A Protein Powder That Tastes Great Mixed with Water

Posted August 5, 2022 in Diet, Product Reviews, Supplements 10 Comments »

Official Update for 2022

This original post was all about the Shakeology product. Let it be known I no longer use Shakeology and instead, I use Muscle Milk, which is a far better and less expensive product that also tastes better. Muscle Milk is a protein powder that tastes great mixed with water.

If you are looking for a pure protein powder, check out Muscle Milk. Muscle Milk protein powder comes in about 20 different flavors, and is available in 1 lb, 2 lb, 5 lb, and 10 lb containers. Learn more about Muscle Milk. Finally, a protein powder that tastes great mixed with water!

Maybe you prefer all-natural whole-food protein bars. Visit RX Bars for awesome tasting bars. My favorite is Maple Sea Salt.

“Like eating 3 egg whites, 2 dates, and 6 almonds. With no B.S.”

This guy is hungry for a protein powder that tastes great mixed with water

The Healthiest Meal of the Day

Please note: you’re about to read my original story from 2011.

So I was hungry the other day at work and didn’t have many meal choices. The cafeteria was closed, I didn’t have any money for the vending machine, no protein bars, and only a couple of packets of Sweet & Spicy Tuna in my desk drawer. I’d already eaten tuna earlier that day, so I wasn’t in the mood for more.

What to do? What to do?

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Lizzo’s Weight Loss: A Complete Review

Posted August 4, 2022 in Celebrity, Weight Loss No Comments »
Lizzo's weight loss before and after

If you are following Lizzo on social media channels like Instagram, you may have noticed changes in her body size. Did Lizzo lose weight? Yes! The news is that Lizzo has lost a bit of weight. People want to know what diet she used to lose weight or if she had surgery. If she lost weight naturally, did she follow a vegan diet? What was the training program for her weight loss journey? In this article, you will learn some of the details behind Lizzo’s weight loss.

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10 Considerations For Choosing a Yoga Booking System

Posted August 3, 2022 in Business, Yoga No Comments »
a yoga booking system helps instructors manage these clients

Business owners always try innovation to stand out from competitors in the market. Whether they are from the yoga industry or any other fitness industry innovation is important to running a sustainable business. Yoga studio owners usually struggle during the initial years of their business for many reasons. Using the right yoga booking system is often one of the biggest challenges early on.

Like many small businesses, yoga studios and other small fitness clubs tend to close within the first 3-5 years for a variety of reasons. This happens due to such financial challenges as not handling multiple payments, membership management including adopting a proper CRM, and much more. Furthermore, it is not a piece of cake to open and run a yoga studio.

Having a complete roadmap before starting is very important, so let’s examine what you need to know to find the right yoga booking system for you and your business.

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Noob Strength Gains: You’re Doing it Wrong

Posted August 1, 2022 in Doing It Wrong No Comments »
noob strength gains

Hey listen, we get it! You’re feeling impatient about those Noob Strength Gains. You went to the gym once, maybe even twice and you can’t yet find your six-pack abs. You can’t quite bench your body weight. You have failed to even deadlift your own body weight. Pull-ups? Well, you can only do 1 or 2.

THAT’S OK!! Things are going to change.

You want all your friends and followers to know how Swole you’re getting, right? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re not Swole yet. At least give it 3-6 months before you announce your new hobby and your aggressive strength goals. You’re sure to get some enthusiasm and support along the way but go slow with your social posting.

Being Swole takes months, even years of dedication and consistency. You can get healthier by working out a few times… actually no you can’t. Being healthier still takes consistency over the course of months and years and really requires additional lifestyle adjustments. The Noob Strength Gains will set in quickly with determined consistency, so stay the course, give it some time, and push it HARD when it’s time to push!

Top 6 Calf Training Mistakes

Calf Training Mistakes

The calves are a serious problem area for most bodybuilders. You can win or lose a contest depending on whether or not you have put some time into building thick slabs of beef on the back of your legs. Women tend to have calf issues as well; many are sporting the dreaded “cankles”. Both sexes often suffer from skinny little twiggy leg syndrome, sometimes known as “bird legs”. What do these folks have in common? They are probably all making the same calf training mistakes day to day, week to week. So how can we fix it?

To build marvelous calves, you have to put time into training them frequently and from a variety of angles. First and foremost, you can’t make the following 6 calf training mistakes and also hope to build world-class wheels. Train your legs right and you will prosper. Make too many mistakes and they will continue to lag.

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What Can The Sauna Do For Athletes?

young couple relaxing shows what can the sauna do for athletes

Full of physical and mental benefits, a sauna regimen can be amazing. So you ask, what can the sauna do for athletes? Well, the sauna offers benefits to your skin, body, and mood. People use saunas for a variety of reasons, whether at home, at the spa, or in the locker room at the gym. In Finland and other Scandinavian countries, the sauna has an important cultural role. It’s not uncommon for co-workers to hang out in the sauna, as workers in the US get a happy hour and many homes are built with home saunas.

Well, saunas can be of great help. In this post, we will explore the different types of saunas and the benefits of saunas after training. Read on to learn how saunas work and how they can boost your workout results.

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How to Find a Life Time Fitness Near Me

Posted July 27, 2022 in Health No Comments »
Life Time Fitness pool scene

Going to the gym can be a great investment in your health and fitness or it could be a huge waste of money. If you have a small budget, you need to think carefully about whether you should invest in a gym, especially a world-class lifetime fitness gym. Seeing as you’ve come to this page, you’re likely wondering how to find a Life Time Fitness so let’s try to answer that question as well as take a look at the perks and drawbacks of this great gym.

In this article, we will talk about how you can find the best LifeTime Fitness gyms in San Antonio, Massachusetts, California, Florida, even Canada, or any other location near you. There are over 100 locations, so your location shouldn’t pose much of a problem unless you live in the boonies.

What are the things that you must consider while looking for a lifetime fitness gym near you?

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The Top 5 Best Chest Exercises

Lou Ferrigno used the best chest exercises

Bench presses and curls are two of the first exercises that are learned by new weight lifters. For men, the chest or “pecs” (short for pectorals) are second only to the biceps as the top show muscles in teenagers and young adults. This list of 5 of the best chest exercise will go a long way in building that initial base.

For women, the chest is even more important. Keeping well-built pecs can be useful in maintaining a solid, perky appearance of the breasts.

Serious fitness enthusiasts and athletes know that the pecs are involved in one of the main powerlifting exercises, the bench press. The bench press is one of three exercises, including squats and deadlifts, in a standard big 3 powerlifting competition. For this reason, it is always important for powerlifters to increase their chest strength.

Therefore it seems to me that everyone has a reason to train their chest, including men, women, athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongmen… everyone; and here are the top 5 best chest exercises you should use.

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How to Do an Army Combat Fitness Test Leg Tuck

Posted July 22, 2022 in Bootcamp, Exercise Technique No Comments »
guys performing the army combat fitness test leg tuck

Even if you are not interested in joining the U.S. military, you may want to take the army combat fitness test (ACFT). The infamous army combat fitness test leg tuck is considered the most difficult part of all the ACFT exercises. The Army has replaced this tough exercise with planks, so fewer people fail the ACFT, given nearly half of female soldiers used to fail the test; and quite a few men didn’t fare much better.

This is just one of many changes introduced as part of the latest attempt to make ACFT more comprehensive. As explained on Military.com, the most significant change in ACFT with six events is that it is no longer designed to prepare soldiers for battle but to assess their overall physical fitness. “Standards for men and women in different age groups often lower their chances of selection.”

The original ACFT had the same standards for women and men but a report by Rand Corp, a Congressionally mandated report by a Washington DC-based think tank, reported that “about half of women in the service can’t pass previous testing standards, especially the leg tuck events”. To work around these concerns, the Army swapped leg tucks for planks.

Let’s dissect the leg tuck and figure out how best to train for it, even if just for the fun and challenge of completing a few reps.

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7 Muay Thai Drills and Strategies For Beginners

Posted July 21, 2022 in Martial Arts, Sports No Comments »
fighters practicing muay thai drills

I trained in Muay Thai kickboxing for several years in my 20s and 30s and it was nowhere near real Muay Thai fighting, but trust me, it still needed to be taken seriously. The conditioning demands, strength needs, and flexibility all require a few tried and trusted Muay Thai drills as well as solid equipment and a healthy lifestyle including proper nutrition, hydration, and sleep.

Muay Thai is a highly physical activity that is increasingly becoming popular. Regardless of whether you are interested in pursuing it for exercise or want to reach the level of a Muay Thai professional boxer, there are various tips you should beware of before committing.

Let’s take a slightly deeper dive into each of these strategies, which can be used for any sort of self-defense, sport-specific, or obstacle course training.

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What is HIIT – High-Intensity Interval Training – And How Should You Use It?

What is High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?

female sprinter uses high-intensity interval training

High-Intensity Interval Training, often represented by the acronym HIIT, is really a big deal. HIIT training is the ideal and most effective replacement for underachieving endurance cardio. High-intensity interval training has been regarded for years now as one of the best ways to burn calories and maintain muscle mass while encouraging a long-lasting metabolic effect post-workout.

As a matter of fact, in studies, HIIT is 9x more effective at burning fat than endurance cardio.

More often than not, I have talked about HIIT workouts made up only of interval sprints. Today I would like to discuss HIIT training with resistance machines, but not to be confused with High-Intensity Resistance Training, or HIRT, which I will write about shortly.

HIIT Provides the Following Benefits

  • Burn more calories than endurance cardio
  • Burn more fat than endurance cardio
  • Increase power
  • Increase speed
  • Increase muscle density
  • Improve anaerobic endurance
  • Improve aerobic endurance
  • Speed up metabolism for more than a day and a half
  • Shorten cardio training sessions by at least 33%

Navigating This Article

Beginners TrainingIntermediate TrainingAdvanced Training
10 second sprints10 second sprints10 second sprints
20 second sprints20 second sprints20 second sprints
30 second sprints30 second sprints30 second sprints
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Run To Lose Belly Fat

Posted July 18, 2022 in Running No Comments »
these runners don't need to lose belly fat

When you seriously set out to lose belly fat it’s a lot of hard work and requires optimizations to your lifestyle habits. Although regular exercise can trim and tone other parts of the body, for many individuals, an excess stomach can be very stubborn. Fortunately, one of the best types of exercise for losing belly fat is running. There are also some small tweaks that can be made to your regular running regimen to provide a sustained boost of fat burning. 

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Acai Berry FAQ

Posted July 15, 2022 in Supplements 83 Comments »
fit girl acai berry FAQ on the beach

Acai Berry Frequently Asked Questions

Updated for 2022… I receive so many inquiries about acai and colon cleansers each day that it’s very hard to answer all the questions individually, but I do want to help everyone. This acai berry FAQ is my effort to document, research, and answer as many frequently asked questions as I could find about acai berries and colon cleansers.

Please submit any questions not answered here via the Project Swole contact form.

Navigating the Acai Berry FAQ

General Acai Information

Benefits of Acai Berries

Acai and Weight Loss

Contact Acai Retailers

Ordering Acai

General Colon Cleanse Info

Ordering Colon Cleanse

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Why Kayaking Is The Perfect Exercise For Active Recovery

Posted July 13, 2022 in Exercise, Recovery, Sports No Comments »
kayaking for active recovery

You already know that kayaking is a great way to go out and see nature, go fishing and get a little exercise. In fact, when you are out on the water you are probably having so much fun that you don’t even realize you are also getting in a good workout.  However, you might be surprised to hear that kayaking for active recovery is one of the best exercises you can choose!

Let’s take a look at all of the great benefits of kayaking.

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How to Properly Charge Electric Wheelchair Batteries 

Posted July 12, 2022 in Tools No Comments »
electric wheelchair batteries for floor hockey

Did you just buy an electric wheelchair? Do you plan to participate in strength training, exercise, or sports in your electric wheelchair? If so, you will need to be concerned about the battery life of your new machine. You want to know if the electric wheelchair batteries will reach the range highlighted in the technical specifications. It’s okay to have expectations, especially about the driving range of your power wheelchair. You desire independence, mobility, ease, freedom, security, and the assurance of getting back home without getting stranded. All these things are dependent on your wheelchair battery. 

It is evident that you may not have the desired satisfaction without good batteries in your electric wheelchair. Incredibly because your range will be limited, and the frequency of charging may be unbearable. You might have read a couple of Power wheelchair reviews before buying yours. You’ll get to know specifications and accurate results from other users in real-time. Power wheelchair reviews can guide you to purchase wheelchairs with good batteries. 

However, having good batteries isn’t enough; you need to be in the know as to how to charge them. That’s what this article will address. How to charge your electric wheelchair batteries to get the best result. 

So if your new wheelchair isn’t getting up to the specified range, there are things you can do. And it often starts with how to charge them. 

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Women’s Beauty Supplements and Their Benefits

Posted July 7, 2022 in Appearance, Supplements No Comments »
women's beauty supplements

Name one woman that hasn’t felt kind of under the weather at some point? I’m not talking about catching the flu or anything like that. There are days when you simply aren’t satisfied with the way you look. Even though you try to eat healthy, exercise, and do everything right, sometimes it just doesn’t seem to be enough. But you haven’t heard of women’s beauty supplements to help improve your appearance, and that’s completely okay; everyone has a bad hair day from time to time.

But, then you notice those days turning into weeks, weeks into months… Eventually, you just realize that you could really use something to freshen up your overall appearance, thus making you look and feel more beautiful. A new haircut doesn’t cut it, flawless makeup doesn’t cut it, and nothing seems to cut it anymore. Until you find out there is something that can very well cut it.

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How to Find an Esporta Fitness Near Me

Posted July 7, 2022 in Business No Comments »
cyclists from Esporta Fitness near me

If you’re looking for a fitness routine that is fun, energizing, and will make you come back for more, one great choice that could be right for you is Esporta Fitness. Esporta Fitness is a network of world-class health clubs offering a range of energy-intensive classes and activities that will get you started. One common question I hear is, “how can I find Esporta Fitness near me?” The easy answer is to check their sign-up search page, but more importantly, you should read on to learn if Esporta Fitness is right for you.

From cardio training to strength training, Esporta has something for everyone. Take action today! Esporta is one of the top health clubs in the country. It has over 700+ locations worldwide.

They offer a wide range of fitness services including group fitness classes, personal training, sports coaching, and much more. In addition to its locations, Esporta also offers a comprehensive online fitness offer, including training videos, nutrition tips, and much more.

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What Are the Benefits of Puppy Yoga?

Posted July 6, 2022 in Mental Health, Yoga No Comments »
the benefits of puppy yoga

Puppy yoga classes are not basic yoga classes but you will experience all of the benefits of puppy yoga as well as all the benefits of regular yoga. In these classes, the puppies will go from one mat to another, fight with each other and jump on you. If they are not involved in performing yoga poses, the puppies will run around the room and create a fun atmosphere.

In this way, puppies get the opportunity to socialize with other puppies. Usually, puppies are borrowed from kennels or animal shelters. Also, they often find their home no matter where they are from the kennel or shelter.

People who attend classes often get close to puppies, and therefore want to adopt or buy them. Yoga classes usually have about 20 puppies, although that number can often vary, and their onset is usually 12 to 15 months.

If you plan to attend puppy yoga classes, keep reading to find out what benefits you will experience.

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Werewolf Training: A Weightlifting Routine to Gain Muscle

Werewolf Training

Gain Muscle with Werewolf Training

This training routine is designed for you to gain muscle. That’s it.

If you’ve come here to lose fat, you are better off using the Full Body Fat Loss Routine for Men or the Full Body Fat Loss Routine for Women. This routine definitely has nothing to do with fat loss.

If you came to learn how to bench 700 lbs, you are better off reading Werewolf Training for Strength Gains. Although, truth to tell, you will get significantly stronger following this program.

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Werewolf training is not designed to get you ripped or “toned” (::barfs::), or even super strong, but you will get stronger anyway. This is much more of a bodybuilding routine than anything else, but with great strength benefits.

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Follow These 10 Rules to Get Shredded

Posted July 1, 2022 in Diet, Weight Training 84 Comments »
male deadlifting wants to get shredded

When you need to drop fat quickly to get shredded, you might have to say, “screw healthy lifestyle eating habits”, and take a more aggressive approach. It’s great to eat healthily and maintain low body fat. But what if you only have 2 months to lose 20 lbs? What if you are trying to get from a decent 12% bodyfat to a ripped 6% bodyfat? Well, now it’s time to talk about jumping on a hardcore diet to melt off the fat and show those hard-earned abs.

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