In recent years the acai berry diet has quickly become the most popular diet in the world, while the acai berry itself has become the most popular antioxidant diet supplement in the world.
Combined with a colon cleanser, a sensible diet, and a moderate exercise routine, the acai berry can help you lose fat faster than you ever thought possible, and its antioxidant health properties will keep you feeling youthful and energized every day.
- With just Acai Pills you can lose up to 10 pounds in just 30 days.
- Combine Acai with a Colon Cleanser to lose an additional 5-10 pounds.
- Combine Acai with the diet and fitness routines I’ve outlined below and the fat will simply melt off you.
Navigating the Acai Berry Diet Review
What Are Acai Berries?
About Antioxidants
The ORAC Rating
Acai Berry Diet Benefits
Why Use Acai?
Weight Loss Testimonials
Step 1: Acai and Weight Loss
Step 2: Colon Cleansing
Step 3 (Optional): Fat Loss Workout Routines
Step 4 (Optional): The Intermittent Fasting Diet
Order a Free Trial or Full Supply
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Acai Berries?
Acai berries – acai is pronounced ‘a-sigh-ee’ – are small, black, and round, and they resemble small grapes. There is not much acai fruit on each berry. Rather, each acai berry has a large seed that is surrounded by a small amount of pulp.
Harvesting. When harvesting the acai berries, harvesters must remove the pulp from the outside of the berry, and process it immediately into an acai product or flash freeze it for shipping to a manufacturing facility. The acai fruit will spoil if left unprocessed for several days.
Acai Products. The fruit from the acai berry is often used in a variety of dietary supplements, healthy foods, ice cream, sorbet, juices, and other common grocery store items. Best of all, the acai berry is the most important food used with the acai berry diet. With the highest antioxidant concentration of any known food, the acai berry is now known as the most important superfood for maintaining proper health.
Bad Products. Some common commercial acai products, like Monavie and Amazon Thunder, are just juices, which don’t have a place in the acai berry diet. Juice is, after all, full of sugars and other un-diet-like ingredients. Some of the products like Leanspa Acai, Acai Burn, and Acai Plus are now known as scams. They get you to buy into a 6 month supply, send you an initial shipment, and then take the rest of your money and run.
Good Products. One of the best products I’ve had a chance to use is Acai Berry Select, which contains 100% pure concentrated acai – a complete antioxidant, and weight loss powerhouse – plus highly effective energy boosters and other great thermogenic ingredients.
Another awesome product is Pure Raspberry Ketone. This has a highly potent combination of 5 popular superfoods:
- Acai Berry
- Pomegranate
- Green Tea
- African Mango
- Raspberry Ketone
African Mango and Raspberry Ketone are both fairly new to the super-food world. African Mango extract is high in antioxidants, while Raspberry Ketone is an effective FDA-approved fat-loss supplement.
Sambazon acai juice is the best juice product I’ve tried, but it does contain extra calories so is not the best product for an acai berry diet.
The Health Benefits of Antioxidants
I am psyched because I am always talking about the benefits of antioxidants, and in particular how acai is currently the food with the highest antioxidant concentration in the world. The ORAC rating for acai beats out even that of pomegranate and blueberries!
The antioxidant benefits of the acai berry rival several other superfoods, including:
- blueberries
- goji berries
- mangosteen
- Amazon mango
- pomegranate
- strawberries
- and pretty much any vegetable you can think of
The super healthy vitamin, mineral, and macronutrient concentrations in acai berries blend in your diet and in your body, to exert a powerful effect on your mind, body, health, and overall well-being. For those of us looking for protection from cancer, weight loss, help with diabetes, better cardiovascular health, or just to look and feel healthy, should consider giving the acai berry a try. Learn more about the history of the acai berry itself on Wikipedia.
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC)
Oxygen Radical Absorbence Capacity, or ORAC, is the measurement of the antioxidant concentration of individual foods. The foods that have a higher ORAC value have a higher concentration of antioxidants, which means they are more effective at fighting the cellular damage caused by free radicals. We want to load our diet up with fruits and vegetables if we want to fight skin wrinkles, cancer, and various other diseases associated with toxins and aging.
As you can see by the chart below, the acai berry’s powerful 18,400 ORAC rating is the highest of any known fruit or vegetable. As a side note, I should let you know that the Maqui berry has taken over the ORAC crown, but acai berries are still better for weight loss.
When used in amounts up to 1000 mg a day, acai berry supplements will help to decrease the cell oxidization damage caused by free radicals pretty significantly, even when used for just 14 days. Of course, long-term use is recommended since the antioxidant benefits will cease a couple of days after you stop using acai. Even WebMD agrees that the acai berry diet is the healthiest nutrition plan to follow for life.
Acai Berry Diet Benefits
Most people who use the acai berry diet report the following healthy effects:
- Increased weight loss
- Higher energy levels
- Faster recovery from workouts
- Faster recovery from injury
- More strength and stamina
- Digestive function improved
- Full body cleansing
- Better focus and mental clarity
- Increased libido
- Better sexual performance
- Healthier immune system
- Younger looking skin
- Circulation is improved
- Sleep patterns regulated
- Better clarity of vision
Other known benefits of the acai berry diet:
- Important vitamins and minerals
- Decreased inflammation
- High in fiber
- Fights cancerous cells
- Healthier heart function
- Helps prevent atherosclerosis
- Helps control diabetes
- Anti-aging
- Normalizes cholesterol levels
- Helps control blood sugar
- Helps regulate blood pressure
Why Use Acai Berry Supplements?
In our generation, the world is full of chemicals, phytoestrogens, pesticides, herbicides, nuclear waste, and other harmful environmental toxins. I enjoy the acai berry diet because it allows me to maintain a healthy low body fat, and my antioxidant intake is sky-high. Even at age 33, I feel like I am still 21!
Anyone specifically looking to combat the effects of aging, recover from injury, and lose excess body fat should look into using the acai berry, temporarily if not indefinitely.
Other reasons you should try the acai berry diet:
- again, if you need to lose body fat, and quick!
- combat the pain and suffering caused by fibromyalgia
- you are looking for better control over diabetes
- you live with the daily strain of arthritis
- if you have a desire to feel and look years younger
- sexual dysfunction is getting the best of you
- you have gastrointestinal or digestive problems
- rehabbing and/or healing from a recent injury
Acai Berry Diet Testimonials
Step 1: Speed Up Weight Loss With Acai
I wrote earlier that acai berry supplements are a great weight loss aid, but I didn’t get into all the details. Well, here are the specific details about why the acai berry is so helpful when you are trying to lose fat.
The acai’s natural concentration of fiber, fatty acids (including essential fatty acids – EFAs), raw amino acids, and phytosterols work in unison to assist your body with burning fat more efficiently. All of these nutrients will help your digestive system to process food faster and more efficiently, which will help your body burn its stored fat quicker than diet and exercise alone.
Dietary Fiber
85% of the carbohydrate content of acai is dietary fiber. As we all know, fiber helps your body to move food through the digestive tract. Excess food and calories are therefore eliminated quickly, rather than being absorbed into the bloodstream and stored away as excess adipose tissue (fat mass).
A high-fiber diet is also known to reduce hunger, curb the appetite, and eliminate cravings. Make sure your regular diet is full of healthy fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; then supplement with acai berry every morning and you’ll be virtually guaranteed to lose weight and maintain regular bowel movements.
Fatty Acid Content
56.2% of the fat content of acai is oleic acid, which in simple terms, is olive oil. Know how nutritionists are always telling us to use olive oil in our recipes because it’s so healthy? Well, there you go! Supplementing with acai berry is like supplementing with olive oil. But that’s not the best part…
Additionally, your body is unable to produce Omega 3 or Omega 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) naturally, which means you’ll have to make it a point to supplement with fish oil or eat foods with high concentrations of those EFAs. Conveniently, these EFAs are plentiful in acai berries, making up the additional 43.8% of fat. That means you can say supplementing with acai berry is like supplementing with fish oil!
Just some of the benefits of supplementing with EFAs include:
- improvements in the cardiovascular and circulatory systems
- reduction in the chance of developing blood clots
- decreased inflammation and relief from arthritis
- healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- healthy heart, brain, and memory functions
- decreased insulin resistance, better control over diabetes
- optimal development of a child’s brain, nerves, and eyes while breastfeeding and during pregnancy
Amino Acids
As stated on, Acai berries are chock-full of amino acids, widely known as the building blocks of protein. For your muscles to recover from workouts or even just to function properly, you need an adequate intake of amino acids. I recommend .8 grams of protein in your diet per pound of goal body weight, so that’s a lot of amino acids.
Furthermore, when dieting, a lack of amino acids leads to muscle catabolism (muscle loss), which in turn leads to a slower metabolism, less stamina, fatigue, and loss of strength. Supplementing with acai berry gives you those extra amino acids that your body needs to function at optimal levels, especially when following a regular exercise routine.
Phytosterols such as ß-sitosterol, which is prevalent in acai, decrease cholesterol levels by inhibiting cholesterol absorption in the intestines. When phytosterols are absorbed in the intestines, they are transported into the cell membrane where they bind to micelles in place of dietary cholesterol. This means that when your diet contains cholesterol, it is more likely to be transported from the body, rather than absorbed into the bloodstream.
There are 2 ways to add acai berries to your daily diet:
- Order a free trial of acai so you can test it out for 14 days.
Click here to order. - Order a 1 month or 3 month supply and get a free bottle depending on how much you order.
Click here to order.
Step 2: Accelerate Fat Loss With Colon Cleansing
Disgusting, harmful toxins infiltrate your body at work, at home, in the car, when you eat, when you sleep, and even when you breathe. They are on the vegetables and fruits you buy, they are in your meat, in your dairy products, in your clothes, in your deodorant and perfume, and even in the air.
Furthermore, in Westernized culture, we eat more sugary, processed, and fried food than ever. We poison our bodies with a variety of sedatives, stimulants, pain relievers, and a million other medications. A high percentage of these medicine and food toxins build up in our liver, kidneys, and colon. They pollute our bodies and stress out our digestive systems.
To combat these toxins, we sometimes resort to enemas, detox diets, cleansing drinks, and colon cleansers. Our main goal is to cleanse the colon walls of the stagnant toxic waste build-up, which we can do cheaply and comfortably by using a colon-cleansing dietary supplement.
By using a colon cleanser you will increase your vitality, improve your digestion, and lose weight. When combined with an acai berry diet, using a colon cleanser regularly will help to keep your intestines clean and your body free of toxins. It is recommended to use a colon cleansing supplement for 14-30 days, 4-6 times a year.
While not mandatory for the acai berry diet, using a colon cleanser will make the detox process much easier and faster, and it will help your efforts to lose weight. I’d choose a colon cleanser before I’d choose an enema, that’s for sure.
There are 2 ways to add colon cleansing to your daily diet:
- Order a free trial of Colon Cleanse so you can test it out for 14 days.
Click here to order. - Order a 1 month or 3 month supply and get a free bottle depending on how much you order.
Click here to order.
Clear here to read more about colon cleansing on Project Swole.
Step 3: Fat Loss Workout Routine to Use With the Acai Berry Diet
To maximize your weight loss on the acai diet, you should be working out at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes per session. Exercise is not mandatory on the acai berry diet, but it will help you lose fat even faster.
The best fat-loss workout routines on Project Swole are:
These routines prescribe 6 days of exercise per week and consist of 3 intense full-body weight training workouts and 3 cardiovascular routines. Use these workouts to kick your fat loss into overdrive!
Step 4: Intermittent Fasting to Accelerate Fat Loss Even More
An intermittent fast is the best approach to losing fat quickly on the acai berry diet. Intermittent fasting calls for a 6-8 hour feeding window, where you eat all of your calories for the day in 2 or 3 meals. Don’t eat after 8 pm or before noon. Drink only water, tea, or coffee in between.
Like colon cleansing and fat loss workout routines, fasting is not mandatory for the acai berry diet. However, intermittent fasting is a great lifestyle eating plan if you can get accustomed to it. Whole-day fasts are not typically recommended for those of us looking to build or maintain muscle mass, but intermittent fasting is a great solution.
Click here to read more about intermittent fasting on Project Swole.
How to Order a Full Supply of Acai and Colon Cleanse
Once again, here are the instructions for ordering the best acai and colon cleansing supplements online.
The 2 ways to add acai to your daily diet:
- Order a free trial of acai so you can test it out for 14 days.
Click here to order the free trial. - Order a 1 month or 3 month supply and get a free bottle depending on how much you order.
Click here to order a full supply.
The 2 ways to add colon cleansing to your daily diet:
- Order a free trial of Colon Cleanse so you can test it out for 14 days.
Click here to order a free trial. - Order a 1 month or 3 month supply and get a free bottle depending on how much you order.
Click here to order a full supply.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about acai. You can read the whole list here: Acai Berry FAQ
Q: How much acai berry should I take each day?
A: It is recommended to take between 500 mg and 1000 mg (1 g) each day. This can be taken all at once or divided into several doses. See the previous question for more information on timing your acai intake.
Q: How much weight will I lose by taking acai?
A: You can lose between 1-2 pounds a week on a healthy diet and exercise plan. When taking acai you may lose at least twice that many pounds. You could lose up to 12 or even 15 pounds a month by supplementing with acai, as long as you continue eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
Q: Will I gain the weight back after I stop using acai?
A: As long as you maintain a healthy diet and keep exercising, you will not gain fat just because you stop using acai. You might experience decreased weight loss or a plateau in your fat loss progress, but you will not suddenly start gaining it back.
Q: Can my pre-teen or teenage, son or daughter use acai?
A: Acai berries are fruit just like blueberries, oranges, and apples. It makes sense that if you are old enough to eat other fruits, then you are old enough to eat acai. The one caveat is that the supplement must be 100% pure acai. If your acai pill or juice contains other ingredients like Hoodia, caffeine, or another thermogenic compound, I can’t promise it will be good for your kid.
Q: What are the side effects of acai berry supplements?
For 100% pure acai supplements, there are no side effects, just as there would be no side effects to taking highly concentrated blueberry supplements. Sometimes acai berry pills have added ingredients such as caffeine, green tea, or hoodia, which could cause some acai berry side effects like increased energy and heart rate. This doesn’t make them dangerous by any means, but it should be noted that some acai berry supplements do have added ingredients.
Q: When should I take my acai berry supplement?
A: If you have an acai supplement with added ingredients like caffeine and hoodia, then you should only take your acai berry supplement in the morning. If you have a 100% pure acai supplement, then it is OK to take it in the morning and before bed, however, I recommend you consistently take your acai supplement once per day, in the morning with breakfast.
Q: How many calories are in the acai berry supplements?
A: There are a ton of calories in the acai juices. Upwards of 200-500 calories per serving, depending on the product. I don’t recommend the juices for a weight loss diet, although they can fit nicely into a regular breakfast or as a pre-workout drink. The acai berry pills have negligible calories in comparison, and even then the calories are attributed to fiber, healthy fatty acids, and amino acids, as I mentioned above.
Q: Is the acai berry a scam?
A: No! This question frustrates me because the acai berry diet is now receiving unnecessary negative publicity thanks to a few shady businesses. The acai berry received a bad rap in recent years because some companies took huge orders for several months, shut down their customer service departments, and ran for the hills.
When you consider the health benefits of the acai berry itself, the proof is in the pudding… the acai berry pudding. Antioxidants are very real, and the acai berry is very high in antioxidants. If you ever wanted to take a supplement that could help you lose weight, stay healthy, and feel young, then the acai berry is for you.
Tags: acai, acai benefits, acai berries, acai berry, acai berry diet, acai cleanse, acai reviews, acai weight loss, antioxidants, berries, extreme acai, free trial, max acai, reviews
probably not, sorry no magic cure for over eating
I have heard of acai berry has many health benefits. This is the first time I see a product of it. I would to try the free trial through your link.
There was a time when I had 30 extra pounds. Even though I was not grossly overweight, I felt really bad with myself. I felt ugly, unattractive and used to hate my body. At that time, I didn’t even know what acai berry was. Some day I bumped into an old friend of mine. She had lost a lot of weight! This woman used to be much fatter than I was and now she was at least 20 pounds thinner than me.
It’s nice that there are supplements that can reduce weight and cleansing our colon. I think with all that I’ve seen from others, acai berry is somewhat effective in losing weight.
I think that natural Acai weight loss pills is one of those products that you either love it or you dont. I think some people expect too much. I chose the Dr. Max Powers Burn (which contains ALOT of Acai) because it helps curve my cravings. I was getting to be a crazy snacker.
At first, I didnt really notice too much difference but over time, I found that I was having less cravings. this saved me money and helped stop my trend of gaining weight. I am now on my 4th bottle of the Dr. Max Powers Burn and I guess I have now become a loyal customer. I am starting to fit into clothes I didnt fit into for quite some time. YEAY! I never throw anything out.
Awesome results!
[…] main purpose of the acai berry diet is to supplement with acai every morning. The essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants, amino acids, […]
Acai with it’s powerful antioxidants is an effective way to assist with weight loss but it should be combined with exercise and dietary adjustments for better effects. It takes a lifestyle change to lose weight and both mind and body must be willing to make changes in habits.
I’m confused I thought monavie was the best acai on the market so which is the best products and companies to get both acai and detox out of them all I’m confused which worksanan I.injury has limited my exercise and I’ve gained too much weight causing more problems. I’ve drank monavie juice and liked but never lost weight please tell me the best and fastest with minimal exercise, I eat very little already please advise
Monavie is garbage. It is a multi-level network marketing scheme that sells sugary acai juice to people who want to lose weight. You know why they are so successful? Because people never lose weight drinking that slop, so they keep buying more product in hopes that eventually the weight will start to fall off. Guess what? It’s never going to happen. Choose an acai pill instead.
Can I take when pregnant??
i am from israel and my sister is in the usa can she by this for me in a pharmacy ?
No, she’ll have to order it by clicking on an ad on this web page, sorry.
Does anyone know how long you’d have to take this juice before you’d notice a difference?
[…] Resveratrol can be found in many plants and plant products such as: peanuts, and red grape skins. This compound is also the active ingredient in red wine, which is what people say makes red wine a heart healthy drink. Some are saying resveratrol is even healthier than the acai berry diet. […]
I live in Canada and have read as much as is out there for this product. I have attempted to order this stuff three times. Have not been able too. I have followed everything to order but have received know confirmation. Please help
How do I get A free trial of acaiberry?
Click on a link in the post and you should be taken to a free trial order page.
i have celoiac desease can i use acai
Ask your doctor please.
Acai Berry is no doubt #1 superfood. Acai Berry has a lot of health benefits, starting with detoxing properties and ending with weight loss. I have personally used Acai Berry and it does work!
Yes Alison I totally agree, Acai berries benefits cant be denied in taking part of weight loss and detoxifying diets. This is the most reliable supplement that gives perfections to your body.
Taking slimming pills for weight loss is not really necessary if you have patience and you are absolutely sincere on loosing weight then doing it naturally is the most you can do to avoid side effects.
Great resource! Personally I prefer to drink green tea instead of taking pills, but Acai Berry benefits are hard to deny. That’s why I’m currently having4 cups of green tea and 1 acai berry supplement a day and I can already feel the boost it has given to my metabolism.
This is the best way to get fit without any side effects and not harmful to any ages rather than slimming pills.
Sounds like a great product!
I will have to try the Acai Berry and let you all know my results!
ty 🙂
Well it looks like a good product for losing weight. I have spent lot on other products but all in vain. I am sure to try and invest some dollars in it.
Very nice post. Thank you very much for sharing use full stuff through this post. My name is Aisha. My son Adam’s weight is 102kgs. He is 17 years old. Can you please tell me; is it possible to lose weight without any side effects at this age?
Yes, at 17 years old you can lose weight without any side effects, as long as it is done naturally with diet and exercise.
Hi. I’m 18 and I weigh about 235. I wanna get down to about 160 by the end of May of this year or June. Is this possible if I use the acai and colon cleanser?
As long as you eat right, the acai and colon cleanser will help you lose fat faster. Exercising helps too.
hi im 17 years old, 180 pounds and 5’7. i want to get down to just 150-155. im not trying to get skinny; i can drink lots of water and change my eating habits…its just working out thats the problem… so what if i only worked out 3 times a week will it work? and after i reach my goal do i have to keep taking these pills inorder for the weight to stay off? and if i do stop am i going to gain weight again or gain the weight back? ineed to know soo please.. i go prom dress shopping sooonn! this is my senior yr !
Great blog you have here with a lot of useful information. As this berry comes from the rain forests in South Brazil I guess you can call it an organic product. Do you know if it exists farms where acai berries are produced also?
Happy Natural Life
I am 15 years, my height is 5ft. exact I weigh 155. I am supposed to weigh 115, if so I was wandering.
1.) Is it okay If I these tablets?
and also,
How long wold it take till I lost the weight i want using these?
I am honestly sick of working like a dog to get the weight off and nothing happening.
Hi Steve, i’m taking metphorman & i will like to take the pill & i’m 15 years old do you think it will work quik or do i need to do something else?
I’m 14 im5″2 and i weigh 166 pounds i exercise on wii fit and go to thegym and measure out porportions of food nothing works is acai berry what i need ?
Is it possible to ship it to Botswana? Botswana share a boarder with South Africa which is on the country list.
can i take it im feeding my baby brostfeed
Breastfeeding? You should check with your doctor first.
Acai berry supplements are processed into a powder that is added to supplements. Acai Berry is useful for a boost in energy levels and Improved digestive function.
I’m interested in building muscle and losing fat. Will Acai berry let me gain muscle while losing fat if I continue to lift and eat a lot of protein?
Yes it most likely will help.
Am from kenya en am so interested in using the Acai berry..but wen i went to apply for one the name of my country wasn’t there..av tried this several times..wanna compete for the miss kenya contest in 2011 en i need to lose some kilos how can i get it..thanx.bea.
I’m not entire sure that acai can be shipped to Kenya. If it’s not on the country list, you probably can’t get it. Sorry.
whats is a good diet ?
There are lots of good diets. Try following the nutrition tips in the full body fat loss routine.
i am 29 years old and weight 220lbs how much i should lose
I don’t know. You didn’t provide me with any useful information besides your weight.
exercise and diet is very important right? So taking these pills alone will do me ABSOLUTELY no good? Normal routine+acai berry pills=??
Using the acai weight loss pills will speed up your fat loss if you are exercising and using a great diet. Without any exercise or diet, the acai weight loss pills will help you lose a couple pounds, but again if you eat too much and your calorie intake is too high, then there’s no chance of you losing any weight no matter what medicine or supplements you take.
Hi,im Jamie and im 12 years old , 5’5 feet tall , and i weight 160 pounds.I would realy like to lose at least 30-45 pounds as fast as i can,or at least 20 pounds.I have triend alot of things, nothing has really workd. Can i take this? How much money is it? Does it really work? Please respond as fast as you can.
Thank You,
Jamie Lee 🙂
I don’t think acai is really what you are looking for, although it could help. You definitely need to educate yourself about eating healthy, and I have to assume that you don’t exercise that much. I think if a professional could evaluate your diet and exercise plan, you could probably learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and how to lose 20-30 pounds. Don’t give up!
Hi, would you recommend Natural Factor’s Acai Rich supplement? It says it has 4:1 extract ration and is a 500 mg pack. Let me know! Thanks. 🙂
It would probably be OK, but I prefer the products that I link to on this site… the free trial sometimes changes, but you can always order a full bottle of Acai Berry Select, which is a pretty good product.
hi friends ……….. i donno how i look but now i am looking gud
i used subitramine molecule ….15mg to kill my fat
all though u might read a lot of negative reviews but its ok if you do proper excercise and take a lot of water intake
it will stablize the pill effect to reduce body heat and have coconut water to….. it will sure kill your fat i reduced 15 kgs in 6 months ….
the tablet name is reduce 15 mg ..@ India
all you have to ask is Subitramine Molecule
I heard that Acai berry can boost up the energy levels and stamina. It is been used to maintain better sleep patterns. It has more benefits i think so.
Hi, this might be silly, but Im 5″6 and weigh 110lb. is it safe to take these pills? I think Acai really has nutrition values and would not help loose an extra pound or so. Right?
Acai has excellent nutrition value, but it will also help speed up fat loss when exercising regularly and following a healthy diet.
Hi I’m 23 and 5ft 6″ I have two kids one was normal birth 2nd operation n I wiegh 12stone goin on 13 but I’m so fat I have tried losing wieght exsessively but it aint working for me I have got two bottles of acai berry one is acai berry tablets another is colon cleanse when should I take them and how I really want to lose wieght I went to my doctor but he was no help to me either. Please please please help me out I’m ashamed of going out I don’t fit into any of my favourite clothes I’m really stuck.
Listen, you can use the acai berry and colon cleanser, but you have to eat right and exercise too. I recommend you start by walking, maybe add in some calisthenics, after a couple weeks add some light resistance training with bands or dumbbells. Once you feel you can really step it up, I recommend you try to jog, jump rope, perhaps try some Project Swole HIIT and HIRT routines. Eventually I’d like to see you use resistance training at least three times a week and 30 minute intense cardio sessions three times a week. The diet is a whole different issue. Try for 3-5 small meals a day, low carbs, low saturated fats, moderate protein, and drink 8 glasses of water a day.
i have two bottle of extreme acai berry melt away tablets. one bottle says take 2 tablets 30 min before meals and the other one says take 1 to 2 tables with glass of water daily. what bottle do i take? do i take both bottles? how do i use this product?
Take 2 tablets with a glass of water before breakfast.
Hi guys, I’m a fat young male 23 years old, and I really to try your product. Where can I find it in South Africa, I’m staying in Gauteng. How can I order? I need to try it.
I am 5’3 and weigh 53kg. How much would I lose taking the Acai pills and eating mostly healthy/regularly and exercising 3-4 times a week, in around a month?
Depending on your diet and exercise plan, you could lose between 8 and 20 pounds in about a month. 5 pounds a week is probably too much for you, so I would shoot for maybe a 12 pound loss in 30 days.
My daughter is 12, is she allowed to take these pills?
Check with her doctor first if you have any concerns, but I don’t see why not.
I find Acai Berries an excellent addition for any diet, they have my full endorsement since I started eating them myself a couple of years ago, really helped me out with my muscle building problems.
I am 15 years old and i have had weight problems my whole life. About 3 years ago my eating habits were getting out of control and I started to get really obsese and my docotor started to get worried about me getting diabetes. So i went on a very strict diet with exercsing 3-4 times a week and i lost 12 pounds the first month and the months after it i only lost 1 to 2 pounds and sometimes none. Now 3 years later i only lost 30 pounds but still need to loose a lot more. So when i heard about this superfood berry i thought i get more infomation on it. a couple of questions i have is it safe for a 15 year old to take it? and wil i loose weight on it because i am starting to think that i am going to be like this forever. I would really like you help!
Acai will help, but you really need to consider your diet. If you are exercising 3-4 times a week then you really need to consider your total calories, macronutrient intake, and food sources.
can you take this if you have diabetes im not to over weight but I really want to lose weight
Yes, but check with your doctor first.
I wanted to know how long it would take me to lose 75 pounds? Also how may pills do I need to take a day?
75 pounds? Probably about a year assuming you can lose 5-7 pounds a month though diet, exercise, and intelligent supplementation. Take as many pills as the bottle tells you to take. Usually 1-2 caps a day.
Do you take both pills together? or one in am one in pm
Usually take them all together. Especially the acai supplements that have added thermogenic ingredients.
I want to lose 10 pounds in a month, will the acai berries help?
They will help, but it’s not a magic pill. You still need to eat well and exercise to make the most of supplementing with Acai.
How come I can not buy this in the state of Florida?
I have no idea, sorry.
Hi Steve, my daughter who is 12 years old and is 175 pounds needs to loose pounds quickly before her health beholds her. Would it be safe to start her on this diet?
She could start this diet, but I’d rather she learn how to eat healthy all the time, rather than relying on a supplement. You should definitely encourage her to exercise.
If I just eat acai berries by itself in my diet will I lose weight? And how much weight would I lose?
if i just wanna lose like 15 pounds what pill should i take?
Either acai berry, or just focus on diet and exercise for 2 months.
i am a male weighing 92kilo and have a bulky body.have fat depositson stomach and around the hips and thighs and gives feminine shape.will acai help me in reducing the fat in that portion and reduce my weight?
yes, acai will help you
im 13 and weigh 139 can i use the tablets?
I don’t see why not.
how much do these pills cost?
You can click through to the product offer to find out.
I was wondering is it safe for a 15 year old that is 5’7 to take this pills
Should be. Check with your doc first.
hey my name is rick n im dieing to lose weight i been trying to lose weight since i had my first baby every day i cry im so a shamed of my weight that i dont go out side at all… i scared that people would talk bout me i dont have money credit card to even pay for weight lose pill so if some 1 can help me out.please im beggin to lose weight i would do any thing but just n cast a offer comes… thanks
You just gotta eat right and exercise 4 times a week. Not just walking though – high intensity exercise and weight training. Forget about pills, get yourself a therapist to talk out your issue, learn how to eat right by reading this site, and use a moderate exercise plan.
can anyone take these tablets??
Yes, anyone can take them. But if you have questions about it, you should ask your doctor.
Im 15 and a half and 5’11 and weigh 16 st can i take these tablets?
Yes, you can.
ok so ive tried everything im 12.13lbs and 5’6 i really want to lose weight, these sound to good to be true. how do i use them? do i take one at morning? after meals, how many can you take a day, it seems no website displays this information! if i dont eat and just take these pills and work out for an intense hour a day and then a toning hour before i go to bed how much weight could i loose in 2 weeks? in pounds please x
Take them in the morning. An upper limit for acai should be 1000 mg a day, but you can get results from less. In two weeks if you work out two hours a day and don’t eat, I think you’d lose about 20 lbs. Half of it would be fat mass and the other half would be muscle mass. Fasting for two weeks is not a good way to lose weight.
Say i was to lose 50 pounds in 6 months and i wanted to stay like that
would i still have to take the pills after that???
please some1 reply soon, wud i have to take it permanently like for the next couple of years
or until i am satisfied with my weight?
You wouldn’t have to keep taking the pills, but you would have to keep eating right and exercising.
I would like to know if my 10 year old son can use this product. His 120 lbs. He really needs to lose the weight but his on palmicort for asthma and it makes him eat more only when his on the machine. Is it safe for him to atleast try?
I would rather see him get on a workout routine to get him in shape. He doesn’t have to bench press, squat, and deadlift, but he could learn how to use exercise effectively to get in shape. You also need to educate him about nutrition. Medicine that causes weight gain can be frustrating, but you need to do your job to teach him how to eat and how to exercise.
thnx steve its a very good site i must say..tnx
hey steve i am on gaining should i add fish oil capsules into my diet??
Yes, fish oil is great for you!
how long before u start loosing ur appatite??
Right away.
How many pills do i have to take/day?
how many kilos will i lose in 1 month?
2 pills I think. Probably lose 4 kilos or so in a month if you eat right.
I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) I am always trying to loss wieght. Do u think that this is going to work for me. I just want try something that is going to work.
I’m not that sure about PCOS and acai berry. I think it should be fine, but you should consult your doctor.
If I don’t want to buy anything else after the trial can I cancel?
Yes, you can cancel by calling the customer support line.
I would like to lose 25 pounds in 44 days, or 6 weeks. Is anything here gonna help me? And how much is this?
Acai and colon cleanse will help, but you have to eat right and exercise too.
[…] an acai berry diet is an excellent solution for your weight loss. It is natural and the results are achieved at a […]
So with a cleanse I am afraid that I will have to be next to a bathroom. My job does not allow that. Do the bowels remain friendly?
You will probably find that it’s rough for a day or two and then you will have 1 regular daily bowel movement.
The cleanser is very gentle, not explosive 🙂
I’ve recently lost 35 pounds. I was taking an acai berry formula, lots of water and walking every night after dinner.
It works!
Once I start taking this, how soon do you start losing your appeite
if i was to use this supplement and exercice 4 times a week how much weight could i possibly lose in 6 weeks?
Anywhere from 12-30 lbs depending on your diet and exercise intensity.
What is also the best diet or eating arrangement when trying these supplements? Is it okay to still eat normal..or do we cut down what we eat? Please get back to me with any answers i really would like to know for before graduation. Thanks
You should still eat healthy food. Keep the calories low like you normally would for a fat loss diet phase. Using acai will help to speed up the process, but it’s not a magic fat loss pill.
i have 6 weeks left to try shift some of my exess weight i have been exercising 3-4 times a week and watching what i am eating now but i havent lost any weight what acai berry tablets would you recomend i take and is it best to take the cleanser aswell
Acai + Colon Cleanse = Detox. I recommend the product linked to on this site. It is a good one!
[…] and unnecessary fats from the body and as a result serves in the weight reduction regimen. The acai berry diet is acting when the program is sustained constant and is done […]
I’ve been attempting to shed pounds for years. It’s all the time an up and down struggle. I take 2 steps ahead and 4 backwards. I by no means seem to make a lot progress. I will start a eating regimen, do properly for awhile, then go back to my old habits. I do it time and time again. Effectively, I am pleased to say that because of websites like yours I been able to lose forty seven kilos up to now! You articles keep me motivated. Everyday I try to read on something new to keep my excitement and keep on going forwards. Thank you so much for you help!
Hi. I got the free 14 day trial of the AcaiOptimum, and I was wondering if I cancel the subscription will I have to send the pills back.
No you won’t have to send them back.
how can i get this in canada?
Just click on the link and select Canada for your country.
hello Steve,
i want to loose some weight before the summer so i have about 10 weeks. there are a lot of different types of Acia Berry and some are more expensive but i dont really understand the difference… which acia berry product would be best for me and for a quick weight loss?
thanks a lot
I always link to the highest quality acai product that is currently available for a free trial. If you want the very best acai product in the world, you might want to consider getting some of the Sambazon or AcaiRoots products, but those are not available as a free trial.
hey, i started taking acai optimum and colon cleanser 5 days ago, (i dont have a scale) i lost 1pound in the 1st 3 days.. i was wondering what excersise is best for me to be doing? i walk 3miles a day now but not sure if thats enought, i wanna lose as much as posable while i still have the product.
You should be exercising for 45 minutes at least 3 times a week, with something other than walking. Consider weight training, jogging, riding a bike, swimming, etc…
How long should i stay taking acai capsules for?
I just received my AcaiOptimum with the cleanser can you enlighten me on how should i take it. Can anyone assist me please.
One serving of each supplement in the morning will work best.
How often do you have to use the bathroom (#2) on this diet. I already use the toliet 2 times a day, and am really nervous about this cleansing colon and having to use the restroom more than I already do.
Probably not anymore than 2 or 3 times during the day. It will hit you in the first couple days, but then everything will regulate.
Is this a safe way for teens to loose weight?
and do you still continue with your eating habits, or will you just not feel hungry?
Acai is safe for teens, but you still need to eat a healthy diet in order to lose weight. Using acai will help speed the process along and will help curb your appetite.
how long does it take to ship ???
A couple days I think. Maybe a week. I’m not in charge of anything to do with ordering or shipping, sorry.
Steve, How is the process if before the 14 days I decide the product do not work for me? If I cancel, do I still have to pay the $89.99??
If you cancel before 14 days is up, you won’t have to pay the reorder fee.
I need to lose about 30 pounds and would like to try this product. My concern is that I have high blood pressure and I’m on medication for it. Is this product safe to take with high blood pressure and what products exactly should I purchase to achieve my weight loss goal of 30 pounds. Thank you
Hi Steve…
I bought the “Acai Optimum” and “Advanced Cleanse” products to take as a combo. The “Advanced Cleanse” says to take 3-5 capsules before bed; and, “Acai Optimum” says to take 2 capsules once a day after morning meal. Should I follow those directions to a “T” or should I take them a different way since I am combining them?
Not too clear on when I should be consuming the capsules and how much at one time. Please advise, thank you!!
P.S. Your website is great, thank you for caring enough and taking the time to educate others 🙂
Definitely follow the instructions on the bottles.
Hi steve, i started taking the acai pills and i exercise everday and maintain a heathy eating habit but the bottle of acai is just the regular ones at walgreens and cvs and i was wondering if they are all the same and if they yield the same results. Also i take regular pain killers sometimes when i get my menstraul pain like advil and tylenol, does that have any effects?
Your Walgreens acai is most likely an inferior products to some of the high quality supplements like those on the Project Swole ads, or what you might find at Zola or Sambazon. Pain killers (NSAIDS) are not contraindicated to acai berry consumption. (That means you can take them.) But ask your doctor if you have more questions.
Hey, i have been reading, to loose weight effectively, you need to use the pure freeze acai berry. there are soo many in the market, how to know which to buy and what strenght to buy. should it be mixed with anything else, i have seen one with green tea? would that workd
You can either get the free trials I offer on Project Swole, or you can order from, who uses flash-frozen acai pulp in their products. is also pretty good. Not sure about the product with green tea, but it should be fine as long as it is made with high-quality acai.
I just received the acai optimum and advance cleanse how many pills of each should I take??? Please help me!
Sure Sarah, just take the recommended dosage on the bottle. If it doesn’t specify, just take 1 cleanse and 500 mg worth of acai each day.
Hi Steve,
I have the cleanse and also the regular supplement. Do I take both of these at the same time or do I start the supplement after I am done with the cleanse? Thank you!
Both at the same time is fine.
Hi, i recently purchased Advanced acai and advance cleanse, i was wondering if its ok for me to take since im breastfeeding still, my son is 4monhts old.
You should definitely talk to your doctor first.
Are the supplements kosher?
That is a question I’ve never received before, and the answer is that I just don’t know.
Steve, i am 5’4 and weigh about 140 pounds, a former athlete. if i am just trying to gain muscle and possibly lose a little bit of weight will this pill work for me? or do i need to be considerably overweight? if it is any help i do remain active.
Acai will help you gain muscle and lose fat faster if you are following a health diet and a good exercise routine.
Hi Steve, Im starting taking Advanced Acai and Advanced Cleanse last week and i have been feeling great. I have lost only two pounds in one week and Im an confused. Am I doing something wrong and when will I start losting REAL weight?
You think losing 2 pounds in a week is bad? hahaha Some people would kill to lose 2 pounds a week. Stick with it.
Ive just started taking Acai with colon cleanse, with a calorie controlled diet and exercise plan – I have hopes of a healthier body and more positive state of mind. Thanks Steve, your webpage has given me answers to many questions that I had before starting my new life!
You can do it. Don’t forget to lift weights.
hey steve i already strted taking my acai pills twice a day and powdered colon cleanse 3times daily no results yet and i havent been using the bathroom as much as i used to. i just need 13 pounds how long do u think it takes to lose em
Stick with it for a couple weeks.
steve, I just ordered the acai berry pills, and im excited to take them and begin my exercise, but I am worried that when I stop taking the pills me weight will increase? do I always have to take the pills after the weight is gone to keep it off?
Keep exercising and eating right, and the fat will not come back even when you stop taking acai. But seriously, acai is a great healthy antioxidant supplement that you should probably continue to take for the rest of your life.
Steve, Can you please tell me what two products are the best, to use, I prefer to use only natural products, I see above in one of the questions, there is caffine in the pills, is this correct? And Im from Toronto Canada. What is the best place to order? Thank very much for your help.
There is no caffeine in the acai pills on this page.
Hi, i was just askin, can i take acai berry while im in my cycle of creatine? right now im taking No Xpand. and i was wondering if i could take it right now or when my cycle finishes. Is it more safe? and healthy?
Taking all that stuff at the same time is perfectly fine David.
I was just wondering if this stuff actually does work? I have tried everything and I still can’t seem to find the right stuff. Also if i get this supplement, what 2 bottles am I suppose to get?
Acai works as a healthy antioxidant supplement, and it also helps you lose fat if you follow a good diet and exercise routine.
hi Steve, can you give me some advice as to what I should be eating in order to achieve maximum results. I had a baby 7 months ago c section and am currently nursing, the weight is not going anywhere. I have 20 more lbs to lose.
I am in India and I have been taking acai berry tablet for nearly a week. I got it from one of my friend. I have tablets for only 28 days.
Will it be enough for me to reduce my weight? Is it sufficient to neutralize my digestive system? If I would like to have more, where can I purchase in India or from which reliable website I can order?
Your valuable thoughts please….
hi, i have been using acai berry pills along with lifestream cleanse for a week now
i have been taking 2 pills before breakfast and 2 after dinner so 4 altogether. im not sure whether im taking it right? can u please tell me?
also im a bit confused about when i should take the bowelbiotics powder that is in the lifestream cleanse.
Lisa: You should just follow the instructions on the package. Get 500-1000 mg of acai each day. Bowelbiotics should also have instructions on the package.
Hi I am still curious about the way you take the pills…I just received a shipment of acai berry pills and a shipment of colon clense pills…now I am wondering do i take one acai pill in the morning and one at night???which i think you do by all the reading i did…but stll wondering about the colon cleanse pill how many of them a day and when??please help me with this question??
I take my acai in the morning. 500-1000 mg a day. Colon cleanse I follow the directions on the bottle – usually one or two caps a day.
I got a 14 day Acai Berry pills. Should I have to continue after 14 days or i can stop after 14 days?
Guna: I would keep using acai forever. It’s a great healthy supplement that you can use all the time.
I bought the 2 month supply of Acai Berry, and I am wondering if you could tell me the amount of Acai extract in the tablets, and if we can take more then 2 a day.
(The one I have says 1000mg per serving serving size is 2)
Bob: 1000 mg a day is what you should aim for. You can take more but I’m not sure that it’s necessary.
What diet meal plan would you recommend to use if using the acia berry?
Jessica: I would recommend a low calorie, low carb, moderate fat diet to promote fat loss.
I need something to help me with my appetite. Not a mild appetite supressent, but a good one. This is my only problem and I’m short, which does not help much. Also, how long is this offer free before I would have to pay?
Sandra: You should get yourself some HotRox Extreme if you want a really effective appetite suppressant. If that is too strong you may want to try regular HotRox. Acai Berry would be OK, but it’s not specifically an appetite suppressant. Also, I believe it is a 14 day trial.
in how long will it give me ripped absss
john: 2 days.
Acai is available as a 16 Oz smoothie at Caribou coffee outlets in UAE and other gulf countries. Try its refreshing and exotic taste. Thanks to Caribou for the great introduction.
wondering does this stuff really work?
Yes Kendra, acai berries really work. They are real food, with real antioxidants, and really great health properties.
Hey there, I am very interested in the Acai Berries. I am an art student and works a lot to pay my tuition and living fees. I do not need to lose a lot of weight since everyone says I am average. What I need a lot is energy to work, study and playing sports. I could not play sports as much I would like to because of the part times that wore me out. Will Acai berries give me more energy since everyone is just talking about weight loss.
Hi Steve,
I have done some research and have come down to two products that I would like to try in combination with a colon cleanse. Whicithh one of these combinations would you recommend?
Acai berry detox with Colon Cleanse
Acai Slim with Life Cleanse
Overall goal: Lose weight and have some energy
Sabine, a simpler answer has never been true:
Step #1 – Acai Berry Detox
Step #2 – Colon Cleanse
How can I get acai berry in Egypt?
nancy: you should be able to use the acai berry international link.
hi steve i was just wondering if i start taking this product will i gain the weight back when i get off of it?
Am just about to start taking acai pure, the bottle says to take 1 in evening and build up to 3 per evening, can anyone tell me best time in evening? and wont they keep me awake if i take at night ?
Jean, I am surprised the bottle says to take them at night. If I were you I would just take them in the morning anyway… to my knowledge Acai Pure is not a supplement that promotes sleep. Correct me if I am wrong.
I got by bottle yesterday of acai berry detox and on the back it says that its got green tea extract, acai berry (equivalent to 500mg from extract) caffeine anhydrous……..reading on the internet it says the best results come from the pure 100 per cent acai berry……..i am currently using my acai berry detox with life cleanse taking 2 pills a day….but i am worried that because my bottle does not state anything of 100 per cent i am in for a slow ride…….will these two bottles still give me good resuts? has any1 tried these bottles? i know results vary but from approx when did u start seeing results ? (weight loss) ? thanks…steve u seem really helpful
Pamrose, you should still get the expected results. Remember, acai is not a miracle fat loss drug, it’s a healthy antioxidant supplement that will also help you lose fat faster when you follow a great diet and exercise plan.
Hi, have been looking at the trials for achi berry caps & colon cleanse caps. People are claiming to have had miracle weight loss. I need to loose about 2 stone, and am interested to see if people have used both products and been successful? Or am I best just taking the achi caps with a sensible diet & exercise?
Acai is not a miracle weight loss pill. It will help you lose weight faster on a sensible diet and exercise plan.
can u take acai berry when breasfeeding
and does it really helps you loose weight
Suzanne: yes and yes; although ‘loose’ doesn’t make any sense in the context. But it will help you ‘lose’ weight. If you have questions about pregnancy you should really talk to your doctor, not me.
she didnt ask for you too be a smart ass.
That’s good, because I never was. =)
Steve, you’re a dick!
Yes James, you are correct. My first name is indeed Richard. Steve is my middle name, but as I have the same full name as my dad and everyone calls him Dick, my parents thought it suitable to call me Steve.
My dad told me he heard about the acai berry on the news today. Here is the link:
I do take acai berry pills, just the standard ones from Walgreens, so I believe in them.
I tried the kind called Avai Vitality. I picked it because it is pure acai without any other ingredients mixed in, so I know it will be safe and I can add it to other vitamin supplements I’m taking. It definetly worked for me because I lost lots of weight without much exercise and I felt very refreshed all the time. I tried it for three months, of taking two of the acai vitality pills, twice a day. I got mine from a website. It was I haven’t tried the colon cleanse but I’m thinking of trying that next, if anyone knows of any good reviews. thx!
hi, after having gone through the q&a, just need clarifications, as to what is the best time to take acai,before or after meal or first thing early morning (empty stomach)?? i would be using perfect acai. thnxs
Vik, to be honest with you, it really doesn’t matter at all. Just take it in the morning. And you should really be using Acai Nutraburst.
How can I get acai in Kenya?
hi there i was just wondring if you can help me. I just receive my acai products(the acai colon cleanse,acai ultra slim and the acai juice.)and i dont know if i can take them all at one time u know 1 tablet of each at a time (2x a day)and if i take the tablet can i still drink the juice?is it safe.
It is safe.
Hi, I’m just wondering which pill should I take first in the morning? Acai or Colon Cleanse? I noticed many people said they took Acai pill in the morning and Colon Cleanse in the evening, but other people did the opposite way?
Lynn: I would do the cleanse right before bed so that I could just empty myself once in the morning and be done with it for the day. Acai in the morning.
what happens if u stop using the pills… after you’ve lost weight? Will you gain the weight back?
Har: you will gain the weight back if you start eating junk food and stop exercising. However, if you maintain your diet and workout routine, you will maintain your weight.
please let me if its available in Dubai (UAE). i would like to buy.
hi, just wondering if i can purchase Acai Berry here in Dubai? im desperately want to loose weight, my tummy is awful now, im only 25 but now i look like i already had kids, is it possible my tummy will get smaller with acai berry?
It sure is possible. Click on an acai link and you should be directed to a page where you can order from Dubai.
I am 17 and really want to lose weight Will it be ok for me to take this?
Yes, Nicole I think it would. But consult with your doctor if you have any real concerns.
how much weight can you lose with acai berry one bottle is it for one month..
You can probably lose like 10-15 lbs your first month of strict dieting with acai.
This is great information on acai berries. I think acai berries are great supplements whether you are looking to lose weight or just get healthy. Acai Nutraburst is one of the great supplements because it has a bunch of different things.
I like seeing a positive blog about acai berries instead of the negative stuff some people are into.
Keep up the good work!
How many acai pills do you take a day and when should you take them?
Take whatever it says on the bottle. You should get up to 1000 mg a day. Either take them all in the morning or 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 before bed, depending on which product you bought. If your product contains caffeine or is designed to give you energy, take it all in the morning.
i just ordered the acai burn and colon cleanser and i am under 18 so i was wondering if anyone knew any information about people using the product that was under age and do you think it will work..i am desperate? thankx
You should be fine katy. I normally don’t suggest supplements for people under 18, but since you’ve already ordered it, it probably won’t hurt you. Talk to your doctor about any specific questions you might have.
Acai Berry aids in losing weight as acai is an appetite suppressant. That means it can control how full you feel when you’ve eaten, so you won’t be tempted to over eat – which let’s face it is often the cause of weight gain.
Is Extreme Acai Berry the same as Acai Nutraburst? The product at the top of this page is Acai Nutraburst. The product at the bottom of this page and referenced throughout this blog is Extreme Acai Berry. I’m confused. Are they the same? I ordered Acai Nutraburst. It is in pill form. I don’t think I can dissolve them in my mouth, but haven’t tried. I also have a full bottle for my 14 day trial.
The current product link goes to Acai Nutraburst for US visitors. This is the best acai pill I’ve found online. International surfers go to a different acai offer that ships internationally. Extreme Acai Berry is no longer offered, plus their customer service stunk so I dropped them awhile ago.
i’m taking acaipure, whats the difference with the acai extreme? mine is 800mg and the bottle saids to take 3 in the evening, i’ve lost 21 pounds but at night lay awake, can’t sleep, should i be taking this in the morning when i go work out and is 800 mg too much? thank you in advance, steve. 🙂
quisiera saber como conseguir el producto y cuanto de argentina
How should one consume Acai… one or two pills per day, etc?
Hi i live in bangalore-India, can i order the acai berry online and get it where i live, how much does it cost?
I really wanna try these. I will when I get the money. How fast do you lose weight? or does it depend on the person’s diet and activity?
What will the Acai berry do for breast size? Will it also burn fat from that area as well? I’ve just ordered a 30 day supply and am looking forward to trying it. My main issue is my chest and stomach so im super anxious to see some results.
How much weight should I expect to lose within 3 months?
Hey Steve, thanks alot for your help, greatly appreciate it. Can u tell me the diff between Power500 & the Nutaburst you are taking? is there that much of a diff between the 2? Y do u prefer the Nutaburst over the Power500? Should I try & locate the Nutraburst? Thanks.
Hey Steve, I bought the “AcaiBerry Power500 melt away tablets” (all natural cleansing solution), I live in Canada & they were shipped to me, I am wondering if these r the good pills or the “not so good”?!? B/C I read above you said you didnt think they shipped to Canada, seing how I live in Canada & they shipped them to me, am I getting good ones or the “fake crap”? Also it doesnt really say how to take them, I’ve read people let it desolve, some have said they swallowed & other said they chewed them. Which is the best way to take these pills? Thanks.
*** Ingredients: Dextrose, Vanilla Flavor, Wild Berry flavor, Citric Acid, Carmin color, Crospovidone NF, Magnesium Stearate & Sucralose.
Are these pills the good ones? Thanks.
I was promoting the Acai Berry Power 500 for a while, and they are perfectly fine, although I do prefer the Acai Nutraburst now that I’ve found it. You should just let them dissolve in your mouth. The nutrients are absorbed better that way.
I’m a skinny 14 year old girl. I don’t really need the acai berry supplement for weight loss, but rather the other benefits. Like I said, 14 years old. If I take this pill am I going to…die or something? Sorry, I’m just trying to be safe, you know?
I address this question in the acai berry faq. If you are old enough to eat blueberries, you are old enough to eat acai berries. That being said, make sure you get a 100% acai supplement, juice, or smoothie. Do not get a pill containing 8 other ingredients that you are not familiar with.
Nice website about the acai berry. I have been taking acai for about a month now and really do feel as though its helping.
Its not like some huge surge of energy or noticable benefit right away, but overtime, you can start to look and feel healthier.
I am only 25 years old .. but since I have been taking 2-4oz a day, I have lost about 12 pounds and only had about 20-25 lbs to lose to begin with.
Great post. Great Product!
i i`m dieing to use the accai berry food diet stuff,but where in Los Angeles, CA,US can i get it?
Adesola: I would just buy it online. Otherwise I don’t know where in LA you can get it. Try a whole foods store.
Ok Steve you got it you understand me hehe THANK YOU !because idont speak good english ,so for how long i go lose weight IF I TAKE THIS acai berry its good to take for 3 mothns every day..
Hi ,Steve
i have one question about acai berry i buy the pills 350mg and 750mg its good to take every day one each pill..for example this 750mg its to much ,do you thing ican use this product because never i use pill for lose weight or samthing ???!! thank you..
lindita: I’m not exactly sure what you just asked, but I think you asked if 750mg is too much. The answer is no. I recommend taking 1000mg of acai every day if you can.
I’m actually intending on using Acai for mild weight loss, and after a bit of research, will probably end up going with Sambazon products. It must get terribly tedious answering the same questions over, and over, and over again. Yes, obviously I have been reading all the comments. I was just wondering, actually, if you’ve ever eaten just the fruit? My hubby and I have a newly developed fruit war going on, he being on the side of blueberries, and as soon as I can get my hands on some of the berries, I’d like to have a tried and true recipe for tricking him into eating it. Perhaps as an ice cream topper..or something. In any case, thank you for posting your knowledge, repeatedly. I found it quite informative.
Sambazon is pretty good. You should also check out the Zola acai giveaway that’s going on until mid May. You don’t have to do much to enter and win.
But yeah I get sick of the same questions, which is why there is now an acai berry faq.
I got a free trial from this website I came across and quite honestly I’m a bit scared to start takin the pills I’m scared that it’s something that’s going to affect me the pills are hard not melt in your mouth ones and there large and in a white bottle with red off of this information can you tell me if these pills are legit acai ?? Thanks a lot
Marie, I honestly have no idea, but if you ordered a free trial of an acai product it probably is what you ordered. Too bad you didn’t come to Project Swole first to get yourself some Acai Burn.
Hi all!
I am thinking of taking Acai Berry pills to help me lose weight. However, I am worried that if I stop taking them for any reason then I might put the weight back on…Is this a possibility?? Plus how long has it taken for people to lose some fat and weight with these pills?
As soon as you start taking acai, you will add fire to your body fat burning inferno. That is unless you are not exercise and eating garbage. Basically, if you live the right lifestyle you should see accelerated fat loss immediately. If you don’t do anything else right then the acai won’t work at all.
I address the issue of fat gain when you stop taking acai, in my Acai Berry FAQ.
Hi I have just got 2 bottles of the acai berries and i have been taken then for a few days now. my Question to u is. My husband and i are trying to have another baby and i wanted to know once i was pregnant can i still take the berry tablets? Will they do anything to harm through the pergnancy or should i stop taking the tablets once i find out i am pregnant?
waiting ur reply.
Most importantly I must say that you should refer questions of this nature to your doctor. That being said, please be aware that 100% pure acai is like 100% pure blueberry. If you would feed your baby blueberries then you should also feel comfortable feeding it acai.
i have ben taking the acai berry supplements for a few weeks now.i had ben watching my diet for a while now and i didnt really loose any weight. i started taking the acai berry pills and have droped weight and all i did was watch what i was eating and take them. besides the weight…they give you more energy and boost your mood ide say, but watch out they will give you crazy sex drives!
i would reccomend them
Thanks for the review. I’ve never heard anything negative from people reviewing acai products. We all love them!
That is interesting that these berries are loaded with the omega oils similar to what fish contain. So they must have a descent amount of fat content. Good read though, thanks.
I was just wondering if there was a certain age you had to be to start the acai berry diet? My daughter is interested and she is 15 but is very tall.
Which brand of this supplement would you recommended?
I’m on a pill and stopped would it have any negative effects?
Please eat food. You should still be eating healthy meals 3-5 times a day when you are taking acai.
The rest of you, please refer to the Acai FAQ for the answers to your questions. If you have a question that is not in the FAQ, then I will be happy to answer it.
If we are taking the pills can we eat food?
or just take pills in the morning and night?
Can we take it on an empty stomich ???
hey steve what if i wanted to stop the program after my ideal fat loss will it stay that way or will i have to continue the plan my entire life thank you
Hi Steve,
how do you rate ACAI 100 acai berry juice by Gensis today? Do you think it will ba a healthy addition to the diet?
HI i purchase a bottled of a free trial of trislim. It saids to take 1 capsle before a meal.
I also purschase acai berry supplement and saids to take 2 caplse daily. I was just wondering if i can take all three ? how to take it correctly. I dont want too much drugs inside my system. thanks
Do you need to take diet supplements with Acai Berry vitamins in order for it to work. I’ve been on Acai Berry pills just for a couple of days, I just did the cleanser and finished it on Sunday. About how long does it take for pills to go into affect. Waiting for your reply. Thanks
Mitzi: if you are using a 100% pure acai product, you should have nothing to worry about when using Hydroxycut. If you are using an acai product that has green tea, caffeine, or any other stimulant, then you might consider being careful about it.
Rae: I don’t know much about that product but the same rule as Hydroxycut probably applies.
Like Mitzi said I too was wondering if “Acai To Go Brands,Acai All Natural Energy Boosts”
(An Instant energy drink you can poor Into your waterbottle) would Increase the effects of weight loss using acai as well? Or could It reverse the effects? Thank you for your time. =]
Is the product available in Canada? Seems we have different types of the product on the US market. Which one should a novice go for?
Would taking hydroxycut increase weight loss along with acai? I was wanting to know If Tt was safe to use them both together.
d.r: From my experience and from the information I’ve gathered, acai alone does nothing to increase your heart rate. It is only the additional ingredients like green tea or caffeine that raise your heart rate. I’ll add this question to the FAQ.
Well shae you are in luck! All you have to do is read the acai articles here at Project Swole and you will know everything you need to know, and then you won’t fail.
Hey guys , iam doing research on the acai berry diet and was wondering if i could get some info. How much is it monthly? Whats the general effects? Is it one of the best diets so far? I need as much info as possible and ASAP therefore my teacher will fail me.
Thanks again
One More Question:
Does Acai Raise Your Heart Rate?
I need nutrition info on the acai berries. How is it for macronutrients? what are the stats? I am doing a project on this diet and need lots of details on these berries. If anyone has an i dea it would be greatly appreciated. You can reach my e-mail at [email protected]
Thanx again Shae
AcaiBurn and Extreme Acai are pretty much the same product as far as I am concerned. Whichever product I am currently promoting on my acai pages is always a good product. I refuse to promote garbage.
No, you will not gain any weight simply by stopping acai, as long as you continue to exercise and eat healthy.
Follow these instructions on the bottle.
This is probably part of your normal digestive function and you will likely get used to it again within a week or two.
Acai pulp should be fine. Just try to use 1000 mg of acai each day for maximal health benefits. Using acai with a colon cleanser is recommended by many.
I have also answered these questions and many more, in much more detail, on my Acai Frequently Asked Questions page.
Living in the UAE it appears to be practically impossible to buy Acai Supplements/Juices/Pills. I have however found frozen Acai pulp from a Brazilan Company.
Will the pulp work the same as the supplements? If so how much should I eat/drink and would you recommend using it in combination with a colon cleanser?
Many thanks.
I stopped taking the AcaiBurn supplement a few days ago (after taking it for about 12 days), and since then I’ve been feeling crampy / gassy (?). I called a nurse because I was afraid it might be my appendix, but she told me it was just gas. Is there a period of time I should be waiting for this to go away?
I just bought a acai capsuels and the colon cleanse but the cleasnse say only to take for a maxium of 2 months is that right or should i contiune to take it?
If you eat healthy/Exercise daily and stop using Acai will you gain all the weight again?
You could try going to the store and finding some acai, but I think all you will find are garbage juice products. I recommend getting a credit card.
i dont have a credit card but i want to get some of your product.
Both the colon cleanse and the acai berry will HELP you lose weight. There is no such thing as a magic weight loss pill, where you just pop a pill and lose weight. (Actually there is, it’s called DNP. DNP is a chemical that will literally melt fat off your body, but it is illegal to use and will kill you if you take even a pinch too much.)
If you want to lose weight on acai, you still need to eat sensibly. Sorry, but that’s the truth.
oprah and racheal ray say this makes u lose weight but u say that it wont so im kinda confused about it. I heard taking this with a colon cleanse will help u lose weight is that true or is it just the colon cleanse that makes u lose the weight?
Which acai berry supplement do you recommend –
Acaiburn, Extreme Acai Berry, or AcaiSlim? I have noticed you recommend several of these products.
hi, i heard a lot about acai, i really want to try it but i dont know what to do some people said t works for them some said it doesnt and i really want to lose weight so can please get some feedback. please help.
steve, i bought the acai berry 1000mg on amazon but on the bottle recommended that i take 1 twice a day with a meal, now that would mean i am taking 2000mg a day not so…. please let me know….. but i can say one thing after my work outs i still have a lot or energy and i get a goods night rest.
hey imran,
you cant get it in Pakistan and its really expensive to order it from USA, so better find a relative who can give it to you as a gift.
is acai berry diet good for diabetic patients?
I’m currently taking Slimquick. Can I also take Acai Berry along with the Slimquick?
im sooo fat and i need help
i was wondering if i take this wil it interfer with my cholestrol pills i am taking
i am on crestor 10 mg
and cant take anything with caffeine in it
can i get the pill at my local walmart store i dont have any credit cards
i want to know how i can get this product in pakistan
[…] Acai berry weight loss […]
I have only been using acai and colon cleanse for 4 days and have lost 10 lbs! OMG!! I have never seen such fast results! I have more energy. I feel great!
I ordered Acai Ultra Burn about a month ago. I’ve lost about 10lbs over the course of a month and I started out at 200lbs. So losing 5% of your entire body weight is no small feat.
This month, I started up on the Wii Fit so we’ll see how much more I lose this time. 😉
I just purchased AcaiBurn a couple of weeks ago and have seen a difference in my energy level and it has suppressed my diet. I usually eat everything in site before my monthly cycle, but didn’t while using the pill.
I do have to say that I got the Bromolite as well and haven’t seen too much of a change. I do want to lose weight and am exercising/eating right, so I am remaining hopeful.
I think I will continue to use AcaiBurn and ditch the Bromolite. The $69.95 is cheaper than the herbal wraps and personal trainers I’ve used over the years.
All in all I give the product an A/B+.
[…] Comment! acai weight loss. […]
Zarin and Teresa:
Get your acai berry by clicking on any one of the links in this page, or get it shipped internationally on the international acai shipping page.
Angela and Gigi:
Acai berry will help you lose weight faster if you are already eating healthy and exercising. If you continue to do these things after you are off acai, you will probably not gain any weight back. If you stop using acai and exercising, or decide to eat junk again, you will most likely gain weight.
Where are the acai berries sold?
I just got my order of Acai Burn today and I haven’t tried it yet. I wondered if there can be any harm to one’s health if he takes Acai BurN??? Are you familiar with it,and just like Angela asked above, if I stop taking it after one month am I going to gain weight back? I need to loose no more than 8-10 pounds and if there’s sth wrong with this “magic pill” I’d be better off sweating more in the gym…Thank you in advance for your response.
[…] are faced with an extensive list of favored diets and weighing their discussions appears perpetual. Acai berry weight loss. Lets take as an example a diet called the Blood type. Whats so special about the super fruit is it […]
I would like to knw where i can buy acai in dubai….I would like to knw how i can get it here and where and also how to take the tablets
Hey there,
I was about to order Acaiburn, but now I’m worried that if i use it and than stop using it than I will gain weight back. I don’t want to continue using it for a long time. I just need to lose 5-7 pounds thats it. So do you think that Acaiburn is the right product for me? and if so, does it make you gain weight once i stop using it?
I don’t know that answer offhand, but I bet you could find a store somewhere that sells some Sambazon juice. I found one local grocery store, a Shaws, that sells the Sambazon triple antioxidant drink. If not, order some here:
best acai juice.
build muscle:
To order acai in Nigeria, go to buy acai in Nigeria.
I need to know what that acai berry looks like. I live in abuja-Nigeria. I really do not know how to get this product or the berry. I need to loss weight.sometimes i feel am older than my do i order for the product in Nigeria
are there any vitamin stores that sell pure acai berry juice or pills in ocean county n.j.
Just eat a healthy diet of proteins, whole grain carbs, and healthy fats. Keep the calories below your bodyweight x 13. Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
Goldie & Angela:
I don’t know of a way to get acai without a credit card, sorry.
am i GHANA west Africa .
i dont have a credit card but i want to get some of ur product.
can i get it without card?
I’ve looked at a couple sites and they look like a great deal, but does anyone know of a site you can order from without a credit card?
[…] to also have a lot of anti-oxidants that are conducive with a healthy body. The thing that makes an Acai Berry Diet so interesting is the way it is supposed to aid in natural weight loss. Unlike many of the weight […]
what should i eat on these pills and what shouldnt i eat
You can’t buy Extreme Acai in stores, but you might be able to get a different acai product in a store. Not sure if it will be high quality 100% acai, but you can try. Also, I found one Shaws that actually sells Sambazon acai. Look for it.
[…] For more details on the variety of Acai Berry’s health benefits, please visit: […]
Dear Steve,
I don’t feel comfortable with putting my credit card information on the internet. Is there any store I can buy Extreme Acai Berry from, like maybe my local GNC?
The only way I know to get acai in India, is to order it from Sambazon. Check out this link for more information: Sambazon Acai.
is it possible to ship this free order to india. or where do i get this product in india.
You can take acai and colon cleanse at the same time. If you find yourself going to the bathroom too often, back off on the colon cleanse.
I only know that you can ship Sambazon products to India, but not any of the free trials.
You will be fine. The mouth is just better for absorption.
The liquid should be fine. Just make sure you get your 1000 mg of acai each day, whether you take it all at once or in two 500 mg doses. It should not affect your hair.
All I know is if you order the trial products from this site, all you have to pay is a couple dollars for shipping and handling. Sorry that you had a bad experience with Advance Wellness.
I just started taking Acai Berry Pure but ordered it from Advance Wellnes and look up the site and they have been charging people for the whole bottle instead of for the trial size. Can you update anything on this.
Does the Acai liquid work just as well as the pill? I bought the Acai liquid in the wine-shaped bottle.
Should the liquid be taken once, or twice a day?
Also, is it true that this berry can make your hair grow more quickly?
[…] For more details on the variety of Acai Berry’s health benefits, please visit: […]
I just swallowed my acid berry was not sure how to take is this okay? I now understand I am to let them melt in my mouth..oops..
Please let me know if I should expect a side affect from this mistake..
Thank you Michelle
All these free trial links are not allowing me to ship out the product into India..Help…
when you are taking acai berry capsules can you take colon cleansers as well at the same time?
There is no age limit. Acai is fruit. If you have any concerns, please contact your doctor. Thanks!
how old do you need to be to try this Acai Berry product? Thanks
Once or twice. Whatever equals 1000mg
You should ask your doctor these questions, not me. If I were to guess, I’d say there would not be an issue as long as you stick to 100% acai. It’s just like eating fruit.
Quick, can people who have cancer and who are currently on cancer drugs like tamoxifen or arimidex or xoladex for a five year period take acai berry
how many times a day do I take Acai berry pillZ?
If you want to order in bulk, I recommend you order through the Sambazon acai page. You won’t be able to get berries, but you can get powders, juices, pills, and more. Check it out and let me know if that meets your needs.
How can I order 5 months supply at one time. I work overseas for long periods, I want to have enough of the berries while I’m away from home.
Acai berry is worth a try!
The juice products from Sambazon are great. It’s the non-Sambazon juice products in stores that I don’t trust.
do they have any pill to take or just sport drink
I’m not sure what you got with those 3 bottles. Just make sure you’re getting about 1000 mg of acai a day.
Either order a free trial online by clicking on a link in this article, order some Sambazon products by clicking on the link in the Sambazon acai juice article, or find some in your local grocery store if you can but don’t trust the watered down sports drink versions as they don’t contain much acai.
where do you get Acai Berry in US….
dear steve.
i got my acai berry in the mail and i am very excited to use it!
i just hoping i dont use too much.
there are like 3 bottles of the stuff.
do u take all of them together?
they are all so different. i dont know what to take.
If 2 pills adds up to between 800 – 1000 mg of acai, take 2 pills. That’s the best I can do.
thank you for the response.
do i take 2 of each pill then?
I am not familiar with the product Acai Blast, but it’s probably fine.
All I know is that you should get at least 1000 mg of acai each day. For some acai products, that’s 2 capsules.
If you want to get acai shipped internationally, please contact Sambazon acai and ask them about over seas shipments. Furthermore, the pills are better than the juice for weight loss since the pills have far fewer calories than the juice. Look for 100% acai supplements, and make sure your juice has no added sugar. Sambazon Acai products are perfect for this.
Also is juice better for weight loss or the tablets ,wat should i go for im really confused .What are the things i need to look into before purchasing the juice or the tablets.
Please i need to know how can i buy these tablets in dubai ,where can i get them from .Kindly mail me on [email protected] .I really want to get them ASAP
i ordered a free trial of the Acai berry online. i received the extreme acai berry which says the trial(the long brown pill) and then the melt away tablets(small purple pills).
my question is do i take both at once? or do i take one bottle til its done then the other? and if i take both at one time how many of each? i am just confused on my dosage and dont want to take too many or not enough.
thank you
I have a question. I bought the Acai Blast from GNC. Is this the weight loss on or just the vitimin for vegans? I am a vegan as well but I already take vitimins to help me with that along with a few other medications. I just had a baby and want to lose weight! I am just wondering if I have gotten the right kind of Acai.
Thanks so much, Anna
Look for a 100% pure, concentrated acai juice. You want something that has no more than about 20 grams of sugar to 500 mg of acai. Sambazon Acai fits the bill perfectly if you are looking for acai juice. Find out more here: best acai juice.
neha: I know nothing about your Acai Burn.
sana butt and Madeeha khan:
The only way to know to order acai internationally, is to try calling Sambazon and setting up an oversea shipment. That’s the best I can do.
hey i want to know if this product is available in pakistan???? i really wana purchase i…
are acai berries avilable in lahore,pakistan.if yes,where?
Hii, I have ordered Acai burn a week back. and i have still not received my order. I stay in Melbourne(Australia). How long does it take for the product to be shipped here?
If i was too look for Acai Berry in the stores,…..what is maximun amount of sugar content i should be looking for?,..thanks
Acai supplements are available online and in stores. I personally recommend the acai product that you can order from this page, but you might be lucky enough to find a good acai pill supplement in the stores.
Sarah: No age limit. Acai is a fruit.
No side effects that I am aware of. Acai is something that you should take for the rest of your life in order to benefit from its awesome antioxidant properties.
hi steve im so excited about this acai berry,i was just wondering if this pill have any side effects and how long i have to take for?im just waiting for my free trial to get here i cant wait to try it.
Is there an age limit for Acai Slim?
Is this Acai Berry Supplement available in stores or only online?
I’m not sure what makes people think I am an expert on all these different products. I don’t quite know what you are going to “drink” twice during the day. I also have no idea what the Colon Cleanse product is, or how you should take it.
All I have to say is this: I take 1000 mg of acai pills each day, sort of like a vitamin. I also drink acai juice whenever I happen to have it in stock. Colon Cleanse sounds like it might make you poop, so I wouldn’t take a full serving of it with a full serving of acai. Maybe you could take your Cleanse at night so you’ll wake up in the morning and evacuate your digestive tract. Otherwise I recommend reading the instructions on the bottle. Good luck!
Should I drink 2 in the morning or at night? Also want to drink the Colon Cleanse. Please let me know the correct way of drinking it. I was told should be with the stomach full.
I am currently residing in dubai and tried to get hold of Acai berry juice here…I would like to know where I can get it in England also as I am due to go home at Christmas so I could try it while I am there.
I also want to know how to become a distributor of the product here in Dubai as I think it would make a successful business here in dubai as it has a high e pat comunity.
All I can say is that acai definitely doesn’t make me cramp up. I take the caps and drink the juice from time to time without gastrointestinal distress.
I recently got the free trial of total cleanse (which i don’t recommend because u can’t cancel it.) but it made my stomach cramp. I’m just wondering if these .will do the same i just recieved my trial of acai berry and i was just wondering if the same thing might happen, i just would hate for it to start while i’m at work
I don’t think Acai Slim has any green tea extract. You could also check out the Sambazon products, as I don’t believe they have anything to do with green tea.
Is there a product that does not contain green tea extract. Tea in any form increases my RLS.
They only way I know to order acai products overseas, is to order through Sambazon using the information I posted two comments ago.
hi, i would likt to konw how to order it from India? will you plz help me?
Gauri, india
I no longer promote Extreme Acai. The Extreme Acai website now sells Acai Berry Power 500, which I have read numerous complaints about online. So instead I have switched to Acai Slim, which is also a free trial of a product that is very similar to Extreme Acai. Please do not use that link you listed above ( to order your free trial.
Furthermore, if you want to place an order with Sambazon, this is what they have to say about over seas orders, by which it appears they mean anything outside the US:
Hi Steve,
I went to a free trial site that you recommend,using your link, but it does NOT allow you to put shipping information in CANADA! so, obviously, I could not order from that particular site, unfortunatelly But previously I ordered free trial from the site below and just received the trial bottle (today)
Is that a trusted site, have you heard of it??
[edit]link removed by admin[/edit]
As it seems it shows an exact same product as your “pink” link above, with Extreme Acai Berry, same picture, name etc.
(Why, by the way, when you click on YOUR link, it suddenly shows a different package called Acai SLIM or something?
Thank you in advance for reply
Your best bet when ordering from Britain is to order through the Sambazon acai store. Certain products on there you can order internationally, but they don’t have any free trials. Let me know if that works for you.
Pls,I would like to know if I can buy the Acai-berry product here in Britain.I really want to buy the product before Christmas.
If you stop taking acai a-slim after some time, will you start to re-gain the weight you have lost before ?
Just click on one of the images or links up in the body of this post. It will take you to the sign up page to order the free trial. Or just click here: Acai Berry Free Trial
How can I order this product?
You might be able to purchase acai products from Sambazon, to ship to Bosnia. Give it a try.
How can I buy an Accai Berry in Bosnia. Is there any on-line shoping for European countries?
I think acai berry juice is a no lose situation. The juice tastes ok, especially if cut with water. There are no side-effects and it is really good for you.
Step 1: Put together a 4-5 day per week workout plan with both weight training (3 days) and high intensity cardio work (2-3 days).
Step 2: Don’t eat more calories than your goal weight * 14. Want to weigh 120? Eat less than 1600 calories a day. Avoid sugar and saturated/trans fats.
Step 3: Buy an acai supplement. Use 1 gram (1000 mg) daily. Choose either Acai Slim or Sambazon for your acai supplement.
ok so what’s the best way to do this so I can see some immidiate results?
Thanks! 😀
My acai caps have 500mg per cap. I use two caps every morning. You should too. Either that or one cap in the AM and one in the PM.
You won’t find Extreme Acai in stores. In fact you won’t find Extreme Acai online anymore either. Click on one of the images or links on this site, specifically in this article, and you will be taken to the free trial for Acai Slim. This is the one you should order. If you’d rather get a juice product, go to the Sambazon acai juice page.
I found out these two capsules, one is Slimquick Diet – Naturals – Designed for Women – 6 Ways Women Lose Weight with Green Tea, Pomegranate & Acai and the other is Natrol Acai 1000 mg, Vegetarian Capsules, so I want to know which one you recommend, because I tried to find Extrem Acai Berry here in California and didn’t find it.
Hello Steve
Please help me
i just bought the Acai Berry MAXX Free Trial. It has 60 capsules, 600 mg.
but i’m having trouble with something…
On one side of the bottle, it says, “Suggested Use: Take two Capsules per day” And on the other side, it says, “Serving size: One Capsule”
lol which one do i follow by?
Or to be more specific,
How many milligrams (capsules) should i take everyday for it to actually come into effect?
also, what’s the best time to take them?
thanks! Really appreciate it.
The only reason I promote the pills over the juice, is because the juice always has around 20 grams of sugar per serving or more. With some juice products, like those offered by Sambazon, the sugar is naturally occurring in the fruit. Most other juices have either added sugar, or diluted the juice so that it’s not even worth drinking for antioxidant benefits. In comparison, there are very few calories in the pills.
I would like to know if drinking the juice would be just as effective as taking the pills, of course I have the trial, will drinking the juice, eating healthy and exercising regularly give good weight lose results.
Thank you for your feedback.
I’ve said it before and I’ll set it yet again… acai is not a weight loss miracle drug. If you already eat well and exercise 3 or more times a week, adding acai to your diet will help you lose fat quicker. If you don’t do anything and you eat like crap, adding acai to your diet MIGHT help you lose a couple pounds, but then again it might not.
Taking an acai supplement merely guarantees that you are consuming the very best antioxidant rich food on the planet.
Will it give you more energy? Probably.
Will it help you lose fat? Probably.
Will it fight free radicals? Yes.
Can I guarantee anything? No.
Give Acai Slim a free trial, it can’t hurt and can only help. I just can’t guarantee anything. I do enjoy the Sambazon acai products, and I also use an acai pill supplement… I’m happy with both of them and I’m sure you will be too.
Help!!! im tried of all the latest fade diets i really need help. I recently bought the green tea diet to only have a coworker laugh at me because he is from Hong Kong and said that he could have gotten me the same tea for practically penniess. which only help me lose body water. So please does this really work?? help
Don’t get flustered girl. I must have deleted your other post with the glut of spam I’ve been receiving. People seem to think it’s a good idea to submit comments that look like “jsoe;nciojdouijkhksd” just because they want to get their link published.
To answer your question about these other products, I haven’t used them. Acai Blast is probably just another acai juice that’s filled with unnecessary sugar. I did a Google search for “acai blast” but didn’t come up with anything useful. If anyone has any comments on these products, please let us all know.
As far as acai juice products go, I am addicted to the Sambazon products, specifically the Antioxidant Trinity. I could drink 3 of these a day. You might get lucky and find one in your local supermarket, or you can just click on the links here: Sambazon Acai – The BEST Acai Juice Ever and order some directly from the manufacturer.
I also don’t have any direct employees. There’s me (Steve) and a couple people who help me out once in a while, but no employees.
How odd my comments were removed from November 12, in which I asked if the products I purchased from GNC – To GO Green Products as well as Aci Blast have been removed. In the comment I asked if these products were ligitimate. Does this web site have something to hide by deleting my comments and my question about another product? I see where other have asked about other procducts or are they actually employee commentary?
You sure are right! It’s tough being my own proofreader sometimes. Thanks. =)
“It’s” as in “its center” should NOT have an apostrophe. (Otherwise it reads “it is center.”)
Hi! Thanks for writing.
I don’t think you should worry about drinking too much acai and green tea. I believe if you drink like 10 cups you will probably be jittery and possibly develop a diarrhea issue, but otherwise I’m sure you’ll be fine. If you have serious concerns you’d be better off asking your doctor.
Hi Steve
I have just started drinking acai berry and green tea….it tastes lovely. Can you tell me how many cups a day I should not exceed. The taste is so good I might replace my ordinary decaf brand with this permanently. I am a non insulin, medicated diabetic. Are there any cautionary advice pages that I can read? Thank you
Like the feather that broke the camel’s back, starting to use acai everyday could be the kick-start that your regular diet needs to start losing weight. I’m sure you will lose it slowly, maybe a couple pounds a week at most, but the nutrients in acai are definitely conducive to natural fat loss.
so if you just went on like usually eating normal but not exactly healthy will you see any results or is it just like every other pill that you have to eat healthy and excersize to eat healthy?
I’ve been using acai for a couple months now, and I think it’s great! I feel like I have more energy and that I am healthier all over to boot. Thanks for all the great info.
There is really no best time. I prefer to take my supplements in the morning, especially if they are designed to make you feel energized, healthy, and awake. I wouldn’t want to feel energized right before bed. Just take all your supplements in the morning and if you feel particularly drowsy in the afternoon or you need more energy before a workout, take another dose then too.
When is a good time to take the acai berry supplement for the best results? I was just wondering because I am also taking total clensing. They say together they work really well. So I didn’t know when to take them.
Mrs. Sooker:
You are right, certain brands of acai can get expensive. Extreme Acai and Acai Slim aren’t very cheap to continue to use long term. After you try the free trial of Acai Slim you can consider trying a product from this new company I found.
I’ve never promoted juice products before, but I found this company that totally sells quality acai juice products. Check it out here: high quality Sambazon acai products. I intend to publish a full post about this company and their products very soon. Best wishes!
Whatever product you use, just take one serving a day. I currently use a 500 mg acai capsule supplement, and I can take 2 a day if I so choose. Acai is good for you so it’s not like you can take too much as long as you don’t way overboard, which should be obvious.
If you have Extreme Acai or Acai Slim I believe you can take 1 to 2 a day.
A friend gave me this stuff after finding out she was pregnant & could no longer use it. I really liked it. I exercised for 30 mins, 5 days a week & ate somewhat sensibly- I just didn’t over do the “somewhat”. When it came time for more, I could not find where this product is in anyone’s price range!! I just think this company would benefit from selling in a store, like Costco, I find great supplements for a great price there! So, I just had to state that this is in fact a wonderful product, but too expensive! ~Thanks~
How much acai berry can I safely take per day?
This is NOT a magic diet pill that will miraculously melt away the pounds. It will HELP you lose weight FASTER if you are already on a proper exercise and nutrition plan. If you don’t exercise and you eat crap food, you might see a little weight loss, but probably not like 20 pounds in a month. Because of this, it is also NOT a supplement that will cause you to gain weight back when you stop using it. However if you stop dieting and exercising, then yes the weight will probably come back.
Think of Extreme Acai / Acai Slim as an antioxidant or vitamin supplement.
I wish to defer all medical questions to your doctor. I am not an authorized medical professional. That being said, acai is a fruit just like blueberries. Using Extreme Acai or Acai Slim is the same as taking a concentrated blueberry supplement. It shouldn’t interfere.
This sounds really interesting, but i was wondering if this is a diet PILL that will make you re-gain weight like the others, or is it just like vitamin suppliments?
i have high blood pressure and i also take cholesterol medication(synthriod). are there any known side effects to also take EXTREME ACAI BERRY pills? thank you in advance for any information
Great! Thanks for the info about Canadian shipping.
I don’t know of a way to order Extreme Acai or Acai Slim with Amex. Sorry.
No, there is no way you will lose 30 lbs by accident.
Hi. I was wondering. I am 160lbs and I really would like to get down to 130 or so. I ordered my trial today, but I was curious. Is there any way I would lose a drastic, unhealthy amount of weight, past 130, by accident?
Does anyone know a different website for this product that takes amex????
They do ship to Canada. I did finally get my product, it just came yeasterday. I’m lookinbg forward to trying it.
Most acai products sold in stores ARE crap. The juices are full of sugar and some of the other products have fillers and other ingredients mixed in. When talking about a pure 100% acai product, Extreme Acai is the way to go unless you can find an alternative 100% acai product at your local store. When I tried to find one, I traveled to a number of stores one Sunday and I couldn’t find anything worth buying.
Aside from that, I don’t believe Extreme Acai ships to Canada, although that may have changed. For people who can’t have Extreme Acai shipped to them, I say check your local health food store for the best alternative.
Steve, in one post you told the person (in Canada I believe) to check at a health food store for acai. Then, in another post you said most acai products sold in stores “are crap.” Which is it?
Most people take either 1 in the morning, 1 in the morning and 1 at night, or 2 in the morning. It’s really up to you. Obviously if you take 2 a day you will only have enough for 7.5 days. I don’t know that you will see HUGE results from just a 14 day trial, but give it a shot and see if you have more energy for those 14 days.
The URL you provided was correct. I just prefer to have all my Extreme Acai purchases go through my Extreme Acai order page. Thanks for checking!
** URL removed by Admin **
Is this the right web address to purchase Extreme Acai Berry? it was from this page?
I just received my shipment yesterday. I have not taken a pill yet. I read the instructions and it says to take 2 pills 30 minutes before every meal.Now does this make is 6 pills a day since we have three meals or should I take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. Also there is 15 tablets is this enough for a 14 day trail?
For those of you who had some trouble reaching Extreme Acai’s call center, I spoke with my affiliate manager, who spoke with the Extreme Acai company, and they reported back that they just revamped their call center. If you still can’t get through, please send me either your email address or your phone number and I will forward that information directly to Extreme Acai. I will not post any of your personal information online. Thanks.
it seems to give me more energy throughout the day. I don’t think I will continue using this brand, only because it can get expensive after the free trial, but thank you for opening my eyes to acai.
Thanks for providing this great information about Extreme Acai. After reading your 2 acai articles and your antioxidant article, I have a good idea of what acai is and does. I understand that it’s not a magical weight loss pill, but it sure does give me extra energy. I might not continue to use Extreme Acai long term, but I will try to incorporate acai into my diet somehow.
I’m trying out Wu Yi tea for the health & energy business to aid in a change in lifestyle. It benefits that it claims to have are very similar to those of the acai (whether berry or supplement). I would prefer to buy the actual berries, but repaying student loans leaves virtually no wiggle room for free spending.
I’m wondering if I would get a negative effect from mixing the tea & the acai supplement. Nausea from the metabolism boost or too much “detoxification” and antioxidants. I would imagine that the answer is no, but everyone tells you that it’s best to have everything in moderation!
Acai really does sound like a great food. I’m going to get the free trial to see how I feel taking acai every day. Thanks for the recommendations!
So far I’ve enjoyed Extreme Acai. Like you say, it’s not a magical weight loss pill, but I do seem to have more energy since I started using it. Thanks Project Swole!
Acai will help you lose weight faster as long as you follow a decent exercise and nutrition program. Where you might have lost 2 pounds, on acai you could lose 3 or 4. It is not as powerful a weight loss supplement as say Biotest Hot Rox or ephedra, but it will help. Aside from that, it is a most excellent antioxidant supplement. See if it gives you more energy at the end of your trial.
Steve, thanks! I know you mentioned earlier in this blog that this is not a ‘magic’ diet pill..But can we expect weight loss with this at all? Or is this pretty much just a ‘health vitamin/supplement’? Don’t get me wrong I’d love for you to tell me I’m goign to lose weight fast but just the honest truth will work too…thanks! Also, I’m not really that overweight, maybe about 10-15lbs or so, not obese..Ok I’m just looking for answers here… thanks!
Just let the tablets dissolve in your mouth. You should exercise at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes per session. You should eat a low carb, low fat, moderate protein diet, with a total calorie count plus or minus 14 x your target bodyweight. This is just a basis to start. For more accurate helpful information search my diet and exercise articles and find a strategy that makes sense to you.
I just recieved the supplement melt away tablets and dont know how to take them. I also would like to know what other things, as far as excercising or eating healthy, might I need to do in order to loose weight effectively.
Your mouth has a higher nutrient absorption potential than your stomach. The fact that the antioxidants just sit in your mouth and dissolve, says alot about the formulation of the uptake process of this supplement. If they didn’t really care, they would have just manufactured a solid, hard pill. Another place that has extremely high absorption is your eye ball, but I don’t think you want to put the acai in your eye.
Steve or anyone..I just received my free-trial and they are melt-away tabs? Feels weird just letting them sit in my mouth like candy…is this stuff legit?
[…] Read this article on the Extreme Acai Berry weight loss superfood, and I think you’ll be able to understand why this is your best anti-oxidant supplement. Follow […]
You can’t get Extreme Acai in store. Most of the acai supplements sold in stores are crap. Stay away from the acai juices if you are looking for a sugar free acai product with maximum nutrition.
If you want to get 2 pills worth of antioxidants, take 2 pills. Otherwise take 1. Now, why on Earth would you workout 4 times a day? My only advice to you is to stop working out 4 times a day. That’s weird unless you are a professional athlete.
I don’t believe they ship to Canada, but I could be wrong.
Can you buy it in Western Canada?
Do i really have to take 2 pills a day or can i just take 1 a day.
I work out 4 times a day and watch how many calories i eat a day.
What advice can you give me?
can you get the acai supplement in stores?
Acai berries are what they are. This is a supplement that will fortify your body with powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants will keep you looking and feeling young through the years. There’s no denying the fact behind the fruit.
Extreme Acai is not a magical weight loss pill that will make you shed 20 pounds in one week. I hope no one is ordering it with that expectation in mind. This product WILL help you lose weight faster and more efficiently due to it’s nutrient concentration, especially if you employ a healthy diet and moderate exercise plan.
I’ll say it again… Extreme Acai is NOT a magical weight loss pill. It will help you lose weight faster and will combat those nasty free radicals that make us look, feel, and act so much older.
Steve does it really work, or does it depend on the person?
I know what you are talking about. Some of the websites are and These are just single page fake blogs that some affiliate marketers use as landing pages for their Adwords pay-per-click campaigns. It doesn’t make Extreme Acai a scam, but I doubt that those websites are legit. Acai is still a bad ass antioxidant.
I ordered the free trial. but im looking at all these different websites with all these different names saying this pic is me before and after acai berry! AND THEY ARE ALL THE SAME PICTURE im wondering if this is a scam
I can’t predict how the supplement will work for you. I feel more energy when using it, but I already eat well and exercise so I can’t attribute a certain % of my progress to acai. Acai is something that I will use every day for the rest of my life, just like a multivitamin, in order to reap the antioxidant benefits.
I went ahead and ordered the free 15 day trial bottle of an acai berry supplement. I am trying to lose weight. I know the acai berry has a lot of nutritional value, but will it help me lose weight as rapidly as all the websites claim?
The free trial is $3.95 and should last about 14 days. Normally it’s a month supply.
I don’t find myself in the bathroom any more often than usual. Extreme Acai is not really a ‘cleansing solution’ so to speak… I think they do that for the marketing effect.
How much does the bottle cost, how many pills are there and also how long does a bottle last?
The company that sent you the free trial will probably ship you the next bottle if you don’t cancel your order. The way it’s set up is that they will just mail your next bottle to you and automatically bill your CC if you don’t cancel. I find this to be the easiest way to restock my supply.
I was wondering, how do you purchase this product after you have done the free trial? Because I am wanting to but it so I can have a full bottle and start loosing weight.
Sabrina and Cassie:
I would order Extreme Acai from one of the links in the body of this post. You will pay $3.95 for shipping and then if you don’t wish to continue to receive the product, you can cancel all reorders. It’s not that hard and they won’t “rip you off” if you just follow the instructions.
I’m wondering where you reccommend buying the supplements from. I’ve read numerous complaints about companies offering free trials and then charging peoples credit cards. I would like to try them, but I don’t want to get ripped off.
Which brand of this supplement would you recommended?
I certainly hope it doesn’t have that effect on you. I wouldn’t expect it to. Using acai is just like eating other berries.
You choose. Just follow the instruction on the bottle if you have any questions.
You made the mistake of purchasing an inferior acai supplement. Too bad you didn’t read about it on Project Swole first.
Everyone who wants to know how and why acai works, re-read this post and then check out the following 3 pages:
1) Acai Berry Info
2) More Acai Berry Info
3) The Best Acai Berry Product
I hope this Extreme acai-berry would not reduce my breast while trying to lose weight?
I purchased acai-berry in liquid form from a health food store in Canada.
Can you explain how acai works?
Does acai help you lost weight like it claims? and how does it help you flush toxins?
You might as well take one in the morning and one at night, as long as you remember to take them. Some people prefer to take their supplements all at once.
am i required to take both pills at one time or take one pill twice a day?
I have absolutely no idea. Sorry. I only know how to get acai supplements in the US.
are these acai berries available in pakistan
Any time is a good time. I choose to take most of my daily supplements in the morning.
I do not know of a way to get this product shipped to Nigeria. I also have no control over shipping times for Extreme Acai, your best bet is to order it ASAP. I am also not a distributor, nor do I know how to become a distributor. If you wish to be an online affiliate for this product, you can find the campaign in several affiliate networks. I use Hydra Network.
How can I get Extreme Acaia Berry in Nigeria, Africa?.
I am currently in the USA. if I order Extreme Acai Berry today. Can I get it delivered to my Atlanta address by the 31st of August, 2008?
Should I choose to be a distributor for Extreme Acai Berry for Africa or West Africa, how do I go about this ?
when is the best time to take this acai berry pill???
I am unable to address any questions related to medicine or medication. Your personal physician would be the best person to ask. I will say this though: acai berry is just a fruit, so if you stick with the Extreme Acai product that I have listed in this post, you should be all set. Using a 100% acai product is basically the same as eating blueberries.
I don’t know what to tell you. Hunt down an organic food store and you should find what you need.
Hey, does any one know where in Canada you can buy any source of non-diluted acai berries. Let me know.
I have a Question, If have Tyroid problems I don’t have my tyroid and i take Syntroid (medication for tyroid) Can i still used acai berry power 500?
With a proper diet and exercise routine, both acai and green tea will help you lose weight faster. This is due to a wide variety of factors including increased energy, decreased appetite, thermogenic effects, fatty acid content, and much more.
Will acai berry really help lose weight?
There is no MLM company or anything that I know of, that sells Extreme Acai. I point people to an affiliate marketing offer so they can hook up the free trial.
how can i become a distributor of this acai berry product? is it possible to join the company and resell the product?
I’m afraid I don’t know what to tell you. My source only ships to the US from what I now understand. Maybe they have a whole foods or organic foods store near you that sells acai. That might be your best bet.
If you can receive mail in Florida, simply visit the links up above in this post, and order a large quantity. This will definitely be easiest for you.
Hi,I was just wondering if this diet pill called Acai Berry is available in Canada and if not when will it be available or where can A person buy it,thank you,Julie L
I´m interest to know, if this product have a distributor at Panama City, Central America.
If not, I want to know where at Miami, Florida, I can buy it at wholesale quantity and prices.
Please, if is not to dificult, answer me to my email.
Thanks and Regards
I really don’t know if it’s available in India or not. Is it possible to order this product online and have it shipped to India? If so, I would go that route. Best of luck!
is this product available in bangalore/India?if so where?thanks
Obviously acai berries are not the magic diet pill that lazy people are constantly striving to uncover. Given the nutritious value of acai, I certainly don’t see why anyone that can afford it wouldn’t add it to their supplement stash. Provided a moderate nutrition and exercise plan, acai can definitely assist fat loss.
Hi Steve,
thanks for checking my blog and you’re right about the plan, I need to figure out and put there but basically I’m just doing cardio and pay attention what I’m eating.
Since I’m from Brazil we know about açai for a long time, down there we use to eat frozen açai with granola and it’s awesome.
The only thing it’s that you shouldn’t eat too much because it has a lot of calories but if you eat the right amount it’s going to give you a lot of good nutrients.
Now no need to go for Abdominoplasty Surgery, Breast Reduction Surgery, Buttocks Augmentation etc., just eat Acai berry for weight loss? Wow! that’s a great news. Thanks Steve.
Cool. I love acai berries.
There is an organic food store near my house that sells frozen packets of the whole berries.
They taste great in my green smoothie.
The berries are really delicious.