Quarantine is tough on our minds and our bodies, and if you aren’t lucky enough to have a home gym, staying in shape while stuck in the house can seem nearly impossible. Food is constantly at your disposal, and it is easy to fall into some pretty unhealthy habits if you are not careful.
As part of our quarantine series, perhaps you are already trying to exercise daily, but it’s not quite enough. Here are some easy things that you can do to boost your at-home workouts for quarantine and achieve maximum health benefits.
When you start a new workout routine, it’s normal to assume that you’ll start seeing real results almost immediately. While this may be true for some people, most find that they have to keep up their workouts for several months before any noticeable results start showing up. That said, there are always things you can do to speed your improvement and start getting the results you’re looking for more quickly and easily. Here are a few simple fitness tips to help you do just that.
Keeping the body fit is everyone’s goal, but not everyone works towards it efficiently. Those who do might still not do it optimally. Therefore, only a select few athletes attain the target of a healthy and fit body. Simply showing up at the gym may not be all that is required; doing it correctly is of vital importance. Proper execution begins with warming up. Let’s examine some warm up strategies including a few important warm-up exercises as well as a few strategies to avoid.
Gaining weight can be a little complicated, especially for those who have an ectomorph body type. You see, there are three main types of bodies, each one having its own shape and propensity for weight gain as well as muscle gain capacities. Some folks are consistently winning at mass gains, whilst others are perpetually losing.
Today, the biking infrastructure has tremendously improved in most cities across the globe. However, most people still don’t bike to work despite these improvements. If you are among them, you will be surprised to know what you are missing out by not riding to work. Cycling to work can have splendid benefits, from helping you keep fit, achieve your weight loss goals to helping conserve the environment.
While the benefits of biking to work are endless, here is an exclusive look at the top 7 reasons why everyone should bike to work.
Being strong is totally in right now. While fitness and exercise have long been touted as boons to your overall health, new trends are putting muscle definition and size in the forefront. Firm, well-developed muscles are attractive, sexy, and a sign of health and vitality, for both men and women.
What you eat can make a difference between an effective, muscle-building gym session and one that simply leaves you sore for a few days. Sure, your body needs protein and carbs to fuel workouts, but you may be giving it all the wrong things. Proper nutrition is about more than just macros, and you should understand what role it plays in getting swole.
It’s the new year and many folks have fallen out of sync with their resolutions and fitness goals because they don’t know what to do. One of the easiest ways to figure out what to do is to hire a professional for advice. There are thousands of personal trainers around the world, but rather than write a generic personal training post, our foreign correspondent has set up camp and chat with some personal trainers in Langley, British Columbia to get advice for fitness newbies, and provide some tips and tricks for selecting the right expert to help you get fit.
The New Year is here and many of us have our New Year’s resolutions set. More often than not, these resolutions include getting fit. While we commend those who are looking to amp up their fitness in 2020, many people don’t know where to start or how to stay motivated, causing them to abandon their resolutions. At Project Swole, we want to help you reach your fitness goals.
Follow these 5 tips to set yourself up for success with your fitness resolutions!
If you follow anyone who is into fitness, you’ve probably seen a meme or two about the Resolutioner. For those out of the loop, this is a person who makes a New Year’s resolution to get into shape. They flood the gym in early January, and then most people lose interest in working out and the gym goes back to normal.
There isn’t anything wrong beginning your new year wanting to improve your fitness, but the problem is that many people go in without a plan or fully understand fitness, and this is why they fail. If you want to get into shape, here are some common mistakes Resolutioners make, and how to avoid them.
Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player to ever walk the planet, missed potential game-winning shots over 20 times in his career. Even the best have mistakes, no matter how many hours of practice and dedication they put into perfecting their craft. There are gym etiquette and lifestyle fitness mistakes to avoid, here is a small list.
The same goes for the gym. Even though you may have been working out since the time the dinosaurs roamed the planet, we can all have those potential lapses of memory and judgment where we forget to do something so basic.
Don’t worry, we’re all human and these mistakes happen from time to time. That’s why it’s always good to have a small reminder even when it comes to a dedicated hobby.
Warming up before a serious workout is very important. Choosing a good, effective warm-up before working out will help you avoid injuries that can delay your fitness progress. The right warm-up exercises can create an amazing difference in how quickly your fitness improves.
However, choosing the wrong warm-up can also have an impact on your overall performance. You could end up getting injured or not maximizing the workouts which you make time for in your busy schedule. Keep reading as we talk about the most effective ways to warm up before working out!
Have you finally delivered and cannot wait to lose the baby weight? Working out should part of everybody’s lifestyle. When you have just had a baby, working out after pregnancy can help you recover fast and boost your strength. Since pregnancy comes with hormonal changes that affect you emotionally, exercising can also boost your mood.
Every pregnancy is, however, different, and checking with your doctor before starting is crucial. New mothers are advised to engage in postpartum abdominal exercises that can help in toning muscles and reducing weight. Enrolling in this fitness program can help you learn how to work out safely after childbirth. It aims at helping new mothers in America maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve effective results after pregnancy.
Today we will talk about tips for easing into post-pregnancy fitness and provide a series of exercises you can use to get started.
Exercise at any age is an essential component of maintaining good health. It can help you to lose weight, build muscle, and get stronger. To reap the most benefits out of your exercise routine, post-workout recovery is crucial. During recovery, tissue repair and strengthening occurs. Not taking the time to properly recovery can impede your progress and increase your risk for pain and severe injuries. No matter what type of exercise you prefer to do, here are a few tips for recovering after.
Fitness is now in trend, and while this is a good thing to help promote healthy living everywhere, not everyone can keep up with the costs of a staying fit. Sometimes we can all use a handful of alternative tips for getting fit.
The average gym membership costs around $40 a month in the U.S., and this is just the most common. There are people who pay up to $100 a month simply for a place to work out. Some folks choose to rig up a simple home gym or exercise in the outdoors.
If you’re looking to get toned, ripped, strong, or swole, on a budget, here are five tips for working out without having to start an expensive monthly gym membership.
The body is amazing. It is capable of phenomenal strength and recovery, but there are times when a person can experience problems and not know the cause of them. When this happens, a doctor might conduct a variety of tests to discover the root cause of weight gain, fatigue, and other issues.
But wouldn’t it be great if you could diagnose yourself? I don’t mean ask Google or query WebMD, I mean wouldn’t it be great if you could recognize your fitness or nutrition bottlenecks and change your lifestyle to fix the issue?
Let’s explore some common types of problems the body can experience by lacking something it needs.
A major concern for all of us big-shot men is how we can bench press when we are training alone. Chest day has always been an important day in the weekly training regimen. It might fall on a Monday, a humpday, or even a Friday, but it is and has always been one of the most exalted workout days of the week for those training with a partner, buddies, or teams.
This is a day when we can walk in the gym with our chests puffed out.
This is a day when we can train those all-important show muscles… the pecs.
This is a day when we can perform the “manliest of exercises”… the bench press!
Let us examine some alternatives to bench pressing flat with a spotter.
(Of course for those of us who already know how to bench press, the bench press is really no big deal. There are about 7 other exercises I’d rather do than bench and at least 5 other goals that are more important to me than having a big chest or a big bench… but I digress… this article is about bench pressing after all.)
Starting a workout plan can be a bit complicated since you may be uncertain of what you need to do in order to reach your goals. Whenever you are looking to begin an exercise routine or improve your workout plans, it will be important to set specific goals as well as devise a workout plan that allows you to make steady progress towards reaching these goals. In most cases, you will need to combine resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and a healthy diet in order to reach your fitness goals. A combination of these things will enable you to devise an effective plan to improve your workout and achieve your fitness goals.
If you are among the billions who watch sports, then you’ve probably wondered what it takes to maintain a fit body. Top-performing athletes have different tools that help enhance their skills and keep them healthy and strong. While every athlete may have a different fitness routine, the basic principles of health and fitness remain the same.
If you are new to the gym, there is no doubt that is can be a really intimidating place. In addition to the machines and overall sweating, there is a “gym language” that you might want to have a fairly good understanding of. Let’s take a look at some common phrases that you might encounter at the gym or even more accurately, might describe some people you run into as you work out.
Power couple
This couple has been never at the gym without each other. Their routine is the same, from warmups to exercise selection, cooldowns, and stretching. They will usually never leave each other’s side at the gym, doing synchronized movements and then leaving together later when they’ve finished, without speaking to a single soul.
Strength training has so many benefits, from giving you the physique you’ve always dreamed of to reducing your risk of many health problems. A lot of people who are serious about weight training will often opt for either free weights or machines, believing that one is better than the other. However, incorporating both into your workout routine offers the most benefits, and that includes the often dreaded cardio machines.