The Swole 3×5 Workout Routine
If you have been reading weightlifting materials for any length of time, you have probably heard of 5×5 training. It has worked for many trainees. We folks at Project Swole even made excellent progress on a 5×5 program. But with all this 5×5 hype, has anyone stopped thinking there might be an even more efficient way to train? You might want to take a moment to learn about The Swole 3×5 workout.
In my experience, at least for trained athletes, there are benefits to a Swole 3×5 workout routine which include added volume for accessory movements, core training, and conditioning due to the slightly lower workload.
The Goals of The Swole 3×5 Workout

This can be a powerlifting routine, a bodybuilding routine, or a conditioning routine. Sports athletes can use it, aspiring weight lifters can do it, and beginners, novices, and advanced trainers can use it.
The Swole 3×5 workout approach to strength training is a free weight routine designed to get you back into shape, give you a break from a more mundane routine, or blast you through a plateau.
Learn how to put together an exercise program the right way. Learn all the basic compound exercises, as well as some variations thereof. Start to build a foundation for future sports or weightlifting success.
Experienced Weightlifters
Break out of a rut with this program. Blast through plateaus. Relieve yourself from training program boredom. Once you switch to a Swole 3×5 workout you might never go back.
- Increased strength and power.
- Reduced body fat.
- Increased muscle density and some size.
- Better health through conditioning.
- Increased flexibility and energy.
To create this new program, I am going to base the workout strategy on 5 postulates.
- The frequency of training any given muscle is directly proportional to observed muscle adaptation as a result of applied micro-trauma within the bounds of overtraining. That is, the more often a muscle is trained, the more strength and size you will be rewarded with.
- The speed at which a muscle can recover from trauma is directly proportional to the amount of trauma inflicted upon it whether or not additional recovery methods are used. If you can train a muscle hard, but not hard enough to inflict massive trauma, it will heal quicker.
- Compound, free-weight exercises are the best exercises for increased strength, power, speed, and size. This is what will build the basic foundation of any weightlifter’s physique.
- Combining exercises from antagonistic or unrelated muscle groups into a super-set will allow us to complete more overall volume in any period, while not detracting from the output capacity of either muscle group.
- A body will cease to benefit from neurologically intensive resistance training after 45 minutes from the start of training. This is, of course, dependent on individual physiology.
Therefore, the basic premise is that we are going to try to train each muscle group at each workout. We are going to try to minimize trauma to each muscle, while still inflicting enough stress to cause an adaptation. To avoid overtraining we will be sure to take every other day off with the option of taking off each weekend in full.
Pre-Workout and Warming Up
About an hour before your workout, take any supplements you might be using at the time.
About fifteen minutes before your workout, sip 1/2 a serving of Biotest Surge or any other pre/post-workout recovery drink with dextrose and protein. Understanding what pre-workouts can and can’t do for you is crucial, as it helps you use them effectively to enhance your performance. If you don’t have any pre-workout supplements at the moment, have a quick simple protein shake, then drink some Gatorade or Powerade – sip on this during the workout.
Warm up for about 5 minutes. The elliptical is great for this, or you can jump rope, do some burpees and pushups, swing some 10 lbs plates around, or whatever you’re comfortable with.
Set Scheme and Rest Periods
For the first set of each exercise, you want to start with 1 warm-up set, which means you’ll be doing 4 sets of each exercise, as you see fit. If you are already very warm and think you can bypass the warm-up set, do so at your own risk.
Rest only minimally between the two exercises in a super-set.
Rest for 60-90 seconds after the completion of a full superset or a single set.
Rep Scheme and Breathing
You will be executing 3 work sets for each exercise. For each of these sets, you should complete 5 reps. Each rep should be controlled on the negative or eccentric portion, and explosive on the positive or concentric portion. At no time should you lose control of the weight or break proper form.
Inhale on eccentric, then hold your breath for 1/2 of the concentric and exhale once you’ve made it past the sticking point.
Weight Scheme and Progression
To choose your initial starting weight, choose a weight with which you can barely perform 3 sets of 5 reps. You might have to start off with just the bar.
Warm up with light weights. Then increase to your chosen working weight and use that same weight on the final three work sets. If you don’t hit your 5 rep goal, oh well, suck it up and finish the workout. Everyone has a bad day once in a while.
As long as you hit your 3×5 goal the previous time you performed the exercise, always add at least 5 pounds to your working weight. This is called linear progression.
DO NOT do forced or negative reps if possible. If you have a spotter, request that the spotter not touch the bar or help you at all unless necessary. If the spotter helps you through a rep, then the set is done. The goal is to avoid forced or negative reps by completing each 3×5 without any help. Even still, it pays to have a spotter handy on some exercises.
The Program: Days 1-7
- Barbell Back Squat 3×5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Deadlift 3×5
ss1 Pull-Ups, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss2 Standing Calf Raise 3×5
ss1 Dips, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss2 Lying Sit Ups, weighted if possible 3×5 - Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.
- Flat Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Bent Over Barbell Rows 3×5
Standing Overhead Press 3×5
ss1 Stiff Leg Deadlift 3×5
ss2 Seated Calf Raise 3×5
ss1 Hammer Curls 3×5
ss2 Lying Butterfly Kicks with Hands Under Buttocks 3x to failure - Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.
- Deadlift 3×5
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 3×5
Barbell Back Squat 3×5
Chin-Ups, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5
ss1 One Leg Calf Raise Holding Dumbbell 3×5
ss2 Russian Twist with Medicine Ball or Plate 3×5 - Off or light aerobics to increase blood flow.
- Off or start on day 1.
Try not to lift heavy for more than 45 minutes. This workout is designed to get you in and out in under an hour. You can do it.
You should stay on this program for no more time than it takes to start to plateau. Once you are not able to add weight to any exercises for 2 weeks in a row, it’s time to change exercises. You can still use the same general idea but change to a different exercise for the muscle that has plateaued.
Be sure to increase your protein when starting a demanding workout routine. Most experienced athletes and trainers have come to accept nutrition as 85% of the equation, whether you’re gaining mass or dropping fat. We’ll need to examine the full spectrum of macronutrient consumption to maximize the effectiveness of our nutrition habits.
Learn a bit more about nutrition with these helpful posts:
If you try the Swole 3×5 workout please leave us a note on social media or here in the comments to let us know how the routine worked for you.
Once you’ve adopted an intense workout program like the Swole 3×5, you will want to focus some time and energy on recovery to minimize soreness and maximize gains. Recovery starts with nutrition. Eating or drinking protein-packed meals and snacks starts your post-workout road to recovery.
A few other recovery techniques that are useful to employ include massage therapy – in particular deep tissue or sports massage, physical therapy such as you would get from ProTouch Physical Therapy Clinic to help with injuries and work out problem areas, dynamic stretching and/or yoga to facilitate blood flow and loosen up tight joints, and a cold plunge or ice bath – a recent fad that many athletes swear by to minimize inflammation and soreness.
Tags: 3x5, 5x5, exercise, fitness, gain muscle, health, muscle gain, routine, strength, workout routine
Any thoughts or experiences with this routine for teenagers (boy)?
Hi there! This is a great routine for teenagers! If the teenager is a straight up noob to training, there may be some benefit to starting off lighter in a higher rep range for the first few months to learn about range of motion and form, but as the athlete gains a few months of experience they will probably see huge strength gains from switching to a 3×5 routine for the next few months. Are you planning to try the routine yourself?
Good post! Muscle Gears Sports Nutrition will be linking to this particularly great post on our site. we know the true value of Health that’s why we provide Healthy protein to our Champion.
the 2 ss1 and ss2 are super sets, they are meant to be done together?
Yes, ss1 and ss2 should be done together without rest between 1 and 2. Then take a short rest and start again at 1.
Trying the Swole 3×5 Approach.
Hello Steve. I was wonder if you could explain or share a link to show a difference between dealifts & stiff leg dealifts. To me, it looks like the same exercise. Thank you.
hey do you switch exercises the next week when your done with this workout for the week?
Nah. Follow this workout for 4 weeks or until you start to plateau. Then change it up.
I want to get a little more shoulder development out of the 3×5 routine. I had shoulder surgery a few years back, and I’m back to being big and strong, but I feel like my shoulders are a bit behind…I want those bowling ball shoulders! I added some Upright Rows to the routine under day #5 above, but I still feel the overall routine is lacking a bit in shoulder development. any thoughts on how I can tweak the routine?
More overhead pressing. Use military press, dumbbell press, and push press. I prefer standing for these exercises, but you can try them seated once in a while for a change. Side dumbbell raises help build the outer shoulders, but the other compound movements are more important.
Tried 3×5 for 3 weeks. First 2 weeks good results, 3rd week I noticed overtraining symptoms including loss of muscle & strength! Been training for 1.5years various routines (including Werewolf) & am 38yrs old. Do you think it is the frequency, or the fact that I went to failure on the last set of each exercise (for GH & hopefully better results).
Did you take any active recovery time between routines?
Only a couple days off. Would u suggest more time off or high weight, low volume work for recovery between routines? Or do u think hitting the same muscle with similar intensity 3x per week is too much if you throw in a touch of failure?
I took two days off between routines. Do you think it’s better to deload or take time off?
You can do either or both. I actually prefer one active recovery week followed by deload, then build back up to a max.
Just started the 3×5 routine and I am already feeling the results. I recently had 3 major abdominal surgeries and need something that will help target this major area. I know that my abbs will be the hardest part of my body to work on but I have the determination to proceed with anything at this moment. Hopefully I can post some awesome reports on my progress along the way.
Daniel Jowers
You will do it man. Let us know how it goes.
I do have one question for you. What would be the best way for me to work this area? I was cut open for a apendectomy and 2 mid line incesions, from my diaphram to my groin. I want that 6 pack everyone dreams of adn the V cut look, I have the determination and the strenght to do it but ignorant of how to proceed. If you could advise, I am even willing to submit pictures to you for help with this. Just let me know and i will send you my email address for further replies.
I am currently doing the werewolf Training for muscle gains and was curious as to which routine is better for gaining mass? I have been doing the werewolf routine for about 2 months now and have noticed a good amount of mass gain. Is this 3×5 routine a better mass building routine or should i stick with the werewolf routine?
I don’t think 3×5 is better, but it might be a good alternative for a month or two, then go back to Werewolf.
Is there a printable log to this workout?
No, that’s just one of the 50 things I have to get around to.
Hi Steve,
As everyone said, this is a fantastic website. I have been using the full body generic program for a several months with great results.
However, I am runner about to begin training for a half-marathon and perhaps my second marathon, and I run a 10k about once a month. I am unwilling to stop weight training for my running, I am totally fine with sacrificing my race times for strength, but was wondering if you had any advice as to how to integrate one of your routines with distance running.
Currently, I run 3 days a week (easy run, speed work, long run), lift 3 days a week (using the generic routine), and rest one day. Does this sound like a good plan? I am beginning to plateau and was thinking about switching to the 3X5. Would this be too much? Thanks for whatever info you can provide.
I think your plan sounds great to me. You seem to know what you’re doing, so keep it up.
I’ve constantly read not to do heavy squats and deadlifts in the same workout for various reasons (taxing on the central nervous system being one) yet you have this done twice in the week. Is that okay?
Also, I don’t see how I’ll be able to lift squats the same weight after deadlifts as before deadlifts.
Sorry man, but that’s the truth behind 3×5 and 5×5. Do all the core lifts each day and suffer through the pain.
Hi Steve, I really like this routine but I was wondering if it would still build up my traps. Also which routine would you prefer this or your werewolf training?
I like them both, but I really like Werewolf Training. Add some heavy smith machine or barbell shrugs to really work the traps.
Hi Steve.
I’m just about to start your 3×5 routine, looks great.
There isn’t a machine for seated calf-raise at my gym. Can you suggest an alternative, or a way of doing them using free weights?
You can put dumbbells on your thighs as you sit on a bench or chair. Basically you need to find a way to do calf raises with bent knees, whether you use dumbbells, a machine, a sled, or whatever else you can find.
Can you do card on the same day as your lifts? After lifting of course. Can I do 1 or 2 HIIT routines during the week?
Yes you can do some HIIT with this routine.
what exercises should you rotate and when>???
You can follow the routine as it is until you plateau. Then you should choose new exercises by using my Top 5 Best Exercises posts, or switch to a new routine altogether.
Not sure if you’re still around but this program seems pretty good.
I have a couple questions. Would this workout or the werewolf training be better suited for me.
I’m overall a thin guy, I hear its called an ectomorph body or hard gainer, I’m not sure. I’m 6’0″ 175lbs, with a bit of a beer belly. I’m trying to bulk up and obviously lose the beer gut at the same time. I have cut out all fast food and cut the drinking to only one night a week. I eat 6 small meals a day: 1) banana and cereal 2) chicken sandwich and fruit 3) beef, salmon or chicken bowl 4) chicken sandwich and fruit 5) protein shake 6) grilled salmon or chicken with vegetables.
my current work out is basically:
Day 1 – Chest & Back I alternate exercises I’ll do 3X8 bench then do 3X8 rows then back to another chest exercise 3X8 then another back 3X8 etc… 4 exercises for each muscle group.
Day 2 rest
Day 3 – Shoulders arms and legs. I’ll again do 3X8 going shoulders then biceps, then legs and do 3-4 exercises for each muscle group.
Day 4 rest
Day 5 start over
I’m not seeing great results but I’ve only been at it for about 1 1/2 months. Not sure if this is a terrible routine and if the two you have posted, 3X5 or werewolf would work better.
Thanks for any recommendations.
It’s not a terrible routine, but it’s not a good routine either. You can try my fat loss for men routine, Werewolf Muscle training, or the 3×5 routine. Either way you should see good results, but if you follow Werewolf Muscle Training, be sure not to eat to bulk. You’ll want to cut calories instead. Consider an intermittent fasting diet, or at least stop eating banana and cereal, and so many sandwiches if your priority is losing fat. If your priority is gaining muscle, eating those things is OK.
I’ve done about a week of the Werewolf plan and I’m liking it so far. Since I’m already thin (except in the belly area) I was worried if I didnt eat so much I’d just lose weight and not gain muscle. I also wasnt doing any cardio for fear of losing any muscle I was gaining. I’ll cut back on the cereal/banana/sandwiches and eat more eggs and lean meats and see how that goes. I was just hoping to make big muscle gains while losing fat at the same time.
Solid advice! I love strength training as a way to really tone and develop the body. I like to do 5×5 but my first two sets are more of a warm up for the exercise – so basically 3×5.
hi steve,
thanx for all your advice and great work on this site. two questions…1. I noticed your response to someones question earlier about supersets. you say 4a, then 4b, then start over. then 5a, 5b, then start over. Start over how many times? I thought it was 3×5 and you’re done..
2. Ive been lifting now for almost two years and have plateaued in some events and gotten better in others. I havent really done much of the full body routines like this before, mainly just the generic stuff like chest/tris, back/bis, legs/shoulders on seperate days. Would you suggest this 3×5 first? Then maybe the werewolf training? or does it matter?
1) ss1 and ss2 are supersets. You alternate between them without rest after ss1 only resting after ss2. If there is no ss1 or ss2 then it’s just 3×5 and done.
2) I’d just jump right into Werewolf Training for 3 cycles because it works so well, then use this program for a 3-4 week break from Werewolf Training.
Legendary site – so much crap around – this really hits the mark!
Really want to hit this 3×5 as have been doing werewolf muscle gain for a while with good results. Only concerns are I play soccer on mondays so don’t really want to heavy dead and squat on that day. Any tips to substitute those exercises/try something different but still focus on strength?
Can you just use the day 3 workout on Monday? In that case you’d be doing Day 3, Day 5, Day 1 on Mon, Weds, Fri respectively. You could also do Day 3, Day 1, Day 5. Your choice.
If you are a true beginner, start with a 5×5 workout. I really need to write one up.
hey steve! great article. i wanted to start martial arts again (after about 6 years). can i use this workout with my cqc stuff? coz a guy i kno says this could make u slow. my punching speed was 7/sec and i want to regain that… thanks in advance 🙂
I don’t know that this workout will make you slower. If you want to work on speed, power, and force development, then you should focus on Olympic lifts, max and dynamic effort lifting, plyometrics, and performing every rep with maximal force. Try to complete the concentric portion of each lift as quickly as possible.
because im doing a routine called Max-Ot and im on my 2nd week and i like that so once im done with that then I’ll go and try this
what if takes longer to recover your muscles? than a day
You should use your own body awareness to take an extra day off when necessary. Just remember that soreness is never an indicator of recovery.
hi steve,
i currently workout doing crossfit and have been for a few years now but am wanting to get rediculously strong and a couple trainers from my crossfit went to a 70s big workshop last weekend and learned the 3×5 linear progression and started it. i was going to come up with a strength program for myself to increase my strength across the board for squats, press, deadlift but i also want to increase my clean and jerk and snatch too.
can i combine the 3×5 approach to oly lifts too into one program with the powerlifts?
my strength isnt too bad considering i’m a 24 year old girl who weighs 125lbs. currently my squat is 180lb bench press is 120lbs deadlift is 265lb power clean is 140lbs snatch is 75lb (thats my worst lift because i’m terrible at em) but i would like to get stronger.
i would love to hear your suggestion for a program that i could start.
thanks, terah
You are a 24 year old woman, weighing 125 lbs, and you power clean 140 and pull 265? Those are great numbers! A 3×5 routine would work best for you in my opinion, with either a full body workout or an upper/lower body split. I think you could structure an upper/lower split with one main strength exercise, followed by one main Oly exercise, followed by one secondary strength exercise, followed by 2-3 ancillary lifts.
For example:
Day 1 – Focus on Quads, Hips, and Abs
Barbell Squats
Power Cleans
Good Mornings and Calf Raises
Walking Lunges
Free Weight Hip Abduction and Hip Adduction
Day 2 – Focus on Chest and anaerobic cardio
Barbell Bench
Power Snatch into Overhead Squat
Pull Ups
Incline DB Press
Dips and Biceps Curls
15-20 mins bodyweight HIIT or HIRT session
Day 3 – Focus on Hamstrings and Abs + 1 Oly lift
Day 4 – Focus on Back, Shoulders, and anaerobic cardio + 1 Oly lift
Know what I mean?
hi steve,
thanks for writing me back! i’ve been doing the 3×5 approach for the last 3 or 4 weeks and have already gotten stronger. my back squat went up to 200lbs and my deadlift went to 280lbs and my strict overhead press is 102.5lbs and my body weight has only gone up 2lbs! hehe.
i like the program you wrote down and i’m going to change up the one i’ve been doing to be more like this one you wrote me.
and just out of curiousity how long should i be doing linear progressions for? a few months? i read an article the other day that was negative towards linear progression and the 3×5 approach and i understood theyre side of the story but i really like 3×5 linear progression especially since i’ve already gotten stronger using it.
i hope to hear from you again!
Linear progression works just as well as muscle confusion, GPP, SPP, the conjugate method, and any combination thereof. Keep using your current routine until progress slows down then switch routines or change exercises.
Hey Steve
I wanted to add the 3sets of 5 to my periodization cycle
4 weeks 3 sets 8 reps
4 weeks 3 sets 5 reps
4 weeks rest/pause with 90% of 1 rep max
is this a good cycle for a hardgainer ectomorph, and i was thinking instead of 3 sets of 8 maybe 3 sets of 10?
Please fix whatever you think needs fixing,
Do 3 sets of 10, 3 sets of 8, 4 sets of 5, then do the max effort stuff.
Hey Steve, been getting my rear end handed to me by this workout…lol. I guess that’s a good thing.
Seriously though, I’m only in my second week of the 3×5 routine, but it is wiping me out. I have been back in the gym for about 9 months now and have always had pretty good energy. Running 2 or three miles after a workout has generally not been a problem. I usually recover fairly quickly and fairly well too.
Since I started the workout I leave the gym drained. I cut out the cardio after my lifting too.
Is this normal adapting to a full body routine? Is it possibly a nutrition thing? I’ve only ever done split routines in the past. My first instinct is to just fight through it and give my body time to adapt.
I’ve thought about not increasing my weights for a few weeks too even though I’m completing my sets for the exercises.
I’ve been doing this routine for a couple weeks and love it. One thing I’m interested is in how would I vary the exercises once I start to plateau. More specifically, the dead lift. to me, that’s one the ultimate lifts but not sure what would give me similar results to it as a change up. Or, should I keep it in a vary up the other exercises?
Another option would be to just switch up the routine and do something like the generic full body routine.
thanks! Love the site. I just with I found it a lot sooner! 😀
Like you said, try a whole new routine. To vary the deadlift try:
Wide grip deads.
Sumo deads.
Deads off a box. (sumo, wide, regular)
Rack pulls.
hey steve ive been training for the last 2 months after a long break and im trying to induce hypertrophy as well as get back some of my strength. i like the 4x(5-7) approach for the big compound lifts. ive been switching up my routine and trying to get something i can stay consistent with. i will be lifting 3-4 days a week, 4 being the max. im trying to create a solid program that will feel right.
monday – chest (12 sets) core 4-6 sets ( russian ball twists w/ 25 lb plate + bicycle maneuver or planks)
tuesday – back (12 sets) bi-ceps (usually fail after 6-8 sets)
wednesday – off
thursday – legs (deadlifts, squats, standing calf raises, lunges) core 4-6 sets
friday – tri’s (10-12 sets) shoulders (10-12 sets)
sometimes ill throw an extra day of core in there. my muscular endurance still isnt quite there, my arms often give out when i train them after i do the larger muscle groups ( biceps after a back day or triceps after a chest day)
Are you looking for confirmation of your routine? It looks OK to me, although I might prefer more lower body and less upper body.
Steve: My question is if this program is good for women. My wife and I completed the Generic Total Body Routine, and as the article suggested, I modified her reps on the 5×5 sets to 4×7. Does that apply here? Thanks!
John: Your wife should do fine with 3×5 but if she prefers 3×7 then that would be OK too.
steve i was wondering i am taking a post work out supplement right now dark matter any ways a lot of post work out supplements say to take that right after your work out before anything else and dont eat or take a protein shake for an hour. what do you think should i wait that long? love your site
Brandon: You should drink your post workout shake within 20 minutes after exercise and don’t eat again for at least 30 minutes.
Hey Steve, just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the info on your site. I recently started this work out and it has been going pretty good, my one question is whether or not this would be the best routine for putting on mass. I am currently 6’0″ 150lbs and trying to put on 10-20lbs over the next year or so. Just wondering if this is what you would recommend to accomplish this. Thanks for any feedback.
Chris: it is a good mass gain workout. In order to gain weight you need to eat some serious food. If your target weight is 170 you should definitely eat 170 grams of protein a day. After that, make sure you get several hundred grams of complex carbs each day, get plenty of healthy fats, and make sure to drink your post-workout shake within 20 minutes of lifting. Get a good amount of sleep every night too… like 7-8 hours.
I have a few questions…
1) My workout I do now is
Monday- Chest n Back
Tues- Tris, bis, n shoulders
Wed- Legs
Thurs- Chest n Back
Friday- Tris, bis, n shoulders
I do about 4 sets on each bodypart on those days, example ill do 8 total exercises on Monday. I also superset these too.
( 1st question is, Do you think im doing too much, like overworking my body and should i change my workout )
( 2nd question is , when im supersetting should i example do a set of incline dumbell chest n then right to a back exercise set )
1) I wouldn’t structure my workout routine quite like that, but stick with it if it works for you. 4 sets on each body part sounds like overkill, but then again I wouldn’t really know unless you explained the whole routine to me. You definitely shouldn’t waste time doing 4 exercises for biceps though… that is a waste of time. Once it stops working, then change it to a full body routine 3 days a week, or an upper/lower split on Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri.
2) For supersets, you’ve got the right idea.
I would like to compliment you on this workout (3×5). I love it and have made significant gains. My lifting partner has also enjoyed it. I had never done a full body workout before and this was a great start. Thank you. I have now done this workout for 12 weeks so I need to change it soon. I want to stay with a full body workout but not sure how much I need to change in order to avoid muscle adaptation. Thank you again for your help.
I like it, though I might swap out some of those calf exercises or the hammer curl for lat raises or upright rows. Thoughts?
Sounds like fun Phil! Swap away.
[…] A 3×5 approach to strength training […]
If it’s too light, add more weight. 😀
Thanks Steve, thats pretty much what i tried to do today but i wasn’t sure if it was correct, seemed too light
Hey Steve,
I just started this workout today and i was curious as to how exactly you do weighted lying situps
Jay: To perform weighted situps on a flat, incline, or decline surface, simply execute a regular situp while holding weight on your chest or behind your head, over your head, or hold it straight up in the air. BAM!
hey steve,
love the website. quick question. Do you have a method on tracking how many calories you burn during a high intensity weight training session?
My current split is:
Day 1: legs
2: chest
3: back
4: shoulders
5: tris, bi’s
6: off
7: start over
I do a lot of supersets and muscle buiding routines and ive always been curious if there was a actual method someone could use to give them a guestimate on how many calories they can be burning on a given day.
another small question is you have people sipping there simple carbs DURING there work out and i was always raised on chugging or devouring my simple carbs right after. So am i slowing my self down by doing this after?
anyways great website, please keep posting up the info.
1) You will burn about 8-10 calories a minute with vigorous non-stop weight training. You will see a decreased return on effort after 45 minutes though, so keep your workouts under and hour.
2) Recently I have read about better ways to maintain energy throughout your work outs. Apparently mashed dates offer a better nutritional benefit during the workout, than does sipping Gatorade. I need to learn more about this, but I figured I’d at least make that point known. In the meantime, I still stick with Gatorade and Xtend. Definitely chug your simple carbs after the workout though, but don’t forget your protein isolates too!
I’m curious about the supersets listed and how they work into the timeline of day’s workout.
Using day 1’s workout as an example, could you post a step-by-step timeline of what you should be doing, in order?
Is it:
1. Barbell Back Squat 1×5
2. ss1 Pull-Ups, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 1×5
3. Incline Barbell Bench Press 1×5
4. ss2 Standing Calf Raise 1×5
5. Deadlift 1×5
6. ss1 Dips, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 1×5
7. ss2 Lying Sit Ups, weighted if possible 1×5
Then repeat the cycle two more times?
Incorrect. It would be one cycle of:
1) Barbell Back Squat 3 sets x 5 reps
2) Incline Barbell Bench Press 3×5
3) Deadlift 3×5
4a) ss1 Pull-Ups, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5 (no rest, move immediately to 4b)
4b) ss2 Standing Calf Raise 3×5 (short rest, start over at 4a)
5a) ss1 Dips, weighted if possible, assisted if necessary 3×5 (no rest, move immediately to 5b)
5b) ss2 Lying Sit Ups, weighted if possible 3×5 (short rest, start over at 5a)
Does that make more sense?
Is there an age limit to starting to do body building or can you start at any age? Great blog by the way!
Hey that sounds like a fun workout too. Dan John totally knows his stuff. I will have to try that Dan John workout one of these days.
Nice idea. I just finished a Dan John one week cycle with 2×5 on squat and deadlifts then a 2×2-3-5-10 for overhead presses. This was for 3 sessions during the week, increasing the load each session. The last overhead press was for 5 sets.
The following week I posted personal bests in all three lifts.
Will do your 3×5 next.