leads to tooth tissue loss. This condition is often seen as a regular part of the aging process. With the use of an intraoral camera, however, dentists and patients can see the damage of the teeth. Thus, dentists can properly explain and suggest the proper measure the patients need to take to address occlusal wear.
Dental imaging is a growing trend in the market, which includes intraoral camera photography. There are many uses of an intraoral camera in dentistry. Some of its usages are providing a mouth and teeth tour for new patients, help identify tooth conditions, serve as a persuasive pre-dental-exam, help prevent tooth loss, and show occlusal wear.
This post was written by our Swole dental health expert Dr. Ryan
Tags: dental, dentist, oral health