Knee pain can impact many people, especially if you’re the type of person that rarely skips a workout. That sort of dedication is priceless when it comes to achieving your fitness goals, but it can also be detrimental to your health. Many people who are that committed to their fitness often continue to push themselves long past when they should stop and rest. Knees are some of the first casualties of an overactive lifestyle or improper form.
Given that, how can you tell the difference between when you need to take it easy and when you can just keep going?
The Type of Pain
First of all, no type of knee pain should be completely ignored. Pain’s function is to let us know that something is wrong and to compel us to avoid that behavior in the future. However, different types of pain indicate different things. (more…)
Losing a huge amount of weight in a short time-span may not be the healthiest practice out there, but it sounds as no short of a dream come true to many. Still, one of the things that they often tend to forget is that the fat in their body is not the only thing that has expanded over the course of the years. In order to follow up, your skin has probably significantly stretched, as well, which might turn into a huge issue once you lose all that extra weight. With this in mind, here are few ways of dealing with loose skin and getting that beach body you always dreamed of having.
Why Is This Such a Problem?
Ok, so you lost weight, have some extra skin, what’s the big deal, right? It is a serious issue, as reported by NBC news, faced by many bariatric surgery patients or really anyone who has lost 300+ pounds of fat. Keeping sagging skin long-term is even reported to directly affect the longevity of the weight loss. (more…)
We all know that going to the gym not only makes you feel better, it makes you look better too. Even if you don’t have a chiseled 6-pack, massive guns, or lady-swooning glutes being a gym goer can give you a more shapely body, higher energy and mood levels, and help you be enjoy life to the fullest.
But there’s another aspect of being fit and healthy that’s not discussed often:
The scent of your natural pheromones (or your natural body odor), can actually become more attractive to the opposite sex.
If you don’t know what they are, or you imagine sleazy internet ads promising you they’re the secret to attracting gorgeous women… then you’ll probably roll your eyes. But on a scientific level, it actually makes sense.
What are Pheromones?
First of all, the word “pheromone” actually comes from the word “pherein” – which means “to carry”.
The second part, “mones” is from the word hormon(e).
As you already know by now, hormones (e.g. testosterone), are responsible for pretty much all the important functions of the human body… from regulating sleep, our testosterone balance, and even our moods.
Of particular interest is testosterone, which is an androgen, and typically what pheromones are derived from.
The most interesting part about all this, is that pheromones are actually derivatives of testosterone. And because they are released in sweat, there are steps you can take to actually make your pheromones all the more “attractive” – especially to women. (more…)
When it comes to health, it’s safe to say that pretty much every part of the human body is equal, right? Well, the reality is, there is one part of the human body that, if left untreated or taken care of, can lead to detrimental results. If you did not know, your adrenal glands play an essential role in creating sex hormones and cortisol, which a human cannot live without. Due to this, researchers have begun to draw a connection between adaptogen supplements and an increase in adrenal health.
Testosterone is popularly referred as an epitome of manhood, that doesn’t mean testosterone isn’t found in women. It’s just that testosterone is found in large quantity in men, while it’s in trace quantity in women. You might be aware of the fact that testosterone plays a vital role in enhancing your sex drive and muscle building, no wonder why most men have greater muscle mass than women.
It’s almost mythical to learn the true power of testosterone and its ability to burn body fat and boost your muscles. Testosterone also comes in handy to increase your libido, sleep, mood, and your quality of life. However, testosterone declines in most men after they hit 30 years, which isn’t good for health.
In many cases it becomes an issue and leads to testosterone replacement therapy, which some studies claim might also not be good for health. Sometimes we need to try to find ways to naturally enhance the testosterone level in the body.
Here’s a list of 7 ways to increase your testosterone naturally:
Memory Foam is Big Business – But Is It Good For You?
You’ve heard it, time and time again, that memory foam is your ticket to the best night’s sleep you’ve had in ages. This is definitely true for some people who swear by the material, but many others remain skeptical. One of the most common questions we hear is whether various memory foam mattress options are good for your back, posture, and bone health.
How Memory Foam Works
Memory foam materials have their origins in 1960s NASA flight experiments. The institution needed very soft material to keep high-speed flight pilots protected against g-force. The same characteristics that make this material ideal for those flights also make it a very comfortable mattress material.
Since it conforms to the shape of your body, you can sleep in any variety of positions without feeling encumbered by stiffness. This softness is what really makes memory foam stand out, but not everyone is convinced that this is what’s best for the human body.(more…)
Drowsy drivers are a danger to themselves as well as others on the road. According to the CDC, the problem has reached alarming proportions. The dangerous combination of fatigue, drowsiness, and driving often ends tragically.
When questioned, 1 in 25 drivers reported falling asleep at the wheel of a motor vehicle at least once within the preceding month. Data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates that driving fatigue and drowsy drivers are responsible for 100,000 accidents and 1,500 deaths every year. However, many experts believe these numbers may be a gross under-estimation.
Thousands of motor vehicle accidents are the result of a sleepy driver who wasn’t paying attention, had a delayed reaction time, or had an impaired ability to make decisions on the road. (more…)
What are the health and safety issues to follow for a guitarist
For a guitarist, music is where his life is. Any discomfort or injuries can severely hider a guitarist’s impact of playing to the best of his capabilities. For maintaining proper health is a tough shot for a guitarist. As an example, in a general health guideline, it’s often narrated that punching things frequently is not a good idea. But as you know, a professional guitarist can’t help that. Therefore, guitarists need to maintain some additional health care practices to ensure their health and professional efficiency. In this article, we have done something on that issue. After thorough research as a guitarist myself, I have listed down top health problems of a guitarist and how to get over them. Hope anyone with a guitar to play, will benefit from this article.(more…)
When you’re trying to make the most out of your body (as you only ever get one!), there’s a lot of different stuff that gets thrown into the mix. You have to watch out for your chemical imbalances, as well as anything else that could throw you off of your normal routine.
So, What Exactly IS Testosterone?
Testosterone is a chemical messenger that takes its place amongst other androgens – it’s also the primary sex hormone in males on this planet. It’s produced primarily through the Leydig cells, which are located in the testicles of men (although women do also produce this hormone in their ovaries), a small amount is produced in the adrenal glands as well.
Testosterone is there to help sway the two different genders into their sexual development phases properly; it adds to the aspect of desire, as well as producing sperm. Testosterone has many other functions, and even professional athletes are using it to get an edge above the competition; but why is that exactly? (more…)
A cup of coffee daily will help you in more ways than you suspect. For example, the daily dose of caffeine can keep Alzheimer’s illness in check, can help reduce cholesterol, protects against dementia, and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have also determined positive effects on performance when consuming caffeine before exercise. Caffeine addiction is real, but is it really that big a deal when compared to all the positive effects?
Coffee Fights Cholesterol
A daily dose of caffeine blocks the disruptive consequences of high cholesterol that scientists link with Alzheimer’s illness. Caffeine equivalent of merely a daily cup of Joe from could protect the blood-brain barrier ( BBB ) from damage that happens with a fat heavy diet, according to a study.
The BBB protects the central nervous system ( CNS ) from the remainder of the body’s circulation, providing the brain with its own controlled micro-environment. Prior research has demonstrated that raised levels of cholesterol break down the BBB that may then no longer protect the CNS from the damage due to blood borne contamination.
Nicotine is not good for you and it is just another expense to empty out your wallet. No one here at Project Swole smokes, but we sure do know an awful lot of folks who do. For those who are not ready to quit but are at least looking for a healthier alternative to smoking, and even for those who are ready to take that first step towards quitting, vaping might be for you.
As an added benefit, people who work out, specifically with resistance training, have a higher chance of kicking the habit than people who don’t exercise. Might as well make the most of both worlds and take that first step today.
Exploring The Benefits Of Vaping As Opposed To Tobacco
You could spend thousands of hours educating yourself about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. One single cigarette contains over hundreds of thousands of chemicals and with each puff you introduce all those toxins in your body. However, what you probably do not know is that there is a new safer alternative to smoking that is taking the market by storm. This new alternative is known as e-cigarettes and it offers a myriad of health benefits as opposed to smoking.(more…)
Athletes drink. A survey that followed 6,000 teens into their mid-twenties found that while young athletes use fewer drugs than non-athletes, they drink far more alcohol.
Fitness buffs, why is this so dumb?
In addition to the obvious short-term health risks — like drunk driving — alcohol impairs muscle growth and prevents muscle recovery. In fact, according to research conducted by Matt Barnes of New Zealand’s Massey University, muscle performance loss was doubled in participants who drank alcohol.
That wouldn’t be a huge deal for a non-exerciser, but it could be a game-ender for an athlete whose future relies on physical fitness.(more…)
Creatine is the most researched and well understood training supplement. Creatine is also one of the most widely used, and trusted, sports nutrition supplements for weight trainers wanting to maximize muscle mass.
Creatine helps increase the speed and force of muscle fibres and helps them repair more quickly and scientific studies have found that taking a regular creatine supplement increases the reserves of creatine in muscle fibres. This means that the benefits of creatine supplements could be further reaching than just being used as a sports supplement.
Catabolic muscle wastage, cachexia and sarcopenia
If you’re suffering from a catabolic wasting condition where your muscles are starting to decrease considerably in size (muscle atrophy), then creatine supplements could help you. The term ‘catabolic’ refers to the breakdown of muscle tissue, and is the opposite of the term ‘anabolic’ which means the building up of muscle tissue. (more…)
For years athletes, movie stars, and gym rats have been falling in love with performance enhancing products to get stronger, faster, or bigger. Bodybuilders in particular love the kinds of results that these products provide them with but there are some serious drawbacks to prohormones, which usually forces people to turn to real anabolic steroids.
Most people who want to build serious muscle mass often resort to using such oral or injectable steroid products as testosterone, trenbolone, anadrol, anavar, winstrol etc. If you’re interested cycling these types of substances, you’re going to want to finish this article. Going into a cycle without proper knowledge wastes money, time, and can make you really sick.
The Pros and Cons
Please note that all of the products discussed in this article and more, can be found at one of the better online resourced based on online reviews and word of mouth. The SteroidsFax anabolic steroid website is one of the best places to get these products, but be careful as most steroids are not legal in many countries. Check your country’s laws and postal restrictions to find out more. (more…)
A Project Swole PSA blast from the past, still relevant today though most of the products mentioned are discontinued and considered ‘illegal’ today. It is interesting to see over time how things evolve, and in some cases how they stay the same.
Original Article:
This is a public service announcement to be careful when choosing bodybuilding supplements that claim to make you huge in a short amount of time. We need to constantly be aware of these faux steroid muscle-building supplements. They are as prevalent today as ever, and they have proven time and again that they can do more harm than good. But we still need to ask, is it really any of the FDA’s business what we choose to put into our bodies?
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned the public not to use bodybuilding supplements advertised as steroids, or claiming to contain steroids or steroid-like substances.
Thanks for the warning FDA, but please stop telling me what supplements to buy or not to buy.
Back in the day, the FDA sent a letter to American Cellular Laboratories Inc., alleging that some of the supplement manufacturer’s products, which are sold as dietary supplements, violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act because they do not meet the FDA’s definition of a dietary supplement.
To be considered a dietary supplement, a product has to contain one or more dietary ingredients, such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, or amino acids, which some of American Cellular Laboratories products do not.
In fact, the FDA alleges that many of the products are sold as dietary supplements, but are actually unapproved and misbranded drugs. Let’s see which products were targeted by the probe.
One of the biggest problems in our society today is obesity. This is caused due to a variety of different problems, and this is also leading to a number of different treatment options. As such, finding the best weight loss Westchester NY has to offer depends on a variety of factors. Either way, we must accept that obesity is a true epidemic and that it requires more than a quick fad diet in order to be resolved. Not only must we come up with ways to help the people who are obese, we must also make sure that we prevent further people from becoming obese.
We know that obesity is dangerous. We know that it is a huge health risk. Yet we still don’t seem to truly understand what it all means.
When Does Obesity Happen?
Obesity can happen at any point during your life. It can, sometimes, escalate very quickly, and take on truly dramatic proportions. This is known as ‘malignant obesity’. Malignant obesity usually occurs after the early 20’s when we have stopped growing up, get too ‘busy’ to exercise, and when we still aren’t paying attention to what we’re putting in our bodies. (more…)
How to Boost Testosterone Naturally to Make an Impact on Your Training
We hear about it all the time in commercials for “Low-T”. We certainly have read about it many times in the context of fitness articles, considering we are always reading fitness articles. I am talking about Testosterone. Something that affects each of us deep to our core, forms the foundation of our health and makes us…. well, Men!
Recently I’ve noticed TV commercials dealing with class action suits against medical testosterone replacement therapy products. So steroids are illegal and unsafe, and testosterone replacement products may or may not be dangerous, so what recourse do we have to boost our T? At least you should learn the most effective strategy to boost your Testosterone levels naturally through food, exercise, and intelligent supplementation.
What’s The Deal With Testosterone?
Testosterone, what is it? I mean, we know what it is, but… what, IS it? Let’s get scientific here for a moment. Testosterone is a steroid hormone. Hold on, before we go on… The term steroid here is referring to natural hormones produced in the body. These are the things that help control metabolism, inflammation, immune system, and sexual characteristics. Ok, now back to where we left off. (more…)
I have never smoked cigarettes. My dad smokes, many of my extended family members smoke or used to smoke, several of my friends in high school and college smoked, but I don’t. Given all the teenagers that pick up cigarettes to ‘fit in’ or ‘be cool’, I am just glad that I didn’t succumb to the peer pressure at a time in my life when I was probably one of the most unpopular kids in school.
Recently I read this study about smoking, which is really not all that different from most of the other studies. Essentially it can be summed up like this:
“If you smoke, you have a much greater chance of dying from smoking related diseases. If you quit today, you will be 50 percent better off in 5-10 years, and 100 percent better off in 20 years.”
That’s reason enough for me to tell you to quit smoking today. (more…)
A major topic in sports medicine is understanding how drugs can effect athletic performance and how to avoid unwanted complications. Many drugs have side effects that might be exaggerated by strenuous exercise.
Prescription drugs are controlled because of their side effects. The topic can be divided into drugs that affect the body versus drugs that affect the mind.
Pain Killers
Mood altering drugs and pain killers, like NSAIDS, can affect performance. A person who is advised to avoid driving or operating machinery should also be careful around exercise equipment and free weights. These count as heavy machinery, so any drugs that affect coordination should make a person rethink some of the exercises that they do.
A power step machine is safer than running on a treadmill, and weight lifting machines are safer than free weights.
Blood Pressure
Drugs that affect blood pressure might disqualify a person from intense cardio. Some people need medicine that raises their blood pressure, but cardio further increases blood pressure. Someone suffering from high blood pressure as a disease is also at risk. It is better to ask a doctor for a routine and stick to walking until then. (more…)
Today we talk about testosterone, which is the “male hormone” in the human body. It may be hard to believe, but the hormone is present in both men and women’s body, so everyone has it.
This article will cover the following key points: correlations between behavior and testosterone, the psychological effects on the human mind, the internal and external changes in both men and women, a series of myths and reality facts and of course, a series of conclusions.
This will not be a post designed to sell any supplements. My purpose is not to defend steroids or testosterone boosters, not to bash them. These are the facts. This is the truth.
Testosterone and Behavior
In terms of behavior, there are some who believe high testosterone levels can cause aggressiveness and irrationality. But the truth is that, like any other hormone found in the human body, it influences our brain activity. This particular hormone intensifies the brain activity and the adrenaline levels in our body, so we become more and more agitated and we lose track of our peaceful calm side.