In an issue that is close to my own heart, there may be a new, better medication for controlling chronic blood clots. The drug, called Dabigatran Etexilate, is just as effective at controlling clots as Warfarin/Coumadin, but is far easier to manage.
Regarding Dabigatran, Dr. Sam Schulman of McMaster University and the Henderson Research Center in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada said this:
“For patients and health-care providers, Dabigatran is a far more convenient drug than Warfarin because it has no known interactions with foods and minimal interactions with other drugs and therefore does not require routine blood-coagulation testing.”
As an update to my post that pedophiles should run for the hills, I wanted to share the recent developments in this story. Why do I continue to post about this in my health and fitness blog? Because I can, and because the world needs to know.
Sexual abuse, child abuse, child molestation, and pedophilia has absolutely NOTHING to do with being Swole, but fighting for the safety of our children certainly does!
I promise I will get back to posting about health and fitness very soon… I am working on a post about static stretching as you read this. But I digress…
Today I would like to take a break from exercise and nutrition news to tell you about a real problem in our world: child molestation. It is a taboo topic but it is also reality. Child molestation destroys lives on a daily basis and the perpetrators are often slapped on the wrist and released back into society. It has to stop and I am willing to fight for our kids.
There is a revolution happening in Hooksett, NH this month.
Thanks to a group of angry neighbors, myself included, there is a movement to put restrictions into place for convicted and registered sex offenders in the town of Hooksett, NH. Read on to find out how it all began and what is happening today.
By November 1, 2010 every restaurant chain in MA with at least 20 locations will be required to post calorie information for all foods on their menu. This includes such franchises as Domino’s, McDonalds, Burger King, and Dunkin Donuts; and will affect nearly 5300 restaurants throughout the state.
But what about the kids? Shouldn’t we be focusing more on educating our kids and protecting them from garbage food? I think this is more important than posting calorie information on fast food restaurant menus, but at least we are taking some steps in the right direction.
I found this article today about a woman who started dieting and went under the knife in an attempt to look more like her daughter.
Fifty year old Janet Cunliffe started dieting and spent tens of thousands of dollars to look more like her 28 year old daughter. Honestly if I looked like she did pre-surgery and had the resources to look like she does now, I would diet and get the surgery too. (If I were a chick.)
Self-image issues always come back to celebrities. The pressure by Hollywood and the media to look young, slender, sleek, and sexy.
I find this to be more disturbing for teenage girls who feel the pressure to be something other than who they are, although it is a bit different for a mature, experienced 50 year old Mom who just wants to turn back the clock.
After a 25 year increase, it seems that the percentage of obese or overweight children has plateaued. This news offers us some hope that perhaps the future of America will not be riddled with diabetes and heart disease.
One expert, Dr. David Ludwig, has commented that even though he is encouraged by these findings, “it is still too soon to know if this really means we’re beginning to make meaningful inroads into this epidemic. It may simply be a statistical fluke.” Another expert maintains that there is at least a small level of optimism about these results.