How the Right Fit Flatters

Posted September 12, 2019 in Appearance No Comments »

Tips for swole ladies: how to fit those curves into the proper outfit.

When it comes to picking the right outfit, one of the major factors to take into consideration is the fit. Picking the right size and a fit that suits your body will transform an outfit and compliment your overall look. Here are a few tips to help you dress in clothes that flatter your body:

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A Case Study – Do SARMs Work and Where to Buy SARMs Online SAFELY in 2019 (Without Getting Scammed)

Posted September 12, 2019 in Bodybuilding, Supplements No Comments »
Bodybuilder dips

You may or may not have heard of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, also called SARMs, the incredible new workout supplement that has been sweeping the bodybuilding market by storm. At Project Swole we set out to inform our readers about any of the latest hyped-up supplements. In this post, one of our ghostwriters set out to try SARMs and report on his findings and tell us how do SARMs work. Hopefully what you learn below will help you to make a decision as to whether or not to try SARM and where you can safely find and buy them online without getting scammed. Enjoy the post!

If you have heard of SARMs, then great, a lot of this might make sense off the bat. Either way my aim is to tell my experience and educate the reader. I will be discussing what SARMs are, how they work, where to buy SARMs safely, and how to buy them online without getting scammed.

Here are some of the topics which we will be covering today:

  • What Are SARMs?
  • How Do They Work?
  • What Are The Best SARMs?
  • Results You Can Expect
  • SARMs Side Effects and PCT
  • Where to Buy SARMs Safely

In this article, we will dismiss some of the common myths surrounding SARMs and give you everything you need to know in order to use them responsibly.

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5 Ways Proper Dental Care Can Help Athletes Avoid Illness

Posted September 9, 2019 in Health, Medical No Comments »
Proper Dental Care

We tend to separate the health of our teeth and mouth from the health of the rest of our body. But in fact, taking care of your teeth can have a great impact on your general health, likewise ignoring good dental care can hurt your health. Furthermore, given that we beat up our bodies with intense exercise, proper dental care can help athletes avoid illness.

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, more than 90% of all systemic diseases show oral signs and symptoms. Systemic illnesses are those that affect the entire body and not just one particular organ, such as diabetes where a mouth infection can make it more difficult to control this disease.  

Taking care of your teeth means keeping bacteria under control so that it doesn’t reach levels of oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Here are 5 ways that dental health can affect your fitness and what you can do to improve oral hygiene.

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Get in the Zone by Practicing Mindfulness Meditation

Posted September 8, 2019 in Motivation No Comments »

If you’ve ever been in the zone while practicing a sport, you know that the zone is a place you want to be. For competitive athletes under a lot of stress, being able to get in the zone is almost essential to be able to perform optimally and beat the competition. So whether you’re competing at nationals, you’re an aspiring Olympian, or you’re a high-performance athlete participating in competitive youth sports programs, it’s a good idea to learn about the zone. Here are some important questions:

  • What is the zone? How can the zone help me perform my best? 
  • How can I increase my chances of getting in the zone more often? 

In this article, we’ll answer those questions for you so you can achieve peak performance and beat the competition. 

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Effective Ways to Achieve Skin and Whole-Body Detox

Posted September 4, 2019 in Appearance No Comments »
Detox glowing skin

It’s normal to be self-conscious about your physical appearance. While looks ideally should not matter, there are specific situations when they do, like getting a job, entering the dating market, and attending a boot camp workout with full-wall mirrors. In these cases, you want to look your best, whether you’re swole, trim, lean, overweight, or average in all aspects. You can’t really force your body to grow taller but you can control your skin and body weight.

Best of all, you are not alone in your journey. The skin-care market is forecasted to grow $45 billion by 2023, per Technavio. One trend sees consumers focusing on protecting their skin from UV rays to combat premature aging and damage. The market insights report also expects the market for organic and natural skin-care products to expand as consumers prefer fewer chemicals in their cosmetics.

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How to Bench Press Safely Without a Spotter

Heavy Bench Press

A major concern for all of us big-shot men is how we can bench press when we are training alone. Chest day has always been an important day in the weekly training regimen. It might fall on a Monday, a humpday, or even a Friday, but it is and has always been one of the most exalted workout days of the week for those training with a partner, buddies, or teams.

This is a day when we can walk in the gym with our chests puffed out.

This is a day when we can train those all-important show muscles… the pecs.

This is a day when we can perform the “manliest of exercises”… the bench press!

Let us examine some alternatives to bench pressing flat with a spotter.

(Of course for those of us who already know how to bench press, the bench press is really no big deal. There are about 7 other exercises I’d rather do than bench and at least 5 other goals that are more important to me than having a big chest or a big bench… but I digress… this article is about bench pressing after all.)

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This is The Only Gluten-Free Meal Plan You’ll Ever Need

Posted August 29, 2019 in Diet No Comments »
gluten free meal plan

A lot of Americans and honestly most civilized people happen to have really unhealthy lifestyles. These unhealthy habits may or may not include regularly eating out or ordering in food, making instant meals, and regularly indulging in different kinds of junk and processed foods. Now, the problem with this lifestyle is that it not only makes us gain unhealthy weight, but it also affects our overall wellbeing too, since you we usually end up feeling sluggish and lazy after eating these kinds of meals. 

This is why you will find a lot of people are slowly beginning to improve their diets and trying to cut out as much unhealthy food as they can so that they can reclaim and improve their health once again. One of the ways people are doing that is by switching over to different fad diets and dieting strategies, which in the case of this article, is a gluten-free diet. To help with meal planning there are services that will literally deliver the correct food directly to your door. You can click for more info on getting started with a gluten-free meal delivery service. Keep reading below to learn how and why to start a gluten-free meal plan and begin to configure your own gluten-free diet.

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How to Bench Press

How to Bench Press

Update: I found a sweet How to Bench Press video by elite powerlifter Dave Tate today. The video appears about halfway through this post. If you want to bench press for max strength and “think” you have perfect form, you NEED to watch this video. Therefore I am republishing this article today for every Swole Bench Presser’s benefit.

Your Questions

I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form.

Generally, I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.

From now on I want to take a more proactive approach to answer Your Health Questions by posting them separately in the blog. This way we can be sure that everyone benefits from the Q & A.

Kyle wrote:

“Hey Steve, OK me and a friend got into an argument about how to bench. I said you should touch your chest and he said you shouldn’t because it can injure your shoulder you should stop like 1 inch away from your chest? What is the right way to bench?”


So, you want to know how to bench press properly?

How to Bench Press

The bench press is the most popular exercise in the gym among men. It is the strongest upper body exercise for most people and has been a social gauge (and wrongly so, in my opinion) of male strength and fitness for more than a century. Fortunately, bench presses are the #1 best exercise for building upper body strength and size, and so should be included in nearly all strength training routines.

On the downside, benching is responsible for many weight lifting injuries, especially in the shoulder area. Hopefully, this post will educate you as to how you should be bench pressing to avoid injury.

How to Bench Press

A concept of a bench press is simple:

Start by laying down on a bench. Place your hands on the barbell with your palms facing away from you (this is a pronated grip). Unrack the barbell and hold it straight up over your upper chest. Bend at the elbows to lower the barbell until it touches your mid-chest. Press it back up over your upper chest. That’s a rep.

In reality, using proper form on the bench press can be difficult to master, as you will see when you read this post in its entirety.

Now, to answer your questions…

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Here’s What Testosterone Boosters Can Do for Your Workout

Posted August 25, 2019 in Supplements No Comments »
testosterone boosters

If you’re a man in your 30s, you’ve probably noticed that it’s not as easy to put on muscle as it was when you were younger. You probably don’t feel as strong as you once did, either. The problem is falling testosterone levels.

It’s natural for a man’s testosterone levels to drop off with age, and it’s usually not a medical concern. Even though you may not have a diagnosable level of low testosterone, your testosterone can dip enough in your 30s or older to put a damper on your workouts. Fortunately, testosterone boosters are a safe, legal way to revisit the easy muscle gains of your youth, especially when they’re combined with a healthy diet and exercise.

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Newbie Fitness 101 – How to Start Losing Fat Efficiently

Posted August 23, 2019 in Weight Loss No Comments »

Dreaming of the perfect body isn’t enough to make it happen. You need to put in the effort and start working towards your goal. Only then will you see the changes. It might be difficult, but it’s not impossible and instead of wasting time and energy, it’s time to direct your efforts into the right methods that will get you the body you’ve always desired with these tips.

By simply using one or two of these tips will start you in the right direction. You will be healthier and happier, but you will not be efficient in your fat loss efforts. The efficiency with fat loss, muscle gains, and even general health only comes with overall lifestyle improvements including hydration, exercise, eating clean, proper sleep, and above all else discipline with frequency. Check out the tips below to get yourself started on the right path.

dumbbell girl
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8 Healthy Kitchen Appliances for Homemade Cooking

Posted August 22, 2019 in Health, Nutrition Tip No Comments »

Adopting healthier eating habits is on everyone’s list of goals, and it often feels easier said than done. Let’s be honest: we all lead very busy lives and it’s easier going with the flow of the day than actually planning healthier meals. We may try once or twice but fail to keep it up throughout the week. Instead of blaming it on yourself, you’re probably neglecting one important factor: your healthy kitchen appliances.

kitchen health appliances

Maybe what you’ve always needed to cook three healthy meals a day are appliances that can help you cook better, healthier, and faster. These 8 healthy kitchen appliances can help you create homemade healthy meals, beverages, and snacks you so often crave. 

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What are the Benefits of Cardarine?

Posted August 22, 2019 in Supplements, Weight Loss No Comments »
Natural Bodybuilder

Cardarine, also referred to as GW-501516, was developed by a couple of pharmaceutical companies (GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals and Ligand Pharmaceuticals) in the year 1990. Cardarine was originally intended to help individuals who were struggling with metabolic and heart conditions. However, studies performed during the early 2000s have revealed the fact that the product is also capable of treating diabetes as well as obesity effectively. As more research was carried out, the supplement became quite popular amongst the bodybuilders across the globe.

Moreover, its ability to burn excess fat, improve recovery, and enhance endurance dramatically made it an integral part of every athlete’s resume. Thus, it is quite natural for Cardarine to become so well-known at present. In the following paragraphs, we have provided a closer look at this fantastic chemical as well as its benefits.

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The 5 Best Supplements that Boost Testosterone Levels

Posted August 21, 2019 in Supplements No Comments »
testosterone man

Testosterone gradually decreases with age, and it might seem that nothing can stop it. But it is not entirely true. By introducing more exercise into your life, you can boost your testosterone as it adapts to your body’s needs. But the best way would be to choose testosterone boosters in pills, that taken regularly can remove deficits.

Boosting your testosterone level takes care of your muscle mass, libido, and it helps to burn body fat. But these are the most known and apparent functions of this hormone. There are many more processes in your body that are affected by testosterone.

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Is the Japanese Diet a Miracle Diet?

Posted August 14, 2019 in Diet No Comments »

Written by a Japanese friend of Project Swole, this treatise on Washoku and the Japanese diet will help us all to understand why and how a Japanese diet is healthy. While it might not be your prerogative to change your diet completely, taking away some elements from the Japanese diet to supplement your own diet, could lead to a healthier body and ultimately better progress as an athlete. Without further ado, Project Swole presents The Japanese Diet.

Why should you care about the Japanese diet?

Nowadays, what we eat can be very different from what was standard only a few years ago. Strong emphasis on processed unhealthy foods and eating out, which has a lot of unhealthy fats, sugars, and salt, has created a huge obesity problem. It is worth returning to simpler times and presenting a Japanese diet that can interest many people. I invite you to be educated.

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TRX Suspension Training – 5 Reasons Why You Should Use It

Posted August 12, 2019 in Exercise, Exercise Equipment No Comments »
TRX Suspension Training

Have you ever tried TRX suspension training and been swung from the rafters before? If not, you might have probably heard or seen about it, but you haven’t paid attention to it. This training has been becoming one of the fitness trends and is becoming well-known for its simplified-less-equipment approach based on seven basic movements: hinge, lunge, plank, push, pull, rotate, and squat. I bet you might be willing to have a go. 

What is TRX Suspension/Resistance training? 

TRX or Total Resistance eXercises training, also referred to TRX Suspension training,  was initially developed by a former U.S. Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. He created this training to keep his subordinates fit while doing their naval services in the remote areas of the world. This training focuses on developing one’s balance, flexibility, core stability, agility, and strength simultaneously. 

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Men’s Health: Major Health Issues Men Face

Posted August 9, 2019 in Health No Comments »
men's health issues

The statistics regarding men’s health in the UK are shocking, to say the least. As reported by the Men’s Health Forum, 67% are either overweight or obese. Furthermore, one out of every five men dies before the age of 65 probably because they are more likely to:

  • Eat too much red meat and salt
  • Smoke a lot
  • Drink to dangerous levels due to which they have twice the chances of having liver disease as compared to women
  • Consume very little amount of vegetables and fruits.

In addition to all these factors, men are also found to be reluctant to visit the doctor until there is something very serious due to which they can develop certain illnesses and not know about them. This is why men are ahead of women in 14 out of 15 leading causes of death – the only exception is Alzheimer’s disease.

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Sneaky Ways to Keep Yourself Feeling Motivated to Hit the Gym

Posted August 5, 2019 in Motivation No Comments »
energy and motivation

Often, when you first start a new fitness program, the novelty of it, plus the fast results that often come at the beginning, can be enough to keep you pumped and motivated for every workout session. You are loving having a healthier lifestyle, enjoying the endorphin rush you get post-workout, and really noticing yourself getting stronger and leaner. However, as time goes on, and the newness of it all starts to fade, it can become easier to lose that drive to get out and work out as often as you should.

You may have already met your original goals, or hit a plateau. You may no longer find the surroundings of the gym as stimulating, as you’ve already spent a lot of time there. You may find yourself skipping sessions with only the smallest excuses, or putting in less effort when you’re there.

Happily, there are ways to keep the passion alive when it comes to your relationship with the gym; you just may need to employ some tactics that trick your own mind into getting enthusiastic about your training once more as your gym routine begins to become more of a mundane part of your life. 

Here are some ideas to keep motivated to hit the gym:

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8 Ways to Stay Active During Your First Year of Retirement

Posted August 1, 2019 in Health No Comments »
stay active in retirement

Congratulations! You’ve reached the age of retirement! This is such an exciting milestone in any person’s life. You’ve worked incredibly hard to get here and you should definitely celebrate this new stage of your life. It’s not time to give up fitness but it probably is time to branch out and try something new, so long as you’re staying active. New activities can come in the form of active and inactive, physical and cerebral, don’t limit yourself just because you’re retired.

It isn’t uncommon to find yourself wondering what you’re going to do after retirement. It can seem kind of daunting and if you’re feeling uncertain about it, it’s going to be ok. There are a ton of different things you can try and activities that you can do that will add fulfillment and enjoyment to your life. 

Here are eight great ways to stay active during your first year of retirement.

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Tips To Making Your First Smoked Barbecue

Posted August 1, 2019 in Food No Comments »

Barbeque parties are hit during summer, and even during spring when the sun is out. There are instances wherein smoked barbeque are served in these parties. But not everyone has the patience to sit through the entire process of smoking meat, even if the traditional form of barbeque is done by smoking. This is because the entire smoking process can take even up to twelve hours, wherein the meat is slowly cooked over low temperature, but if done correctly, the outcome is definitely worth “eat”.

smoked bbq

The technique of serving perfectly smoked meat can be mastered through three “P”s: practice, perseverance, and patience. So if you want to try smoking meat, follow these tips:

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4 Outdoor Activities That Help Improve Mental Health

Posted August 1, 2019 in Health No Comments »

Outdoor activities

Whatever mental state you may be in, there is no shortage of benefits that you can get from being outdoors and doing short but rejuvenating exercises.

Exercise can give you that feeling of freedom and in play that most people who get that sense of being boxed in need every now and then. The simple act of getting out there and doing what’s good for you on a lovely day can energize you plenty.

Choose a doable one, something that you can easily insert into your daily routine. Go for the kind that you can ease into without having to put too much pressure on yourself to achieve it. Going to the gym may be a practical choice since you’re bound to find one nearby.

If you prefer to be on your own so you have all that time for yourself and for your thoughts, there are a couple of solo but equally fun activities you can try.

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