How to Sprint Faster
Sprinting is the foundation of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and will make your legs big, strong, fast, and powerful. Sprints are great for developing endurance, but also for developing lean muscle mass and speed strength. If you want to develop your writing skills you can visit services like, but for sprinting these tips will teach you how to sprint faster.
Ever seen a skinny sprinter? I didn’t think so.
Sure, squats are the almighty kings of the Gym Exercise Kingdom; but sprints are like the kings of the Functional Exercise Kingdom whose jacked-up, super-lean army of massive wheels is constantly trying to overthrow the squat as the #1 top leg exercise.
You think you know how to sprint right, but do you?
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: Conditioning, hiit, run, running, Sports, sprint, sprinting
Posted February 23, 2021 in
Fitness Tips No Comments »Are you fed up with being overweight and unhealthy?
If so, it is time to start making some drastic changes. Finding a diet you can follow is the first step in shedding unwanted pounds. You also need to increase the amount of exercise you get each week. Many people live very sedentary lifestyles with little physical activity, which leads to their weight getting out of control.
Before you begin your fitness journey, you need to educate yourself. Reading health and fitness blogs, such as Energetic Lifestyle, is a great way to find out about the methods others have used to get fit. Making a game plan of your own based on the information you find online can also help you stay the course and accomplish your fitness goals.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: beginner, newbie, noob
Posted February 22, 2021 in
Fitness Tips No Comments »Despite being stuck at home in 2020 and 2021 with, presumably, plenty more free time than usual, most of us are still struggling to lose or keep off those dreaded Pandemic 15. While it will take some time to put these tips into effect if you’ve fallen off the horse, getting started today is the best way to try to create new habits.
Lose fat, and look and feel better with these great tips.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: fat loss, lifestyle, lose fat, lose weight, weight loss
Are you one of those people who always have “join the gym” on their new year’s resolution list? If yes, then the good news is that it is actually going to work this year. In this blog, I am going to explain how you can manage to go to the gym with the help of marijuana.
The first and the most important thing that you need to know about this is that using marijuana for any purpose is all about finding the right strain. Green Relief has different strains that you can use after the gym to ensure that you go to the gym again the next day. So, just consult them about your problem, and you’ll get the strain that will work for you.
Read the rest of this entry »Posted February 12, 2021 in
Supplements No Comments »As people are spending more time indoors, they have changed their perspective regarding mental and physical fitness. While making the interior more pleasant, loads of focus has been given to physical training and mental wellbeing. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has taken a serious toll on our lives, and a strict fitness routine takes loads of self-motivation and physical stamina. That said, it has become an ongoing trend to rely on energy-boosting dietary supplements, which leads us to a fundamental question of how CBD can fulfill the dietary needs of weightlifters and bodybuilders.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: CBD, CBD oil, CBD Supplements
Posted February 5, 2021 in
Bootcamp No Comments »Fitness boot camp workouts provide you with an opportunity to build your endurance, strength, and, in many cases, resilience. However, before diving in head-first and signing up for a boot camp experience, you need to know what you are getting into.
These classes help you build your endurance, agility, and strength while ensuring you have the energy and focus on tackling whatever the day sends your way. The question is – are you up to this challenge? Find out by reading the information below.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: boot camp, bootcamp, Conditioning, exercise, fitness, workout
Posted February 3, 2021 in
Motivation No Comments »The global Covid-19 pandemic has shifted the dynamics of life in extreme ways. Measures to help reduce the spread of the virus include lockdowns and the constant practice of social distancing. Public gathering spaces such as gyms have therefore had to shut down for periods depending on the lockdown regulations in the particular areas. It has become increasingly difficult to balance gym and life during the pandemic up until now.
In places where gyms are allowed to open, Covid-19 regulations have to be followed strictly—which significantly affects how people manage their gym time. Fortunately, frequent gym-goers have found a number of ways to adapt to the changes in their routine.
Here are 3 ways to help you balance gym and life during the pandemic.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: covid-19, pandemic, quarantine, safety, safety tips
Lots of people are thinking about turning a part of their apartment or a room in their home into a gym. There are plenty of benefits. If the gym is closed for whatever reason, you can keep up with your training plan. If you’re super busy, it’s a lot easier to find time for a workout if the gym is at your house instead of down the road. If you’re thinking about putting some kind of gym in your home, here are the basics for building a better home gym.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: equipment, Exercise Equipment, home gym, home workout, workout equipment
Let’s be honest. You may wish for a magical solution to get bigger arms overnight, but the truth is it takes time, patience, and perseverance to build stronger forearms and bigger and more powerful biceps and triceps. However, that doesn’t mean there are not some excellent training techniques to get big arms faster than you would with standard strength training exercises. If you’re looking to build stronger and bigger arms, check out the following helpful tips.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: arm workout, arms, biceps, forearms, triceps
It seems that health is on everyone’s mind lately. And because life is so different these days due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, focusing on nourishing your body with healthy foods and diversifying your at-home workouts is not only essential for your physical health, it’s beneficial for your overall sense of well-being too. There are so many new, easy, and healthy ways to refocus your diet and workouts nourishing your body and your mind. Here are five innovative health and fitness trends in 2021 to make you healthier, fitter, and more disease-resistant this New Year.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: fitness, health, trends
According to studies, people spend 7.6% of their time outside. That’s it. Less than 8% of our time is spent in nature. A lot of people are stuck indoors, chained to their screens, and uninterested in stepping outside to breathe in some fresh air. Rarely does outdoor exercise occur to most people as an option to improve their lifestyle.
While these statistics sound defeating, it can actually be a great call to action, especially for athletes and people looking to get strong and fit. Exercising outdoors can completely transform not only your workout routine but your mental and physical health, and it’s entirely possible to introduce outdoor activities into any program.
Still not convinced you need to go outside? Let us explain why it’s so beneficial and what kind of activities you can do.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: lifestyle, outdoors, wellness
Posted January 6, 2021 in
Performance No Comments »Whether you are a weight lifter or weight lifting is part of your cross training regimen for your main choice of exercise, then you know just how rewarding and addictive the pursuit of growing stronger can be. If you are reading this article then that means you are thinking about or have decided that you want to start increasing your abilities in the weight room. This is a great thing to do! Lifting weights can increase your muscle mass and decrease your fat stores, which increases your metabolism and makes you healthier in general.
You can not improve your gains at a rapid pace because you might risk injury which would completely defeat the point of your goals. Instead, you should focus on steadily improving your lift over time. Here are some tips on how to do just that.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: gain muscle, gain strength, muscle, muscle gain, strength, strength gain
Posted January 4, 2021 in
Supplements No Comments »Supplements provide a lot of notable health benefits to the body. Benefits including cellular repair, regeneration, renewal, and protection. Supplements, such as vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, can help maintain specific nutritional needs for different groups of people.
For instance, people who have dietary restrictions and have demanding lifestyles need to take supplements to avert certain health problems. Likewise, people who do not have access to a regular balanced diet (e.g. poor families) may need particular vitamin pills to support their health. Moreover, some individuals need supplements due to deficiencies as a result of illnesses. Supplements can help correct all of these nutritional concerns.
Nonetheless, although supplements can bring positive results, bear in mind that they function only as additives to elevate and protect your health against potential problems. With all of these, it is important to look for quality supplements that will truly do their job.
However, how can you ensure that they are the best supplements in the online market? Here are 11 tips to consider when looking for supplements online:
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: health, minerals, nutrition, Supplements, vitamins
Posted December 30, 2020 in
Sports No Comments »If you’re bored of interval training, running on the treadmill or riding the bike, badminton might be something for you.
Though many people know badminton as a fun backyard game, it is an intense olympic sport with roots dating as far back as far as Ancient Greece and Egypt 2.000 years ago.
Just like with other types of cardio, you can play at any intensity you like, starting from a low-intensity equivalent of a brisk walk, all the way up to your VO? max.
In this article, we’ll look at some of the pros and cons of playing badminton for cardio, when your main goal is getting stronger in the gym.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: badminton, exercise, sport, Sports, sports performance
Posted December 29, 2020 in
Nutrition Tip No Comments »One of the biggest concerns that many vegans and vegetarians face is making sure that they get enough protein into their diet. With meat being the highest source, it can be complicated to plan meals around your new requirements. However, it is possible. All you need to do is look into the different substitutes.
In this article, we are going to discuss six high protein alternatives for vegans and vegetarians. Interested? Then keep on reading!
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: high protein, protein, vegan, vegetable protein, vegetables, vegetarian
Posted December 22, 2020 in
Sports 2 Comments »Students have different talents and passions. As much as getting good grades is concerned, some students are gifted in other sports. Are you as a college student aspiring to become the best athlete?
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Posted December 16, 2020 in
Martial Arts,
Sports No Comments »I can’t believe a YouTube personality is actually going to fight Conor McGregor. It’ll end up being an exhibition fight just for the fame and money, but should be an interesting, if not profanity laden, journey.
Controversial YouTube star Jake Paul finds himself in the headlines once again after calling out UFC superstar Conor McGregor and UFC supremo Dana White.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: boxing, fight, mma, Sports
Posted December 12, 2020 in
Weight Gain No Comments »Let us face it- being skinny and underweight is no fun. Sometimes, people lose too much weight due to different medical conditions and become lean and unhealthy. They start looking underweight, and there are several reasons for it. When an individual starts losing excessive weight, they start looking for effective ways to gain weight. Although there are many remedies, tips, and popular diets, you can find that promise you to gain weight quickly. But if you are looking for a safe and secure way, Ayurveda has something most effective. This post highlights the ways in which Ayurvedic treatment is effective for weight gain. So, let us get started.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: Ayurveda, build muscle, exercise, gain weight, muscle gain
Posted December 7, 2020 in
Motivation No Comments »If you know you want to make changes to your body before the summer gets here, now is the perfect time to get started. Some people try to avoid setting health and fitness goals in the winter because of the notoriously high failure rate of New Year’s resolutions. However, putting off weight loss goals until the last minute is never a good idea. It makes reaching them harder and can lead to serious health consequences. This is what science has to say about getting a head start on your summer health, fitness, and weight loss goals.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: goals, Motivation, summer
Posted December 7, 2020 in
Medical No Comments »You may have heard of all of the Elmiron lawsuits currently being brandished about. The truth of the matter is that this drug has some serious side effects, often that people weren’t warned about before they began taking it.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: lawsuit, medicine, side effects