Archive for the ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ Category

Mobile Fitness: 50 Health-Themed iPhone Applications

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

iPhoneI don’t own an iPhone, but maybe you do. If you do, you should totally check out some of these healthy iPhone apps. The more reminders we have, the more likely we will be to stick to the plan.

You’ve got your nutrition apps – menus and meal planners, indoor and outdoor workout apps, health info apps – think Web MD, a couple social networking apps – who uses SparkPeople(?), apps for brain health, and a bunch of other random apps.

Read the whole list of 50 iPhone apps here: 50 iPhone Apps That Will Make You Much Healthier

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Healthy Popcorn and Swine Flu Revenge

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

I don’t have much time to post today, but I wanted to direct you to two news articles I found while browsing at lunch, which by the way consisted of tuna, Sun Chips, and diet Nestea. Good times.

There are just a couple quick news pieces about the wonders of popcorn and the increasing danger of swine flu.


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The Myth of Spot Reduction

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Mary Ward is a blogger and enjoys writing about medical career topics, such as how to obtain a Master of Health Administration degree, job and education tips, and more.

The Myth of Spot Reduction: Why Crunches Don’t Work

So many of us are on a constant quest to lose weight, it’s just a natural part of life. We tend to put on the weight without realizing it and before we know it, we’re clinging to any diet or fitness regimen that we can find.

Female and Male Abs
Six pack abs can’t be obtained by spot reduction.

This holds especially true when it comes to certain body parts, namely the abdomen.


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Hot Dogs Cause Cancer and Mark Buehrle Throws a Perfect Game

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

I am far too busy writing an article that is tentatively titled “The 10 Best Ab Exercises” to draft a post of decent length or content for you today. Instead I will leave you with these four moderately interesting, if not time leaching, links.

Skip the nutrition fluff stories and go right to the most important story of the day: Mark Buehrle’s Perfect Game


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Death Watch: Michael Jackson Dead – RIP

Friday, June 26th, 2009

I sure am sorry to hear about Michael Jackson’s death.

I have several of his albums and grew up with Thriller on MTV. Sorry to say I missed out on that whole Jackson 5 scene, but solo Michael was groundbreaking music and his dancing was stupendous. After all, he gave us The Moonwalk!

No matter what you think about Michael Jackson’s controversial personal life, you have to admit that he truly was a good man, especially earlier in his career. He honestly cared about the well-being of children.

Sure, Michael had some major issues.


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How to Exercise With Your Pet

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

… and now for your viewing pleasure I am honored to present you with the Cat Workout website.

Cat Workout is a place where you can learn how to exercise with your kitty, provided your kitty doesn’t make you into a human fish fillet when you wrangle him for a set of cat lunges.

It’s not as much fun as LOL Cats and the exercises on the site are about as useful as a 10,000 lb dumbbell, but I do enjoy cats so maybe you will have a laugh if you enjoy cats too.


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Swole in Two Months

Monday, June 8th, 2009

If you are someone who trains for a month then takes a week off because life gets busy, you are just like me.

If you are someone who normally trains 4 days a week and then can only get in the gym once in a 9 day stretch because life gets busy, you are just like me.

And like you, I put together than occasional plan to commit for a solid 3 months, eat right, train 4-5 times a week, and make some real progress.

We are not lazy, we just get busy or have to deal with family situations. Right?

Excuses, excuses…

Lazy Man
Lazy Man – This is not me and it better not be you!


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StayActiv – A Healthy Pain Relief Alternative to NSAIDs

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

A New Scientific Approach to Combating Inflammation and Acute or Chronic Pain

Millions of Americans suffer from pain every day, and one of the more common reasons is due to the affects of joint and tissue inflammation.

Muscle Pain
Muscle Pain

For years people have turned to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for relief. Of course Project Swole readers already know that NSAIDs Are Pain, Brain, and Muscle Growth Killers.

The good news is that there is a new hypothesis to consider on how to combat the pain and discomforts associated with inflammation.

By attacking the inflammatory cascade at the start (in the mitochondria) as opposed to inhibiting the COX pathways (as is the mode of action of many NSAIDs), a safe, non-toxic, and natural pain reliever called StayActiv is able to prevent the cascade of cellular inflammatory events up front, and it also avoids the many negative and dangerous kidney, liver, and gastro-intestinal side effects related to NSAIDs.


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Calorie Count Rule Begins for Massachusetts Chain Restaurants in 2010

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009
Fast Food
Fast Food

By November 1, 2010 every restaurant chain in MA with at least 20 locations will be required to post calorie information for all foods on their menu. This includes such franchises as Domino’s, McDonalds, Burger King, and Dunkin Donuts; and will affect nearly 5300 restaurants throughout the state.

But what about the kids? Shouldn’t we be focusing more on educating our kids and protecting them from garbage food? I think this is more important than posting calorie information on fast food restaurant menus, but at least we are taking some steps in the right direction.

Here’s the article from Calorie-count rule begins next year


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What is Swine Flu? and 29 Other Swine Flu FAQs

Thursday, April 30th, 2009
Cute Pig

The current Swine Flu fears are both justified and overrated.

The fears are justified because of the 7-8% death rate in Mexico of a contagious disease, for which we currently have no direct vaccine.

The fears are overrated because that death rate seems only to apply to Mexico, and the virus itself does not seem to be replicating uncontrollably throughout the world.

Currently, the status of the disease warrants Mexican quarantine, worldwide concern, but not yet worldwide panic.

Hopefully, this document will allay some of your fears and answer some of your questions about Swine Flu.


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Why Women Need Muscles

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

This article is written by Kat Sanders, who regularly blogs on the topic of online surgical technician school at her blog iScrub. She welcomes your comments and questions at her email address: [email protected].

Weightlifting Girl
Weightlifting Girl

Why Women Need Muscles

There was a time when women were referred to as the weaker sex, but not anymore. While the feminists are doing all they can to prove that anything a man can do, a woman can do better, the women who are endowed with common sense are going ahead and putting their money where their mouth is by doing what’s good for them – training with weights and building their muscle mass even as they go in for regular cardio workouts.

Strength training is no longer a man’s world, and women are building muscles for reasons that vary from good health to looking good. And if you’re a woman who’s reading this and shaking your head that you’re never going to be seen with weights around you, read on to see why you must work on increasing your muscle mass:


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The Truth About Fasting to Lose Weight

Friday, March 6th, 2009
Update: I wrote this article with regards to fasting for 24 hours or longer. I did not intend to address intermittent fasting with this post. Since I wrote this, I have learned about intermittent fasting and fully support it as a fat loss strategy. I still don’t support fasting for more than 24 hours though. 1/4/2011

What is fasting?

Fasting is when you don’t eat anything at all for a prolonged period of time. I’m betting you have heard of “breakfast”? This is a meal that essentially breaks your overnight fast.

Is it healthy to fast overnight?

Your overnight fast isn’t that bad. Some hardcore individuals do set an alarm clock to wake up 4 hours into their sleep cycle in order to swill down a protein shake. I have actually done this before, except that I planned it out as follows:


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Several Studies Say Fish Oil an Important Dietary Supplement for Diabetics

Thursday, February 5th, 2009
Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Cod

Read on to discover why supplementing with fish oil is important for you, but even more so if you are diabetic.

Why You Want To Supplement with Fish Oil

Simply stated, Omega-3 consumption is directly linked to the reduction of triglycerides and therefore a decrease in risk for developing coronary heart disease.

Being that diabetics have an increased risk of heart disease from elevated levels of triglycerides, this is most important for those individuals, but is still important for the rest of us. Fortunately I am not diabetic yet, although I am annoyingly insulin resistant. Hopefully I will never develop type II diabetes.

::knocks on wood::


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Upcoming Diet Articles for Project Swole

Friday, January 16th, 2009

For the last two weeks I have been experimenting with a new diet plan. Something more strict than just plain “healthy eating”. Something designed to help you shed 12-15 lbs in 3 weeks. It’s a little something I refer to as Project Shred.

Weight Loss

Basically this is a diet plan used by my extreme kickboxing instructor Barbara Woo to get her students in shape. The plan that I have been working with is meant for a female who is between 120-200 lbs, wants to weigh 130 or less, and wants to lose between 10-20 pounds quickly in a month.

Barbara Woo MMA
Barbara Woo In Action (Barbara is kicking ass on top.)


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5 Healthy Helpful Tips to Lose Your Belly

Monday, January 12th, 2009
Lose Your Belly
Lose Your Belly

If you are reading this then you clearly want to lose some weight. You have probably tried several different ways, and let’s face it; there are thousands of pages of information about it on the World Wide Web.

Which methods work?

Which are actually effective and am I wasting my time?

Here are 5 seriously helpful tips, no rubbish and no lies.


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Happy New Year 2009

Thursday, January 1st, 2009
Happy New Year 2009
Happy New Year 2009

Everyone’s going to get Swole this year no matter what it takes!

When choosing your New Year toast, be sure to have some red wine for the antioxidant benefits. Yay grapes!

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2008

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays

…to all my friends, Project Swole subscribers, and random visitors!

Santa Triathalon
Santa Triathalon

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13 Ways to Get in Shape While Accomplishing Something Useful

Thursday, December 11th, 2008
Mowing the Lawn
Mowing the Lawn

After initially proofreading this post I was thinking to myself that I wouldn’t post it because it’s not a training article, and quite frankly some of the activities are pretty foo-foo. But on second thought, some of these ideas apply more to men, while others apply more to women, so there is something in this list for everyone.

I recommend referring to this list on your next boring spring, summer, or autumn weekend. When you are looking for something to do around the house or around the yard, these ideas might inspire you to create, clean, fix, or just burn extra calories.

After all being swole doesn’t always have to be about squatting, benching, power cleaning (the Olympic lift), or sprinting. Being swole is much more about the path we take to get there, than the end result. Although when you look great naked, the end result is pretty sweet.

13 Obscure Ideas for Accomplishing Stuff While Getting Exercise


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December is Not a Time to Slack

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008
Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree

Hello to all Project Swole subscribed readers and also to any new visitors that are stopping by. As you can see from the dates on my recent posts, I have not been posting very often since before Thanksgiving.

So why is this? I have been busy, busy, busy. Got alot going on trying to manage the job, the clients, the Project Swole, and trying to get a new social bookmarking site off the ground. Details about this coming later this week or early next week.

The reality is that December is not a time to slack. Therefore I am going to make a pledge to post nearly every day for the rest of the month, a practice I hope to continue into next year.


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Nutrition Tip: Fish Oil for Fat Loss and Good Health

Saturday, November 29th, 2008
Dr. John Berardi
Dr. John Berardi

I have been reading exercise and nutrition material written by a gentleman named Dr. John Berardi since the late 1990’s.

Since that time he has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition related conferences; and published countless articles online.

His first articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago, provided me with the basis for everything I know about nutrition today. Now I will turn some of that knowledge over to you in the form of Nutrition Tips written by Dr. Berardi himself.

Today’s Topic – Supplementing with Fish Oil


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