There’s lots of sugar out there. Some are just plain unhealthy to consume, others, like fructose, should have a place in your diet, even if sparingly. So what is fructose?
Fructose is one of the three foundation sugars that are found in our foods. Fructose combines with glucose and galactose to form the sugars that we see on the ingredient lists. When fructose is combined with glucose you get traditional sugar which means that sugar is 50% fructose.
Fructose, aka fruit sugar, is what makes fruit taste sweet and helps to intensify the flavor of the fruit. However, the fructose in fruit varies depending on the fruit. The fruit with the most fructose is the common apple, though some people mistakening believe it to be the banana.
Taking the global gymscape by storm, John Reed has singlehandedly upped his clientele to a new level. As we’ll learn in this John Reed fitness review, this gym chain is hot, hoppin’, and full of vigor. You’ll get a little bit of everything you could hope for, in a nightlife-vibed fitness community. As they say at John Reed, “Finally, a GYM that doesn’t suck.”
Boutique studios have become a hot commodity in affluent cities worldwide, with people opting to invest in their well-being instead of anything else. John Reed Fitness has many established spots in London, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands, and the US. This is his 40th international Space for classes, bringing a new meaning to fitness culture.
Utilizing innovative soundtracks to keep up motivation levels -John Reed offers radio content featuring energetic beats from every genre-electronic, hip-hop, urban, and pop. Twice weekly, they host live DJ sets from local artists and visitors, giving listeners a chance to see what they’re made of!
The wonderful 2000-square-foot studio features a huge functional group training space, boxing arena, PT zone, free weights and equipment, hot yoga studio, sauna, and more. State-of-the-art equipment is found in every corner of the gym floor, ensuring you have some of the best workouts.
Lots of specialist kits you won’t find at most gyms are here, such as this amazing Glute Drive Machine we loved, and many other things that we had never seen before too!
A good night’s sleep will keep you healthy and allow your body to work efficiently. It can also give you peace of mind, regulate hormones, and even help memory formation. One important aspect of a good night’s sleep will be your ability to fall asleep fast in spite of whatever stressors are happening in your life.
If you don’t get enough sleep at night, there is a higher chance that you’ll catch colds or even worse diseases which will make living difficult.
Despite the importance of sleep, there are several reasons why people struggle to fall asleep fast.
Sometimes these reasons are minor – such as consuming caffeine too close to bedtime or trying to sleep in a noisy environment.
Other times it may be something much more serious like depression or even one of many different types of sleep disorders.
Learning different ways to get a good night’s sleep can greatly reduce the unrest often experienced when trying to fall asleep.
We explore how long it takes for most people to fall asleep and what activities like meditation or reading before bed can help us fall asleep faster. Let’s explore seven easy ways below.
Cholesterol and its role in our body is not something most people think about regularly, but it should be. High cholesterol can lead to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States today. Project Swole readers like to exercise, so let’s ask the question, ‘does exercise lower cholesterol?‘
If you want to know how to lower your cholesterol with exercise, here are some great workouts that can help you start dropping those dangerous fats today! Let us know what you think about these suggestions in the comments.
There are several reasons why you should start going to the gym. These include health benefits, community, and cost. In addition, going to the gym regularly can prevent osteoporosis. Furthermore, it can lower your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes. Finally, lifting weights is also an excellent way to lose weight.
Let’s take a deeper dive into each of the benefits of starting a new exercise routine.
There are numerous considerations when planning an exercise routine; what type of exercises will you partake in? What clothes should you wear during said activities? How hard you want to push yourself and for how long, among other factors. One concern many people may overlook is the importance of how long to wait to exercise after eating or snacking.
Eating too much beforehand can make physical efforts seem unbearable, leading to pain and potential health hazards such as cramps or constipation.
So, how long should you wait after eating before exercising? Will exercising make it harder for your body to digest food? What are the benefits of waiting before taking a workout break?
This guide will discuss how much time you need to wait between meals and working out.
Subconscious behaviors refer to automatic actions or reactions one becomes aware of only if one thinks about them. For instance, your ability to speak a different language, once you master a language, you stop thinking about which words to use or how to frame sentences. Yet, you become aware of what happened when you think about it. Our subconscious can cause us to exhibit behaviors that can be considered a cry for help, so we should train our conscious minds to notice these subconscious outbursts.
The concept of subconscious behaviors or mind was introduced to the world by Sigmund Freud, a psychoanalyst. He stated that human behaviors and personalities resulted from constant interactions of psychological forces that operated at three levels—preconscious, conscious, and subconscious.
Let’s take a look at how these psychological forces affect your overall body and well-being.
Which is the best practice, to exercise before, or after, a bath or shower? Should I do both, others may need to shower or bathe before or after, but ideally, showering/bathing before and after a workout is the best choice.
Nevertheless, if you can only fit in one of the two, I recommend showering/bathing afterward because that keeps you smelling and feeling fresh for the rest of the day.
There are several considerations when deciding whether to take a bath or shower before or after your workout. Today, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each so you can figure out what works best for you. Let’s start with the exercise before a bath! Read along!
Exercise has many benefits and works wonders for your body. Regular exercise can lead to major health improvements, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease or cancer, and even prevent diabetes from happening in the first place. In trying to stick to your routine at all costs, you might ask yourself, ‘should I exercise when I am sick?‘ The answer to that question is complicated so we have to consider several factors including the type of illness you’re experiencing.
There are two sides to this question, and both have merits depending on your situation. While some would say there’s no reason not to exercise if you’re ill, arguments against it can be valid depending on your circumstance.
The following article will look at both sides of the issue to help you make an informed decision on whether you should exercise when you’re sick or not.
Whether you are a guy or a girl, it is always an asset to have nice, strong glutes. The main exercise that will help you develop your glutes the most is obviously the squat. Look at those who have the highest squat numbers. ‘Nuff said. However, there are a number of additional exercises such as these 5 best glute exercises and a few honorable mentions, that can get your booty into fighting shape.
How to Get Big, Strong Glutes
As mentioned above, barbell squats are the king of glute exercises. They are without a doubt the single best exercise you can use to develop your glutes. I would even go as far as saying that you would not even need to do another single exercise for them; squats are really that good! However, there are always some other exercises that would be good to experiment with such as this list of best glute exercises.
Before going on to mention the top exercises, let’s take a look at some of the more important details about the glutes.
It doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been working out, if you’re challenging your body every week then chances are good you still experience muscle soreness regularly. And while, in a way, it feels good to experience a little soreness as a physical reminder of the progress you’re making, it can be an inconvenient feeling when you’re ready to pick up the iron again. When this happens I bet you’re wondering how to relieve muscle soreness.
Luckily, there are many natural ways to relieve soreness after working out.
CBD Oil is suitable for not only treating sports injuries but also has many other health benefits. For example, it can reduce your anxiety, manage your stress better, and take care of your heart disease. When you’re in the midst of pain CBD Oil Relieves Sports Injuries so you can start to get back on track. Let’s take a look at a few ways it can help.
Exercise can be defined as any movement that requires your body to work and burn calories. There are different types of physical activity, such as running, walking, swimming, and dancing, to name a few. Although many people know that exercise is good for them, they may not be aware of all the benefits it can bring to their lives, both physically and mentally. In fact, anyone can benefit from incorporating more physical activity into their life, regardless of age, sex, or physical ability. If you need more convincing to stay active, here are seven ways physical activity benefits your health, and can lead to a healthier and happier life.
Do you have problems with your daily tasks? Are you having trouble getting to sleep or waking up in the morning? If these or any other symptoms affect your productivity, you may want to learn how acupuncture improves performance. These are 5 of the best ways based on studies and feedback from both coaches and athletes.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat all ailments, from anxiety and pain to addiction and stress. In today’s world of hectic schedules and stressful lifestyles, it’s no wonder that so many people turn to acupuncture to improve their daily performance. Here are ways acupuncture can help you achieve your goals.
Golf is healthy for the body and mind. It is one of the best low-impact sports to help keep you fit between strength training workouts. It stimulates the body and the mind and is safe for people with common physical limitations preventing them from participating in high-impact fitness involving running, jumping, and other ballistic skills. Let’s take a look at some of the most important reasons to play golf as part of a healthy lifestyle, other than it just being plain old fun.
What exactly are online fitness classes, and how do they operate? These live and on-demand exercise classes also allow you to watch workout videos whenever it is convenient for you, rather than having to plan your day around a specific fitness class.
Since the pandemic, online live and on-demand exercise classes have grown in popularity. With all of the lockdowns that occur from time to time, this is by far the safest way to stay fit while still reaping the health benefits of exercising in the comfort of your own home.
There are several reasons to start a vegan diet, but each person’s motivation will be unique. Some people may choose to be vegan because they feel there is a connection between a vegan diet and chronic degenerative illnesses. Other people choose to be vegan because they care about animals. Other factors may include the environment, religion, weight reduction, and so on.
Whatever goals you have currently to motivate you, you will end up broadening the circle of compassion in this world and raising your mind and body to new heights! Being vegan, as they usually say, is like drinking a truth serum, because living an honest, healthy, clean life alters your mindset.
Let’s take a moment to think about the essential aspects you’ll need to start a vegan diet plan for weight loss and general good health.
Alzheimer’s Disease is an awful malady that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. This is a disease that destroys the mind, often causing its victims to fail to recognize even their closest loved ones, making daily living nearly impossible without round-the-clock supervision. We have to wonder, given all of the benefits of caffeine, can coffee reverse Alzheimer’s disease in humans?
Green Tea and Acai Berries are products that have been growing in popularity for several years now. Typical of ancient herbs from the Chinese culture, Green Tea is loaded with healthy nutrients like antioxidants that will give you energy, assist with weight loss, and fight a number of diseases. Acai berries are also loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, and they taste great too! Why not take it to the next level and use a green tea with acai product? And what better way than to choose a green tea product infused with acai?!
Let’s examine just how supplementing using green tea with acai can help keep us healthy and trim.
Updated slightly, here’s an oldie but a goodie from back in 2009 – 13 years later, the Twilight workout routine is still legit as ever.
Introducing Taylor Lautner and the Twilight Movies
If you are a Twilight fan, you have already seen The Twilight Saga: New Moon and you already know who Taylor Lautner is, aka Jacob Black the werewolf. And if you know about all that you know about the Twilight workout routine aka the Taylor Lautner workout routine.
I have seen the movie and I was not altogether impressed, although it was not a bad movie. I would give it a 7 out of 10, while IMDB has it at 4.5 out of 10. It is a thrilling romance/monster story for teenage girls. Almost everything about the flick is targeted at girls but I know a few bros who enjoy it and have watched it multiple times (including this author).
What I was more impressed by, is the evolution of Taylor Lautner. In nine months, this 17-year-old dude gained 30 pounds of muscle to better pull off his changing into a werewolf for New Moon. Granted, if he didn’t gain the weight the part of Jacob Black would have been recast.
Taylor Lautner Before
Taylor Lautner After
Taylor Lautner used to be a 5’10”, 140-pound fairly ripped martial artist, but now he’s a weightlifting beast. So, just how did Taylor Lautner gain 30 pounds of muscle so quickly?
He maximized his genetic potential, and you can too.