5 Workout and Fitness Mistakes to Avoid

Posted December 10, 2019 in Fitness Tips No Comments »
 5 fitness mistakes to avoid

Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player to ever walk the planet, missed potential game-winning shots over 20 times in his career. Even the best have mistakes, no matter how many hours of practice and dedication they put into perfecting their craft. There are gym etiquette and lifestyle fitness mistakes to avoid, here is a small list.

The same goes for the gym. Even though you may have been working out since the time the dinosaurs roamed the planet, we can all have those potential lapses of memory and judgment where we forget to do something so basic.

Don’t worry, we’re all human and these mistakes happen from time to time. That’s why it’s always good to have a small reminder even when it comes to a dedicated hobby.

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5 Natural Solutions to Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

Posted November 28, 2019 in Health, Medical No Comments »
Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

Climacteric, midlife crisis, mental pause, or the “big change”– whatever you call it, the term itself frightens women who are slowly approaching the menopausal stage. With different stories of hot flashes, mood swings, low sex drive, night sweats, and weight gain, more and more women are somehow getting terrified to reach this stage in life. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can reduce menopausal symptoms with fitness, diet, yoga, and a few other health strategies.

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How Much Rest Does My Body Need To Gain Muscle?

Posted November 27, 2019 in Recovery No Comments »
How Much Rest Does My Body Need?

A common mistake made by those who are looking to change their body composition is overworking their muscle groups. Not giving your body enough rest can be counterproductive for both weight loss plans and weight gain goals. However, if your muscles are not getting significant downtime during a bulking period, your results can be drastically hindered. If you ever find yourself not able to pack on the pounds like you are wanting, you may need to work more rest days into your schedule. Here is everything you need to know to answer the question, ‘how much rest does my body need to gain muscle?’

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Why You Should Get Educated on MTHFR Gene Mutations

Posted November 26, 2019 in Health, Medical No Comments »
MTHFR Gene Mutations

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or also called MTHFR is a particular type of enzyme that breaks down the amino acid homocysteine and folate (aka folic acid). Both of these substances have their pros and cons. Excessive homocysteine is not so good, while folic acid is a B vitamin that’s important for cell growth and metabolism. A person with MTHFR Gene Mutations will suffer from too much homocysteine and not enough folate.

Homocysteine is an amino acid found in your blood. Eating meat is the most typical way to get it through diet. High levels of homocysteine are linked to the early development of heart disease. In fact, high homocysteine is a specific risk factor for heart disease, and is associated with low vitamin B6, B12, and folate, and is commonly linked to renal disease.

MTHFR has the potential to mutate, and it can either interfere with the enzyme’s ability to function normally or entirely inactivate it. People have two types of MTHFR genes that they inherit from each of their parents. It can affect one heterozygous or homozygous of these genes.

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How to Go Back to Working Out After Pregnancy

Posted November 22, 2019 in Fitness Tips, Medical No Comments »
working out after pregnancy

Have you finally delivered and cannot wait to lose the baby weight? Working out should part of everybody’s lifestyle. When you have just had a baby, working out after pregnancy can help you recover fast and boost your strength. Since pregnancy comes with hormonal changes that affect you emotionally, exercising can also boost your mood.

Every pregnancy is, however, different, and checking with your doctor before starting is crucial. New mothers are advised to engage in postpartum abdominal exercises that can help in toning muscles and reducing weight. Enrolling in this fitness program can help you learn how to work out safely after childbirth. It aims at helping new mothers in America maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve effective results after pregnancy. 

Today we will talk about tips for easing into post-pregnancy fitness and provide a series of exercises you can use to get started.

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What Are the Benefits of Dental Services For Athletes?

Posted November 20, 2019 in Health No Comments »
dental services for athletes

There are many reasons to maintain proper dental health. Having good dental hygiene can help prevent illness, specifically in athletes, as our bodies are constantly weakened when we put it through the rigors of vigorous exercise. In a recent post about dental health we noted, “According to the Academy of General Dentistry, more than 90% of all systemic diseases show oral signs and symptoms.” This is a fact and should not be taken lightly. We contacted a well-recommended dentist based out of Bethlehem, PA for some additional facts and tips about the benefits of dental services for athletes.

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Only Get CBD Oil From an FDA-registered Hemp Farm

Posted November 20, 2019 in Healthy Lifestyle, Supplements No Comments »
Healthy Couple

In recent years CBD has become all the rage for getting the health benefits Cannabis without getting high. We previously wrote about the benefits of CBD oil for your health and will continue to report tips and facts about hemp and CBD as the popularity of these products continues to grow. You can get CBD oil in a wide variety of stores these days, from natural foods stores, retail outlets, and that small holistic store downtown, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Cannabidiol or CBD oil derived from hemp is now legal, thanks to the amendment in the 2018 Farm Bill. However, you should purchase the product only from a hemp farm that is recognized by the United States Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) to guarantee safety when using the product. 

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Exercise After Lip Fillers – What You Need to Know

Posted November 19, 2019 in Appearance No Comments »
exercise after lip fillers

So, you’ve made the choice to get a lip filler done. It’s a great idea and you can look forward to fuller, bigger lips and a resulting self-confidence boost. But now you might be wondering how to incorporate exercise after lip fillers.

The first thing to note is you’re not quite out of the woods yet. Don’t forget, you’ve technically just had a cosmetic surgery procedure, so you can’t just go rushing off as if nothing happened. There are rules to follow. 

When it comes to exercise, you’ll probably want to know when you can be back in the gym. Thankfully, we can help with that. 

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5 Steps to Hearing Loss Intervention for Children

Posted November 18, 2019 in Kids, Medical No Comments »
Hearing Loss Intervention

There are three out of 1000 American children who are born with hearing loss at a detectable level on one or both ears. Many of these children are not getting the proper help and might be at risk for behavioral, emotional, and learning difficulties. Watching for signs helps you execute hearing loss intervention when it matters most.

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How Do Fat Burning Supplements Work?

Posted November 17, 2019 in Supplements, Weight Loss No Comments »
fat burning supplements results

For anyone looking to lose weight, there is a lot of allure when it comes to fat burning supplements. It is important however that if you do plan to use these supplements that you understand how they work and what you have to do when you take them, as well as understanding which companies sell the highest quality of supplements. You should consult the best fat burner supplements list to find the best company and the best supplements for you, as there are some supplements that are of a low standard. Once you’ve found the right supplements, it is important to understand how they work on the body, so let’s take a look at how these supplements help you to achieve weight loss. 

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5 Easy Ways to Reduce Belly Fat at Home

Posted November 12, 2019 in Health, Weight Loss No Comments »
reduce belly fat

Belly fat is embarrassing and affects your confidence level. It is a fact that this kind of fat is the easiest to gain and most challenging to lose. Also, belly fat can lead to many health problems. Excess belly fat can also lead to the formation of visceral fat around your liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, and other organs. A high amount of visceral fat can cause health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia, and cancer. Therefore, it’s essential to lose belly fat. Get started by following these easy ways to reduce belly fat at home. 

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Top Tips for Parasite Prevention – What You Should Start Doing Today

Posted November 11, 2019 in Medical No Comments »
parasite prevention

The growing body stress levels and deteriorating environment have alarmed the world population to look for preventative health treatments. Not essentially to treat any ailment specifically, but to safeguard health against potential dangers. One of the major health concerns today is parasite prevention, given their increasing immunity to conventional medicine and the standard western diet.

Everyone wishes to be at their best health regardless of their age and gender. And as the popular proverb goes, ‘precaution is better than cure’, following an appropriate healthcare and wellness regime is important. Fortunately, the Internet does not lack a source for health tips and illness prevention, this website not excluded.

Almost a decade ago, wellness products were considered as fads but awareness about their benefits has flipped the coin, and their popularity is still growing with more and more practices coming into the limelight. Supplements, whole foods, shakes, berries, and herbs are promoted everywhere you like, but what works, what is safe?

Here are the top trends in the wellness and healthcare industry that you can witness in the year 2020.

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The 3 Best Supplements to Help Build the Best Body

Posted November 10, 2019 in Supplements No Comments »
build muscle

Making the Most of Your Gym Time

Anyone who has dedicated themselves to bettering their physical condition knows that the benefits far outweigh the struggles. You feel stronger and have more energy when you stick to your workout schedule, and you notice that your clothing fits better when you stretch and strengthen your muscles. But even the most experienced gym-goers can use a little boost to increase their results. Here are the 3 best supplements to help you to take your efforts to the next level. 

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5 of the Top WWE Champions of the 21st Century

Posted November 7, 2019 in Celebrity, Sports No Comments »
the rock wrestling

The WWE Championship is the most prestigious prize for any pro-wrestler within the trade. The title has been active since the Sixties, with over a dozen WWE Hall of Famers holding the gold. The blood and sweat place in by the wrestlers to earn the WWE Championship have added to its worth through the years. The title has been defended by the top WWE champions across RAW and SmackDown, two entirely different wrestling entities.

The storylines associated with the WWE Championship are the main-event plot for the bulk of the WWE shows up to now and whoever controls the belt, got catapulted to the top of the list. However as the saying goes in WWE, the title doesn’t create the person, the person makes the title. 

Today our WWE mega-fan guest author will take a glance at a number of those top-tier WWE Superstars who have won the championship and are tend to be known as the best of the best. The most obvious #1 superstar is Dwayne Johnson, AKA “The Rock”, and many people know John Cena also from movies. We will leave those guys off the list and focus on some of the lesser-known greats who haven’t made it full-time in Hollywood.

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Which Muscles Are Used During Deadlifts? Possibly More Than You Knew

Which Muscles Are Used During Deadlifts

Do you ever wonder which muscles are used during deadlifts? Well, you need to start with understanding the muscles that get affected by the ‘King of all Exercises’ to know about their role in your workouts. There are many grips, foot positions, bars, and acceleration techniques that can be used to target different muscle groups in different ways. Let’s examine the techniques and learn which muscles are directly affected when deadlifting.

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What Happens If You Drink Whey Protein Without Working Out?

Posted November 6, 2019 in Diet No Comments »
Protein Shake Woman

Many people are easily deluded that they can increase their muscles’ level by simply drinking whey protein without working out. Yep, the lure of protein is that strong. You would be more likely to find someone who enjoys exhausting him/herself reaching their goal. Everybody wants to have a perfect body, while only a few enjoy the idea of sweating in the gym.

Protein shakes, on the other hand, are a convenient and affordable way to the desired biceps and triceps. But you might read a review that you stumbled upon on the internet, and it turns out that those shakes have a lot of downsides. So, let’s check out what happens when you drink protein shakes without sweating in the gym.

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How to Calculate the Number of Calories Burned By Cycling?

Posted November 5, 2019 in Healthy Lifestyle No Comments »
calories burned by cycling

Most of us, powerlifters excluded, try to burn as many calories as possible on any given day. Cycling can be a great way by which you can burn a lot of calories a day without doing much. Can you give me a definite number of calories burned by cycling? Maybe you don’t have an answer to this question. This is where you need my help so read this post which will discuss how to calculate how many calories you burn while cycling.

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Types of Yoga and Their Main Differences

Posted November 5, 2019 in Yoga No Comments »
yoga class

Yoga started as early as 5,000 years ago. The Indus-Sarasvati people, who live in the northern part of India, were credited for inventing yoga. It only fanned out to the west in the late 19th Century. Yoga, as an industry today, is a multi-million dollar market in the US. 

Utah, in particular, has many yoga centers that offer regular classes as well as yoga therapy training workshops for aspiring teachers. 

Yoga’s increasing popularity can be attributed to the numerous benefits it offers. Recent research has shown that it can even modulate the stress response. What most people do not know is that there are several types of yoga. Here are the main disciplines and their differences.

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How Meal Prepping Can Help with Bodybuilding

Posted November 2, 2019 in Bodybuilding, Food No Comments »
bodybuilding meal prep

Whether you are a professional bodybuilder or simply a novice bodybuilding enthusiast with an interest in the sport, it is vital that you are feeding your body enough to make sure that you are correctly adding muscle mass. Here are some tips for how to make sure you are nutritionally benefitting from everything that you eat, and getting the correct sustenance before, during, and after your workouts.

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How Ayurvedic Medicines Can Help Boost Male Health

Posted November 1, 2019 in Health, Medical, Supplements No Comments »

A very wise individual has very rightly said, “Happy wife, happy life.” True, indeed. If you are successful in keeping your wife happy, the rest of the problems will fall in place, like magic. Smart men get this trick and are in a pursuit to please their better halves. Yes, the guy in your bay who glows all the time has a happy wife. It kind of shows on his face, right? Ayurvedic Medicines can help you glow too!

Ayurvedic Medicine

While some may be successful, others fail for unfortunate reasons. It’s essential to bear in mind that only materialistic things cannot buy one happiness in their conjugal life. You need that special connection that can only happen when you have a satisfactory sexual relationship. 

Some men fail in this regard as they suffer from low libido, which significantly impacts their sexual drive. According to Ayurveda, the loss of libido in men results from either erectile dysfunction issues such as premature ejaculation or excessive nightfall. But why does this happen? Maybe a few strong reasons will help you answer this critical question.

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