How to Flip Tires

Posted June 22, 2009 in Conditioning 3 Comments »

Tire flipping is great!

How can you integrate tire flipping into your workouts?

Tire flipping is great for the following kind of training:

  • Strong men doing strongman training.
  • Powerlifters needing extra workouts, or trying to increase their work capacity.
  • High intensity interval training (HIIT): 10 flips, rest 60 seconds, repeat.
  • Conditioning training in groups, usually moving from station to station.
  • Conditioning for martial arts, especially when prepping for a fight.
  • Odd object lifting programs such as with sandbags and kettlebellssandbag core training, training with sandbags.

So what is the best strategy for flipping tires?
Do you deadlift the tire?
Is it more of a push?
How do you use your legs?
How do you position your arms?

I can’t put it any better than Josh puts it in this instructional tire flipping video:

This is what happens when you train your ass off and get real good at flipping tires: a 600 pound tire flip:

I personally am not too sure if I could even move that thing, never mind flip it.

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3 Responses to “How to Flip Tires”

  1. another great article, I have just found this site and I love it already. As a powerlifter I have been using tire flips for a long time. They are a great exercise.

  2. Awesome Swole!

    I am always looking for quick and tough workout routines to do. This definitely looks like a good one! Now if I can just figure out a way to make sure my husband doesn’t try to steal my tire and take it to the dump….

    • MTGirl:
      Who are you? You always visit me and leave great comments. You must be really into fitness, eh? Why don’t you tell Project Swole readers more about yourself? As always, thanks for stopping by.

      – Steve

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