Well, have you ever wondered if these two issues – mental health and substance abuse – might be correlated?
Probably not.
But, research shows that people with mental health problems are highly vulnerable to developing substance abuse behaviors. It is also proven that addiction victims undergo plenty of mental health issues that are not highlighted at first.
Whether we like it or not, stress is a huge problem in today’s world. It could be that you are having problems in the workplace, personal issues – or even money issues that can result in you feeling stressed or anxious. We have collated a list of activities to relieve stress that can hopefully put you well on your way to a stress-free life.
Eating immediately following a workout isn’t always the first thing on your mind, but it’s important to replenish fluids and at least some nutrients soon after working out. You certainly shouldn’t sit down to a big meal of post-workout foods, but a small to moderately-sized meal is essential to your body’s recovery process. Without sufficient replenishment, you can dip down into low energy, moodiness, and compromise muscle recovery.
Just like you should not skip leg day, you definitely shouldn’t go easy when it comes to your shoulder workout. Not that you need a dedicated “shoulder day” but at least try to hit them from all directions with proper intensity.
Properly building shoulder size and strength makes for a vital part of that lusted-after “V-Shape” body physique. That physique starts with a wide top, and big shoulders make up a wide top.
But despite the importance of training shoulders, they are often done wrong, which makes you vulnerable to injury and a frustrating lack of growth. It is very easy to stumble into a pretty severe injury if you train shoulders wrong.
You may be well aware of the importance of a solid diet and adequate hydration if you are an athlete, there are also many nutritional supplements that could be beneficial. Here are some of the top supplements that may be able to boost athletic performance in the right combination, used at the right time.
Disclaimer: it is important to speak with a medical professional before adding any supplements to your daily routine, so make sure you talk to your doctor first.
Working Out on a Treadmill: You cats are doing it wrong!
Firstly, your form is all off. You can’t jump onto the treadmill sideways then fall off the backside. This takes all the tension off your muscles and puts you in danger of serious lower-body injury. Treadmill workouts can be dangerous if you’re screwing around trying to make your friends laugh.
For the new year, many people have started a fitness program in a gym or committed themselves to an exercise plan only to back out after a few weeks. Usually this happens because they don’t know how much exercise they need to lose weight. At times, the number of workouts seem endless, it can sometimes seem like too many to count. Before long, you feel it’s time to rest. Furthermore, knowing how many days to work out can be confusing, especially if the amount of time you are training doesn’t align with your lifestyle – work, family, hobbies, etc…
Whether your goal is to exercise until you lose a few pounds, get stronger, gain muscle, or any other fitness goal, worry not. Here are some training tips you can use to determine how often you should exercise.
Looking to give your addiction recovery a good boost? Recovering addicts should not ignore the positive benefits of exercise for addiction recovery. Exercise has an impact on just about every aspect of our lives: from our mood, self-image, and even energy levels.
This COVID pandemic lockdown of 2021 (and now 2022) did nothing to help addicts and it definitely helped a bunch of folks slip into a habit of addition. If you’re one of them, and you’ve been struggling to keep the pounds off and avoid relapse, it’s time to hit the gym.
Addiction is all about control: the loss of it, the hunger for it and finally getting back in control after beating your body’s dependency on substances or behavior. Achieving sobriety means learning how to deal with temptations head-on and finding healthier ways to cope when things get tough. Exercise is one of the most powerful tools for changing your life around.
It can be difficult to garner the motivation to work out. Between finding the time and overcoming the fatigue of day-to-day life, it isn’t hard to understand why committing to a regular exercise routine is so challenging. That said, no challenge is without a solution. Introducing some fun and excitement to the mix could be all you need to help make your routine effective and fruitful. Adding music to your routine is a proven way to elevate your experience and get you on the right track. Given the intense tempo of your typical workout and the righteous beats of disco, we can’t help but think the sounds of disco and workout tempo go together perfectly.
While music is highly subjective and a matter of taste, you may be surprised to learn that certain styles have characteristics that lend themselves to ensuring a fiery workout time and time again. Universally loved for its driving tempos, motivational lyrics, and energetic nature, Disco seems to be tailor-made for cardio, weight training, and more!
The start of a new year is the perfect time to improve yourself. Hitting the treadmill day after day can start to feel tedious and repetitive. This year, try something new to help you stick to your resolution. Of course, you can use a full-body workout routine, you can add HIIT to your daily routine, and you can try 3×5 workouts in 2022, but if you think outside the box you’ll realize there are a ton of other classes you can try.
Yoga, spin, kickboxing, jump rope, and even the hula hoop have conditioning benefits. If you’re ready to get in shape, here are the best workouts to try in 2022.
Almost all nutritious food has fat in it. Fats are used for a variety of purposes including transporting vital nutrients to cells, assisting in the digestion of certain foods, and providing us with energy in times of nutrient depletion. To be healthy you can’t, and shouldn’t, stay away from fat. Still, we find ourselves asking: how much fat should I eat in a day? What are the pros and cons of eating low-fat or fat-free? What kind of fat should I be eating most? Which foods provide healthy fats and which foods will kill me quickly?
The American Heart Association recommends limiting dietary fat to 30% of total calories. Take into consideration, however, if you are overweight, need to lower blood cholesterol, or have another medical concern, you may need less than the recommended 30%.
Let’s stop to consider all of the factors that go into determining how much fat we should eat.
Carrying extra weight around has many negative side effects. It can lead to everything from serious health conditions to unnecessary pain. If you’re considering trying to shed some extra weight this year, dieting and exercise are crucial for long-lasting change. The effort should not necessarily be about “losing weight” thought, right? You want to focus on how to improve your body composition by losing fat and gaining muscle in order to keep your metabolism as high as possible.
Let’s think about a few of the most important lifestyle habits we’ll need to change in order to get our body composition moving in the right direction.
There are different reasons to join a fitness center, and some people might want to improve their general health, while others might be looking to tone their bodies or lose weight. Either way, the important thing is that you will have to find a workout plan that suits your needs. When you begin looking for a fitness center you should keep a few factors in mind, from class times, equipment availability, fees, and hours – all of these considerations should factor into the final decision.
Below are six things to look for before enrolling in a fitness center:
Your workouts and meals are directly connected. What you eat and when you have it can impact the effectiveness of your exercise routine. Eating correctly based on your training is the best way to get the results you want to see. What we need to do is structure eating habits based on our sleep and training schedules.
Here are some tips to help you eat right to maximize the results of your workout sessions.
As a fitness instructor back in the day, I would often hear this objection to weight training from females, “but I don’t want to get too bulky”. Well, these ‘fit and sexy’ professional female bodybuilders are the reason for those objections. However, truth be told, you have to take lots of anabolic steroids and other substances to end up like these two beauties. Much props to the effort they put in to get to this point, but unfortunately, 99.9% of female athletes would prefer NOT to look like this. Therefore on the ‘fit and sexy’ front, in my opinion, these ladies are doing it wrong.
I’ve heard of balance training, I’ve heard of barbell squats, and I’ve heard of swiss ball squats. To my recollection, no one has ever done any of those exercises quite like this.
Do you want to start exercising in the New Year and get in amazing shape for 2022?
While this may seem like a simple goal, the majority of people who try to start exercising end up failing. To ensure you crush your New Year’s Resolution and your fitness goals, follow our simple tips and find out how to start exercising again to start off the New Year strong!
Martial arts are useful for a lot more than just learning how to fight or protect yourself, or to pursue as a profession. For those of us who do not regularly practice, we often forget about the potential health and fitness benefits of martial arts. Forms like Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, MMA, and any other MMA fitness workout make not just the body fit but also help to keep the mind healthy.
YouTube is a great resource for free workout videos that anyone with a steady internet connection can use. Of course, it is important to know how to tell whether a video is more likely to help or hurt your workout routine. Below are some red and green flags to look for when trying to find an effective muscle-building workout on YouTube. You could obviously read some of the reviews to gauge the popularity and success, but these tips will help you formulate an initial first impression.
How many times has anything like this occurred to you? You get home after an exhausting day of work where you’re already attempting to function without enough sleep. then you have a refreshing bath, sit down to eat your meal, and power down on your couch or bed. Just as you’re about to fall asleep, you’re startled to awaken by the cackling laughter next door, dogs howling outdoors, or a car honking someplace nearby. If you’ve returned home after a night shift and are attempting to sleep during the day, a flood of sunshine flowing in through your windows may interfere with your slumber. Can blackout shades improve health by blocking out these intrusions? We think so!
Thankfully, there are methods to prevent these hassles while still getting a decent night’s sleep. Blackout shades are the finest solution since they completely block light and sound. These are soft and long-lasting window coverings that provide various benefits like room darkening, noise cancellation, heat resistance, energy savings, and personal privacy. Here are some of the best reasons to utilize thick, dark curtains in your house.