When you start a new workout routine, it’s normal to assume that you’ll start seeing real results almost immediately. While this may be true for some people, most find that they have to keep up their workouts for several months before any noticeable results start showing up. That said, there are always things you can do to speed your improvement and start getting the results you’re looking for more quickly and easily. Here are a few simple fitness tips to help you do just that.

1. Be Consistent
The easiest way to start seeing results in your workout is to be consistent and commit to making your workout happen at least 4 times a week. Getting to the gym or running outdoors once or twice won’t be enough to help you start seeing the improvements you’re looking for.
Find ways to motivate yourself to work out. Set reminders on your phone, find a friend to help you stay on track and hold you accountable. Look for group workout classes if you don’t like the idea of exercising alone. The options are limitless.
2. Give Yourself Rest Days
Though you need to get in a good workout several times a week to start seeing improvement, you don’t need to hit the gym every single day. In fact, doing so can derail your progress and keep you from improving the way you want.
Your muscles need time to heal between sessions. This is because anytime you push yourself to your limit, your muscles experience micro-tears. As these tears heal, you build more muscle and gradually get stronger, but it takes time. Try to give yourself at least two rest days a week.
3. Change Your Routine Every Three Months
Once you get into a routine and find exercises you enjoy doing and can do well without supervision, it’s tempting to leave that workout alone. Unfortunately, this will almost always cause your improvement to stagnate. You need to change things up every three months to see long-term results and keep moving toward your goals.
Put together a new workout routine that challenges your muscles in different ways. If you’re not sure where to start, try working with a personal trainer and get them to help you. This way, you’ll get the best workout possible that’s specifically designed with your goals in mind. One of the simplest fitness tips that most people fail to use, is to vary up their workout routine.
4. Eat Right
Making improvements with your workout doesn’t just mean doing the best exercises in proper form. You need to pay attention to your whole body and that means taking the time to eat right and use the right types of supplements.
Ditch the processed, sugary foods and start eating whole, nutrient-rich foods. Things like whole grains, lean proteins, and fresh fruits and veggies are an absolute must. It can take time to get used to your new diet, but the sooner you commit to it, the easier it will be.
Keep in mind that if you’re working out regularly, even the healthiest diet may still fall short of nutrients. You’ll want to incorporate vitamins, minerals, and supplements to help fill in the gaps. Just make sure to shop around to find the best prices possible and use this telogenesis coupon and others like it to make those supplements even more affordable.
5. Stay Hydrated at All Times
Hydration is one of the most important things you can do both for your body and the quality of your workout. If you’re not already, start drinking more water throughout the day, whether you’re working out or lounging around the house.
Resist the urge to quench your thirst with sugary drinks like soda and sports beverages. These can actually dehydrate you and leave you feeling worse than you did before. Instead, grab a glass of water and keep a water bottle on-hand whenever you’re away from the house. If you get tired of water, try adding fresh lemon or lime juice to liven things up.
Keep these simple fitness tips in mind and you’ll start seeing results quickly.