The truth is that multitasking has something of a reputation. On the one hand, it sounds like it’s going to be incredibly productive, but on the other hand, we all know that trying to do too much at once can leave us feeling frazzled and forgetful—and that’s not helpful in any way. The biggest problem is we don’t all know how to multitask efficiently and effectively.
What you might not know is that when it’s done well (and be ‘well’, we mean sensibly), multitasking can work and make everything better and more productive for you. You don’t have to be a superhero about things, but you should be a bit more clever with your time so that you’re not trying to do everything at once – instead, you’re finding ways to make things run smoother.
With that in mind, keep reading to find out more about how to multitask like a pro.
As soon as the number of runners increased, minimalist exercise shoes and barefoot running movement gained momentum over the last few years. But still, the question among the runners remains unanswered which one is best – shoes or shoeless – remains a hotly contested topic.
In recent research, we found that the percentage of running efficiency increased by 4% when people started running barefoot. But when we think about minimalist shoes running is complete with support and cushion, and there is no chance of injury for runners. So runners are always recommended to buy nice pair of minimalist shoes to take the perks of a comfortable walk.
Therefore to offer you proper support, The Athletes Foot come around the people. Their fantastic collection of weightless and comfortable shoes makes runners happy. All the shoes you find at this marketplace come under a deal price if you click The Athletes Foot Discount Code while shopping online.
There are numerous considerations when planning an exercise routine; what type of exercises will you partake in? What clothes should you wear during said activities? How hard you want to push yourself and for how long, among other factors. One concern many people may overlook is the importance of how long to wait to exercise after eating or snacking.
Eating too much beforehand can make physical efforts seem unbearable, leading to pain and potential health hazards such as cramps or constipation.
So, how long should you wait after eating before exercising? Will exercising make it harder for your body to digest food? What are the benefits of waiting before taking a workout break?
This guide will discuss how much time you need to wait between meals and working out.
Do you have problems with your daily tasks? Are you having trouble getting to sleep or waking up in the morning? If these or any other symptoms affect your productivity, you may want to learn how acupuncture improves performance. These are 5 of the best ways based on studies and feedback from both coaches and athletes.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat all ailments, from anxiety and pain to addiction and stress. In today’s world of hectic schedules and stressful lifestyles, it’s no wonder that so many people turn to acupuncture to improve their daily performance. Here are ways acupuncture can help you achieve your goals.
For many runners, acetaminophen (Tylenol as a brand name) is a very popular choice for pain treatment before and after runs and strenuous workouts. Those athletes have an ongoing question that needs answers, they should know how does Tylenol enhance athletic performance. For many years, experts questioned whether or not the pain reliever had an ergogenic impact, but a new meta-analysis found that acetaminophen can boost performance when given 45 minutes to an hour before a significant effort or exertion.
Let’s discuss a few of the ways Tylenol affects athletic performance.
Do you have a huge event coming up? Perhaps a swim meet you’ve been preparing for the past few months? A high-stakes racquetball tournament against your friends that you’ve got money riding on? Are nerves getting the better of you already? Are you the type of person that chokes when it comes to the crunch? If you answered yes to any of the above, you probably need to mentally prepare for competition prior to the event date.
The following is only a slight exaggeration: mental preparation and mental focus are just as important as the physical aspect of sports. The time you invested in getting in physical shape, honing your technique, and increasing your stamina is nulled if you fail to keep a cool head during a match or tournament.
Just like the body, the mind is a sort of muscle, in the sense that you can use tools to shape it and make it do what you need. Developing and practicing these tools should be part of your daily routine.
Here are a few helpful tips and strategies to help you mentally prepare for competition.
When you start working out, one of the first things that you might notice is a lack of energy. It’s a common issue, and one of the reasons comes from (often) not hydrating yourself well enough. This is a common problem, and will often lead to various issues including cramping and overheating. Not only will your workout often be quite weak in comparison to how it should feel, but you will find it harder to get through the workout – and to recover.
So with that in mind, let’s look at some useful tips to help you stay hydrated.
You may be well aware of the importance of a solid diet and adequate hydration if you are an athlete, there are also many nutritional supplements that could be beneficial. Here are some of the top supplements that may be able to boost athletic performance in the right combination, used at the right time.
Disclaimer: it is important to speak with a medical professional before adding any supplements to your daily routine, so make sure you talk to your doctor first.
The way you design your exercise, diet, and supplement routines will ultimately shape the type of results you see. For instance, young men who want to add bulky muscle will have needs quite different from older women who want to slim down. Knowing which nutritional building blocks to supplement your workouts can help you create a more solid foundation for your health and wellness goals.
Endurance is the ability to last through something that pushes you to your limits. Do you know what it’s going to take personally, to boost athletic endurance? Does your body have the strength to do more? Can you give anything else to the effort? Or are you ready to call it quits and rest?
Athletic endurance refers to several aspects of your physiology:
your mental state
muscle strength & stamina
cardiovascular health & conditioning
To go further and last longer, work on building all three areas. The following are six ways to develop your endurance levels through whole-body and spiritual strategies.
Whether you are in the gym day in and day out or just a few times a week, there are days when it can be extremely difficult to muster up the strength and energy needed to complete the most intense workouts. This is exactly where pre-workout supplements can come in handy. However, if you have done any research on the topic whatsoever, you have probably discovered that there are tons of people out there saying that these supplements contain dangerous carbs and fillers that just cause bloating and severe fatigue. Sure, this might be true in some sense, but there are healthier alternatives on the market. Below are the ingredients that you need to focus on the most.
It can be challenging to stay hydrated while working out, especially in the hot summer months. It’s extremely important to keep your body hydrated though. Here are some key tips to help you figure out how to stay hydrated while working out.
If you are an avid fitness enthusiast, you will always look for ways to pack more punch into your workouts. Eating the right diet, staying hydrated, and taking enough rest between sessions to get you on track, but these healthy habits aren’t always enough to boost your workout performance.
You can rely on health supplements to fuel your body with greater energy and power. But these measures may still fall short of your expectations. Thankfully, there is much more you can do to go the extra mile with your workout performance. While these measures may be offbeat, they are tried-and-tested, and you can rely on them for effective results. Here are the ones you can try for your next session.
Whether you are a weight lifter or weight lifting is part of your cross training regimen for your main choice of exercise, then you know just how rewarding and addictive the pursuit of growing stronger can be. If you are reading this article then that means you are thinking about or have decided that you want to start increasing your abilities in the weight room. This is a great thing to do! Lifting weights can increase your muscle mass and decrease your fat stores, which increases your metabolism and makes you healthier in general.
You can not improve your gains at a rapid pace because you might risk injury which would completely defeat the point of your goals. Instead, you should focus on steadily improving your lift over time. Here are some tips on how to do just that.
While working out, there are two things that are very necessary and people often forget to even consider them. Those two things are pre-workout performance supplements and post-workout recovery.
While doing exercises in a gym or anyplace else, the body goes through a lot of pressure and stress physically. Due to this a lot of muscles get torn and you often feel a lot of pain and lack of strength. It is why it is very important for everyone to understand the physical body needs both pre and post-workout to maintain energy and stamina, so we don’t feel weak or lethargic and ‘bonk’ mid-workout.
Quite a good number of people believe that one should refrain from taking food a few hours before a workout. However, the body requires fuel to provide adequate energy, whether one is going for weightlifting or cardio. It is, however, imperative to choose foods that are easily digested by the body. For example, foods like whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and pasta are good sources of energy, they take at least two hours to be fully digested.
Ideally, individuals should equip their kitchen with a juicer that is reliable for making instant energy boosting juices. Such blends should include strawberries, apples, pineapple, and avocado among other energy giving fruits. These drinks will not only help the user to maintain endurance and stamina but also reduce the risk of contracting diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, fruits are readily available, easy to transform into juices and take only a few minutes to digest. Here are more compelling reasons for taking fruit juice before a workout.
Cannabis could be the edge you need to take your running to the next level!
Endurance Training
Adrian Landini is not only a long-time runner, but he’s also a long-time cannabis user. Not only does he enjoy smoking cannabis, but he also enjoys smoking it before a run and sometimes during a run. What may have begun as a one-off, has now become an integral part of Adrian’s endurance training. “I just kind of Zen out, I pay attention to my movements and what’s around me and whatnot, and just bring it in with good form,” the Toronto resident says about why he smokes cannabis.
Adrian believes that cannabis is what helps him with focusing his sense of awareness and also with the pain associated with endurance running and training. Often during long endurance runs, the pain from sore toes and feet, while minor, can often become overwhelming if a runner can’t lock it out and power through it.
How’s your fitness regime going? In summer, most of us take our workouts a bit more seriously. But did you know that taking the right vitamins and minerals can help strengthen bone, build muscle, prevent injury, and aid recovery — ideal whether you’re into cardio or resistance training?
If you’re a regular at the gym, you need to ensure that your body takes in what it needs to perform. Don’t underestimate the importance of nutrition — check out how vitamins and minerals can help you push harder in your next work-out session.(more…)
A lot of people are sleep deprived… Everything from last minute travel to anxiety prevents people from getting a good night’s rest on a regular occasion. While sleep deprivation is nothing uncommon, you’d be surprised to know just how many people don’t get enough sleep…
Last year, Pegasus Capital Advisors teamed up with ResMed and Dr. Oz to from SleepScore Labs, an organization that aims to enables us to understand our sleep and deliver the first clinically proven standard for measuring sleep in our homes.
Back in January, they organization conducted the largest sleep study in the history of the United States, which looked at sleep information from more than 20,000 people and a collective 1.5 million nights’ worth of sleep. And they discovered that sleep is chronically neglected by most Americans.
Just check this out – according to data from the study, almost 80% of US citizens aren’t getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. Moreover, men in the US average only 5 hours and 45 minutes of sleep each night, while women are slightly better, with 6 hours and 9 minutes.(more…)