How to do Dips

bodybuilders show how to do dips with plates added

Dips are listed in a Swole post as one of the top 5 best triceps exercises. They can be useful for both chest and triceps training but to make them work for us we have to learn the ins and outs of how to do dips and how to do them properly to work with our personal goals.

Based on the principle that exercises in which you move your body through space are better than the exercises that keep you in a stationary position, dips are better than push ups. It is also easier for you to add weight to your dips than it is to add weight to a push-up.

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Top 6 Ab Training Mistakes

this ripped couple avoided ab training mistakes

Want thick, dense abs that stand out like a washboard? Want a ripped midsection with veins and shredded striations? No? How about this: Want to look good naked? If you answered yes to any of those, you’ll want to be sure you’re not making any common ab training mistakes.

You will never achieve any of the above goals or personal goals if you train your abs once a week with three sets of crunches for 100 reps, or if you eat like a horse. Avoid these 6 common abdominal training mistakes and your abs will dial in. Whether you are a bodybuilder, an athlete, or a novice, chances are you are making several of these ab training mistakes in your training right now. Take heed!

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Maximizing Your Workout Motivation with Engaging Fitness Videos

Staying motivated to maintain a consistent workout routine can be challenging. The initial enthusiasm often fades, and people find themselves struggling to keep up with their fitness goals. However, one powerful tool that has been proven to enhance workout motivation is engaging fitness videos.

In this article, we will explore how fitness videos can help you stay motivated, provide tips for creating engaging content, and discuss how tools like a YouTube intro maker can elevate your video quality.

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Tips to Protect Your Knees While Working Out

powerlifter shows how to protect your knees with proper form

Are you experiencing unpleasant pain in the knee while training your legs? In this article, we are going to tell you how to protect your knees from any unpleasant injuries as they are very common.

Your legs are one of the most important parts of your body. As athletes and/or gym rats, we must train our legs regularly, even though it can be quite unpleasant at times. Training legs is not always fun, and is sometimes a bit painful, causing many beginners and even novice athletes to neglect them. Personally, I love deadlift day, I don’t care much for squat day, and I abhor lunge day for the reasons mentioned above.

Today we will share some tips and tricks of the workout trade, used by coaches and athletes that you can use to protect your knees from inflammation and injury.

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The Top 5 Best Hamstring Exercises

strong hamstrings as a result of the best hamstring exercises

Why do we need to figure out what are the best hamstring exercises? Because serious fitness enthusiasts and athletes want to be able to lift maximum weight off the ground with minimal effort. It makes us feel good to be able to pick up virtually anything and to be able to perform necessary feats of strength in emergencies. Especially when most guys in the world struggle to pick up even 100 lbs off the floor.

The number one way to make all these things happen? Train your posterior chain – hamstrings, lower back, and glutes (your bum) with complex free-weight exercises. Let’s take a look at a few of the best hamstring exercises to focus on effective posterior chain development.

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How to do Pull-ups

ripped athlete showing us how to do pull-ups

Pull-ups are very simple but very hard. Most people think they know how to do pull-ups but there are quite a few variations on the proper form that some hardos might frown on, but still count as legitimate pull-ups. To perform a pull-up, hang on to any bar, doorway, tree branch, etc… with your arms straight and your palms facing away from you, and pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. That’s it.

Pull-ups can be performed on anything that allows you to hang with your arms straight and your knees not touching the floor. Beginners can’t typically do a single pull-up, so we need a proper tutorial for increasing pull-up strength.

This post will teach you how to increase your performance with pull-ups using the correct technique.

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The Ultimate Goal: Training Longevity

older male training longevity

A few years ago, Josh Hanagarne, aka The World’s Strongest Librarian, sent me this great piece of work on training longevity. Enjoy!

How to Train for Your Future

We hear about weight training goals all the time.

  • I want more muscle.
  • I want less fat.
  • I want to look good naked.
  • I want to deadlift more.
  • I want to bench press 500 pounds.

What about training goals that wily matter when you spot your first gray hair or when you buy your first pair of bifocals? Granted fat loss is always a concern as you age, but what can we, as dedicated strength athletes, focus on NOW that will help us stay healthy as the years tick by?

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Grip Training: Hold On With A Bulldog Grip

massive forearms due to heavy grip training

A few years ago, Josh Hanagarne, aka The World’s Strongest Librarian, sent me this great piece of work on grip training. Enjoy. (BTW, the quote in the title is from Abraham Lincoln).

I got into grip training for two reasons:

Number one, it looked fun and people I liked were doing it. Monkey see monkey do.

Second, I was getting strong enough that my hands were starting to become my limiting factor. This was a sobering realization which took place at the intersection of Lame and Weak.

Like most things I like right off, once I jumped in, I jumped in all the way. Grip training was addictive for me. Better yet, it gave me one more way to make progress, which is usually the major ingredient in how happy I am. I could either set aside dedicated days for grip work or, the more I learned, I could squeeze it into my normal workouts without much of a headache.

Before I tell you how I add grip training to your workout, I just want to give you a quick look at four different types of hand strength so that you don’t overemphasize anything or neglect anything that could be useful to you.

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How to Squat

how to squat heavy barbell squats

There are many different lifts that a weightlifter can do to increase their strength, speed, and power. All kind of weightlifting is great for your body, but I prefer to not waste time in the gym lifting with tunnel vision, going from machine to machine and seeing little results from my hard work. This is why it is important to learn how to squat!

Instead, I would rather do 3-4 exercises with maximal intensity to wipe out my whole body in order to reap a maximal anabolic effect. The most well known and most dreaded of these exercises is the squat.

Rules to Remember When Performing a Squat

  • Keep the lower back straight and mostly flat; do not round your back!
  • Keep knees pointing out slightly, do not let them creep inwards as you push yourself up.
  • The bar should rest on the upper trap muscles and the rear heads of the shoulders.
  • Push from your glutes (butt), not your knees; your hips should raise first and everything else should raise with them.
  • Fill your stomach with air before descending and keep it tight with your chest out while pushing up.
  • Push up with your eyes focused 30-45 degrees above normal eye level.
  • Try to keep your knees behind your toes to avoid injury.
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How to Deadlift

man and woman learning how to deadlift

Deadlifts are one of the primary, fundamental exercises for all serious weight training programs. This important strength-based exercise works 100% of your legs and posterior chain, and it requires functional stability from 95% of the rest of the muscles on your body. Using proper form, a deadlift will help you get stronger, gain more muscle, and burn more calories than any other single exercise after the squat.

Deadlifts build lower back and hamstring strength, and they teach you to keep your lower back tight against a heavy load, which is critical to avoid injuries when lifting objects from the ground or floor. Unfortunately, this is also why deadlifts have gained a bad reputation for causing a variety of injuries, including spinal injuries and hernias.

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How to Perform Reverse Hypers or Reverse Hyperextensions

athlete with a strong lower back from Reverse Hypers

In weight lifting, the lower back does not always receive much attention, unless it is injured. Experienced athletes know enough to include deadlifts, stiff legs, good mornings, glute-hamstring raises, and pull-throughs into their routine, but maybe that’s not always enough. That’s where we introduce a game-changing exercise called Reverse Hypers (aka Reverse Hyperextensions) into our training program.

The posterior chain is used in many pulling and lifting movements, so making it a priority to strengthen the lower back will help prevent serious injuries in the future. Aside from those listed above, one exercise that can help strengthen, rehab, and prehab the lower back, is the reverse hyper. Additionally, the reverse hyper strengthens the entire posterior chain including the hips, spinal erectors, glutes, and hamstrings.

Let’s take a few minutes to examine why reverse hypers are so good for you, how to perform reverse hypers, and how to execute the movement without specific reverse hyper equipment.

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Crush Your Calorie Burning Goals with a Mini Stepper

Posted May 21, 2024 in Exercise Equipment No Comments »

Finding time for exercise can be challenging. However, with the advent of compact and versatile workout equipment like the mini stepper, staying active has always been challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deeper into the world of mini steppers, exploring their benefits, mechanisms, and strategies for optimizing your calorie-burning potential.

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10 Scientific Reasons for Eating Sweets After Meals

Posted May 20, 2024 in Diet, Food, Nutrition Tip 2 Comments »
chubby athlete eating sweets after a workout

Accept it or not, we all have that craving, or say, a mandatory ritual to take a sweet dish once we are over with our meals! Consuming sweets at the end of meals is a popular practice influenced by many factors—such as physiological responses, cultural traditions, and individual preferences. It doesn’t matter if it’s a slice of cake, a scoop of ice cream, or a small portion of fruit, eating something sweet towards the end of a meal has an emotional as well as physiological significance for many.

From satisfying the cravings to activating the reward system in the brain, eating something sweet after meals contributes to the overall dining experience. It could also be a factor in blood sugar regulation as well as social bonds. Understanding the causes that drive this behavior sheds an understanding of its multiple aspects.

In this article, let’s examine several reasons for craving and consuming sweets after meals from a scientific perspective.

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The Top 5 Best Grip Training Exercises


Grip training: it has to be the most ignored type of training in gyms all over the World. Seriously, how often will you see someone working on their grip in the gym? Almost never, right? No one really seems to care. How much you bench press is all that really matters anyway – which is sarcasm if you didn’t catch the drift. That can all change for you if you start using this list of best grip training exercises along with the additional tips to make the most of incorporating them into your workout.

While grip training does not really have much of an impact on how much you can lift, it still can be important. A lot of people use straps as an excuse not to work on their grip. I mean you can deadlift 600 lbs with straps, so why would you work on your grip? Well, if you are ever planning on entering some type of powerlifting competition, then you will not be allowed to use them.

How to Develop a Strong Grip

The only way to make sure you get a more effective grip is to just work on your forearms with grip training. This can be done with any type of forearm exercise really. When you are doing deadlifts, you should try to never progress without straps.

It may be a pain in the ass not being able to bust past a plateau because your grip keeps giving out, but that is why you have to keep working on it! Don’t be that guy who can deadlift 500 lbs with straps but can only deadlift 3 plates without them.

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How to Fit In a Workout On Vacation

fit woman workout on vacation

Most vacations mean people take a break from their everyday life. Vacations can be great for health as well, by eliminating the daily stress from working 8-10 hrs, commuting, and having stressful responsibilities. They leave their routines at home and go away to have some fun. It’s great to get away and not think about work, but it may not be so great if you’re trying to stick with some daily habits. You’ll want to attempt to workout on vacation to keep your muscles limber and your blood flowing.

One of the most popular routines is a full-body workout. It can be difficult to keep up with this routine while you’re away for various reasons such as lack of equipment and training facilities. No matter the reason why you think you can’t get it done, here are a few tips to help see that you do.

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Tackling Clinical Issues: Exploring IUDs as Long-Term Contraceptive Solutions

Posted May 1, 2024 in Medical, Women's Health No Comments »
this pregnant athlete should have used Contraceptive Solutions

For decades, women have sought convenient birth control options. It has led to various contraceptive solutions, each with its advantages and drawbacks. The intrauterine device (IUD) is a popular method due to its long-lasting and reversible nature, providing years of protection with minimal user effort.

However, even though IUDs are very effective, there’s still a lot of confusion and missing information. In this article, we aim to illuminate this topic for athletes by delving into the process of getting an IUD inserted. We will also discuss potential side effects and offer tips for effectively managing them.

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How to Identify and Resolve Nutrient Deficiency

Posted April 24, 2024 in Health, Nutrition Tip No Comments »

If you’ve been having health issues, you may be wondering if you’ve got a nutrient deficiency. It isn’t hard to imagine these days. Documentaries and Instagram Reels alike share information about depleted soil and inadequate diets. You may be feeling fatigued and wondering if it’s a nutrition issue or just a lack of sleep. The subject can get confusing, to be sure. 

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What Are the Chances of Developing Cancer From IBD?

Posted April 10, 2024 in Health, Medical, Supplements No Comments »
belly ache from IBD

Maintaining good gut health is a priority for all men. Our gut health is more important than we can ever imagine. There are so many functions at work in our body properly to enable a healthy body. Maintaining good gut health is vital so in that regard we have to be wary of inflammatory conditions such as IBD and how they can affect your overall health.

However, a person who develops complex diseases relating to this is bound to face many issues. A similar thing can be said about a person dealing with IBD. IBD is one of the worst forms of disease in many ways that can affect your health badly. 

It can even influence your intimate health, which will force you to take supplements or medicine to fix the issues. We must know about how it genuinely affects our body and whether it can even trigger cancer development.

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Decoding Caffeine: Unraveling Its Effects on the Mind and Body

Posted April 5, 2024 in Food, Supplements No Comments »
Caffeine improves sports performance.

Presently, millions of people start their morning with a cup of coffee. The abundant caffeine content supports you start your day with a boost of energy. However, this drink causes different opinions: some consider it very useful, while others warn of health hazards. Some claim that coffee can energize you during all day, while others warn against possible negative effects.

Where can truth be found? Is it possible to drink caffeinated drinks every day, multiple times per day, or are there consequences for the body from an overdose of caffeine?

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The Brain Benefits of Regular Exercise for College Students

Posted April 2, 2024 in Education, Healthy Lifestyle No Comments »

Exercise is Great for Your Brain!

College Chick experiencing the Brain Benefits of Regular Exercise

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies, but did you know about the brain benefits of regular exercise? Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity workouts 3-5 times a week as a way to ensure optimum cardiovascular health, and you know that you feel better when you’re getting your body in motion.

In addition, you might use exercise as a way to tone or build muscle, increase strength, flexibility, coordination, and endurance, lose weight, or even address the symptoms of chronic illness (like pain or arthritis).

Depending on the type of activity you choose, you could gain a wide variety of physical benefits from your exercise routine. But for college students enmeshed in their studies, the pursuit of physical perfection can be a hard sell.

Luckily, exercise also provides plenty of advantages on the mental front, as well. And for students seeking ways to boost brain power, the brain benefits of regular exercise could be a major boon.

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