Archive for the ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ Category

Beer, Coffee, and Wine Prevent Cancer

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

One out of six American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. More than 27,000 of them will die this year, according to the American Cancer Society. There are similar statistics for breast cancer in women. These are important health topics and do need to be addressed by everyone.

Beer, Coffee, and Wine Prevent Cancer
The dude in the back is Gunter Schlierkamp, IFBB Pro, in the movie Beerfest

Many studies over the course of many years have pointed to certain ingredients in beer, coffee, and wine as offering protection against cancer. While that may be true, this is not a reason to start drinking more beer or coffee.


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Simple, Effective Ways To Look And Feel Better

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019
healthy lifestyle

Looking good and feeling good is a very important part of your mental health. If you don’t feel good, you probably won’t look good and vice versa. There are plenty of tips and tricks to ensure you look and feel good. Here are a few of the most inexpensive tips.


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Proven Ways To Increase Testosterone Levels

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

proven ways to increase testosterone levels

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in any male’s life. It is responsible for masculine virility and pretty much every component of masculinity starting from muscle growth and expression of hair distribution, energy levels and sexual performance among others. Testosterone is also available at lower levels in women. This crucial hormone peaks during puberty in both men and women and its production gradually drops with age. Fortunately, there are several proven ways to increase testosterone levels.

In older men, testosterone is responsible for fitness, muscle growth, fat loss and disease prevention. It is recommendable to keep your testosterone levels up into your 30s, 40s and old age if you want to remain fit and healthy. Fortunately, there are various ways to naturally increase your testosterone levels. Below is a look at five of them.


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Top 5 Incredible Uses of an Intraoral Camera to Keep a Healthy Smile

Wednesday, March 13th, 2019
athlete with healthy smile

The trend of producing consistent photographic excellence (pictures and videos) in the dental industry, along with the automation technology implementation, further increases the demand for a high-capacity intraoral camera. The industry analysts of MarketWatch forecast the market to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of over 9% in the period between 2019 to 2022.


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Significance of Health Insurance in Day to Day Life

Sunday, March 3rd, 2019
The significance of health insurance

There are a number of health care plans and different types of insurance products to help athletes, including complete life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, home insurance and many more. The main objective of many insurances is to provide you with safety and protection. In today’s age of high living expenses, lawsuits, and road rage, it is dangerous not to be covered through the spectrum of possible incidents.

The simplest motive of any insurance to mitigate the risk. Health insurance helps to protect families. US Health Family plan provides coverage to any incident by giving insurance, including accident insurance, life, critical illness, and even dental coverage. Athletes, in particular, should not be without health insurance, should any sports or training injury arise, you will rack up a fortune in medical bills.

Future planning is also essential, so the investment in quality health insurance will provide a tension-free and secure future. The following are the significance of health insurance in day to day life.


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5 Ways Working Out With Your Significant Other Benefits Your Relationship

Thursday, January 24th, 2019
yoga couple

Spending time with your significant other can only benefit you both. Spending quality time and doing something productive only doubles those benefits. It makes you grow both as individuals and as a couple. It can also bring you closer and strengthen your bonds for years to come. Working out specifically will help you feel more attractive and more attracted to your partner, which can also rekindle some old flames. Not to mention, you’ll both be much more energetic and healthier.


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8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Homesteading

Monday, December 17th, 2018

In case that you haven’t heard of homesteading before – it is a lifestyle that is based on self-sustainability. The idea revolves around a farming system called subsistence agriculture. Basically, you grow your own food and preserve it in your home. It is also related to producing craftwork, textile, and clothes either for the inhabitants or for the purposes of selling.

The essential benefit of homesteading is that it offers a life that is a lot healthier than living in the more urban areas. People in the city are generally unaware of how unhealthy their lives are until they step out of that world and try out something different. All that air polluted by factories and vehicles, unhealthy fast food chains, advertisements that present a “perfect life” that is an unattainable illusion, and so on.


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8 Tips on Staying Active at Work

Friday, December 14th, 2018

1. Take Timed Breaks

We’re all guilty of it. You’re focused on the task at hand, completely engrossed in your latest project and you don’t realize how much time goes by. That is until you can’t turn your neck, your back is stiff, and you feel your shoulders slouching. Don’t let too much time pass without some form of movement. Set a timer on your phone, computer, or smartwatch that gets you up and moving every 15-30 minutes. Even if you have to walk laps around your cubicle or take a stroll to the bathroom, any movement is better than none. Fitness trackers are great for this too. Most are equipped with alerts that tell you when you’ve been sedentary for too long. Pay attention to these queues. It’s your body’s way of telling you that you need to get moving.


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6 Ways to Adopt a Healthy Mindset for Diet and Exercise Success

Saturday, December 8th, 2018

Change is never easy. Even when it’s a positive change, making adjustments in your life can be difficult. Adopting a healthy lifestyle does require change for a lot of people. It means incorporating more exercise into your daily routine and following a well-balanced diet that doesn’t cause you to feel deprived or restricted. Having the right mindset is the first step toward discovering a healthier version of you. And here’s how it’s done!  

fitness goals


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Five Sustainable Diet Changes You Can Make Today

Thursday, November 29th, 2018

You might not be aware of this – but when it comes to your diet – even the smallest things can really add up to make a world of difference. Most people, when they hear the word “diet” assume that it requires radical changes to their lifestyles and misery-inducing food restrictions. However, the reality is quite different, because it’s far more effective to make small changes, instead of aiming for a major lifestyle overhaul.

Sustainable weight loss

Stop Eating Before You Feel ‘Full’

The most basic thing you can do is to try and follow “Hara Hachi Bu” – and don’t worry – while the phrase might seem complicated at first, it is actually an old Japanese saying, which roughly translates to “stomach 80% full.”

The term refers to an ancient way of eating, practiced mainly by the residents of Okinawa for centuries at this point.

Even though it might be difficult to quantify what 80% actually is, the simpler way of putting this in practice would be this – stop eating when you’re no longer feeling hungry. It’s quite simple when you take a second to think about it. (more…)

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Enjoy Weight Loss Success and Improve Your Overall Health

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

Many people think that being overweight is something that has a major effect on your appearance, which is true. However, there are more important issues that you need to consider if you are carrying a lot of excess body fat, the key ones of which is your overall health. Being overweight can impact on both your physical and mental health, which is why you need to take action to get to a healthy weight.

fat cat weight loss

There are all sorts of products and resources you can turn to in order to get help with your weight loss these days. Using a high-quality appetite suppressant to help control your eating, a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and an improvement in lifestyle. While it may sound difficult to put all of this into place but once you get into a routine and engage in some forward planning it is often not as difficult as you imagine. You can then look forward to more successful weight loss and a reduction in the risk of a variety of health conditions.


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6 Sensible Tips for Australians Going to a Pool Party This Summer

Monday, November 19th, 2018
pool fitness

We all love to swim. Swimming is a great way to get exercise and stay fit. While it might not make you swole, it will definitely burn some calories and is great for prehab, rehab, and recovery days. Today, our Australian correspondent wants to issue this PSA (Public Swole Announcement?) about keeping your pool safe during the upcoming Aussie summer.

The summer season, which takes place from December to February, will be upon Australia very soon. And it’s hard to think of a better way to welcome summer and to beat the country’s notorious heat than by taking a refreshing dip in the pool. Sensibility may be well out the window when it’s time to dive, splash around, and have fun by the poolside.

But if one is not as careful as they should be, something dangerous might happen in the water or in near proximity to it. From 2017 to 2018, the Royal Life Saving Drowning Report recorded 249 drowning-related deaths and 551 hospitalizations due to non-fatal drowning incidents in Australia. Although this is a 14% decrease from the figures tallied in the previous year, it serves as a call for Australians to be extra mindful of their environment when it’s time to go swimming. 

To make sure that your fellow swimmers remain safe, healthy, and happy when they come by your home for a dip, do observe the following health and safety tips at the poolside.  


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6 Habits You Seriously Need To Drop To Lose Weight

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

We all have bad habits that hinder our quality of life. When it comes to weight loss, we need to reconsider our habits and eliminate those that keep us from healthier bodies. Our bad habits might relieve us of stress temporarily but in the long run, it is not the best for us. For example, fast food is convenient after a long workday but it adds to our waistlines gradually.

Poor Health Habits

Here are a few bad habits you must ditch if you want permanent weight loss.


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3 Details You Should Have in Mind Before Starting a Diet

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

Now that the warmer months of the year have rolled around, swimsuit season is upon us. For this reason, many of us are already planning to go on a diet so that our summer bodies are ready to embrace everything this time of year has to offer. However, dieting isn’t as simple as you think. In fact, it involves some serious decision making.

diet tips girl


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How To Maintain Your Looks As You Age

Friday, May 18th, 2018

healthy skin

We all want to look good, but the inevitability of aging makes maintaining your looks harder with every passing year. With age come wrinkles, sagging, and a whole host of other things nobody wants to think about. In the absence of a fountain of youth, how do you combat the effects of time on your body? (more…)

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Why is Hydrotherapy Good So Good for You?

Saturday, May 5th, 2018

hydrotherapy fitness

Although hydrotherapy may seem like a new buzzword, it has actually been around for thousands of years. Used in a number of different cultures as part of traditional medicinal practices, hydrotherapy is incredibly beneficial for our overall health and wellbeing. Want to know more and how you can take advantage of the many benefits this practice offers?  (more…)

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Can Chiropractic Help You Relieve Stress?

Thursday, April 26th, 2018

Many people don’t consider going to the chiropractor unless they’ve got a neck or back pain. But this type of treatment can do so much more than relieving the acute or chronic pains. Even though its focus is on spine manipulation since this is a holistic approach, it means that everything in our body is connected, so treating one area can actually benefit some other.

Doctor doing neck adjustment in medical office

As you’re guessing, the answer to the question from the title is you bet. Now you may be wondering how and why, so here are a few brief explanations on how chiropractic actually works to relieve stress and why you should go and see a certified chiropractor if you’re combating stress and can’t find a truly effective way to reduce it. (more…)

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How to Choose Sunscreen for Maximum Protection

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

Bikini Sunbathing

Summer is nearly here and it has come to my attention that you are probably not using sunscreen, even when you plan to be outside in the sun for more than 4 hours. Not smart.

Here are some frightening sunscreen facts:

  • 31% of you are not using sunscreen, even if you are going to be outside for more than 4 hours
  • 27% of men wear sunscreen
  • 27% of parents with kids under 12 say they never or only sometimes put sunscreen on their kids
  • 14% of parents never put cream on their kids even if they will be outside for more than 4 hours.

I find most of those numbers unfortunate and disturbing, especially when kids are involved.

Exposure to the sun can cause age spots, sunburns, wrinkles, and contributes to skin cancer.

You and your kids should be wearing sunscreen on the face and all other exposed areas of the skin, each and every day of the summer.


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Lesser Known Benefits of Weight Lifting

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Crossfit girlWeightlifting requires an exceptional amount of motivation, endurance, and discipline. Pushing through the pain and sweat requires a lot of mental strength in addition to physical strength. As such, the things you learn by lifting weights can be translated into other important areas of your life. Think about creating and sticking to a budget or even writing your first novel (the best stories come from personal experiences after all). Having the discipline, endurance, and strength it takes to train your body and mind are invaluable skills you can implement into your daily life.

Here are a few lesser-known ways weightlifting can benefit your life:

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Ideas for Balancing Your Workout via Flexibility & Mind-Body Exercises

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

balance sports flexibility
Weight lifters often put themselves at risk of injury by overdoing extreme sets. Likewise, runners are more prone to injury if they are constantly pounding the pavement but fail to strength train and build lean muscle mass.

We all have different ideas on what constitutes a fun form of fitness. We’re dedicated to what we find most enjoyable, but without finding a good balance and functional fitness, it can all fall apart.


So, what is your workout routine missing? Here are a few suggestions for balancing your workout more naturally by paying attention to flexibility … of the body AND mind.

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