One of the most powerful healthy lifestyle tips for maintaining life-long good health is to find a healthy romantic partner and keep an active sexual relationship. Often when we are able to find that perfect significant other, the relationship evolves into marriage. For those swole fitness brides out there, here are some great tips from our fashion correspondent for setting ‘The Date’ and looking great.
No matter what kind of wedding you’re having, you’ll be the focal point at the event as a bride. You’ve likely done your wedding fitness prep and you are in the best shape of your life, so why not flaunt it a little? Even if you’re not a fan of the spotlight, a few fashion tips can always come in handy. Check out the ones below to look your best in as few steps as possible:
There is no telling how many people will resolve to lose weight, get in shape, and pursue better health and fitness at the turn of the calendar year, but it’s a good bet that the number includes most of the people reading right now. The problem for most of us is in finding our New Year Health and Fitness Motivation. After the marathon eating and loafing characteristic of the holiday season, most of us enter the New Year feeling like sloths, and those few extra pounds around the middle are not helping the situation.
This might not be quite enough to motivate you to make a change that will reverse your situation, especially if you’re feeling a little depressed about it already. So here are just a few tips that will help you to find the motivation you need to set goals and improve your health and fitness in the coming year.
Tweezing, shaving, and waxing are all time-consuming processes. Laser hair removal should be on your radar if you are ready to achieve clear, hairless skin with less time involved. Below is our complete guide to laser hair removal that will help you decide whether this hair removal method is right for you.
Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of buzz around the Mr. Olympia 2022 competition slated to hold this weekend in Las Vegas. Industry greats have conducted analyses and reviews, and made their opinions after looking at the competitors’ physiques.
Generally, the main event in Mr. Olympia is the Men’s Open Bodybuilding. In men’s bodybuilding, there is also the Classic Physique Division, the Men’s Open Division, and the 212 Olympia. These different divisions have their various requirements for qualifying and participating.
The Classic Physique Division is different from the open division. While Christian Bumstead has won the “Olympia” three years in a row, he doesn’t compete in the Men’s Open division. Instead, he competes in Classic Physique. Open-building competitors usually weigh as heavy as 300 pounds today and are much bigger and wider than competitors in other divisions.
We have compiled a list of predictions from popular people in the bodybuilding industry, and have created our own predictions based on this. Here’s our list of who we think will be the top six at the Mr. Olympia 2022 this weekend.
I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form. In particular, this topic of how to fix your posture is intriguing to investigate from a fitness programming standing for myself and for all athletes.
Generally, I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.
The category, Your Health Questions is a more proactive approach to answering your questions so that everyone can benefit from the Q & A.
Dick wrote:
“I need to concentrate on the rear head of my shoulder.
I think I have overtrained the front head with all the benching and what not.
Someone told me my shoulders stick out of the front which wouldn’t be a problem if they stuck out of the back too.
Are you a big reader? Love soccer and all the stories about famous clubs, players, and managers? We’ve prepared a list of the top 7 soccer books of all time if you’re stuck on a deserted island and want to know which to take with you.
With the FIFA World Cup 2022 now in full swing and getting down to the semi-finals, it’s good to have this healthy list of reading material to get educated on the history of this ultra-fun sport and some of its amazing legends.
You are a hardworking person who gets up early, works a full day, exercises, and takes care of the kids at night. Life sure is easy, right? Riiiight… Something is already telling me you could use some tips to manage cravings during your weakest hours.
OK, maybe your story is a little different, but most likely you are living a busy life, full of stress, anxiety, and deadlines. While you sit at your desk or drive your car, your daydreams shift to thoughts of salty chips or a smooth, sweet chocolate bar. You most likely are not thinking about healthy foods.
Don’t fret, it’s perfectly normal to have food cravings. When you constantly give in to your cravings and overindulge, is when you pay the price. Go ahead and accept your cravings as part of life, but also be aware that you can take action to prevent going overboard.
It might be a shocker for many people, but not all salads are good for weight loss food. The modern-day fitness industry has created this aura around salads, claiming that salads are the “ideal health food”. Not only this is not the case for many types of salads, but this approach also hurts people who eat salads genuinely trying to lose weight, only to see no results.
In this article, I will tell you about 3 steps to make your salads healthier and actually help you with weight loss. But before talking about ways to fix the problem, let’s figure out what the problem is – what makes many weight loss salads unhealthy?
When you think of calves, you picture the part of your leg that everyone else can see when you’re wearing shorts. Sure, you can have a huge upper body and quads, but if you have the calves of a 10-year-old boy, then people may often chuckle. To get past walking around with cringe-worthy chicken legs, you better employ a few of these best calf exercises as soon as possible to kickstart your calf growth.
Women prefer to have slim, shapely calves, and these exercises can help the females to accomplish their goals too. Ladies, don’t be afraid of training your calves just like men do… strong calves will even help you to walk better in high heels.
Of course, calf development is highly dependent upon your genetics. You can have very strong lifts, but the insertion points of the calf muscles are all that matters. Judges in bodybuilding competitions often do not put a lot of weight on the calves as a judging factor, but they do matter and are always good to have. And let me tell you, for those guys who think calves aren’t important on the beach, the women DO look, and, yes, they DO judge you for it!
Never fear though, if you do not have aesthetically pleasing, low insertion points, you can still bring your calves up quite a bit.
Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant that is found in the skin of certain plants such as red grapes, raspberries, mulberries, blueberries, cranberries, and red wine. Resveratrol supplements are a concentrated form of resv for those who can’t seem to get enough purple and red fruit in their diet. If this is you, don’t fret, almost no one wants to eat 2 lbs of grapes a day.
Resveratrol is called a ‘phytoalexin’ because plants naturally produce this antibiotic agent to fight against bacteria and fungi caused by environmental stress and the severity of weather conditions.
Resveratrol can also be found in peanuts, certain pine trees, and knotweed. It has numerous health benefits, promotes a healthy longer life to consumers, and is free from unwanted side effects.
The downside? Until now resveratrol has only been available as a component of red wine, but no longer! Resveratrol supplements now offer us a concentrated dose of resveratrol without the calories.
When you’re looking to change the physical composition of your body, it can take years of hard work, determination, and discipline to get results. You have the people who enjoy the luxury of a naturally sculpted physique. But that sadly can’t be everyone. You might have to at least consult top-notch fitness coach skills to learn the basics of refining your physique.
If you’ve decided to start shaping your physical appearance, it is hard to know where to start and if in fact, you’re heading in the right direction. The results speak for themselves but getting good results is the hardest part.
Honesty – in all aspects of business and personal relations.
Accuracy and Flexibility – programming for specific individuals to get maximum results.
Organization – for both paperwork and digital resources.
Qualifications – degree, license or certification, and experience
People Skills – motivation, sales, articulation, and closure
So if you’re looking to make a difference for yourself it may be worth investing in a fitness coach. Knowing what to look for in one is yet another challenge. So let’s peel back on what should you look for specific to each of the skills listed above.
Gyms are a great place to be. They offer a wide range of classes, equipment, and amenities, so you can fit in your own time without worrying about where or when. Gyms also have plenty of social events that allow you to meet new people who share your interest in fitness. Without a doubt, if you haven’t already, you should join a gym in 2023 and make your near year’s resolution something achievable like consistently going, three times per week, for 3 months, no excuses.
Here are a few good reasons why we think you should join a gym in 2023.
Sleep is an integral part of a balanced healthy lifestyle. However, the reality is sometimes in contrast. Many people face sleeping problems across the world, with folks often counting minutes and even hours before falling asleep at night. CBD lovers will be delighted to know that CBD helps to put you to sleep. Melatonin lovers will be enthused to know they can now add CBD to an already-effective sleep supplement. Melatonin-infused gummies are growing in popularity, and are worthwhile to investigate for sleep to regulate or fix an improper sleep cycle.
We have put together a list of the seven best CBD Melatonin gummies recommended by professionals.
You may have many reasons to invest in digital marketing tips for sports clubs, but brand awareness is probably the most exciting. Around 86% of all businesses discovered that more people knew about their brand after investing in digital marketing.
If you run a sports club or organization, online marketing will help, but what does that mean in reality?
Here are our five top digital marketing tips to ensure you get your sports business noticed online to provide some helpful guidance.
Let’s just admit it, at least once in our school life, we got head lice or a close childhood friend got them. We took proper precautions because as a kid in school you can basically assume head lice = cooties, and though it went away after a while, head lice stigma and trauma, like bet-wetting, perpetuates and haunts us even into adulthood. So, if your child has head lice in their hair – don’t worry, as it is curable!
Keep reading to find out more information about this ridiculous plague called ‘head lice’, how to avoid it and how to make it go away!
There is something peculiar about all great soccer players including other athletes. Sports legends like Muhammed Ali, and Michael Jordan, and soccer legends like Pele, and Maradona have excelled because of this peculiarity. But what does this peculiarity entail exactly? Exercising. It’s no secret that these best exercises for soccer have remained an integral part of many legendary players’ success stories for more than a thousand years now, probably way more.
When soccer players hit the gym for exercise, the focus is either heavy resistance training to build size or strength, or balance training. It can also be said that some take on specific drills to increase athletic performance to an exceptionally high level. There are several other exercises that soccer players carry out. In all, the goal is to improve their ability as soccer players and perform well on-pitch.
Chiropractors treat pain by examining the entire body rather than treating just the affected area. This holistic approach focuses on the problems that interfere with the body’s proper function. The chiropractor will then find natural solutions to restore normal function. This is a great alternative to using drugs.
Muscle ‘pump‘ is a commonly used term amongst bodybuilders, and it means pumping up your muscles by doing vigorous exercises. This increase in muscle size is temporary and can be achieved quickly by using lighter weights and higher reps, and by resting only briefly between sets. You see beginner athletes wondering, “what is the pump?” and “how do I get the pump?” – well it’s not that difficult, believe it or not. Getting pumped is much easier than setting a new PR, that’s for sure.
Read more to learn about what the pump in the gym is all about ?
Headache can be defined as continuous pain in the head and quite frankly, the butt. When you have a severe headache or a migraine, you’ll do anything to find a medicine or other holistic approach to cure headaches. At the same time, a migraine is described as a recurrent headache that affects one side of your head in most cases associated with nausea and interrupted vision. Migraines are among the most common illness in the world. It is not only headaches but is always associated with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, dizziness, and numb face.
In most cases, we may not understand the pain we may be experiencing and the causes, but until we understand, we can learn how to control them. We can always find a way to prevent them from always staying safe and healthy.
Here are some of the most appropriate ways to naturally get rid of a headache.
The core performs many important functions, such as energy transfer and stabilization. There are many core exercises that athletes use to make their cores stronger. However, many people who lift as a hobby, and even some professional bodybuilders and athletes, look at the core from a more aesthetic point of view. So, they only do exercises that promise a six-pack rather than highly effective core exercises, such as Anti-rotational Press, which strengthens accessory muscle groups rather than just 6-pack “show muscles”.
One thing to note is that the core is more complex than a six-pack. To optimally maximize core usage, you not only need exercises like crunches and hanging leg raises. You also need to work your inner core; the parts that connect to the lumbar vertebrae (located around the lower back).
This is where core exercises like the anti-rotational press come in. In general, anti-rotational movements work the core by forcing it to stabilize your body regardless of strong resistance from one side. In the process, they work other muscles in your core apart from the rectus abdominis (the six-pack muscles), such as the Erectus spinae, transverse abdominis, and your obliques.