Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category

YouTube Star Jake Paul Offers Conor McGregor $50M For a Fight

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

I can’t believe a YouTube personality is actually going to fight Conor McGregor. It’ll end up being an exhibition fight just for the fame and money, but should be an interesting, if not profanity laden, journey.

Controversial YouTube star Jake Paul finds himself in the headlines once again after calling out UFC superstar Conor McGregor and UFC supremo Dana White.


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Twenty Ways Technology Enhances Sports

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

Some tech has morphed into a must-have to survive in the current world. With the ever-increasing popularity and need for sports as a form of entertainment, what role does technology play in enhancing the standing of different sports world over?

fitness technology

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5 of the Top WWE Champions of the 21st Century

Thursday, November 7th, 2019
the rock wrestling

The WWE Championship is the most prestigious prize for any pro-wrestler within the trade. The title has been active since the Sixties, with over a dozen WWE Hall of Famers holding the gold. The blood and sweat place in by the wrestlers to earn the WWE Championship have added to its worth through the years. The title has been defended by the top WWE champions across RAW and SmackDown, two entirely different wrestling entities.

The storylines associated with the WWE Championship are the main-event plot for the bulk of the WWE shows up to now and whoever controls the belt, got catapulted to the top of the list. However as the saying goes in WWE, the title doesn’t create the person, the person makes the title. 

Today our WWE mega-fan guest author will take a glance at a number of those top-tier WWE Superstars who have won the championship and are tend to be known as the best of the best. The most obvious #1 superstar is Dwayne Johnson, AKA “The Rock”, and many people know John Cena also from movies. We will leave those guys off the list and focus on some of the lesser-known greats who haven’t made it full-time in Hollywood.


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What is Circuit Training?

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Today I would like to examine the physiological benefits of circuit training. There are many forms of circuit training, from machine-based static circuits, to boot camp style workouts and even kickboxing workouts. But what is circuit training and how can we put it to the best possible use?

Many gyms offer standard cookie-cutter circuit training programs, which are sometimes prescribed by the in-house personal trainer and recommended by other lazy staff members. The circuit is set up in some back room with a timer alarm to tell you when to move to the next station. Should you use this system or put together your own free weight circuit or join a boot camp?

What does circuit training actually offer you?

What are the physiological benefits and who is best suited to participate in circuit training?

What is Circuit Training?

There are several theoretical benefits of circuit training that are disseminated online.


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Why Golfing Is More of a Workout Than You Might Think

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

When you think about golfing, you may picture fancy clubs and golfing sweaters — you probably don’t think about breaking a sweat. However, golfing is more of a workout than you might think. Though the cardio and strength training involved with the sport is light to moderate, it still supplies a good workout for a variety of different ages and abilities. Though the cardio isn’t intense, you’ll still get plenty of steps in, even if you use a golf cart. A golf swing involves a lot of muscle, balance, and rotation. Being on the course also provides a lot of mental health benefits that you get from a good workout. Furthermore, it’s a sport that can keep a lot of different types of people active, even those with mobility issues.


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Top Exercises for Improving Your Soccer Skills

Saturday, February 16th, 2019

Even if you have bundles of natural talent and technique that can take your far, you can never rely solely on ability, as constantly improving your skills is an absolute must. Anyone that wants to reach the peak of soccer mountain will need to put countless hours of practice in to hone their skills and fitness.

Here are some of the top exercises recommended for improving your soccer skills:


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5 of the Most Important Survival Skills You Should Know

Sunday, December 30th, 2018
survival skills

Do you love hiking, hunting at night or tent camping, or generally being outdoors? Whenever you plan to go for the activities, it is advisable that you be armed with some survival skills. Today, it is a bit rare to hear cases of people stranded in the jungle thanks to mobile phones, advanced GPS systems, and data roaming.

However, we know of cases of phones losing signals or breaking down or even getting lost during times of emergency. Once in a while disaster strike. Remember the recent case of the boys in Thailand who were trapped in a cave for days? That’s why knowing one or two survival skills could help mitigate an awful situation.

You may begin by understanding the rule of 3s. It states that a normal human being can do without oxygen for three minutes, without shelter for three hours depending on the weather, survive without water for three days and without eating for three weeks. This may help you prioritize your needs should you find yourself in an emergency.

This article samples out essential survival skills you should know. Enjoy and Learn.


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What Are The Health Benefits of Skateboarding?

Monday, December 24th, 2018

Most of the sports that are played or loved by the people have uncountable health benefits for players. Different sports have cultural importance based on their origin of the sport. One of such examples is skateboarding. Unfortunately, skateboarding was looked down upon for many years. It was associated with the rebellious people but now the world has finally realized that active skate is even beneficial for general health and fitness.

Surprisingly there are a number of health benefits of skateboarding, which it has to offer. If you love skateboarding but hold yourself back because you think it is just a waste of time or it is dangerous, then your worries are certainly wrong. Down here is a list of all the health benefits which skateboarding has to offer to your body.


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Want to Become a Pro Basketball Player? Live Like One.

Friday, October 26th, 2018

pro basketball player

Millions of hopeful athletes fantasize about the prospect of becoming a professional basketball player. However, NBA recruiters aren’t known for seeking out the best dreamers; they look for the most athletically prepared players.

If you want to maximize your chances of becoming a basketball pro, start living like one. This means having a relentless dedication to changing your diet, improving your body, and tracking your athletic progress. Let’s dive into the best practices for those looking to go pro:

Eat a Diet Fit for Michael Jordan

If one person is qualified to speak about the best diet for peak performance on the court, it’s Tim Grover — the personal trainer of NBA legends like Scottie Pippen, Charles Barkley, Kobe Bryant, and His Airness himself, Michael Jordan. Over the course of his career, Grover has learned what the ideal diet choices for his clients are. He offers some helpful advice for those who want to get into the game:


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5 Things I Wish Everyone Knew about Women’s Pre Workout Supplements

Monday, August 28th, 2017

I started taking pre workout supplements for women after a job change.  The only time I could make it to the gym was 5:30am.  I’m not a morning person! It was hard to find energy to work out to my full capacity.

Woman pre workout

For real gains, you’ve got to train hard!  Pre workouts helped me do that.

Despite how popular they are, not every woman should take pre supplements. And if you do decide to give yourself that extra boost, you need to make sure you are taking it correctly. To get the best results, make sure you know these 5 facts about pre workouts for women first.

1. Start with Basics First


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Weightlifting for Equestrians

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

Some of you might have raised a few eyebrows when you read the title of this article, after all, who associates horse riding with weight lifting? Well, you should have a real think about that – can you imagine the strength it requires to not only mount a horse, but stay on one and control it as it gallops away? Here are a few key pointers to consider when strength training as an equestrian.

equestrian fitness (more…)

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5 Benefits of Practicing Paintball Once a Week

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

Paintball is a wonderful activity that challenges both the body and the mind. If you are looking for a way to have fun and get healthy, you should think about playing paintball at least once a week. When you schedule a weekly paintball game, you will enjoy a host of benefits that improve your life. Keep reading to discover five benefits that you will experience when you begin practicing paintball once a week.

paintball (more…)

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Strength Training for Rugby Players

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Rugby bench pressWhen training to build strength, far too many rugby players fall into the trap of simply trying to increase bulk. While I’m not suggesting that you spend all your time outdoors using rugby equipment, I do think it is important to train your body to repeat rugby-specific movements in the gym.

You’ll want to focus not just on strength, but also on power, conditioning, and injury prevention. It’s always best for athletes to focus on sport specific movements and strengthening the weakest links in the chain.

Using weights to replicate rugby-specific movements at a higher intensity, trains your body to become more adept at the skills that actually make you a better rugby player. By following these exercises you should notice marked improvements, not only in your physique, but also your playing ability. (more…)

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The Benefits Of Running for the Weight Loss Battle

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

Running can help achieve that fit body you’re aiming for. Today, we will explain to you how running can be good in the battle for weight loss!

Many people strive to have a body that will impress. However, the path going there isn’t a simple battle. Many challenges will hinder you from making progress. The first thing that you should ask yourself is, are you up to the challenge?

Spartan Runners

Although running sounds like a simple exercise, its benefits will amaze you. Running has many advantages including better health, uplifted emotions, weight loss, and improved focus. (more…)

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How to Recover from a Golf Injury in the Gym

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

golf injuries

Suffering from an injury can be extremely frustrating. Whether it is a niggling, constant pain that indefinitely seems to hamper your swing or a debilitating muscle strain, there are a number of steps you can take to, firstly, prevent them from happening in the first place, and, secondly, recover from them as quickly as possible. As back strains and golfer’s elbow are two of the most common golf injuries, we have decided to focus our attention on these two in the hope of being able to alleviate injury concerns for as many of you as possible. (more…)

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3 Amazing Exercises That Will Build Stamina for Cycling

Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

Summer is right around the corner and the road bikes for sale signs popping up everywhere will have any keen cyclist excited to get back on two wheels. But after a long Winter of little riding, you might notice that your fitness isn’t quite what it used to be.

When our time is precious, we want the time we do spend working out to give us the maximum results possible, and while cycling for long periods means slowly and gradually plodding towards a steady upshot in stamina over the course of months, here are three exercises that will help you get back to your peak level of fitness as quickly as possible.

Cycling Stamina

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Get Fit with Stand Up Paddleboarding

Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

Summer is on its way. And that means your workout just got a lot more interesting. Not only can you work out in the gym, but with the sun shining and the ocean calling, the world is your fitness oyster. For the more adventurous of you, there’s no beating the full-body workout of aquatic sports like surfing, diving, and paddling. Today we’re going to talk about the newest member of the water sports fitness family: stand up paddleboarding, or SUP.

Stand Up Paddleboarding

What is SUP?

Stand up paddleboarding is in fact just like it sounds. You stand. On a board. And you paddle. It’s an ancient recreation and hunting technique that originated somewhere among Polynesia, Peru, and Venice and has been growing in mainstream popularity since the early 2000s. In the US alone, the number of people doing SUP has nearly tripled in recent years: 2.8 million people participated in SUP in 2014. And the number of new paddleboarders just keeps increasing. (more…)

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It’s Hard to be Swole if You’re Drunk

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

Athletes drink. A survey that followed 6,000 teens into their mid-twenties found that while young athletes use fewer drugs than non-athletes, they drink far more alcohol.  Beer steins

Fitness buffs, why is this so dumb?

In addition to the obvious short-term health risks — like drunk driving — alcohol impairs muscle growth and prevents muscle recovery. In fact, according to research conducted by Matt Barnes of New Zealand’s Massey University, muscle performance loss was doubled in participants who drank alcohol.

That wouldn’t be a huge deal for a non-exerciser, but it could be a game-ender for an athlete whose future relies on physical fitness. (more…)

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The Advantages of Playing Sports

Monday, December 12th, 2016

Everybody Should Know About the Advantages of Playing SportsKids playing rugby

The average person today does not participate in even 10% of the physical activities that his grandparents were “obligated” to perform. Chopping wood, building and tending a garden, walking to destinations, even washing clothes by hand, where daily habits for folks in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Nowadays, modern men and women spend far too much of their time sitting in the office, in their vehicle or in front of the TV. The gestures of everyday life are limited to pressing buttons to generate heat or cool the air, to wash clothes, to go up or down the floors, to cook food. Long live progress and innovation! (more…)

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Nutrition Guidelines for Basketball Players-The Only Guide You Need

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

Basketball Nutrition GuideIf you are an athlete like most others, you never feel like you’ve maximized your potential, no matter your skill level. That is basically true for all athletes in all sports, including basketball. More practice means more skill, which in turn means better performance.

Probably you work hard practicing indoors and outdoors, shooting hoops at all angles and distances. With your basketball in-hand you probably travel great distances to play and practice with other skilled athletes who can help you improve your own skills.  You’ve likely improved your ball handling skills, developed your shooting and passing ability, and you’re still working hard on the court to become a better rebounder.

But did you think about maintaining a diet plan to improve your performance by enhancing training, speeding recovery and decreasing illness?

Think about it again. Food and diet have huge impact on your body. Balanced diet is what you need to influence your health and athletic performance – including stamina and endurance. (more…)

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