This entry into our quarantine series focuses on everything we might be lacking in the kitchen while we’re locked down. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led all of us into isolation. The visits to grocery stores and in turn resources for cooking have been minimized. This is the real testing time for your cooking skills; cooking healthy and nutritious meals with what is available can be quite a challenge.
If you feel like you need to seek online couples therapy following exposure to your partner’s cooking, this blog post might end up saving your relationship!
Being strong is totally in right now. While fitness and exercise have long been touted as boons to your overall health, new trends are putting muscle definition and size in the forefront. Firm, well-developed muscles are attractive, sexy, and a sign of health and vitality, for both men and women.
What you eat can make a difference between an effective, muscle-building gym session and one that simply leaves you sore for a few days. Sure, your body needs protein and carbs to fuel workouts, but you may be giving it all the wrong things. Proper nutrition is about more than just macros, and you should understand what role it plays in getting swole.
Today’s piece is presented by our Swole Mom contributor Jen. In these brutal coronavirus times, it’s more important than ever to stick to a meal plan and keep your diet on track. Swole author Jen has come to us today to present a daily meal plan that can easily be followed while working from home, homeschooling, carting toddlers around, or even while following a regular workplace commuter schedule.
Hopefully, these tips can help all the Moms rearrange their meal planning.
Exercise and working out, while incredibly good for you, also generate a certain level of demand on the body. In order to fully benefit from the workout and not cause any kinds of detrimental deficiencies thereafter, there are some key dietary components everyone should stay on top of. The following represent five of those key components.
If you’re following a gluten-free diet, you probably notice that it’s harder to manage your grocery bills since most gluten-free products are quite expensive. With this, it makes you think twice whether you should stick to this type of diet or switch to a more practical diet that can still meet your health and fitness needs.
Since the late 1990’s Dr. John Berardi has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition-related conferences; and published countless articles online.
His first articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago provided me with the basis for everything I know about nutrition today. Now I will turn some of that knowledge over to you in the form of Nutrition Tips written by Dr. Berardi himself.
Today’s Topic – Protein for Fat Burning
Protein is one of the most important nutrients for gaining muscle, and in fact, is the MOST important macronutrient. We already know this.
Adopting healthier eating habits is on everyone’s list of goals, and it often feels easier said than done. Let’s be honest: we all lead very busy lives and it’s easier going with the flow of the day than actually planning healthier meals. We may try once or twice but fail to keep it up throughout the week. Instead of blaming it on yourself, you’re probably neglecting one important factor: your healthy kitchen appliances.
Maybe what you’ve always needed to cook three healthy meals a day are appliances that can help you cook better, healthier, and faster. These 8 healthy kitchen appliances can help you create homemade healthy meals, beverages, and snacks you so often crave.
You’ve put in months of hard work to lose excess fat, and right now you’re feeling pretty amazing about your progress.
But right now, it’s time to get stronger and build up some muscle, and that means moving into a bulking phase.
While a higher calorie intake might sound amazing after a few months cutting, you’re worried about maintaining that lean aesthetic you’ve been working toward for so long.
Don’t worry, we’ve got five tips on how to stay lean all year round, even while you’re bulking up. Check it out.
Eat Clean
One of the easiest ways to gain fat is to eat badly. While you may now be enjoying a much higher calorie intake, eating to fulfill energy requirements instead of macro needs is a fast track to adding pounds of fat, rather than muscle.
For thousands of North Americans, the keto diet has proved to be one of the fastest and most effective ways to lose weight and develop a healthier lifestyle.
By focussing on dramatically reducing carbs, the keto diet puts the body into a state called ketosis, in which its primary source of fuel becomes fat rather than carbohydrates and sugars. This, in turn, leads to rapid but healthy weight loss, and many keto eaters also claim to have more energy and a greater ability to focus.
Eating keto is all about finding good, healthy sources of fat, however, and for people just starting this diet for the first time, this can be a bit of a challenge. The North American diet tends to be very carb heavy, and while increasing fat intake may sound easy, in practice it takes a lot of careful calculation.
Since the late 1990’s Dr. John Berardi has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition-related conferences; and published countless articles online.
His first articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago provided me with the basis for everything I know about nutrition today. Now I will turn some of that knowledge over to you in the form of Nutrition Tips written by Dr. Berardi himself.
For something that we say that we hate, we sure do a lot of dieting. More than half of all Americans say that they’re actively trying to lose weight, and millions of us are trying to do so by cutting calories or going on special diets. The idea, of course, is that our willpower and special diets will force our bodies to shed the pounds — at which point we will get off the diet and onto something more sustainable that, we hope, will help us keep the weight off.
The problem is: None of this stuff works!
Diets overwhelmingly fail. That’s partly because people don’t stick to them, and partly because dieting itself is a flawed idea. Weight loss is much more complicated than fad diets make it seem. Furthermore, health is more than how much you weigh. Even if you do crash-diet your way to your goal weight, study after study has shown that you’re very likely to regain all of that weight soon after you reach the goal.
Living a healthy life is something most people strive to do. Trying to stay on an exercise regimen and a moderate diet can be challenging to say the least. Finding ways to make the process of getting fit easier is something you should view as a priority.
One of the best ways to keep your diet on track is by creating a meal prep plan. By meal prepping, you can avoid eating fast food throughout the course of your week. Taking the time to research the internet will allow you to read more about this process and the benefits associated with meal prepping.
The following are some of the things you can do to make meal prepping easier.
Losing weight is one of the most problematic things for anyone. When you see the scale doesn’t move after strenuous exercise, it is understandable to feel stressed out or frustrated. One has to stick to the exercise regime persistently to achieve the desired results.
Ever wondered why you didn’t lose weight even after following the regime perfectly for an extremely prolonged time? You could be the victim of a vitamin deficiency. This would definitely make your weight loss journey the most difficult.
Quite a good number of people believe that one should refrain from taking food a few hours before a workout. However, the body requires fuel to provide adequate energy, whether one is going for weightlifting or cardio. It is, however, imperative to choose foods that are easily digested by the body. For example, foods like whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and pasta are good sources of energy, they take at least two hours to be fully digested.
Ideally, individuals should equip their kitchen with a juicer that is reliable for making instant energy boosting juices. Such blends should include strawberries, apples, pineapple, and avocado among other energy giving fruits. These drinks will not only help the user to maintain endurance and stamina but also reduce the risk of contracting diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, fruits are readily available, easy to transform into juices and take only a few minutes to digest. Here are more compelling reasons for taking fruit juice before a workout.
If you’ve decided that you want to try taking a probiotic supplement as part of your daily routine, and to reap the benefits, good choice. Probiotic supplements have long been reputed to bring overall health and wellbeing advantages, as well as helping with gut health and the smooth running of the digestive system.
Of course, it isn’t just the gut which benefits from probiotics, as the main advantages of taking probiotic supplements are:
Smoother running of the digestive system
Improved gut health
A boost for the immune system
Lowered cholesterol levels
Decreased anxiety and depression conditions
Less chance of developing ulcers
Healthy balance of good and bad bacteria within the body
More energy
These are just some of the main benefits associated with probiotic use. Of course, the supplement world in general is flooded with choices, and every brand is different. When it comes to probiotics, there are countless strains available too, and if you want to get the best out of your daily supplement, you need to make sure that you’re choosing one which is tailored towards your needs.
If you’re at all unsure, it’s best to have a chat with your doctor before you purchase your supplement of choice. This will help you decide whether probiotics are right for you, and will also help you find the right one for your needs. To give you an idea of what you need to be on the look out for, here are 7 tips for choosing a probiotic supplement.
Every food that is consumed is made of very specific compounds. Most food contains proteins, fats, sugar, and carbohydrates among other things. Some of these things are good for the body while others are not. It is also worth noting that some things are good for the body if consumed in small quantities while other things should be consumed in larger amounts.
Over the years, there are have many new diets that claim to be the ultimate diet and each one center around taking certain things out of your diet and instead concentrating on very specific ingredients. Some of the most popular of these diets are low carb (carbohydrate), low sugar, low calorie, high protein, and high fiber. There are many more variations, but these are some of the most popular. Each of these takes something specific out of a person’s everyday diet (e.g. carbs, fat, sugar), but it also requires higher concentrations of something such as protein or fat.
There have also been certain things contained in foods that have been deemed to be overall bad for a person’s health. These ideas are numerous and constantly changing. Some are legitimate concerns while others are quite far-fetched. Recently, it has been discovered that a high intake of something called lectin may be bad for health. Unfortunately, lectin is present is a great many foods. Here you will find a basic guide to what lectin is, the types of food it is found in, how to determine how much is safe to consume, and much more.(more…)
Did you know that your general well being typically depends on your digestive health? Various researches indicate that having a healthy digestive system makes you happy, healthy and active. Like many parts of the body, the system composes various parts that function through coordination. One of such vital part is the colon or the large intestines as popularly known.
While there are various contradicting views about colon cleansing, experts assert that it’s safe and is likely to boost the effectiveness of this important organ. So if you have been holding yourself back from indulging in colon detoxification, it’s now time to reconsider your decision and join the crowd towards this significant step. Remember to include some of these new and effective gut cleansing ways in your to-do-list.(more…)
People drink meal replacement shakes for a multitude of reasons. Some of the more popular reasons are weight loss, an inability to consume solid food or simply not having enough time to prepare a full meal.
No matter what your reason for using a meal replacement shake, there are certain rules of thumb that you should remember and apply so that your shake not only keeps you full but also provides you with other nutrients to keep your body functioning optimally.
Most commercially prepared meal replacement shakes (the best ones, at least) already have these considerations in place but if you are making your own, here are some ways to get the most out of it:
Don’t skimp on protein
Protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer by increasing the production of satiety hormones (such as GLP-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin) while also reducing the levels of ghrelin(a hunger hormone) in the body. This leads you to crave less so you can stick to your weight loss plan much easier.
To boost the protein levels in your homemade shake, you can use a protein powder or add a tablespoon or two of peanut butter to the mix. You can also use milk instead of water – milk has about 8 grams of protein per cup.
Nonfat Greek yogurt is another protein-rich food that you can add to your shake. (more…)
Today, we live in the age of the superfood. Foodstuffs long-forgotten or simply ignored emerge from the deep to offer their consumers a variety of health benefits from killing cancer cells to helping the body become more efficient at absorbing nutrients and keeping itself in a peak form.
While superfoods are by no means wonder-drugs that can take away all the issues our body can have, they are useful and helpful in maintaining our health and even to help our body build a larger muscle mass. So, here are 3 superfoods that can aid it to do just that. (more…)
Many of us have packed on more weight than we would ideally like, and this is a problem in so many different ways. If you have come down a path that you do not like, and where the ending may be downright frightening, the call to change may be loud and clear.
Luckily, there are some amazing resources that can help you begin to live the life that you have always wanted to live.
The Pain of Today
Do you feel like your life is not going the way you want it to go because of your physique? It is said that two out of every three American adults are overweight or obese, with a third of American adults being in the latter camp. You may very well have a body shape that does not feel comfortable, does not feel like who you really are, and even that causes you physical pain.(more…)