If you want to initiate a heated debate among your fitness-oriented friends (or gym buddies) just ask them is biking or running a better workout. Just get ready for some really imaginative and vigorous arguments. Indeed, both of those activities are really popular and really effective when it comes to achieving and maintaining physical health and form. But what we need to find out, is biking better than running for weight loss?
There are solid contentions in favor of both running and biking as a preferable exercise to lose some weight. It is not necessary to pick a side as you can easily do both simultaneously. However, if your working out regimen cannot fit both running and cycling into the schedule, there’s a tough choice in front of you. The purpose of this article is to state all the advantages and disadvantages of both running and cycling. Hopefully, this will make your choice somewhat easier.
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We always think of workouts as a positive thing, but there are cases in which, if you’re feeling pain, your workout is hurting you. To be healthy, many of us may exercise too much or too hard, which can be very dangerous when a workout is too difficult or too intense, it can put a huge amount of strain on the body and can carry over into other aspects of your life. A workout that’s too intense can also result in injuries and make you more susceptible to illness.
Here are some key signs that your workout is hurting you – and how to find a workout that is a better fit.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: health, injury, muscle pain, recovery, workout recovery
The Convenience of No Exam Life Insurance
In today’s world, we can get virtually anything we want instantly. The internet has made it possible to go shopping online, order food, get customer support, and connect with people from around the world. Social media keeps us up-to-date — in real-time — about everything that’s going on in our immediate social circles and everything that’s going on in the world. Next-day shipping is the norm. No one has the patience to wait for anything anymore.
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Posted October 16, 2019 in
Yoga No Comments »Yoga is becoming more popular than ever. Recent surveys revealed that Americans that did yoga increased from 20.4 million to 36 million between 2012 and 2016. The survey added that 15% of individuals had done yoga in the last six months. We practice yoga at home, in small groups, in large groups, on paddleboards, with goats, literally everywhere and anywhere. You might ask yourself why should I practice yoga?
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Staying fit and staying healthy is the key to a satisfying as well as a productive life, while it is also possible to prevent diseases from occurring as a result of having an active life. Indeed, every person’s physical and mental health is important and should be maintained to the highest level. Therefore, if you want to stay fit and stay healthy throughout your life, you should rely on a variety of healthy lifestyle techniques that can be broken down into several important categories.
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Posted October 9, 2019 in
Nutrition Tip 9 Comments »Since the late 1990’s Dr. John Berardi has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition-related conferences; and published countless articles online.
His first articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago provided me with the basis for everything I know about nutrition today. Now I will turn some of that knowledge over to you in the form of Nutrition Tips written by Dr. Berardi himself.
Today’s Topic – Protein for Fat Burning
Protein is one of the most important nutrients for gaining muscle, and in fact, is the MOST important macronutrient. We already know this.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: Diet, john berardi, nutrition, precision nutrition, protein
Posted October 8, 2019 in
Weight Loss No Comments »Some of us are trying to improve our body composition – whether losing fat or building muscle. Others are trying to improve performance. There are a few whose goal is to improve flexibility or mobility. In nearly all of these cases, results are enhanced as we are able to more effectively burn fat.
More often that not it is hard to obtain desired results from simply “working out”. This frustration begins a downward spiral of accepting being overweight, unhealthy or enduring unnecessary pain. However, if you need direction on how to effectively burn fat, then read these tips to start shedding pounds today.
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Progress is a key influencer when it comes to health and fitness. It’s a great motivator, but it can also be defeated if progress isn’t happening fast enough or in the way you want — understandably so, considering that progress is how we know if our new diet, workout, and lifestyle are actually working in our favor. Still, frustrating enough, progress takes patience — a lot of it.
It can be easy to give up if you can’t see any sort of that positive change you’re looking for. However, new wearable technology monitors are here to help track, monitor, and most importantly, provide important insight of the progress you’ve been making, even if you can’t see it in the mirror yet.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: equipment, exercise, fitness, health, heart rate, monitor, Motivation, technology, workout
Posted October 2, 2019 in
Fitness Tips No Comments »Fitness is now in trend, and while this is a good thing to help promote healthy living everywhere, not everyone can keep up with the costs of a staying fit. Sometimes we can all use a handful of alternative tips for getting fit.
The average gym membership costs around $40 a month in the U.S., and this is just the most common. There are people who pay up to $100 a month simply for a place to work out. Some folks choose to rig up a simple home gym or exercise in the outdoors.
If you’re looking to get toned, ripped, strong, or swole, on a budget, here are five tips for working out without having to start an expensive monthly gym membership.
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Today I would like to examine the physiological benefits of circuit training. There are many forms of circuit training, from machine-based static circuits, to boot camp style workouts and even kickboxing workouts. But what is circuit training and how can we put it to the best possible use?
Many gyms offer standard cookie-cutter circuit training programs, which are sometimes prescribed by the in-house personal trainer and recommended by other lazy staff members. The circuit is set up in some back room with a timer alarm to tell you when to move to the next station. Should you use this system or put together your own free weight circuit or join a boot camp?
What does circuit training actually offer you?
What are the physiological benefits and who is best suited to participate in circuit training?
There are several theoretical benefits of circuit training that are disseminated online.
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Posted October 1, 2019 in
Fitness Tips No Comments »The body is amazing. It is capable of phenomenal strength and recovery, but there are times when a person can experience problems and not know the cause of them. When this happens, a doctor might conduct a variety of tests to discover the root cause of weight gain, fatigue, and other issues.
But wouldn’t it be great if you could diagnose yourself? I don’t mean ask Google or query WebMD, I mean wouldn’t it be great if you could recognize your fitness or nutrition bottlenecks and change your lifestyle to fix the issue?
Let’s explore some common types of problems the body can experience by lacking something it needs.
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Posted September 30, 2019 in
Medical No Comments »What Exactly is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone produced by our bodies (yes men and women both have testosterone) that is responsible for most bodily functions including growth and sex drive. However, it’s mainly produced in men’s testicles. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for giving men a more “manly” appearance, and for their sexual development. Testosterone stimulates sperm production and increases a man’s libido or sex drive. It also helps in building muscles and bone mass.
As men age, their body’s ability to produce testosterone gradually decreases. According to the American Urological Association, 2 out of 10 men over the age of 60 have low testosterone levels. On the other hand, 3 out of 10 men get lower testosterone levels once they reach the age of 70-80. But what is the median T-level, what levels are defined as high and low?
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Posted September 26, 2019 in
Diet No Comments »There is no doubt that nutrition is far more a greater subject than just comparing the calories that you eat and the calories that you burn. There are also other important factors that will be beneficial in providing a greater amount of nutrition to our bodies. These include timing the meals in the right manner and also eating healthy in respectable amounts.
When you start looking for a nutritionist, the first thing you should be aware of is the person’s qualifications on the matter. Commonly known as Licensed Dietician Nutritionist (LDN) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) – these professionals generally require a four-year degree to get their certifications.
Read the rest of this entry »By popular request, we continue featuring health and beauty tips for our Swole ladies and we love it when our tips apply to men as well. In this case, one of our ghostwriters got a chance to try Glutathione (with added vitamin C) and wrote up this informative description of what it is, how it works, and where you can get it. Today we will introduce you to a breakthrough product for skincare for men that we’re betting you’ve never heard of before.
Being a powerful antioxidant, this substance is not just beneficial for skincare, it clears your body of free radicals and helps your body stay younger and healthier over time. Let’s be honest, most of us need stuff like this to help keep us healthy as we get older. Whether you’re male or female, if you care about your skin and you’re down with adding healthy supplements to your regimen, check this out.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: antioxidents, glutathione, product review
Posted September 20, 2019 in
Weight Training No Comments »When you start a workout plan, you want to go all-in, but you have to plan smart if you really want to bulk up. Building muscle is about really putting in the work at the gym. If you don’t rest or eat properly though, you could sustain an injury that takes you out of the action for weeks. These injuries can be a serious setback for your muscle building lifestyle.
We compiled the best tips for setting up a workout plan that fits your
schedule and lifestyle. With these tips, you can build muscle fast and keep the
muscle on. Your perfect body is closer than you think – you just might need a
few of these pointers.
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Posted September 17, 2019 in
Motivation No Comments »Do you find yourself at the gym, completely disinterested in the workout routine you are about to perform? Some of us go to our workouts religiously, but we have completely lost our faith. Like most things, exercising can get boring too. There are many reasons for this—it could be your mood, lack of sleep, or the fact that what you initially enjoyed has now become completely routine.
If you are experiencing a workout slump, here are several tips to revitalize your program:
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An athlete’s fridge and cabinets should be stocked full of nutritious, muscle building, healthy foods. The biggest problem with that is the fact that today’s economy does not allow most of us to spend as freely as we used to in order to eat healthily but it’s definitely easier when you budget with a spreadsheet template. It is much harder these days to spend $200 a week on bodybuilding food than it was 10 years ago. Besides, most of us want to squirrel away as much loot as possible so we can retire early.
Also, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend an hour a day preparing food. I’m not trying to cook a chicken every day for lunch. I don’t have time to whip up a 7 veggie, 2 cheese omelet’s every morning. However, the reality is that we need lots of healthy foods to helps us build muscle and lose fat. That being said, let’s examine how we can eat properly while minimizing the grocery bill and food preparation time.
Here are 22 tips to help you to quickly eat healthy on a budget.
Read the rest of this entry »Tags: budget, food, health, healthy food, meal plan, nutrition
Posted September 13, 2019 in
Medical No Comments »The Symptoms of Brain Trauma
Head injuries may be caused by any number of trauma situations, ranging from accidents or athletics to fights or simple shaking or whiplash. But the result of a blow to the head is often the same: some level of brain injury due to an impact between the brain and the skull. And commonly, head injuries lead to concussions. This type of temporary brain injury may start with a loss of consciousness or a period of blackout, although this is not always the case.
The victim will likely suffer from one or more of the following symptoms:
- confusion
- inability to concentrate
- headache
- blurry vision
- nausea
- fatigue
- sadness
- anxiety
- sleeping issues
- memory loss
- and more…
Read the rest of this entry »Posted September 12, 2019 in
Appearance No Comments »
Tips for swole ladies: how to fit those curves into the proper outfit.
When it comes to picking the right outfit, one of the major factors to take into consideration is the fit. Picking the right size and a fit that suits your body will transform an outfit and compliment your overall look. Here are a few tips to help you dress in clothes that flatter your body:
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You may or may not have heard of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, also called SARMs, the incredible new workout supplement that has been sweeping the bodybuilding market by storm. At Project Swole we set out to inform our readers about any of the latest hyped-up supplements. In this post, one of our ghostwriters set out to try SARMs and report on his findings and tell us how do SARMs work. Hopefully what you learn below will help you to make a decision as to whether or not to try SARM and where you can safely find and buy them online without getting scammed. Enjoy the post!
If you have heard of SARMs, then great, a lot of this might make sense off the bat. Either way my aim is to tell my experience and educate the reader. I will be discussing what SARMs are, how they work, where to buy SARMs safely, and how to buy them online without getting scammed.
Here are some of the topics which we will be covering today:
- What Are SARMs?
- How Do They Work?
- What Are The Best SARMs?
- Results You Can Expect
- SARMs Side Effects and PCT
- Where to Buy SARMs Safely
In this article, we will dismiss some of the common myths surrounding SARMs and give you everything you need to know in order to use them responsibly.
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