Archive for the ‘Medical’ Category

Benefits of Owning a Medical Marijuana Card in Pennsylvania

Thursday, December 27th, 2018
Hemp and Fitness

Pennsylvania is the 33rd largest state in America. It is also one of the first thirty-three states to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes. While users are required to obtain a medical marijuana card, this is a great step towards allowing residents of PA to experience the powerful health benefits of cannabis.

Since its legalization in 2016, medical marijuana has garnered a sales value of $500 million in Pennsylvania alone. While other states are still in the process of making marijuana legal, Pennsylvanians have enjoyed the medical benefits of the substance.


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How Wearing The Right Shoe Can Better Your Health

Thursday, December 20th, 2018

By Kirstin Chock

No matter what lifestyle, we use our feet every day for simple movements like standing and walking.  The average person walks approximately 100,000 miles over the course of their lifetime.  Due to this constant everyday use, our feet endure the most wear and tear on any part of our bodies.  Therefore, it is very important to wear a proper pair of shoes.

Let this guide to choosing a shoe to maintain proper foot health, guide your way.


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A New Way To Fight Cancer

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
cancer awareness

Over the years, cancer has plagued society. Numerous research studies have been conducted. Some drugs have been developed. Nevertheless, cancer is still there and it is just as deadly as ever before. This devastating disease kills hundreds of thousands of people in the United States each and every single year. This is unlikely going to change any time soon. However, there might be hope on the horizon. As long as the so-called experts are willing to think outside of the box, they may very well be able to find a unique solution to this destructive problem. Is there a possibility that CBD could be the solution that doctors have been seeking out?


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What is Edible Cannabis and What Are Its Benefits?

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
edible cannabis benefits

Cannabis is called by various names like weed, marijuana, pot, hemp, etc… but all of them refer to the extracts from a group of plants called the Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica. Almost all the parts of this plant are used to make marijuana be it the flowers, roots, stems, seeds, or leaves. Usually, we don’t think of edible cannabis, we think of people smoking the ganja, but times sure are a-changing.

For a long time, weed was used as a recreational drug but years of studies have found that it is useful to treat many health conditions as well. The most popular way to ingest this drug has been smoking but it can be safely eaten too. In fact, edible cannabis is safer and has more effective health benefits than smoking it.

Let’s take a look at what, exactly ‘edibles’ are, and how they can benefit the conventional user interested mainly in health benefits.


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How to Choose the Right Personal Training Certification Program

Wednesday, August 1st, 2018

How to be a Personal Trainer

Female PT
* Don’t miss part 1: How to Get a Degree in Exercise Science

* Don’t miss part 2: How to Get a Degree in Physiology

* Don’t miss part 3: How to Get a Degree in Kinesiology

If you enjoy trying all different kinds of physical fitness and you like to keep your own body in peak condition, then perhaps you’re interested in finding a career that allows you to engage in physical activity and impart your knowledge of fitness to others.

Getting Certified in PT

As a certified personal trainer, you can not only meet these professional goals, but you can also put your outgoing personality, communication skills, and motivational strategies to good use by helping others to realize their true potential and meet their fitness goals through targeted training programs.

But before you can get started transforming your clients one physique at a time, you need to obtain the proper certification to practice. If you want to find the one that best suits your personal and professional goals, there are a few things you should consider before you choose.


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A Neuropathic Formula That Actually Works

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Workout Back PainWhen you have to deal with a disease such as neuropathy, you are in for a lot of discomfort and sometimes unbearable pain that will have a major impact on your lifestyle, the effects of neuropathy often restrict people’s ability to function normally and also cause a lot of mental and emotional stress in the long run. There are plenty of studies that highlight just how damaging nerve pain can be mentally, people who have been affected by neuropathy for long periods of time become dysfunctional, and they turn to alcohol or use their prescribed mediation irresponsibly to cope with the pain. (more…)

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Xanax Tablets – What You Need To Know

Saturday, May 5th, 2018

xanaxOften at Project Swole we think about the effects of mental health on physical health. Without proper mental health, we are unable to lead a healthy lifestyle, possibly even ignoring fitness altogether. Today we would like to discuss one method of camouflaging mental health issues and mental distress – using the prescription drug Xanax – how and why you might use it, and a brief explanation of the risks involved. 

Studies reveal that more people are taking medication to deal with stress, anxiety, mental disorders, and insomnia among other discomforts. A huge chunk of this population consists of people who do not bother getting prescriptions for the right drug and the right dose.

Are you one of those individuals who take drugs based on your friend’s ailment?

That is wrong and creates a serious risk to your health!

Antidepressants and Benzodiazepines are medical drugs that are used to relieve some mental glitches and illnesses. The fact that they target your brain and how it sends transmissions throughout your body makes it a dangerous affair to self-diagnose and self-medicate. Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin are popular benzodiazepines that are used to produce a calming effect once they act on your nerves and brain.


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Kratom for Pain: How Effective is it?

Sunday, April 29th, 2018

Kratom treeKratom is becoming a widely popular herbal remedy among the health-conscious around the globe because it is said to provide many health benefits. This herbal product is actually made from the leaves of Mitragyna Speciosa, a tree that belongs to the species of coffee found in the South Pacific regions, particularly in the countries of South-East Asia like Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and their neighboring countries.

Processed leaves are available in local markets and online stores in the forms of powder, capsules, tablets, resins, and raw dried leaves that could be prepared as a tea or brewed like coffee. Although this product has been branded as a medicinal wonder, it is prohibited in some countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Australia, New Zealand, and others that have made the product either illegal or needing prescription from health professionals prior to consumption.


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How to Choose Sunscreen for Maximum Protection

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

Bikini Sunbathing

Summer is nearly here and it has come to my attention that you are probably not using sunscreen, even when you plan to be outside in the sun for more than 4 hours. Not smart.

Here are some frightening sunscreen facts:

  • 31% of you are not using sunscreen, even if you are going to be outside for more than 4 hours
  • 27% of men wear sunscreen
  • 27% of parents with kids under 12 say they never or only sometimes put sunscreen on their kids
  • 14% of parents never put cream on their kids even if they will be outside for more than 4 hours.

I find most of those numbers unfortunate and disturbing, especially when kids are involved.

Exposure to the sun can cause age spots, sunburns, wrinkles, and contributes to skin cancer.

You and your kids should be wearing sunscreen on the face and all other exposed areas of the skin, each and every day of the summer.


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Can Men Safely Take Biotin for Hair Growth?

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

hair loss

Hair loss is not an alien phenomenon to us humans, as everyone loses hair at different degrees every day. As strands of hair fall out, new ones grow back to replace them, and the cycle continues.


However, in some men, these hair strands fall out, and none sprouts to replace them. As many as 85% of men will have a kind of hair loss at least once in their lifetime. Hair loss affects both men and women and the older we get, the higher our risk of developing it.


Recent studies have shown that hair loss affects 40% of men by the age of 35, 60% of men at 60, and 80% of men at the age of 80.


Hair loss may just be a physical symptom, but it may lead to emotional and psychological problems such as reduced self-esteem, depression, and social anxiety. That’s why it is a serious issue to men. (more…)

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The Important of Contact Lens Hygiene

Saturday, January 20th, 2018

contact lens health

Proper hygiene is essentially important for your eyes if you are using contact lenses. Many contact lens users fail to practice safe hand hygiene while handling their contact lenses.  Improper hygiene leads to the build-up of microorganisms in your lens which can infect and damage your eyesight.

Eye infections typically occur when you do not follow basic hygiene routines like cleaning, disinfecting, and storing your contact lenses in approved lenses solution and failing to remove the lenses before taking a shower or sleeping in your contact lenses.

Follow the simple hygiene steps mentioned below to prevent your eyes from any severe eye infections.


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What are the Best Treatments to Fix Erectile Dysfunction?

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017

Lean ManIt has been identified that more than 30 million guys who live in United States suffer from weak erections. In fact, most of them find it as a hard task to maintain an erection that is required for sexual intercourse. While it might be an uncomfortable conversation for some, there are plenty of Swole Men out there who are suffering from this issue. Therefore today we offer this public service announcement to educate our readers about the nuances of erectile dysfunction.

Plenty of reasons have contributed towards weak erections among men in today’s world. Here is a list of the most prominent reasons out of them along with the steps that you can take to get back your erections. You can also figure out what treatment options are available for you to consider, in order to overcome the negative consequences created by these reasons. (more…)

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Boost Your Weight Loss and Fitness with HGH

Friday, December 1st, 2017

As you probably already realize, getting into shape and losing weight will always be more difficult than you could ever imagine. The good news is that you do not need to struggle with  it on your own. There is assistance out there. By taking the right supplements, you’ll be able to make progress much easier and quicker than you would otherwise.

Fitness HGH

Within this comprehensive guide, you will learn about human growth hormone supplements and how they can help you reach your goals.


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5 Most Effective Exercises To Prevent a Hernia

Saturday, October 7th, 2017

Hernia: The protrusion of an organ or other bodily structure through the wall that normally contains it; a rupture. In today’s post we are mostly going to talk about abdominal hernia, how to help prevent it, and how to attempt to cure it when possible.

Your abdomen is the main concern when it comes to a hernia. You need to tighten up, as well as reduce the outward pressure that prevents sagging of the internal organs. One of the leading causes of hernia is the weakening of your muscles which happens when you over pressurize the organs relative to the strength of the abdominal wall. In most cases, surgery is the only solution for a hernia, therefore you need to be a bit cautious.

How to get rid of a hernia without requiring to undergo surgery?

Is this the question that is haunting you? If yes, then you are reading the appropriate article. Here in this article we will let you know the effective exercises to prevent and attempt to get rid of a hernia. All of these are simple to perform and very effective. (more…)

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How Can Nootropics Enhance Your Workouts?

Sunday, September 10th, 2017

Why are Nootropics so Good for Your Fitness?Fun brain

Nootropic, or “brain booster supplements”, are gaining more and more popularity these days. As we have realized over the last decade, caffeine included in pre-workouts, or taken in the form of coffee or energy drinks have a profound benefit on our workouts. We notice greater focus, drive, intensity and endurance where we should be feeling fatigue and defeat. Caffeine is just one of many “brain boosting” supplements that will help to make you into a machine in the gym.

These nootropics have tremendous benefits both in and out of the gym. By enhancing your cognitive function you will experience greater mental performance, memory, have increased focus and superior energy. While you may not think that mental function is important for lifting weights, just remember that most lifters will tell you that creating the mind-to-muscle connection is crucial to busting through plateaus and pushing it to the next level.  (more…)

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3 Important Reasons Why Plastics Can Kill Your Testosterone

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

The hidden endocrine disruptors found in plastics

plastic fitness health

2011 was a momentous year for global awareness in terms of the harmful effects of plastic on human health. Following a number of reports from national health and safety agencies, the European Commission outright banned the use of BPA in the manufacture of bottles intended for baby feeding. The evidence for the harmfulness of this substance, particularly in infants, became simply indisputable. Not one year passed and the U.S. also took major steps towards the elimination of BPA. We’ve been using plastic materials for selling and storing our food for quite some time now, which makes the legal action all the more worrisome. It begs the question: just how did we get to a place where we have to ban manufacturers from using toxic substances in their products?

Bisphenol A (or BPA, for short) is a compound widely used in the production of resins and plastic materials. It’s been around ever since the 1950s and, granted, it is a blessing for construction. In terms of chemical importance, BPA is vital to obtaining hard, yet flexible polycarbonate plastic products. In terms of human consumption, however, its effects range from slightly detrimental to outright poisonous, especially in young children and elderly individuals. BPA’s impact on human hormones can yield anything from diabetes, developmental issues, heart disease, genital abnormalities, obesity and, unsurprisingly, infertility.

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The Smart and Safe Means to Enhance Alertness and Alleviate Drowsiness

Friday, July 28th, 2017

falling asleep student

In many situations, you may need to stay awake at odd hours. However, this is not easy for every individual. While a section of women and men manage this without much hassles, others find it tedious.

While sipping cups of hot coffee or trying caffeine induced drinks has been tried by a lot of people, it is not absolutely healthy or safe in long run. In some cases, you may get addicted to caffeine and there could be side effects as well. A smarter and better alternative is Moadafinil. It is safer and more effective than caffeine to induce wakefulness and alertness. (more…)

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HGH for Muscle Growth: Can HGH Help You Gain Muscle?

Thursday, July 27th, 2017

Sexy Back MusclesHard work, proper training, and appropriate diet remain crucial for athletes willing to gain muscles, and it is difficult to succeed in sports without having these qualities. At the same time, various muscle growth enhancers, such as steroids or HGH, are becoming more and more popular among men and women who want to increase their muscle strength.


Among them, human growth hormone, or HGH, is one of the most widespread and arguably efficacious ways to help gain muscle mass. In this article, we will review the cases for and against HGH for bodybuilding and will conclude whether growth hormone should be used by athletes for muscle growth.


What is HGH?

HGH is a common abbreviation for human growth hormone, also known as somatropin. This hormone controls the processes of cell growth and regeneration in the human body. That is why it is undeniably crucial for our healthy and consistent development. Although the pituitary gland produces natural growth hormone sufficient for most people, some people can suffer from growth hormone deficiency.


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Useful Tips on How to Treat and Prevent Hashimoto’s Disease

Wednesday, July 19th, 2017

Hashimoto’s disease is a condition in which the immune system attacks the thyroid, which is a small gland at the base of the neck. The thyroid gland is part of your endocrine system, which produces hormones that coordinate many of your body’s functions. Usually Hashimoto’s causes inflammation that essentially fatigues the thyroid, causing hypothyroidism which can lead to rapid weight gain.

 Thyroid fatigue problems are the cause of many people’s suffering. Modern solutions like the aip diet have made it a little easier for people to cope with this problem but the fact remains that many are unaware of what they should do in order to ease their own situation.

If you are newly diagnosed or one of your close ones have told you that they suffer from thyroid fatigue,  you are probably eager to lend a helping hand, either to your friends and family or to yourself. Either way, we are going to give you a few tips on what you should do in order to combat this problem more effectively and to make things a whole lot easier.

healthy couple running (more…)

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When Should You Push Through Knee Pain?

Friday, June 30th, 2017

Knee pain can impact many people, especially if you’re the type of person that rarely skips a workout. That sort of dedication is priceless when it comes to achieving your fitness goals, but it can also be detrimental to your health.
knee pain
Many people who are that committed to their fitness often continue to push themselves long past when they should stop and rest. Knees are some of the first casualties of an overactive lifestyle or improper form.

Given that, how can you tell the difference between when you need to take it easy and when you can just keep going?

The Type of Pain

First of all, no type of knee pain should be completely ignored. Pain’s function is to let us know that something is wrong and to compel us to avoid that behavior in the future. However, different types of pain indicate different things. (more…)

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