Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Health Considerations for Bodybuilders

Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

barbell deadlift


The sport of bodybuilding increases your strength and changes your physique. The demands of sculpting your body are tremendous. It takes time and a lot of hard work to reach goals in bodybuilding, but it’s very rewarding when you do.

Bodybuilders push themselves and their bodies hard. The stress they exert on their muscles and bones requires specific health maintenance routines particular to a bodybuilder. What works for most of us, won’t work for someone who pushes the limits of working out to greater and greater heights.

Gains come in small increments, but if you take care of your body while building it, you have a better chance of faster returns. Here are some ways aspiring bodybuilders can ensure their bodies stay healthy and robust as they develop more muscle and drop body fat percentage.


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6 New and Effective Ways To Clean Your Gut

Thursday, November 8th, 2018

gut health

Did you know that your general well being typically depends on your digestive health? Various researches indicate that having a healthy digestive system makes you happy, healthy and active. Like many parts of the body, the system composes various parts that function through coordination. One of such vital part is the colon or the large intestines as popularly known.

While there are various contradicting views about colon cleansing, experts assert that it’s safe and is likely to boost the effectiveness of this important organ. So if you have been holding yourself back from indulging in colon detoxification, it’s now time to reconsider your decision and join the crowd towards this significant step. Remember to include some of these new and effective gut cleansing ways in your to-do-list. (more…)

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The Biggest Misconceptions About Vaping

Sunday, October 21st, 2018

With all of the recent news about vape-related illness throughout the US and the alleged teen vaping epidemic, we figured it would be a great opportunity to talk about vaping. What is it? How does it work? There are a lot of misconceptions about vaping, so let’s try to clear up some facts and myths.

Vaping Man

With vaping picking up a lot of steam recently, you will find a lot of people that are doing their research and want to try it. Some want to vape e-cigarettes, others want to look at things such as THC vape pen. During that research, you’ll often find that there are a lot of things that may not sound that good.

Not all of them are true, though. People just aren’t fans of vaping, and many times they’ll do whatever they can in order to prevent people from doing it, and that often includes spreading misconceptions about vaping.

If you’re one of the people that want to get into vaping, but you just aren’t sure what’s true and what isn’t, let’s clear up some of the biggest misconceptions about vaping. From ideas that are just straight-up lies to things that are simply confusions that nobody clears up for you, let’s go.


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Simple Steps to Achieve a Healthier Body

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

A healthier body and a healthier lifestyle are some of the most sought-after aspects of life. Tons of studies and research have been poured into defining what leads to a long-term life of good health. The path to achieve a healthier body can be summarized into a good diet, exercise, managing stress, and kicking off bad habits. Information from different sources and people’s talk have become very overwhelming, as not every source can provide you with concrete information and the overload of info can really be confusing.

healthy bikini girl

You need to realize that achieving a healthy body is different from achieving a good body. You can look good, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re healthy. We’ll be giving you a mini-guide with a few simple steps that can help you achieve a healthier body.


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What Are The Benefits Of Probiotics For Men?

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

man healthy body

Some of the benefits of probiotics are universal and this means everyone including women and children can benefit from them. They promote healthy skin, improve gut health, and help one to maintain optimal weight.

The same benefits are also available for men as taking probiotics helps men to mitigate health conditions that affect them like controlling hormone levels and improving mental health. To get a clear overview of how you can benefit from using probiotics.

Here are some of the top benefits that every man should know about. (more…)

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How to Balance Vaping and Your Fitness Program

Friday, June 8th, 2018

In the UK alone, there are now over 1.3 million vape users (as of 2015). Given that it has experienced a surge in popularity over the past few years, you can expect that this number has grown significantly on a global scale. This is an astonishing figure given the short history of vaping or e-cigarettes.

Whether you are an athlete, or merely someone who is into fitness part-time, and you want to achieve better health, it is time to give up smoking. But is vaping a suitable alternative? Will it intervene with the benefits you are supposed to get from your fitness program?


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Four Great Tips for Reducing Anxiety

Saturday, May 5th, 2018

stress anxiety womanWe recently published a post at Project Swole about treating many comment mental well-being complaints with Xanax, and of course, we all know how well exercise helps with anxiety.

Here are some additional tips for battling anxiety and other mental health issues, ranging from sleep to meditation to alternative supplements.

Keep your mental health strong and your physical health will follow! (more…)

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Xanax Tablets – What You Need To Know

Saturday, May 5th, 2018

xanaxOften at Project Swole we think about the effects of mental health on physical health. Without proper mental health, we are unable to lead a healthy lifestyle, possibly even ignoring fitness altogether. Today we would like to discuss one method of camouflaging mental health issues and mental distress – using the prescription drug Xanax – how and why you might use it, and a brief explanation of the risks involved. 

Studies reveal that more people are taking medication to deal with stress, anxiety, mental disorders, and insomnia among other discomforts. A huge chunk of this population consists of people who do not bother getting prescriptions for the right drug and the right dose.

Are you one of those individuals who take drugs based on your friend’s ailment?

That is wrong and creates a serious risk to your health!

Antidepressants and Benzodiazepines are medical drugs that are used to relieve some mental glitches and illnesses. The fact that they target your brain and how it sends transmissions throughout your body makes it a dangerous affair to self-diagnose and self-medicate. Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin are popular benzodiazepines that are used to produce a calming effect once they act on your nerves and brain.


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The Pros And Cons Of E-Cigarettes Revealed

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

There is a good chance that you have heard about e-cigarettes. Heck, in today’s time there is a good chance that you have probably even tried vaping at least once or twice. It certainly is a hobby that is quickly growing.

That being said, you will probably get a variety of mixed reviews when you sit down and look at the pros and cons of the habit. Some people will tell you that it is safer than tobacco. Some people might tell you that it isn’t addictive. Well, if you are going to partake in the hobby or try it for the first time, you need to fully understand the pros and cons of it.


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How To Come Off Steroids Safely

Monday, February 12th, 2018

At Project Swole we don’t care for steroids, we don’t promote them and we don’t recommend using them. However, we realize some folks are going to use them anyway, and we DO support health. Therefore, every once in a while when we receive reader questions about a steroid stack, we get motivated to publish a post about using steroids as safely as possible, and one of the biggest factors of a safe cycle, is PCT – post cycle therapy. That being said, here are our tips for safely coming off your steroid cycle to maintain the best health possible.

arnold is healthy

So lets you have come to your decision and you are considering risking it. You made the choice that completing a course of anabolic steroid is what you needed. You got all the information you know from the supplier in the gym or a website like this. You know how they are taken and how long you should do it. At least you think you know. It’s what you don’t know about coming off the cycle that could destroy your results and impact your health.  (more…)

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How to Reduce Weight to Remain Physically Fit and Healthy

Saturday, June 4th, 2016
Healthy Couple

Improve your health and fitness by paying proper attention to your body. A human cannot remain fit until & unless he/she is not taking seriously to fulfill the criteria to remain fit and active. Staying healthy is an important factor in human life to live a long life. Physical and mental both types of aspects greatly affect the performance of human activities. How to improve your health is not much difficult, the best way to improve your health is a special focus on your health by adding new changes in your daily life.

Overweight is not a suitable plan to meet the fit body requirements. It is to recommend that you can improve your health and can reduce weight in many ways. Significant decisions making about treatment provides the best source and the authentic action plan which helps the patients to follow a certain health plan and focus on health management strategies to remain active. Overweight looks not attractive and it creates lots of difficulties for the infected patient.


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Your Food Links

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
Your Links
Your Links

Do you want to list your food related links at Project Swole?

It works like this: leave a comment with your favorite link of all time for today’s category.

Wow, that’s simple!

For more links and other link categories, check out Your Links at Project Swole.

Today’s theme is Food.

A happy bonus: the best links of all I will surely submit to multiple social bookmark sharing websites, which means more traffic for you! =)

Here’s my link of the day: Healthy Recipes from the Healthy Irishman

“The Healthy Irishman Fueling your body with healthy food. Fueling your mind with the wealth of health.”

The Healthy Irishman delivers tasty healthy recipes on a daily basis, while also being witty and smart. This is a blog that I surf to whenever I am trying to think of a new recipe to try.

Project Swole has a couple healthy recipes, but nothing compared to the Healthy Irishman. If you are looking for new, innovative, healthy recipes, check it out.

An honorable mention is: Get Whole Foods at Your Local Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market is the #1 whole food retailer in the country. On this website you can find healthy recipes, local Whole Foods Market locations, as well as tons of articles and other information about healthy food.

If you are looking to make a healthy impact on your diet, you should consider switching from processed foods to whole foods. You will see and feel the difference.

Now it’s your turn. But don’t submit links to pages that have nothing to do with food, because I won’t approve those comments. =)

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Your Powerlifting Links

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009
Your Links
Your Links

I want to start a new feature on Project Swole called Your Links.

Basically it works like this: leave a comment with your favorite link of all time for the list’s theme.

Today’s theme is Powerlifting.

The best links of all I will surely Stumble, Digg, Mixx, and submit to Health Ranker and OnlyWire.

Here’s my link of the day: Powerlifting Articles at Westside Barbell

Louie Simmons and the Westside Barbell guys write some seriously good training articles for powerlifters and strength athletes. Read them all.

An honorable mention is: Powerlifting Articles at Elite Fitness

Dave Tate runs Elite Fitness and he is a disciple of Louie Simmons, but is also an expert in his own right. Read all these articles too.

Now it’s your turn. But don’t submit links to non-powerlifting pages because I won’t approve those comments. =)

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