Archive for the ‘Contests’ Category

Would you “bet” that you can lose weight?

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

An interesting fitness trend that I’ve seen popping up in since around 2010, is the idea of betting on yourself to lose weight. Say you want to lose 25 lbs in 6 months. You might bet $200 on the goal and when you accomplish it, you collect $400.

Diet bettingThat’s a win-win situation, and will help to hold you more accountable for attaining your goals. Who wouldn’t want to lose weight and gain money, at the same time?!

Don’t get the wrong idea, this is not an industry full of gamblers and junkies – in fact it’s just the opposite! These websites and applications offer a social point for each individual to share his or her progress, they offer camaraderie and inspiration that you may never have had nor felt before. Diet betting communities allow you to connect with like minded folks who are committed to succeeding at the same goals as yourself.

Before you gamble WITH your life, gamble FOR your life. Winners on average lose about ten pounds and double their initial investment. Over 40% of participants usually win something and always lose at least a little weight.

There are even incentives for participants to stay healthy. In some cases you become disqualified if you lose too much weight. Dangerous weight loss behavior is flagged for losing, for example, more than 12% of their body mass in 4 weeks.


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World’s Strongest Man 30 Year Retrospective

Monday, May 14th, 2012

Kaz VikingI’m sorry to post so many videos, but this World’s Strongest Man 30 Years of Pain is a must-watch for any fan of strongman or powerlifting. I did not know Jón Páll Sigmarsson died at age 33. What a bum deal.

In the meantime you’ve got Magnus Ver Magnusson, Magnus Samuels-son, Svend Carlson, Phil Phister, Marisuz Pudianowski, and many others. Granted, maybe 1 in 100 of these guys were not on the juice, but every single competition is inspirational.

Anyway, Kaz is nuts and so are the rest of the old school strongmen. If you only care about losing fat, don’t bother with this video, but if you’ve ever watched the WSM finals during Christmas vacation, and you actually knew the finalists and had a favorite, you have to watch this.

‘Nuff said.


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Last Day to Win Free Zola Acai Juice

Monday, June 1st, 2009
Acai Smoothie
Acai Smoothie

Hello everyone.

I am extending the Zola Acai giveaway contest through the end of today.

This is your last day to get in on it.

You could win 7 free bottles of Zola acai juice and smoothies, a t-shirt, and a Zola acai bracelet, which is actually kind of cool, especially since the proceeds go to a good cause.

Read about the contest at the Zola Acai Juice contest page, and sign up before midnight EST on June 1st 2009.

Good luck!

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12 Days Left to Qualify for 7 Free Bottles of Zola Acai Juice

Sunday, May 17th, 2009

The Project Swole Zola Acai Juice giveaway contest is almost over and I barely have any entries!

Doesn’t anyone want 7 free bottles of acai juice from Zola?

If you do, check out the contest before it’s too late: Zola Acai Juice Giveaway

Zola Acai

I’ll even change the rules!

Now, all you have to do is subscribe to updates via e-mail for one vote. Link to me or find me an acai berry recipe to get yourself 5 extra votes. That’s 6 chances to win!

Might as well enter the contest today. =)

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Zola Acai Juice Free Product Giveaway

Friday, April 10th, 2009

Acai Berries
Acai Berries

It’s Project Swole’s second ever product giveaway!

Note: This contest is now over. To read more about my Zola Acai Juice products reviews, go here: Zola Acai Juice

If you play your cards right you can win good stuff:

  • 3 bottles of Zola acai juice
  • 4 bottles of Zola acai smoothies
  • one acai seed bracelet
  • one Zola t-shirt

About Zola AcaiZola Helps CommunityZola Products & Prizes
Contest DetailsE-mail SubmissionsBonus Prize
How We Choose WinnerTerms & ConditionsGo Ahead and Enter!

Zola Juices and Smoothies


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How to Get Free Fish Oil Capsules

Friday, February 27th, 2009

There are only two days left to qualify for the free giveaway of a month’s supply of recoup|90 fish oil!

Find the original contest post at the Project Swole free fish oil giveaway page.

Why would you even want to take fish oil?

Just read the following articles and you will be convinced:


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Best Fish Recipe to Win 1 Month Supply of Recoup|90 Fish Oil

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

It’s Project Swole’s first ever product giveaway!

We all know how important it is to get enough essential fatty acids in your diet, especially Omega-3s. What better way to get your daily dose of Omega-3s, than to supplement with fish oil?

If you are unfamiliar with the benefits of supplementing with fish oil, read some of the following posts:


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