Archive for the ‘Weight Training’ Category

3 More Back Training Mistakes

Monday, July 18th, 2011

I am not going to get into a long detailed post today. Instead I am going to supplement my top 6 back training mistakes post with another guest post about back training by expert Mike Robertson. I’m not cool enough to get Mike to post on my website though, so I have to link to the post from another blog entirely.

Find it here: 3 back training mistakes you could be making.

Mike tells you how people go wrong by training without a neutral spine, without a neutral pelvis, and without paying attention to detail. This is just another example of how every aspect of your physiology has to be healthy and aligned, or you risk injury.

About Mike Robertson

Mike Robertson received his Masters Degree in Sports Biomechanics from the world-renowned Human Performance Lab at Ball State University. He is also the president of Robertson Training Systems and the co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training, which has been named one of America’s Top 10 Gyms by Men’s Health magazine in 2009 and 2010.

About Rick Kaselj

Since the guest post is actually posted on his site, this is a lead in to another awesome fitness blogger, a guy named Rick Kaselj who is an expert on sports injuries. Hopefully he will write a couple guest posts for Project Swole soon. I’ve requested some serious rehab / prehab articles and I know if he can find the time to write them, you will be amazed.

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To Build More Power Train Your Antagonists Eccentrically

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

Plyos, Olympic Lifts, and Dynamic Efforts are not the Only Ways to Increase Speed and Power

Baseball Pitcher

Strength coaches around the world prescribe plyometrics and Olympic lifts to increase force production – to build speed and power. Powerlifters around the world utilize dynamic effort lifts – box squats, speed deads, board presses – to increase their speed and power.

We can all learn A LOT from those methods, but there is one constituent of force development that the above methods don’t take into account. Consider reversal and/or starting strength, acceleration, and stretch reflex actions of the muscles that act as the antagonists to the primary sports movement.


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Powerzone Fitness: The Best Gym in New Hampshire

Monday, July 11th, 2011

I finally joined a gym that’s worth blogging about. It is called Powerzone Fitness and it’s located in Hooksett, NH.

Check out their website here: Powerzone Fitness and their Yahoo Local page with a 5 star rating and 4 glorious reviews here: Powerzone in Hooksett, NH

Why is Powerzone Fitness the best gym in NH?

  • It is open 24×7. You get in after hours with an access card.
  • No one is ever there. Turn the lights and fans on, crank your own music on the radio.
  • No crazy meat heads taking up all the machines. It’s like the opposite of Gold’s Gym in Manchester, NH. If you ever go there you’ll know what I mean.
  • It is owned by a former powerlifter. That means you can deadlift, lift over your head, and grunt without getting in trouble.
  • They supply the chalk. Like using chalk when you deadlift or do Olympic lifts? They have a box of chalk beside the power rack.
  • The have a power rack. They have a smith machine too, but they only use it for shrugs.
  • Dumbbells up to 120 lbs. Not bad.
  • They have a reverse hyper machine! It’s old, but it works.
  • Training at Powerzone is like working out in your own personal basement gym, except they actually have all the equipment you could need.


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The Chris Hemsworth Thor Workout

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Would you rather look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club or Chris Hemsworth in Thor? Fitness model or super hero?

Brad Pitt Fight Club
Brad Pitt in Fight Club
Chris Hemsworth Thor Muscle
Chris Hemsworth in Thor

The Fight Club fitness look comes from eating little food, doing lots of cardio, and lifting light weights for high reps. Is that really what you want? I’m going to guess that most Swole readers would prefer the Chris Hemsworth, Hugh Jackman look.

So how did Hemsworth transition from the fitness look to the super hero look? The simple answer is, lots of protein and heavy compound weight lifting. Just like Werewolf Muscle Training and Swole 3×5.

Let me tell you a little more about the Chris Hemsworth Thor workout.

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How to do Inverted Rows

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011
Sexy Back Muscles
Build Back Muscles

Along with pull ups, rowing is one of the best exercises to train the back. The king of rowing exercises is the standing barbell row, but the problem is that too few people perform them properly.

You might see the following common technique flaws in people executing barbell rows:

  • standing upright – you gotta bend over just short of 90 degrees
  • rounded back – lower back weakness or hip tightness can cause this
  • momentum – using the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings for momentum

You can fix all of these issues by changing your barbell row into an inverted row. The inverted row is not a perfect replacement for the barbell row – it removes posterior chain stabilization from the movement and limits the load you can use – but it is a suitable replacement if you need one, and believe it or not it gives us yet another reason to accept the existence of the Smith Machine… OK, maybe not.

Let’s find out why and how to use inverted rows in our training routines.


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How to Perform Chin Ups

Monday, April 25th, 2011
Weighted Chin-ups
Weighted Chin-ups

How to do Chin-ups

Chin-ups are a basic exercise that you were probably taught early in your life, possibly as a kid. They are pretty simple, and fairly difficult, though not as hard as pull-ups.

To perform a chin-up, hang on to any bar, doorway, tree branch, etc… with your arms straight and your palms facing towards you. Using your back and biceps, pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. It’s that simple.

Chin-ups can be performed on anything that allows you to hang with your arms straight and your knees not touching the floor.

Beginners usually can’t perform many chin-up, if any. This post intends to be a proper tutorial for increasing chin-up strength using optimal chin-up technique.

Proper Chin-up Technique

Now that you know how to perform a chin-up, let’s examine proper chin-up technique.


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Werewolf Muscle Training with Dumbbells

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

Werewolf Muscle Training with Dumbbells

Click here to qualify for free movie tickets to Twilight: Breaking Dawn!
Werewolf Muscle Training
Werewolf Muscle Training

After many requests I’ve gone ahead and rewrote Werewolf Muscle Training without barbells. More specifically, this is a Werewolf Muscle Training style dumbbell routine to gain strength. Don’t get me wrong, you will still need at least an adjustable bench, and some exercises call for bands and medicine balls, but you can work around these requirements if necessary.

I can’t promise that this routine will be as effective as any of the original Werewolf Muscle Training routines, but I’m just giving you what you asked for. Please leave feedback in the comments or on the forum.

What Are Your Goals?

If you’ve come here to lose fat, you are better off using the Full Body Fat Loss Routine for Men or the Full Body Fat Loss Routine for Women. This routine definitely has nothing to do with fat loss, although some folks have adapted the diet to focus on fat loss instead of muscle gain. The choice is yours.

If you came to learn how to bench 700 lbs, you are better off reading Werewolf Muscle Training for Strength Gains. Although, truth to tell, you will get significantly stronger following this program.

Navigating Werewolf Muscle Training with Dumbbells

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An Introduction to Werewolf Muscle Training

Werewolf Muscle Training is not designed to get you ripped, toned, conditioned, or even strong. You will get stronger as a side effect, but that was not the original intent. This is much more of a bodybuilding routine than anything else, but know that everyone using the original routine added weight to all of their lifts.

This is not for Olympic lifting, powerlifting, MMA, strongman training, or CrossFit, but the routine itself was designed for maximum muscle confusion, so you will get a taste of a wide variety of training philosophies. I’ve incorporated some optional HIIT and HIRT training for fat loss; neural activation training for warm ups, force development, and recovery; periodization and muscle confusion are the two main principles used throughout the bulk of this routine.

If you are a skinny guy and want to gain mass, this is for you. If you are ripped up and shredded but want to have more size, this is for you. If you just want to add 20-30 pounds of muscle to your body for whatever reason, this is for you.

I based this training routine off of my experience with personal training and sports nutrition, dating back to 1994. I’m no longer certified, but I know more now than I did back then… go figure.

My research on Taylor Lautner and how he trained to gain 30 pounds for his role as the werewolf Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga: New Moon is what actually prompted me to write up the original Werewolf Muscle Training routine.

Without further ado, let’s get into the principles of Werewolf Muscle Training.

Werewolf Muscle Training Principles

Weight selection:

When you see set protocols that look like 3 x 5, the goal is to use one weight for every work set. In this example you would use the same weight for 3 sets of 5 reps. If you can get the required number of reps for all sets, you should go heavier the next time you use that exercise. If the weight is obviously too light for you that day, feel free to increase it.

Choose a weight to start each exercise. If you think you can add weight and still complete the number of prescribed reps for the number of prescribed sets for that exercise, you may increase the weight between sets. HOWEVER – you should not have to decrease the weight at any time during the exercise.

Example: When doing bench presses, 4 sets of 5 reps, you start with 185 and get 5 reps easy. If you choose to go up to 200, you should use 200 for the rest of the exercise.

The max effort:

When you see set protocols that look like 5, 2, 1, 1, 1,… this is max effort attempt. The goal is to increase the weight for every set. Your 5 rep and 2 rep sets should not approach failure. For each 1 rep set you want to add at least 5 pounds to the previous set, until you believe you will fail if you add just 5 more pounds.

If possible you don’t want to ever fail at a max effort attempt, so it is advisable to stop short of a true max effort if it means you might not complete the rep, especially if you have already beat your numbers from the previous max effort workout.

Varying weights and reps:

Taylor didn’t stick to a 3×5 or 5×5 or 3×10 type of routine. He worked all of his muscle fibers equally by varying the volume from week to week. A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning found that strength can be increased by 28-43 percent just by varying rep counts and training different muscle groups.

It is still good to stick to a certain rep range based on your goals, but it is even better to occasionally change it up to force your body to adapt to new stimulus.

Number of sets:

When doing higher reps with lighter weight, you typically need fewer sets. Two sets of 10-12 reps is not uncommon.

When doing lower reps with heavier weight, you often need more sets. If is good practice to use four or more sets when training in the 1 to 5 rep range. A max effort attempt can use as few as 4 sets or more than 7. It all depends on the person and the day.

Reduce cardio to maximize muscle gains:

Taylor’s main goal was to gain 30 pounds of muscle mass. His metabolism was going to keep him ripped no matter what, so in order to gain muscle he had to cut back on cardio. If your only goal is to get ripped, HIIT cardio and HIRT are great schemes, but skinny hardgainers should minimize endurance training during a bulking phase. 20 minutes is the limit.

Note: For those who wish to add cardio, there is one HIRT session scheduled after every upper body workout. Using the HIRT session might decrease your overall muscle gain, but it will also minimize your overall fat gain and keep you in better cardiovascular health. Remember, the HIRT session is OPTIONAL.

Neural Activation Training (NAT)

Click here to learn more about NAT.

NAT workouts are optional, non-fatiguing, and will not lead to overtraining if used properly. NAT workouts will add to the effectiveness of the routine if you choose to use them.

Abdominal Training

The rules of weight training apply to the abdominals. It doesn’t make any sense to train your abs every day, if fact you need only train your abs a maximum of 3 times each week. For each ab workout we’ll pick a set of exercises that works the whole core and limit ab training to twice a week.

Abdominal workouts are scheduled on NAT days, but instead you can train your abs on any non-consecutive workout day. I recommend training abs on leg day if not on NAT day, but it’s your choice. All NAT and abdominal training options are listed in the routine and on the spreadsheet. Do whatever fits your schedule and recovery ability.

I have tried to limit the exercise selection to dumbbells and inexpensive equipment, which includes a box or bench, an ab wheel, resistance bands, and a medicine ball.

Resistance Bands, Chains, and Tension Training

Free weights are best, but we also want to occasionally added tension with bands. The added tension increases the difficulty of the easiest portion of each lift, which is usually at the top, by accelerating resistance at the end of each rep. Recruiting additional muscle fibers using this method definitely adds to the growth potential of each and every set.

Incidentally, bands are used in elite powerlifting circles like Louie Simmons’ Westside Barbell and Dave Tate’s Elite Fitness Systems. You may use them in conjuction with your exercises, to warm up, or as extra workouts to aid in recovery.

Click here to learn more about Resistance Bands.

You can find resistance bands at some gyms, but typically you will have to buy them on your own. Do not buy the resistance bands they sell at WalMart or Target, those are garbage. Go online and find real resistance bands that you can attach to free weight machines.

I have not specified more than one or two exercises that require bands, but you can use them with nearly every exercise if you desire. Bands are best used with the first couple compound exercises of the day. They can also be used with many of the other exercises. Your limitations will be set by your own creativity.

Varying planes of movement:

Most people train up and down, front to back. but side-to-side training is important too. Diagonal and sideways movements help to make a versatile training plan.

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Maximizing Recovery

Recovery is so important to growth. Without recovery, you just can’t grow.

You will have the option of taking a day day off after every 2 workouts and an additional day on the weekend. Or if you have the time and resources, and if you are up to the challenge, you can use the prescribed NAT routines to enhance your recovery.

Follow these recovery tips to ensure proper muscular adaptation:

  • Take every third day off from vigorous training. No max efforts or approaching failure.
  • Limit intense training to 4 days a week. This does not include NAT or ab workouts.
  • Weight training sessions should be kept under 60 minutes.
  • Sleep for 7-8 hours each and every night unless you’ve mastered polyphasic sleep.
  • Eat to gain, eat to recover. If you don’t eat right, your body will grow weak.
  • Stretch for 10 minutes every every workout.
  • Warm up for at least 5 minutes before every workout. No static stretching before intense training!

Recovery is important within a workout as well. We want each set to receive maximal intensity and muscular facilitation so we want to make sure your muscles are fresh for each set.

For regular weight training, follow these rest protocols:

  • Supersets require no rest between sets. They will be denoted by a), b), and c). Only rest before a), never after a).
  • 60-120 seconds rest between sets depending on your recovery ability. 90 seconds rest is generally enough.
  • 2-4 minutes rest between exercises, as necessary.

Always end your workout with a 10 minute stretching session. Post-workout stretching increases both recovery and flexibility. This is a good thing.

Use these stretching principles:

  • Read about Flexibility Training.
  • Stretch every muscle group for at least one minute.
  • Hold each static stretch for 20 seconds and repeat at least twice.
  • Never use static stretching before you train.
  • If you must stretch before you train, use only dynamic stretching.
  • Think of your stretching session as a cool-down.
  • Stretching does not count towards your 45-60 minute workout limit.

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Nutrition – Eating to Grow!

You gotta feed the machine or it won’t grow. Here’s how.

Choose your goal weight.

For example, lets start with a 160 pound man who wants to weigh 180 pounds.

Calculate your metabolic co-efficient (M) based on your body type and past history of gaining muscle and losing fat. If you need help determining your body type, read A Body Type Analysis

  • Endomorph (hard to lose fat, easy to gain muscle) – M = 8.5
  • Mesomorph (moderately easy to gain muscle or lose fat) – M = 9.5
  • Ectomorph (easy to lose fat, hard to gain muscle) – M = 10.5

Let’s consider that our 160 lb man is an ectomorph. He has always been thin with little to moderate muscle development, but it is difficult for him to really gain considerable muscle mass without drinking weight gain shakes all day long. His metabolic co-efficient (M) is 11.

Calculate total number of hours of training weekly.

If you are a busy guy you might be limited to three 45 minute sessions plus some warming up and stretching, which will come out to about 3 hours a week. For this example, at 5 days a week and 60 minutes a session, our man will be training 5 hours a week.

Daily Calories

Daily calories = Goal Weight X (the number of hours you workout per week + M)

Example: 180 lbs X (5 hours + 10.5) = 2790 calories per day

Daily Protein

You should get 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight each day.

Example: 180 lbs = 180 g protein per day (180 g protein X 4 calories = 720 protein calories)

The best protein powder you can choose for your Werewolf Muscle Training routine, is Optimum Nutrition. They have the highest quality protein for the cheapest prices. Click on this link to get some Optimum Nutrition protein powder now.

Daily Fat

You can estimate about half of your goal weight in healthy fats each day.

Example: 180 lbs = 90 g fat per day (90 g fat X 9 calories = 810 fat calories)

Daily Carbohydrates

The rest of your calories should come from high quality carbohydrate sources such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

Example: 2790 calories – (720 protein calories + 810 fat calories) = 1260 carb calories (1260 carb calories / 4 calories = 315 g carbs per day)

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Supplements to Enhance Your Workouts and Assist with Recovery

First let me say that you don’t need any supplements to succeed with Werewolf Muscle Training. Just eat a ton of the right foods, and you will grow. That being said, I know many of you will want to make the most of this routine by increasing your body’s capabilities with supplements.

Therefore, I am going to recommend a handful of the best supplements for you to use to gain muscle.

  1. Post Workout Nutrition – P90X Results and Recovery Formula

    P90X Post Workout Formula

    Studies repeatedly show that you will recover from an intense workout twice as fast if you use a post-workout drink within 20 minutes of finishing an intense workout. It is a known fact at this point, so if you’re not using a specially formulated post-workout drink in that 20 minute window, then you’re throwing 50% of your gains right out the window.

    This post-workout shake contains four parts carbs to one part protein, which is exactly what you need to ensure speedy muscle recovery after intense workouts. It tastes great, is all-natural, and contains no artificial flavors or sweeteners. Mix it with water in a shaker bottle right after your workout – quick and easy.

    This specially designed post-workout shake contain a perfect blend of:

    • Dextrose for optimum glycogen replenishment, a necessity after an intense workout.
    • An easily digestible protein blend, providing critical amino acids to immediately restart protein synthesis.
    • Antioxidants and vitamins, which help to reduce soreness and assist in tissue repair and muscle growth.

    Click here to get some P90X Results and Recovery Formula for your Werewolf Muscle Training routine!

  2. Nitric Oxide (NO) Supplement

    Nitric Oxide

    N.O. supplements are some of the most popular bodybuilding supplements. N.O. will increase your pumps and, more importantly, increase your strength endurance. I find myself getting an extra 2-3 reps on every set when I’m using an N.O. supplement.

    • This N.O. supplement is a Hemodilator, which gives you extra energy by pumping more blood through your body.
    • N.O. supplements give you incredible pumps… you will look and feel stronger than ever.
    • N.O. supplements increase levels of Nitric Oxide in your body, increasing both strength and endurance.
    • By increasing your metabolism, N.O. supplements helps you avoid typical bulking-phase fat gains.

    Click here to get some N.O. for your Werewolf Muscle Training routine!

  3. Shakeology or Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein

    Whey protein supplements can help you get the strong, powerful, lean, healthy body that you dream of. Hard-gainers can make higher carbohydrate protein shakes, while mesomorphs and ectomorphs can opt for the low-carb protein recipes. Click here for a list of more than 100 protein shake recipes.

    First, check out Shakeology – it’s not just your average protein shake. Comes in two great flavors.

    • Whole-food ingredients curbs cravings and burn stored fat
    • Over 20 phytonutrients and antioxidants
    • Reduces risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke
    • Probiotics to assist digestion and nutrient absorption

    Click here to purchase or learn more about Shakeology.

    If you are looking for a pure protein powder, check out Optimum Nutrition. Optimum Nutrition protein powder comes in about 20 different flavors, and is available in 1 lb, 2 lb, 5 lb, and 10 lb containers.

    • Make protein shakes to supplement your daily protein intake.
    • Mix with foods you eat everyday to increase your daily protein intake.
    • The amino acids in protein are the building blocks of muscle tissue.
    • More calories = more muscle!

    Click here to get some Optimum Nutrition whey protein.

  4. Xtend Amino Acid Supplement

    Xtend is a scientific blend of amino acids consisting of the proven 2:1:1 ratio of energy BCAAs (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine), Glutamine, Citrulline Malate, and Vitamin B6 that will give you the energy you need to maximize your training and enhance recovery.

    The components in Xtend have been scientifically proven to:

    Scivation Xtend
    • help speed recovery
    • enhance ATP production
    • promote cell volume
    • avoid fatigue
    • increase protein synthesis
    • improve immune function
    • improve digestive health
    • elevate growth hormone levels
    • and promote vasodilation, which can lead to better assimilation and absorption of protein

    Remember, Xtend is full of glutamine, which is an important amino acid for energy and muscle recovery. You can take a serving of Xtend before, during, and after any workout, as well as right before bed and first thing in the morning. A steady supply of amino acids can only do a body good. Just don’t drink so much that you make yourself sick of it! Trust me, I’ve been there.

    Click here to get some Scivation Xtend for your Werewolf Muscle Training routine!

  5. Creatine – Kre-Alkalyn

    The purpose of creatine supplementation, is to build up the creatine levels in your muscles in order to increase strength and long term muscle gains, by more efficiently rebuilding ATP levels during your workouts. If you don’t know, ATP is what muscles use for short intense muscular contractions like weightlifting, sprinting, throwing, and jumping.

    Creatine Kre-Alkalyn

    The good news is that Kre-Alkalyn has a higher absorption so it doesn’t require front loading and reportedly causes less creatine bloating and stomach problems. Kre-Alkalyn offers you a brand of creatine that is 100% stable, will not break down into creatinine, and will absorb efficiently into the bloodstream. Each gram of Kre-Alkalyn is equivalent to 10 grams of creatine powder.

    The theory behind Kre-Alkalyn is: scientists discovered that the higher the pH of your creatine, the slower it is converted to creatinine. Pure Kre-Alkalyn has a pH of 12, the highest pH product on the market. This particular product also claims to use an enhanced delivery system, which gets the product into your blood stream even quicker.

    Click here to get some Kre-Alkalyn for your Werewolf Muscle Training routine!

    Your other options are to get regular old creatine monohydrate or creatine malate, which are both good, but reportedly not as good as Kre-Alkalyn. Just please do not get scammed by liquid creatine or creatine ethyl ester, or any of the other ‘advanced delivery’ creatine scams. That liquid stuff never works.

That’s just about all you need for supplements, although there are many other options available if you have the cash. The number of supplements you use depends highly on your budget and your willingness to drink shakes, juices, and take pills all day.

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The Werewolf Muscle Training with Dumbbells Routine

Werewolf Muscle Training
Werewolf Muscle Training

Here is a 3 week, 21 day, 18 session workout routine designed to build muscle. It consists of 12 resistance training sessions, 6 neural activation training (NAT) sessions, and 6 ab workouts.

The latest version of Werewolf Muscle Training with Dumbbells is 1.0. I would like feedback on this routine if you try it.

First I’m going to list each exercise, then you can click on the link to view a printable HTML version, download an Excel spreadsheet, and hopefully in the near future I’ll be able to provide you with a PDF.

List of exercises:

Box jumps
Chin ups
Concentration curls
DB alternating lunges
DB bench press
DB deadlift lockouts
DB deadlifts
DB incline bench press
DB neutral grip bench press
DB one arm clean and press
DB one arm rows
DB pronated bent over rows
DB push press
DB reverse flyes
DB seated calf raises
DB shrugs
DB side raises
DB single leg Romanian deadlift
DB standing alternating bicep curl
DB standing alternating shoulder press
DB standing bicep curl
DB standing calf raises
DB standing OH triceps press
DB standing shoulder press
DB step ups
DB stiff leg deadlift
DB triceps OH press
DB walking lunges
Donkey calf raises
Glute-ham raises
Hammer curls
Lying DB cross-body single arm triceps press
Lying DB French press
Pistol squats
Pull thrus with bands
Pull ups
Reverse hypers
Seated calf raises
Single leg Romanian DB deadlift

Ab Training

Ab wheel roll outs
Bicycle maneuver
DB side bends
Flutter kicks
Fold ups
Medicine ball sit up toss
Reverse crunch
Russian twist
Sit ups
Vertical leg raise or captain’s chair
Windshield wipers

NAT Training

NAT Box jump
NAT Diamond plyo push ups
NAT Incline plyo push ups
NAT Inverted rows
NAT Jump squat series
NAT Plyo depth push ups
NAT Plyo push ups
NAT Pull downs with cables or bands
NAT Speed DB deadlifts
NAT Speed squats
NAT Vertical jump series

HIIT and HIRT Exercises

DB hang clean
DB hang snatch
Inverted rows
Jump rope jumps
Kipping pull ups
OH DB Squats
Push ups
Squat thrusters
Tabata Body Weight Squats
Wall balls

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Printable Werewolf Muscle Training Workout Routines

A printable HTML document and an Excel spreadsheet is available for Werewolf Muscle Training with Dumbbells 1.0, and each update from this point forward. You can download them all at the link below.

Use these spreadsheets to track your progress. Either keep track of your numbers on the computer, or take the print-outs to the gym with you. A clipboard works great to hold your workout logs if you decide to print them out. I recommend using pen to record your numbers, as pencil fades over time.

Click this link to access the newest updated printable training logs.

Expected Results

I haven’t tested this program out over a long period of time, so I’m going to need a couple people to try it for at least 3 cycles, or 63 days.

I’m guessing a solid 10 pounds of muscle could be gained in less than a half a year using this program, as long as you stay disciplined with the routine, use proper recovery, eat right, and make good use of the supplements I’ve listed above.

After using this program for 3 cycles you should take one full active recovery (little to no weight training) week. Read more about active recovery here. You can also fill your week with NAT exercises, which make great active recovery workouts.

Happy gaining!

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Click here to qualify for free movie tickets to Twilight: Breaking Dawn!

Werewolf Muscle Training
Werewolf Muscle Training

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Extra Workouts Part 1: Neural Activation Training

Friday, March 4th, 2011

Extra Workouts Part 1 – Neural Activation Training

Today I am going to unleash your next greatest training tool.

First we are going to talk about training frequency and extra workouts, then I will get into something I call Neural Activation Training, which you can use upwards of 2-3 times a day in addition to your regular workout routine. This type of training won’t induce overtraining and can help you develop speed and power like you’ve never had before, which leads to increased strength and size. Neural Activation Training also just happens to increase fat loss.

*** Do I have your attention? ***

Good! Read on.

Extra Workouts

If you want to know about adding extra workouts to your routine, you are on the right track. If you don’t know what an extra workout is, which many of you don’t judging by my recent poll, then this is the place to learn.

For some time now I have written about using extra workouts to increase training frequency, and the benefits of increased training frequency over time. When I say increased training frequency, I don’t mean increased volume in a single 60 minute workout. I mean putting varying types of stress on every muscle group as frequently as possible, such that the target muscle group can still optimally recover. Volume is increased over time, but frequency is maximized.

I referenced increased training frequency in my Werewolf Training routines and in my Fat Loss for Men & Fat Loss for Women routines. In fact, I base most of my workout routines around increased training frequency at this point because I know how effective it is.


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5 Risks Associated with Working Out

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

It feels terrible and amazing at the same time. There isn’t much else in the world that’s as necessary and as good for you. It pumps you up, builds positive energy (not to mention muscles), and keeps you alert. Working out is nearly perfect. Nearly.

There are risks associated with exercising that can ruin the experience of staying in shape and looking your best. Let’s take a look at 5 of them.


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How to Avoid Shin Splints

Thursday, January 20th, 2011
Woman Sprinting
You can’t sprint with shin splints

Isn’t it obvious that we wouldn’t have to know how to recover from shin splints if we could avoid them in the first place? In order to understand how to avoid shin splints, we must first understand What Are Shin Splints. Then we can better understand how to proactively avoid them. We need to learn more about who gets shin splints, how to properly warm up and stretch the lower leg, and finally we need a method of strengthening those muscles. Assuming we can’t avoid shin splints, we will need to understand How to Treat Shin Splints.

Now, let’s examine the best ways to avoid shin splints by first understanding who is in danger of developing them.

Who Gets Shin Splints?

Athletes, weekend warriors, and even military recruits often experience shin splints, especially at the beginning of the season. Sometimes treatment can be as simple as changing to softer running surface or adding extra arch support to shoes to redistribute the stress. Active rest is often recommended by doctors as a primary treatment. This means that a runner should take up non-impact exercises such as swimming or biking, which gives the injured areas time to heal, but also maintains the cardiovascular benefits of exercise.

It is also believed that people with misalignment often develop problems such as shin splints. Misalignment to the knee, pelvis, ankle, neck, and spine, can result in abnormal posture and abnormal ROM at different joints, which causes excessive wear and tear on bones, joints, and muscles.


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Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern Workout Secrets

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern Workout: The People’s Choice in Brightest Day

Ryan Reynolds Workout
Ryan Reynold Workout

Guest post by: Chris Cannon

Is there a hotter commodity in Hollywood today than Ryan Reynolds?

The Vancouver, Canada-born actor (b.1976) has built an impressive T.V. and movie portfolio over a two-decade career. Best known for his roles in romantic comedies (“Rom-Coms”) like “Just Friends” (2005), “Definitely Maybe” (2008), and the blockbuster “The Proposal” (2009), Reynolds has also quietly built an impressive action hero portfolio.

Many of us recall his portrayal of Hannibal King in “Blade: Trinity” (2004), where his chiseled “six-pack” physique was prominently featured. More recently, Ryan played the swordsman-mercenary Deadpool in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009) opposite Hugh Jackman, and is slated for the title role in Warner Bros. and DC Comics’ “Green Lantern“, due out in summer 2011.

Other personal accomplishments include being named People Magazine’s “Sexist Man Alive” for 2010, and the new face for Hugo Boss fragrances.

Ryan Reynolds also happens to be married to actor Scarlett Johansson, GQ’s 2010 “Babe of the Year”.

Some guys have all the luck…

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Overhead Pressing Strategy – How to Build Massive Shoulders

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Overhead Pressing Strategy

Update: here’s another blast from the past. Dating back to November 2, 2007, this was one of my first posts on overhead presses and it still rings true.

The four most important exercises for any serious weight lifter to obsess about are the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press. Today, I am going to discuss how to properly perform a standing overhead press (aka shoulder press or military press), and a push press. Both motions are obviously used to push objects overhead. Clearly, overhead pressing is not only extremely functional but is fundamental in helping to build a firm athletic base regardless of your fitness goals.

I am going to be using a barbell in this explanation, but it can be performed with any reasonable object. First of all, load a bar appropriately and bring the weight to the front your shoulders. You can either clean the weight from the floor like an Olympic weightlifter or you can load the bar at the desired height in a squat rack.

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How to Increase Your Squat

Monday, August 9th, 2010

How to Increase Your Squat By 100 Pounds in 10 Weeks

Update: Here is an old post I found about increasing your squat strength. I’m not sure that anyone ever really gave me much positive feedback on it, so I’m posting it again in case anyone wants to take a stab at putting 100 pounds on their squat in 10 weeks.

Arnold Squats
Arnold Squats

The squat is arguably the best exercise that any athlete can perform. Overhead press, bench press, and deadlifts rank right up there too, but I digress… No one wants to have a weak squat. To be considered ‘really strong’ you should be able to squat 2x your bodyweight.

Back in college I was regularly squatting 450 or so at a fluctuating bodyweight of 190-210 lbs. I have no genetic gifts when it comes to muscle size and strength. If I can lift 450 anyone can, so man up and put in some effort.

The goals of this workout plan are:


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How to Increase Your Bench Press

Thursday, August 5th, 2010
Your Questions
Your Questions

How to Increase Your Bench Press Strength

I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form.

Generally I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.

The category, Your Health Questions is a more proactive approach to answering your questions so that everyone can benefit from the Q & A.

Mark asked:

Hi Steve.

My Goal is to bench 500 lbs. Currently pushing 420 Legal Lift raw. Chest work out consists of 1 warm up set of 135 for 20 reps. 1 set of 10 reps @ 315. 3 sets of 3 at 405. then 2 or 3 sets of 10 at 315. Then machine pec flyes to finish.

Program is Day 1 Chest and Bi’s / Day 2 Shoulders and Traps / Day 3 Back and Tri’s / Day 4 Legs

Two rest days that vary.

Supplements are Noxipro Pre-work out. Beast SuperTest and Isopure Protein.

What are your recommendations to help get to 500?


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Occlusion Training Also Works for Large Muscle Groups

Friday, July 23rd, 2010
Kaatsu Training
Kaatsu Training

You may have read my post on occlusion training (or Kaatsu training) from a year ago. If not, the basic premise goes something like this:

Occlusion training refers to blood flow restriction (BFR) to small muscle groups like the biceps and triceps, then using single-joint resistance training with 20% of a 1 rep max. The results produced up to a 300% greater increase in strength and up to an 800% greater increase in muscle thickness, over the subjects who used traditional strength training methods.

The initial reported study had noted great results for BFR exercise in small muscle groups using single-joint exercises. For example they measured the results of occlusion training on the biceps after 2 weeks of biceps curls.

At Project Swole, we are more interested in the results on large muscle groups using multi-joint exercises, such as the bench press, squat, or deadlift.

So today’s question remains: does occlusion training increase the strength and size of large muscle groups during multi-joint exercises, when blood flow is restricted from the extremities?


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What is Overtraining?

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

How Do I Know if I am Overtraining?

Over Trained
Over Trained

Overtraining is not good. Your performance and quality of life will suffer if you are chronically overtrained. Beware!


How to Detect Overtraining
Physical Signs & Symptoms
Psychological Signs & Symptoms
Impaired Athletic Performance
Immunological Signs & Symptoms
Biochemical Signs & Symptoms
Contributing Factors
How to Avoid Overtraining
How to Recover from Overtraining

There are plenty of signs be aware of when it comes to your body’s signals about pushing yourself too far. Over training your body will cause you to plateau or worse – regress.

The most common sign of overtraining is the total loss of motivation to train, and exhaustion mixed with some the symptoms listed below.

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How to Shoulder Press

Sunday, July 11th, 2010

How to Perform Shoulder Presses

Shoulder Pressing
Shoulder Pressing

The shoulder press; also known as the press, overhead press, barbell press, and standing press; is often confused with the military press; and is quite possibly the best upper body exercise known to man.

The bench press gets all the glory, but this is only because it is easier to lift more weight benching than pressing. Shoulder presses can help you build fully developed shoulders, and will keep your shoulders healthy and strong, especially if you spend the majority of time bench pressing.

How to do the Shoulder Press

Add 2-3 sets of shoulder presses into you routine once a week, or at least as often as you bench press. It will keep your shoulders broad and healthy.


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How to Overhead Squat

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

How to Perform Overhead Squats

How to Overhead Squat
How to Overhead Squat

Among the best exercises for strength, size, speed, and power, are squats – no exceptions. Front squats, jump squats, and overhead squats are all great alternatives to the king of squat exercises – the barbell back squat.

Squatting will help you develop powerful legs and a rigid core, have no doubt, but when we get creative we can mix and match exercises for an even more effective exercise that trains the whole body.

Sometimes we must think about our upper body as well and there is no better way to look and feel jacked, than to build massively strong shoulders. And there is no better way to feel sexy as a female, than to have sleek, strong, healthy shoulders. It is also equally important to build structurally invincible shoulders to proactively protect yourself from injury.

Combine everything together that I’ve just mentioned, and you get the overhead barbell squat. Let’s see how to do them correctly.


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How to Front Squat

Friday, June 25th, 2010
Olympic Style Barbell Front Squat
Olympic Style Barbell Front Squat

How to Perform Front Squats

The best exercises for speed, strength, size, and power, are squats – bar none. Back squats, front squats, overhead squats… they are all great, and will help you develop powerful legs and a rigid core.

Front squats are just about the best alternative to back squats, so let’s see how to do them correctly.

Barbell front squats are just about the same as back squats except the bar is placed across the front of your shoulders, using one of the two styles detailed below.


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The Taylor Lautner Workout for Twilight: Eclipse

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

The Taylor Lautner Workout

Here we go again! The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is coming out at the end of the month – June 30th if I’m not mistaken, so it is time to examine the developments in the physique of our buddy Taylor Lautner for this, the third installment of the Twilight Saga.


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