What to Consider When Choosing a Gym

Posted November 30, 2021 in Exercise Equipment, Tools No Comments »
choosing a gym

Gyms are everywhere, and you could even be having more than five in your location. But not every gym will give you the results you need. When choosing a gym, consider the offerings and the facility amenities. From hours of operation, the instructors, to guest privileges and equipment – these features could make or break your experience at the gym. 

Here are a few factors you must consider before starting at a gym, fitness center, or training facility.

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How Can I Stay Active During the Holidays?

Posted November 30, 2021 in Fitness Tips, Health No Comments »
stay active during the holidays Santa

The holiday season is such a fun time of year. There are parties, decorations and so many reasons to enjoy life. But a lot of times, all the celebrations come with a cost. It can be easy to fall out of your fitness routine and healthy eating habits during the holidays. Here are some tips on how to stay active during the holidays. 

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Maintaining a Healthy and Strong Body All Year Round

Posted November 28, 2021 in Fitness Tips, Healthy Lifestyle No Comments »
Healthy and Strong Body male and female

When you are busy working, sometimes you may find that your levels of health and fitness can take a backseat. Often they take a backseat unintentionally. To regain and take control of your body and your overall health, you have to put in the legwork. Maintaining a healthy and strong body all year round requires dedication to a few lifestyle fundamentals.

  • you have to prepare for results – mentally and by keeping your body healthy
  • you have to follow a healthy, maintainable diet and nutrition plan
  • you have to follow a proven workout routine customized for your personal needs

If you do not have a mix of all of these elements, then you will struggle to get your body looking and feeling how you want it to. When it comes to getting in shape, there is no overnight fix. You need to put in the work, and you need to maintain the work to get visible results that last.

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9 Tips to Maximize Your Holiday Season Fitness

Posted November 24, 2021 in Fitness Tips, Motivation No Comments »
holiday season fitness

Indulgence is often synonymous with the holiday season. You stuff your face during Thanksgiving and then attend various Christmas parties through the end of December. You may also skip workouts because you are too busy gift shopping and planning your own holiday bash. The best way to maximize your holiday season fitness is to pay attention to your habits each and every day.

It is no wonder that many people gain weight toward the end of each year. You do not have to fall victim to this pattern, however.  Here are nine ways to stay fit during the holidays.

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Can Neurofeedback Be Useful For Addiction?

Posted November 22, 2021 in Medical, Mental Health No Comments »

People are tired of being prescribed medications that cause more harm than good and of going to doctor after doctor without receiving any relief. As a result, neurofeedback training has become a popular treatment option for a variety of ailments, including anxiety, depression, concussions, migraines, and addictions. You undoubtedly have a lot of questions about neurofeedback whether you’re hearing about it for the first time. It’s a treatment that alters your mental state!? WHAT!? 

There is no need to be concerned. Neurofeedback treatment is a large word with a lot of connotations, and you might be hesitant to attempt it. That’s why in this article you will have all of the information you’ll need about neurofeedback in one spot.

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Use Social Media to Boost Your Fitness Business

Posted November 19, 2021 in Business, Social Networking No Comments »
Use Social Media to Boost Your Fitness Business

Are you wondering how social media can effectively boost your fitness business? If yes, you have to make sure you get noticed while promoting your fitness business through social media platforms. You have to take care of specific facts and trends when attempting to take your fitness business to the next level.        

You can apply several techniques to boost your brand promotion through social media techniques in a short time frame. Do not make your path any more difficult than it needs to be while taking your fitness business and online presence in the right direction. 

Here are some helpful tips to do just that.

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7 Foods To Boost Your Skin Health With Proven Results

Posted November 18, 2021 in Appearance, Food, Health No Comments »
boost your skin health

While many people are very concerned about looking good using a lot of makeup, they are unaware of their skin health. Just like different parts of our body, skin health is very important. You need to make sure that your skin health is good to get a natural glow and smooth skin. Using too much makeup or other chemicals can become harmful to your skin. 

If you are here, you want to find out which are the 7 foods that can help you to get good skin health. Well, there are plenty of foods available that boost skin health. However, if you have to choose 7 among them, then we have handpicked some of the best ones for you. So, go through the benefits and the properties of these foods to find more information.

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A History of Bodybuilding Supplements

Posted November 16, 2021 in Bodybuilding, Supplements No Comments »
History of Bodybuilding Supplements - Eugen Sandow

The Evolution of Body Building Supplements

These days bodybuilding supplements are as common as bottled water. All our retail and grocery stores sell them, GNC is usually just down the road, but what about the history of bodybuilding supplements? From whey powder to creatine and everything in between, the bodybuilding supplements industry has steadily been growing both in popularity and in the sheer number of products available.  

But how did it ever get to be this way?  At what point in human history did we equate the intake of supplemental foods with the construction of the perfect physique?  Interestingly enough it started with a man named Eugen.

Nineteenth-Century Supplementation

Over a hundred years.  That’s how far back you would have to travel back in time to find the first traces of what is now known as bodybuilding supplements, consumable goods that were shown to have a direct impact on developing muscle and physique in the user.  

Regarded as the first modern bodybuilder, Eugen Sandow was a staunch advocate of the impacts that eating or drinking certain foods can have on muscle development.  Earle Liederman, a friend of Sandow’s, drank beef juice and extracts to help him his muscles and body heal faster after rigorous exercise, inadvertently developing what some argue to be the first post-workout supplement.

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Supplement Your Workouts the Right Way

Posted November 16, 2021 in Performance, Supplements No Comments »
supplement your workouts

The way you design your exercise, diet, and supplement routines will ultimately shape the type of results you see. For instance, young men who want to add bulky muscle will have needs quite different from older women who want to slim down. Knowing which nutritional building blocks to supplement your workouts can help you create a more solid foundation for your health and wellness goals.

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5 Tips for Weight Loss

Posted November 16, 2021 in Weight Loss No Comments »
fat cat weight loss

Weight loss has become a huge industry, full of diet fads and supplements that claim to help you lose lots of weight really fast. Many of these claims don’t actually help you lose weight, and some tips for weight loss can even be harmful. If you want to lose weight, there are ways to go about it that are not only actually good for your overall health but will also help you accomplish your weight loss goals and feel healthy.

Here are 5 helpful tips for weight loss that you can put into practice today.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Explained

Posted November 12, 2021 in Mental Health No Comments »
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a short-term counseling strategy offered in addiction rehab facilities such as Pinnacle Recovery Center and many others that may help individuals change their cognitive patterns and discover new ways to behave.

It is a problem-specific, goal-oriented strategy that requires the individual’s active participation to be successful. It focuses on their current problems, ideas, and actions. CBT is based on the idea that how we think about and interpret life events has an impact on how we act and, ultimately, how we feel. It has been found in studies to be beneficial in a variety of scenarios.

CBT may assist individuals in reducing stress, coping with difficult relationships, dealing with loss, and dealing with a variety of other typical life issues.

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A Fat Burning Workout to Strengthen Your Core

Strengthen Your Core

Everyone wants a flat stomach but we don’t always get what we want, such is life: we have to hustle for the muscle. To get rid of excess body fat and lose unsightly belly fat, it is important to do both conditioning as well as weight training exercises. Stubborn belly fat cannot be targeted by spending extra time on ab exercises. Instead, you need to focus on how to strengthen your core and build up the supporting foundational blocks to influence the aesthetics of your v-shaped, chiseled midsection.

Of course, nutrition is responsible for 75% of your fat loss results, but you still need to strengthen your core by performing the exercises below. Perform all the exercises in a single day by pairing larger muscle groups (chest, back, legs) with smaller muscle groups (shoulders, triceps, biceps, abs), or spread them out across the week, adding additional exercises to further target a specific muscle group pairing each day, for example:

  • back, bis, abs
  • chest, tris, abs
  • quads, hamstrings, calves, abs

Now, let’s take a look at our 7 awesome exercises and variations for strengthening your core, and how to use them together in a circuit to bring out those six-pack abs.

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6 Ways You Can Boost Athletic Endurance

Posted November 10, 2021 in Conditioning, Performance No Comments »
Boost Athletic Endurance group training

Endurance is the ability to last through something that pushes you to your limits. Do you know what it’s going to take personally, to boost athletic endurance? Does your body have the strength to do more? Can you give anything else to the effort? Or are you ready to call it quits and rest?

Athletic endurance refers to several aspects of your physiology:

  • your mental state
  • muscle strength & stamina
  • cardiovascular health & conditioning

To go further and last longer, work on building all three areas. The following are six ways to develop your endurance levels through whole-body and spiritual strategies.

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How Does High-Intensity Interval Training Work?

Posted November 4, 2021 in HIIT Routines No Comments »
High-Intensity Interval Training athletes

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that has become very popular in recent years. It involves short, intense workouts with long recovery periods. This enables you to increase your workout intensity while decreasing the amount of time it takes to get results. During a HIIT workout, you push yourself hard for a short period of time, and then rest while recovering. This is typically a 1:1 or a 2:1 work-to-rest ratio.

Let’s learn a bit more about what HIIT is and how to integrate it into your training.

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7 Effortless Tips To Stay Fit And Healthy In College

Posted November 3, 2021 in Education, Health No Comments »
Healthy In College girl deadlift

College can be an amazing time for young adults, but it can also be extremely stressful. Instead of turning to healthier solutions for stress like exercising and eating well, most college students resort to negative coping habits. These habits typically involve drinking alcohol, choosing greasier and more calorie-dense meals, and neglecting physical exercise altogether. These factors combined explain why 70% of students gain weight during college. This phenomenon commonly referred to as the ‘Freshman 15’ is very real. When the Freshman 15 sets in, it becomes harder to stay healthy in college, so best to squash that 15 before it accumulates.

If you want to be the exception and stay fit throughout college, here are seven effortless ways to incorporate healthy habits into your student routine. 

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Exploring The Key Ingredients Used In Pre-Workouts

Posted November 3, 2021 in Performance, Supplements No Comments »

Whether you are in the gym day in and day out or just a few times a week, there are days when it can be extremely difficult to muster up the strength and energy needed to complete the most intense workouts. This is exactly where pre-workout supplements can come in handy. However, if you have done any research on the topic whatsoever, you have probably discovered that there are tons of people out there saying that these supplements contain dangerous carbs and fillers that just cause bloating and severe fatigue. Sure, this might be true in some sense, but there are healthier alternatives on the market. Below are the ingredients that you need to focus on the most.

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How Can I Heal My Joint Pain?

Posted October 30, 2021 in Injuries, Supplements No Comments »
joint pain bodybuilder

Chronic joint pain and inflammation are unavoidable health concerns when you get into bodybuilding exercises. They often arise from heavy workouts, which are thought to cause problems to the smaller connective tissues. The pain can make your day-to-day workout routine incredibly difficult since it primarily affects your joint performance. Sometimes going too heavy can cause joint pain and other times overtraining is the culprit, but either way, we need to know how to deal with the pain when it rears up.

While going lighter on your workouts will suffice, joint supplements are the only real long-term solution for these concerns. Most of the supplements are developed to optimize your mobility for enhanced flexibility and collective performance. Relying on them thus assures you of two things—massive muscle gains and healthy joints for bodybuilding.

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The 5 Best Boot Camp Exercises Part 2

Posted October 29, 2021 in Best Exercises, Bootcamp No Comments »
best boot camp exercises

Boot camp exercise is high-intensity interval training. We are talking about highly intensified full-body training that promotes functional fitness. Accept this challenge and set a time for the workout! Put together your own boot camp workouts by stringing together some of the best boot camp exercises into an intense circuit.

You will get an excellent shape as long as you work hard, but exercise is not all you need. Since nutrition is responsible for roughly 75% of your progress, it is better to control your food habits than to rely on exercise alone.

While you can practice BootCamp workouts at home, we do encourage joining a gym that offers group BootCamp classes. They will also typically offer additional classes such as kickboxing, weight lifting, and TRX circuits. The main benefits of group classes are:

  • structured workouts
  • community participation
  • accountability

Experts say boot camp exercises work like magic. Are you willing to learn how? Hold on; you need to know preliminary exercises and lifestyle habits before you get started. With no need to join a gym at first, you can just do this at your own pace. Spend an hour a day, five times a week, and prepare for your 3-month journey towards metamorphosis. 

Here are 5 of the best boot camp exercises and variations you can use to begin your journey.

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Change Is the Key to Overcoming a Fitness Plateau

Posted October 28, 2021 in Fitness Tips No Comments »
Fitness Plateau

You have made a lot of healthy changes in your life. Perhaps you’ve changed your diet, taken steps to reduce stress, and started a consistent workout routine. In the beginning, you reaped the benefits of your efforts quickly and noticeably. But now something has gone wrong. Perhaps the weight loss has stalled or the growth in strength has slowed or even stopped. You’ve hit a fitness plateau.

This is a frustrating time for any health aficionado, especially those that are new to a fit lifestyle. The biggest danger of a fitness plateau is that it can lead to a loss of motivation and cause you to give up on the positive habits you’ve just developed. Don’t lose heart. A plateau is just a message from your body that it has adapted to what you are doing and that something needs to change. If you are experiencing a plateau, here are a few changes you can make to your current routine to get things moving again.

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Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Supplements: All You Need to Know

Posted October 28, 2021 in Supplements No Comments »
pre and post workout supplements

There are many kinds of supplements on the market. You may see individuals at the gym with water bottles filled with a shake, and you may even see an advertisement at the gym selling a supplement powder.

Supplements can help to improve your performance in the gym, but they can also help to maintain your body outside of the gym. It can be intimidating to know what supplement to use or what kinds of supplements even exist.

This guide should help you begin your research by offering insight into the differences between pre and post-workout supplements.

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