Archive for the ‘Product Reviews’ Category
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010So I read a study in Consumer Reports today about the content of heavy metals in protein drinks. The metals of concern are deadly when humans are exposed to them, even is small concentrations, over many years: arsenic, mercury, lead, and cadmium.
I wouldn’t exactly call the results of the study tragic, but I definitely think Project Swole readers should be aware and should avoid certain products.
Read the report here: What’s in YOUR protein drink?
Tags: health, Medical, protein, protein shake, protein shakes
Posted in News of the Day, Product Reviews | 4 Comments »
Friday, January 8th, 2010Hardcore Circuit Training for Men (and Women)
Chohwora Udu & Jim McHale are the Authors of Hardcore Circuit Training for Men, which is available at and bookstores nationwide.
Special Project Swole discount:
Use coupon code HCCT to get 15% off the cover price!
Click here to order.
My Review
I posted an article written by the authors of the book Hardcore Circuit Training for Men the other day, called Losing Weight with Circuit Training. Since then I found my copy of the book and finished looking through it.
Here is what I think:
First and foremost, despite the book’s title, this is not just a book for men. These circuits can be used and adapted by women and even kids. It can be used by weightlifters, triathlon athletes, regular athletes, MMA fighters, boxers, and pretty much anyone else who is looking to develop their conditioning.
Tags: circuit training, Conditioning, fitness, hirt, mma, Product Reviews, Sports
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Friday, December 4th, 2009I tried some of this stuff and it’s pretty darn good!
By now you are probably somewhat familiar with the name acai; this powerful fruit that grows in the Brazilian Amazon and is now becoming a sensation worldwide. However, not many of you have probably heard of Freeze Dried Powder Acai.
Well folks, let me explain; the name stands for a specific process which the fruit goes through after it is harvested. However there are different technologies that can be use to maximize the benefits of the fruits using this process.
Unlike other acai berry extracts (4:1), Acai Roots pure freeze dried acai is extracted from the acai berry using cutting edge low temperature technology, which preserves the majority of antioxidants and nutrients found in the acai berry. Other suppliers often use a different method to extract due to a lower cost; these methods are often based on the utilization of heat (spray drying) along with additional substances, which causes the elimination of most health benefits of the acai berry.
Tags: acai, acai berries, antioxidants
Posted in Product Reviews | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, December 1st, 2009I tried some of this stuff and it’s pretty darn good!
Energy drinks have become so common nowadays, that we can basically find them everywhere and in all forms. Usually they are stacked with a high concentration of caffeine and other substances that take you to a peak quickly.
Acai Roots now offers us energy shots that taste great and work, but don’t cause jitters and a crash. Read on to find out more about the Acai Roots energy drinks.
Tags: acai, acai berries, acai berry, acai juice, acai roots, antioxidants, energy, energy drinks, energy shots
Posted in Product Reviews | 4 Comments »
Monday, November 16th, 2009Welcome to the very first Ultimate Fitness Equipment Championship battle. This will be a lowdown showdown between 2 pieces of fitness equipment that I have used. I’ll break down the good and the bad, then I’ll make my recommendation for best piece of equipment. Ready?
Let’s get it on!
UFEC I – Ab Lounge Sport vs. The Ab Wheel
This weekend my friend bought an Ab Lounge Sport from Target. He set it up in my living room, which essentially forced me to try it out. For a comparison, I used the results from my handy ab wheel to gauge the effectiveness of this Smurf-blue chair-like contraption.
Tags: abdominals, abs, Exercise Equipment, Product Reviews, ufec
Posted in Product Reviews | 4 Comments »
Wednesday, November 11th, 2009Zola Acai Juice
I recently had the opportunity to try 7 of Zola’s products: 3 acai juice blends and 4 acai smoothies. To skip the background on Zola, click here to go straight to the product reviews. By the way, I get nothing out of reviewing these products, not even if you follow my links to buy some. This is just for Project Swole readers’ information.
The philosophy of Zola is to bring highly delicious and nutritious Brazilian superfruits to consumers, and that is what they do best.
Zola has an agreement with certain Brazilian communities which allow them full access to the best, freshest acai that Brazil has to offer. Because of this agreement they never have to buy acai on the open market, and they are able to give directly back to their partner communities in an effort to reduce poverty and preserve the habitat.
A recent article in Forbes magazine noted Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as one of the world’s happiest cities. It just so happens that Rio de Janeiro is one of the top producers of acai berries, and the people that live there have daily, cheap access to acai foods.
Could acai = happiness? 😛
Tags: acai, acai berries, acai berry juice, acai juice, Açaí Palm, Beverages, Fruit, green tea, Immune system, nutrition, Product Reviews, Rio de Janeiro, Supplements, zola, zola acai
Posted in Product Reviews | 1 Comment »
Monday, June 29th, 2009Lately I’ve been addicted to the Mojave Rattler Low Carb Venom energy drink. I must have purchased about 5 of these things in the last 7 days.
Manufactured by the well-known Dr. Pepper/7-UP Inc., I had initially heard the commercial for this drink on the radio station, WAAF in Boston, maybe 4 or 5 times in the last month. Heard it a couple days in a row and thought to myself, “Venom eh? Sounds like it could be powerful. If I see that stuff in the store I’ll try some.”
So I walk into my local convenience store the other day and there it is at the front of the energy drink section: “VENOM ENERGY: Piercing Energy that Strikes Back”! Score.
Presentation A+
The best part of this drink is the can.
The first thing you see is a big purple angry snake eye surrounded by scales. Above the eye you see Mojave Ratter, and below the eye is the word VENOM printed all spooky to look like fangs.
The can itself is really hard and could probably be used as a small missile. I would feel like a tough guy walking around in public with it, and I would feel safe if I had one during a mugging as it could render some serious damage on my attacker’s cranium.
Tags: energy, red bull, venom
Posted in Product Reviews | 6 Comments »
Thursday, March 19th, 2009
I lift heavy.
Well, heavy for me at least.
Sometimes my grip strength doesn’t always allow me to lift a maximal weight for certain exercises. Typically this might happen with an exercise where I try to use more than my max deadlift or if I’m hauling around 150 lb dumbbells.
In these circumstances, I have to employ one of the following third party tools to help me hold onto the bar.
Click each item to browse to the review:
Tags: chalk, Exercise Equipment, gloves, grips, lynx, reviews, straps
Posted in Product Reviews | 7 Comments »
Sunday, March 8th, 2009Water is so good for you that you should be drinking at least 64 ounces a day. But try as we may, sometimes water gets boring and the 64 ounces don’t always make it down the hatch.
Some of us turn to diet soda, some turn to coffee, while others turn to Crystal Lite or other 0 calorie drink mixes.
Relative to living a healthy lifestyle, those products are good in some ways and bad in some ways. Diet soda and Crystal Lite have nasty sweeteners and dyes. Coffee has caffeine and turns your teeth brown.
The point is to find a tasty 0 calorie beverage with added vitamins and minerals that not only tastes good but also has additional benefits. If you are interested you should read my review below.
Tags: Diet, Product Reviews, sobe, water
Posted in Product Reviews | 67 Comments »
Saturday, March 7th, 2009I have received many inquiries lately about reviewing products on Project Swole.
I have turned a couple products down because I have no interest in them, such as all natural Viagra alternatives, which I just don’t need.
Many other products I have said yes to and will be reviewing them in the coming weeks.
Here is an example of some of the products I have tried:
Tags: Product Reviews
Posted in Product Reviews | 3 Comments »
Monday, February 23rd, 2009Many of you have been asking about my free trial review of Bromalite, so here it is.
First, re-read my post about receiving a free trial of Bromalite the All Natural Digestive Supplement. This post will tell you what is in Bromalite, how to take it, why you might want to take it, and why the product interests me in the first place.
The manufacturers of Bromalite sent me a bottle in the mail for free, and asked if I would do a product review. I’m not going to be biased either way, for or against this product. Here is my honest review.
Tags: antioxidants, bromalite, digestion, probiotics
Posted in Product Reviews, Supplements | No Comments »