Top 5 Hair Removal Tips for Bodybuilders

Posted February 13, 2020 in Bodybuilding No Comments »

Competitive Bodybuilding is Not Compatible with Body Hair

Sexy Female Bodybuilder

So, you think you are a bodybuilder and you want to compete. Well, there’s more than just lifting weights and dieting to worry about when entering a bodybuilding show. For instance, you have to consider tanning, oiling, and posing. And those three components won’t help you one iota if you have any hair anywhere on your body. (Incidentally, it was NOT easy to find a sexy picture of a female bodybuilder, so enjoy this image while it lasts.)

As a bodybuilder you strive to look your best, and when you enter competitions, part of that package is a sleek and hair-free body. You don’t spend hours at the gym, lifting weights and cross-training, so that you can lose a competition because of a little extra peach fuzz on your arms and legs.

While molding your body to precise measurements and proportions is certainly the harder part of preparing to compete, you still have to attend to cosmetic issues, including tanning, oiling, and choosing the right outfit to display your physique in all its glory. And this cosmetic maintenance includes keeping your body free of fuzz. If you’re unfamiliar with the process you may be on the lookout for a few different methods of hair removal to try.

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Hiring a Pro in Langley for Personal Training

Posted February 11, 2020 in Motivation No Comments »
girl with personal trainer

Personal training is everywhere. We are all trying to be healthier, get stronger, lose weight – it seems like everyone has a health or fitness goal. Personal trainers can go a long way to keep us on the right path and to stay motivated. We sent our Canadian correspondent out to Langley, British Columbia to interview some popular personal trainers and get the Canadian take on health and fitness efforts up in the north country.

What is the Candian Lifestyle Like Today?

For most ordinary people, losing weight can be such a chore. This is true for many of us, since gaining weight is a lot easier. Of course, there are some cases wherein this is not true, but most of us do tend to gain weight easier. It doesn’t help that the culture of the modern world is instant everything like fast food. Canadians would usually joke that this is an American thing, but we Canadians are no better. According to this article, it actually has increased in the late 2010s.

Even here in Langley, BC alone, there are so many Tim Hortons and other fast food places you can walk in one for a burger and beverage on the other. Usually, the faster the food is prepared, the more calories this contains for the person. Exercise also seems to be a hated activity for many people, but this should change. After all, diet and exercise are a part of healthy living and we should participate in it for a better and longer life.

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Working Out? Five Dietary Components That Are a Must

Posted February 6, 2020 in Diet, Nutrition Tip No Comments »
healthy dietary components

Exercise and working out, while incredibly good for you, also generate a certain level of demand on the body. In order to fully benefit from the workout and not cause any kinds of detrimental deficiencies thereafter, there are some key dietary components everyone should stay on top of. The following represent five of those key components.

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The Benefits of 24×7 Gym Membership – Why Lock Doors?

Posted February 6, 2020 in Exercise Equipment No Comments »

To maintain a healthy lifestyle along with the busy day to day life, a person needs to exercise in any way possible. Running, walking, Yoga, and many other types of exercise provide an easy way to maintain one’s health. However, working out in the gym is a much-preferred option for anyone. Working out in a gym has a lot of benefits and a 24×7 gym membership might be the way to go.

24x7 gym membership
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What Accessories Do I Need to Make a Decent Home Gym?

Posted January 30, 2020 in Exercise Equipment No Comments »
home gym accessories

Waiting until there is a free dumbbell or joining the queue to use the treadmill can be very frustrating. Aside from the sweaty atmosphere and testosterone-filled space, you have to deal with monthly subscriptions. I guess you are tired of it all and want to have your decent home gym. Good for you. Don’t raise your hopes just yet. Home gyms are not for everyone.

If perhaps, you draw motivation from the crowd, then a home gym might not be the best for you. Otherwise, a home gym is the perfect way to get in shape and stay in shape without the hustle and bustle of a commercial gym. You get to exercise whenever you want and in your own way. 

Here is a shortlist of what we consider to be the most important equipment to build a decent home gym. Most equipment, when possible, should be adjustable so you can get the most flexibility out of each piece.

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5 Tips for Becoming a Successful Fitness Trainer

Posted January 30, 2020 in Business No Comments »
successful fitness trainer

Fitness trainers are often fitness enthusiasts who love to help people achieve their fitness goals. Despite good intentions, it’s not always easy to become a successful fitness trainer.

There’s a misconception that any ‘gym bro’ with bulging muscles can get a job as a Fitness Trainer. But in reality, there is a lot of work that goes into being a fitness trainer other than keeping yourself fit. 

You have to get certified and develop your interpersonal skills as this job requires you to build close relationships with people. Unfortunately, very few fitness trainers make it past the early stages of their careers because of the misconceptions attached to this profile. However, don’t lose heart.

Read on to learn the 5 tips on how to become a successful fitness trainer.

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The Top 4 Best Close Combat Self-Defense Martial Arts

Posted January 27, 2020 in Conditioning, Martial Arts No Comments »

The idea of paying money so you can go get beaten up someplace might sound insane. This is what martial arts are but the pain and exertion can be extremely beneficial. The benefits of martial arts go beyond just physical fitness. In everyday life, you would have to defend yourself and even your loved ones. But you cannot do that well enough if you are just fit. No matter how much you ignore or deny it, the only self-defense tool you will have with you all the time is your body. Plus, most of the real-life situations are close combat.  

close combat self defense

Some forms are better for self-defense while others are not, this is just how it is. It is time to turn your body into a weapon with the help of martial arts. Here is a list of the best self-defense close-combat martial arts from the best to our least favorite. But there are not the only options available, but the best ones to protect yourself in my belief. Keep in mind that even the last listed option is the last of the best, so you can’t go wrong no matter which discipline you choose.

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Tips & Tricks: Langley Personal Training and Personal Fitness Advice From a Certified Trainer

Posted January 26, 2020 in Fitness Tips, Motivation No Comments »
Langley Personal Training

It’s the new year and many folks have fallen out of sync with their resolutions and fitness goals because they don’t know what to do. One of the easiest ways to figure out what to do is to hire a professional for advice. There are thousands of personal trainers around the world, but rather than write a generic personal training post, our foreign correspondent has set up camp and chat with some personal trainers in Langley, British Columbia to get advice for fitness newbies, and provide some tips and tricks for selecting the right expert to help you get fit.

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4 Ways to Save Money While on Gluten-Free Diet

Posted January 22, 2020 in Diet, Nutrition Tip No Comments »
Gluten Free

If you’re following a gluten-free diet, you probably notice that it’s harder to manage your grocery bills since most gluten-free products are quite expensive. With this, it makes you think twice whether you should stick to this type of diet or switch to a more practical diet that can still meet your health and fitness needs.

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6 Reasons You Need to Be Using BCAAs

Posted January 17, 2020 in Supplements No Comments »
Skinny Muscle

Branched-chain amino acids, which are commonly referred to as BCAAs, include amino, isoleucine, valine, and leucine. Your body cannot make them out of other amino acids, which means you must ingest them via nutritious food or BCAA supplements.

BCAAs make up 40 percent of your essential amino acid requirements each day and for good reason. Amino acids are responsible for facilitating most of your bodily functions including muscle growth, digestion, and hormone production.

Ingesting enough BCAAs, via food or supplementation, leads to the following health benefits.

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A Simple Step by Step Squat Guide

A squat is a strength training exercise working on glutes, hamstring, calves, and quad muscles and includes the hip, knee, and ankle joint. It is one of the best exercises for leg strength, building muscle in the lower body, and strengthening the core. Literally an entire encyclopedia can be written about the benefits of squatting and proper squat form. We will try to provide a simple squat guide that is simple and easy to digest.

squat guide
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How to Start Going To the Gym

Posted January 14, 2020 in Motivation No Comments »

The high prevalence of common diseases in these modern times has seen an increase in gym membership over the years. Many people would like to improve their health by working out at their local gym. However, there’s a lot of anxiety around working out in front of strangers. We don’t all just magically know how to start going to the gym without some help.

If you have signed up to a gym and are tense about it, you are not alone. Many people suffer such anxiety and there’s no reason to go back on your resolve to live a healthy life.  In fact, it is not unusual to find people who sign up and never show up, or do so for a single day. In fact, most commercial gyms love it when members do that.

Don’t let the gym win!

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New Year, Fit You: 5 Tips to Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

Posted January 7, 2020 in Fitness Tips No Comments »
reach your fitness goals

The New Year is here and many of us have our New Year’s resolutions set. More often than not, these resolutions include getting fit. While we commend those who are looking to amp up their fitness in 2020, many people don’t know where to start or how to stay motivated, causing them to abandon their resolutions. At Project Swole, we want to help you reach your fitness goals.

Follow these 5 tips to set yourself up for success with your fitness resolutions!

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How to Go from a Resolutioner to a Doer

Posted January 3, 2020 in Fitness Tips No Comments »

If you follow anyone who is into fitness, you’ve probably seen a meme or two about the Resolutioner. For those out of the loop, this is a person who makes a New Year’s resolution to get into shape. They flood the gym in early January, and then most people lose interest in working out and the gym goes back to normal. 

There isn’t anything wrong beginning your new year wanting to improve your fitness, but the problem is that many people go in without a plan or fully understand fitness, and this is why they fail. If you want to get into shape, here are some common mistakes Resolutioners make, and how to avoid them. 

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The Importance Of Mental Health and Well-being

Posted December 28, 2019 in Healthy Lifestyle, Motivation No Comments »
Brain Exercise

Mental health is the condition of a person based on the welfare of their state both mentally and emotionally. According to WHO, it affects how we are able to cope with stress, interact with each other, work productively and decision making.

Over time, there are increased cases of mental health disorders across the world. The stigma that is linked with seeking help for mental illnesses has left victims neglected. In all stages of our lives, mental health is critical. It affects all aspects of our life and how we go about it.

Here are some of the reasons why mental health and well-being is essential:

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6 Ways to Take Care of Your Natural Hair This Winter

Posted December 27, 2019 in Appearance No Comments »
natural hair care

Here is another great piece on managing your appearance this winter, from our award-winning style correspondent. Natural hair care advice is not just for women. All athletes, swole or otherwise, should take heed of these tips to help keep your hair healthy and shiny during the holidays. Take care of your natural hair and for some men, maybe ask Santa to help regrow some of those natural locks.

If you asked any beauty expert for hair care advice right now, they would gladly offer you tips on how to take good care of your curly hair during summer. Even though it’s true taking care of natural hair is stressful during summer due to the high humidity levels — it can be even more stressful during this cold, snowy season. How are you going to keep that hair glowing all through? No need to worry, we got you!

Here is a roundup of tips to take care of your natural hair during the cold weather.  

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Introducing The World’s Best Keto Friendly Bar

Posted December 19, 2019 in Diet, Food No Comments »

best keto bar

Are you the type of athlete who just can’t keep away from carbs? Is your sweet tooth always aching for a sugary treat? Well, I feel you, brothers and sisters! There’s nothing like a pink glazed doughnut or a chewy, chocolate chip cookie dipped in creamy chocolate fondue as an after-work treat during a very busy week. 

Oops, sorry! Did I just make your mouth water?

Okay. So that was really cruel of me. I’m a follower of this diet myself so you can just imagine what torture it is for me to be typing that intro. I haven’t held a cookie (the kind grandma makes) in my hand since forever. After all, I purposely try to remove myself from these sinful pleasures. I admit I cheat every once in a while but I get a bite, at most. I’m telling you; not being able to eat your favorite things is one of the worst feelings ever. Read more about this dreadful feeling here:

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The Effect of Metabolism On Weight Gain

Posted December 17, 2019 in Health No Comments »
Effect of Metabolism On Weight Gain

For those who have been struggling to shed a few pounds and get down to a healthy weight, the journey might seem harder than it is supposed to be. Even if you’re trying to gain weight, sometimes the process seems nearly impossible. After all, you have tried to monitor your caloric intake, you’ve increased your activity levels, and you are trying to keep up a positive, can-do attitude. So which factors can help you control the effect of metabolism on weight gain?

If the scale isn’t budging or if it seems to be going in the opposite direction, you might want to start looking at the silent work of the microorganisms living in your gut. Most people blame their metabolism for unexplained weight gain, weight loss, or plateau, but it might be directly related to the health of your gut. That may be true, but we need to look at the health factors that help lower and increase metabolism and affect your lifestyle.

You may have thought you were in this weight struggle on your own, but the truth of the matter is that there are trillions of tiny bacteria in the digestive system that have a very strong influence on your metabolism and weight fluctuations. Let’s examine how gut bacteria can affect your digestive system and metabolism, making it harder to make the scale move in the desired direction.

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Take Your Gym Business to New Heights with Gym Software

Posted December 16, 2019 in Business No Comments »
female gym business

More than ever today, people have become conscious about their health and the role that physical fitness has in the maintenance of one’s overall health and well-being. Many have taken up fitness programs to ensure that they get to work towards achieving their fitness goals. This also means that the increase in the number of people going to gyms and working out or attending fitness classes is very real and opens opportunities for those in the gym business.

Without a doubt, the increase in the number of people who wants to be fit and healthy is the prime time for gyms to grow and expand their business. However, managing a gym and all the services and staff and gym members can be a daunting job. When your gym is small, making sure that quality, efficiency, and excellent services are delivered to your clients is a doable feat, but if you have more than five classes and a hundred gym members, then it surely becomes a whirlwind of scheduling, logistics and equipment maintenance.

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Top Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels This Festive Season

Posted December 10, 2019 in Health, Motivation No Comments »

It can be hard sometimes keeping your energy levels on a high; especially during the festive season when family members are back home, your toddlers are running around the house and visitors are streaming in and out of your home. In these stressful times, you need to find a few healthy ways to boost your energy levels… and quick!

boost your energy levels

Family holidays like this, where Christmas and New Year festivities are just a week apart, can be stressful. From decorating, to the wrapping of gifts and even thinking about your New Year resolutions, many people can become overwhelmed by the festivities.

Despite the holiday pressures, we should strive to focus on our physical, mental and spiritual health. As such, today we are going to discuss various ways you can maintain high energy levels this festive season and make unforgettable memories with your family.

Let’s delve into specifics.

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