Archive for the ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ Category

20 Unhealthy Foods You Mistakenly Think Are Healthy

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Updated: 6/15/2022

the rock eating unhealthy foods

Let me preface this post by saying: “I eat these foods.” Yes, it is true, I do eat about 50% of the foods listed. Especially peanuts, Smartfood, and some of the carbohydrate foods listed at the bottom. Despite calling them all out as unhealthy foods, they aren’t all technically that bad for you, it’s just good to examine the nutritional details and figure out where we can make the best decisions.

If you take this list literally, it will just aggravate you, so take it with a grain of salt… or maybe a grain of whole wheat.

There are many terms that are misleading in the food advertising industry today. Think of how many times you see healthy phrases plastered all over food containers. Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by these words of trickery, none of these catchphrases mean ‘healthy food’ inherently – you have to read the labels.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common attempts to convince consumers a food is healthy when perhaps it’s really not.


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Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits Bringing You Down?

Friday, February 18th, 2022
unhealthy lifestyle habits like eating cheeseburgers

Being healthy is not always easy to achieve. You have to work hard to stay fit and healthy. Especially during this global coronavirus pandemic, it has become a tough challenge to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As we stay home, isolated day after day sometimes unhealthy lifestyle habits start to set in. We can possibly start to reverse those habits by introducing regular exercise.

Let’s take a look at how the addition of exercise into your routine, can help reverse those unhealthy habits.


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How Much Water Should You Drink?

Monday, February 14th, 2022
Dr. John Berardi

Since the late 1990’s Dr. John Berardi has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition-related conferences; and published countless articles online.

His first articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago provided me with the basis for everything I knew about nutrition in my early years as a personal trainer. Now I will turn some of that knowledge over to you in the form of Nutrition Tips written by Dr. Berardi himself.

Today’s Topic – How Much Water You Should Drink

Water is important for maintaining proper health.

Drink Water

I have always advocated drinking at least a gallon of water a day, but then some media outlets over-hype the fact that drinking too much water can make you sick, so people sometimes dismiss the importance of drinking water. So whatever you believe, the all-important question must still be answered, how much water should you drink?

I think it all had to do with some radio contest to see who could drink the most water in the shortest amount of time. The fact is that you would have to drink many gallons of water in a short time frame to make yourself sick.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons why you should basically drink as much water as possible each day.


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Maintaining a Healthy and Strong Body All Year Round

Sunday, November 28th, 2021
Healthy and Strong Body male and female

When you are busy working, sometimes you may find that your levels of health and fitness can take a backseat. Often they take a backseat unintentionally. To regain and take control of your body and your overall health, you have to put in the legwork. Maintaining a healthy and strong body all year round requires dedication to a few lifestyle fundamentals.

  • you have to prepare for results – mentally and by keeping your body healthy
  • you have to follow a healthy, maintainable diet and nutrition plan
  • you have to follow a proven workout routine customized for your personal needs

If you do not have a mix of all of these elements, then you will struggle to get your body looking and feeling how you want it to. When it comes to getting in shape, there is no overnight fix. You need to put in the work, and you need to maintain the work to get visible results that last.


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5 Strategies For Successful Weight Loss

Friday, September 24th, 2021
successful weight loss

Hundreds of weight loss programs will promise quick results, but the truth remains, there is no shortcut to long-term weight loss results. The foundation of losing weight remains a healthy lifestyle which includes a calorie-controlled diet with more physical activity. If you want long-term successful weight loss results, you need to make several permanent changes in your lifestyle and health habits.

As much as they say it will be easy, the fact remains you will have to get uncomfortable and put in the effort required to get results. How fast it works depends on a number of things but primarily the amount of effort you are putting in. So stick around to learn several strategies that will help you shed some weight.


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How to Better Support Your Workout Routine

Monday, September 13th, 2021
Support Your Workout Routine

Are you trying to get in the habit of working out but just not feeling motivated? Or, maybe you’ve been working out for a while and you’re not seeing results. There are many factors that can lead to that sluggish feeling and to a lack of results. Here are a few tips and tricks to better support your workout routine.


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Weightlifting Injury Prevention: Protect Your Back!

Wednesday, August 25th, 2021
Shaun Stay Fit

This is a guest post from Shaun Sinclair, founder, and author of Stay Fit Bug. Shaun is a former 100/200-meter runner and professional athlete.

Look after your BACK!
Because once that goes you are FINISHED!

It really is that simple.

The spine and the muscles surrounding it are the backbones to our physical existence ‘Pun intended’.

However, it is a part of our body that is prone to injury. Now, prevention isn’t a difficult thing to do. But one thing I am certain of is that trying to cure the issue of back pain is an entirely different matter (Yes… not always easy).

  • Good form
  • Good exercise execution
  • Embracing good posture

All of those things are highly important when it comes to protecting your back. Heck, embracing good posture isn’t even something you need to worry about in the gym only. In fact, that has a lot more to do with your activities outside of the weight room.

  • How you sit at your desk in the office.
  • In your bed and how you sleep (sleeping on the floor is still one of the best things you can do).
  • How you position your body when using a computer at home, which of course, is where most of us spend most of our time in today’s world on Facebook and the like.

These lifestyle habits are highly important in regard to back injury prevention. Now let’s see how you can change your lifestyle to proactively protect yourself from back injuries.


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Is High Sensitivity in Male Organs a Disorder?

Friday, March 26th, 2021
male sensitivity disorder

There are hundreds of nerve endings in the head of the male sexual organ. And these nerve endings are primarily the reason for pleasurable sensations during sexual activity.

Some level of sensitivity does no harm. In fact, it is necessary for arousal and erection. However, when this sensitivity begins to cause discomfort and distress, it could be a problem.

For most people, penile sensitivity is self-diagnosable and also resolves on its own, as it begins. However, for some, there could be other extended reasons too.

In this article, we will discuss the symptoms, causes, and possible treatment options for penile sensitivity.


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5 Ways Marijuana Can Help You with Your Workout

Monday, February 15th, 2021
cannabis workout

Are you one of those people who always have “join the gym” on their new year’s resolution list? If yes, then the good news is that it is actually going to work this year. In this blog, I am going to explain how you can manage to go to the gym with the help of marijuana. 

The first and the most important thing that you need to know about this is that using marijuana for any purpose is all about finding the right strain. Green Relief has different strains that you can use after the gym to ensure that you go to the gym again the next day. So, just consult them about your problem, and you’ll get the strain that will work for you. 


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The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise on Physical & Mental Wellness

Wednesday, January 13th, 2021

According to studies, people spend 7.6% of their time outside. That’s it. Less than 8% of our time is spent in nature. A lot of people are stuck indoors, chained to their screens, and uninterested in stepping outside to breathe in some fresh air. Rarely does outdoor exercise occur to most people as an option to improve their lifestyle.

While these statistics sound defeating, it can actually be a great call to action, especially for athletes and people looking to get strong and fit. Exercising outdoors can completely transform not only your workout routine but your mental and physical health, and it’s entirely possible to introduce outdoor activities into any program. 

Still not convinced you need to go outside? Let us explain why it’s so beneficial and what kind of activities you can do. 


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How to Maintain Your Fitness Regime During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

There doesn’t seem to be a day that goes by without devastating news regarding the coronavirus pandemic. Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak has had catastrophic effects, resulting in millions of deaths across the world. With many of us feeling worried and anxious, starting or maintaining a fitness regime can be one of the keys to combatting stress. 

fitness regime

Whether you’re a regular gym-goer, or about to embark on your fitness journey, here are some ways to maintain your regime during the coronavirus pandemic.


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Build Muscle and See Gains Thanks to the Right Post-Workout Strategy

Friday, July 10th, 2020
Post-Workout Strategy

Hitting the gym supremely hard could very well lead to dramatic results. Then again, even a moderate workout could deliver nice changes to a physique over time. Newly fitness-minded people often dedicate themselves quite admirably in the gym. They want to see big changes. That’s a fine attitude, but the attitude may also be a bit short-sighted if they don’t follow the right post-workout strategy. What you do outside the gym factors heavily into whether or not you see results.

Right and wrong post-workout steps can respectively lead to improvements or setbacks. Obviously, you want to focus on the right things to do after a heavy workout session. Today we present a handful of tips to improve your lifestyle post-workout with the intent to maximize results for both noobs and seasoned gym veterans.


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The Importance Of Mental Health and Well-being

Saturday, December 28th, 2019
Brain Exercise

Mental health is the condition of a person based on the welfare of their state both mentally and emotionally. According to WHO, it affects how we are able to cope with stress, interact with each other, work productively and decision making.

Over time, there are increased cases of mental health disorders across the world. The stigma that is linked with seeking help for mental illnesses has left victims neglected. In all stages of our lives, mental health is critical. It affects all aspects of our life and how we go about it.

Here are some of the reasons why mental health and well-being is essential:


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Only Get CBD Oil From an FDA-registered Hemp Farm

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019
Healthy Couple

In recent years CBD has become all the rage for getting the health benefits Cannabis without getting high. We previously wrote about the benefits of CBD oil for your health and will continue to report tips and facts about hemp and CBD as the popularity of these products continues to grow. You can get CBD oil in a wide variety of stores these days, from natural foods stores, retail outlets, and that small holistic store downtown, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Cannabidiol or CBD oil derived from hemp is now legal, thanks to the amendment in the 2018 Farm Bill. However, you should purchase the product only from a hemp farm that is recognized by the United States Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) to guarantee safety when using the product. 


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How to Calculate the Number of Calories Burned By Cycling?

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
calories burned by cycling

Most of us, powerlifters excluded, try to burn as many calories as possible on any given day. Cycling can be a great way by which you can burn a lot of calories a day without doing much. Can you give me a definite number of calories burned by cycling? Maybe you don’t have an answer to this question. This is where you need my help so read this post which will discuss how to calculate how many calories you burn while cycling.


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Is Your Workout Actually Hurting You? Signs & Symptoms

Thursday, October 24th, 2019
male athlete with shoulder pain, is your workout hurting you?

We always think of workouts as a positive thing, but there are cases in which, if you’re feeling pain, your workout is hurting you. To be healthy, many of us may exercise too much or too hard, which can be very dangerous when a workout is too difficult or too intense, it can put a huge amount of strain on the body and can carry over into other aspects of your life. A workout that’s too intense can also result in injuries and make you more susceptible to illness.

Here are some key signs that your workout is hurting you – and how to find a workout that is a better fit. 


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It Doesn’t Get Easier Than No Exam Life Insurance

Monday, October 21st, 2019

The Convenience of No Exam Life Insurance

healthy couple running

In today’s world, we can get virtually anything we want instantly. The internet has made it possible to go shopping online, order food, get customer support, and connect with people from around the world. Social media keeps us up-to-date — in real-time — about everything that’s going on in our immediate social circles and everything that’s going on in the world. Next-day shipping is the norm. No one has the patience to wait for anything anymore. 


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Techniques You Can Use To Stay Healthy

Thursday, October 10th, 2019
Healthy lifestyle girl

Staying fit and staying healthy is the key to a satisfying as well as a productive life, while it is also possible to prevent diseases from occurring as a result of having an active life. Indeed, every person’s physical and mental health is important and should be maintained to the highest level. Therefore, if you want to stay fit and stay healthy throughout your life, you should rely on a variety of healthy lifestyle techniques that can be broken down into several important categories.


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22 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Strict Budget

Monday, September 16th, 2019
Budget Cuts

An athlete’s fridge and cabinets should be stocked full of nutritious, muscle building, healthy foods. The biggest problem with that is the fact that today’s economy does not allow most of us to spend as freely as we used to in order to eat healthily but it’s definitely easier when you budget with a spreadsheet template. It is much harder these days to spend $200 a week on bodybuilding food than it was 10 years ago. Besides, most of us want to squirrel away as much loot as possible so we can retire early.

Also, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend an hour a day preparing food. I’m not trying to cook a chicken every day for lunch. I don’t have time to whip up a 7 veggie, 2 cheese omelet’s every morning. However, the reality is that we need lots of healthy foods to helps us build muscle and lose fat. That being said, let’s examine how we can eat properly while minimizing the grocery bill and food preparation time.

Here are 22 tips to help you to quickly eat healthy on a budget.


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Beer, Coffee, and Wine Prevent Cancer

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

One out of six American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. More than 27,000 of them will die this year, according to the American Cancer Society. There are similar statistics for breast cancer in women. These are important health topics and do need to be addressed by everyone.

Beer, Coffee, and Wine Prevent Cancer
The dude in the back is Gunter Schlierkamp, IFBB Pro, in the movie Beerfest

Many studies over the course of many years have pointed to certain ingredients in beer, coffee, and wine as offering protection against cancer. While that may be true, this is not a reason to start drinking more beer or coffee.


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