What is Resveratrol?
Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant that is found in the skin of certain plants such as red grapes, raspberries, mulberries, blueberries, cranberries, and red wine. Resveratrol supplements are a concentrated form of resv for those who can’t seem to get enough purple and red fruit in their diet. If this is you, don’t fret, almost no one wants to eat 2 lbs of grapes a day.
Resveratrol is called a ‘phytoalexin’ because plants naturally produce this antibiotic agent to fight against bacteria and fungi caused by environmental stress and the severity of weather conditions.
Resveratrol can also be found in peanuts, certain pine trees, and knotweed. It has numerous health benefits, promotes a healthy longer life to consumers, and is free from unwanted side effects.
The downside? Until now resveratrol has only been available as a component of red wine, but no longer! Resveratrol supplements now offer us a concentrated dose of resveratrol without the calories.
Navigating the Resveratrol Supplements Review
Health Benefits
Weight Loss Benefits
Muscle Gain Benefits
Reported Benefits
How to Find Resveratrol
Side note: to avoid drinking several bottles of wine a day, I have found the best resveratrol product on the market today: 100% Pure Certified Resveratrol, containing no fillers or added ingredients.
This is one of the best weight loss, longevity, and health supplements you can find anywhere!
Resveratrol Health Benefits
Many believe that resveratrol may have anti-aging properties, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer characteristics. More research on this antioxidant agent has shown that it can help prevent heart disease and cancer.
Resveratrol may help prevent free radical damage in the human body and provide better support to the blood vessels caused particularly by elevated levels of blood glucose. High levels of glucose in the blood may experience cellular damage and develop retinopathy, kidney disease, and heart disease.
- Retinopathy can increase the risk of blindness.
- Kidney disease can promote kidney failure.
- Heart disease can lead to heart attack or stroke.
A new study says that resveratrol may not only reduce the risk of heart disease but also age-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease.
Resveratrol also controls arthritis and other autoimmune diseases and reduces the risk of blood clotting.
Resveratrol Weight Loss Benefits
Recent studies say that resveratrol may counter diabetes and insulin resistance, two well-known culprits of obesity.
Resveratrol may aid in treating and preventing obesity, similar to a low-calorie diet.
Scientists proved that when mammals had been given high doses of resveratrol it kept them from gaining weight, turned them into the equivalent of Olympic marathoners, and also slowed down their aging process.
This same resveratrol has positive effects on humans too.
The suppression of estrogen metabolites also contributes to a decrease in body fat and an increase in the ability to gain lean muscle, which will stimulate your metabolism to burn calories and fat much more quickly.
Resveratrol Muscle Gain Benefits
Since resveratrol effectively counteracts the effects of estrogen, we are basically talking about a compound that will help you build muscle.
With estrogen suppressed, your testosterone levels will get that slight boost that may help you lose additional fat and gain additional muscle.
For men, this is great!
We are always looking to get a little leaner and a little bigger.
For women, this is also great!
Women are always striving to lose those extra 10 pounds, and through a slight boost in testosterone levels, this could very well happen.
Will you gain a little bit of muscle? Not to be concerned. You will appear harder, leaner, and sexier!
Will you lose a little bit of fat? Oh heck yes.
Put those two ingredients together and you have a recipe for happiness and self-esteem.
Reported Benefits of Supplementing with Resveratrol
Some of the positive effects you may feel from supplementing with resveratrol include:
- Resveratrol is all-natural, so there’s no chemical or medical hangover.
- Live a longer and healthier life.
- Feel younger and stronger from antioxidants.
- Treating and prevention of obesity.
- Increased fat loss.
- Increased ability to gain lean muscle mass.
- Increased metabolism.
- Helps treat and prevent diabetes through increased insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose.
- Helps prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals.
- Helps prevent retinopathy, which causes blindness and kidney failure.
- Helps prevent kidney disease.
- Helps prevent heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke.
- Helps prevent and control inflammation.
- Helps prevent the development and spread of cancer cells.
- Reduces the risk of developing blood clots.
- Supports the immune and autoimmune systems in fighting off disease.
- Alleviates pain and discomfort due to arthritis.
- Helps prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s.
Resveratrol is really good for promoting optimum health. It’s a natural compound that helps us live better and longer lives. It also promotes fat loss and empowers the immune system like nothing else. Win. Win.
How to Find Resveratrol
There are many companies making resveratrol in several different forms. Most notable are red wine and resveratrol supplements.
Red Grapes (Wine) and Other Dark Berries
Resveratrol from grapes is more highly concentrated when it has been processed into wine. Red wine contains more amounts of resveratrol than white wine. If you choose red wine, it should be stored away from sunlight to protect its resveratrol potency.
To get the appropriate amount of Resveratrol to achieve the maximum effects, one would have to consume the amount found in two bottles of red wine every day.
Who honestly wants to drink two bottles of red wine a day?
That is actually called alcoholism and it’s also a pretty big hit to your daily calorie total. Any loyal Project Swole reader would also know that alcohol is not good for either fat loss or muscle gain, no two ways about it.
100% Pure Certified Resveratrol Pills
Fortunately, resveratrol also comes to us in the form of nutritional supplements which are readily available on the market. Best of all, you can give it a try with a free trial today.
With the resveratrol diet, you will get all the resveratrol benefits of drinking two bottles of wine, but you can completely avoid the empty calories and negative effects of alcohol! Not only that, but you will enjoy the fat-loss effects of consuming resveratrol in higher doses, which you could never attain by drinking wine.Tags: res v, resv, resveratol, resveratrol, resveritol, resveritrol, rez v, rezv
I had read about it and it was really effective. I wasn’t just so sure if it soothes all type of skin. But anyways, let’s have a review on this matter.
I knew there was a reason I loved red wine! But I’m the same, I don’t drink it regularly so taking resveratrol in supplement form seems the way to go 🙂
Resveratol is really one of the best anti aging and weight loss supplements which are available today. I think the heart of resveratol is its ingredients, all of them make a powerful supplement – Resveratol.
Antioxidants are so important to losing weight, but I would say if you already eat a diet high in fruits and veg, and they are a WIDE range, you don’t need to supplement.
However, how many of us eat a very wide range of fruits and veg on a daily basis? – most of us only shop once a week and certain things aren’t in season etc.
I am looking currently to find a high-quality anti wrinkle solution but seems like right now there is nothing that might fix my skin. In the event that somebody surely are aware of some solutions that could possibly make changes make me aware and thus I am going to truly appreciate that.
Because I do not partake in drinking red wine, this is great info! And the way blueberries cost, this is a great alternative.
No doubt resveratrol supplements are proving to be quite beneficial in many ways. Even beyond weight loss and anti aging. New research keeps expanding its uses.
Absolutely Sara. Day by day the research on Resveratrol reveals new secrets about it. Since this article is very good and full of information. I have my own blog and I use to have a look on the internet about the new features of Resveratrol. What I have found is Resveratrol is not only helpful for reducing some extra pounds but it is the key to control diabetes and more surprisingly cancer. Have look to my site, surely you’ll get more information about it.
As for the weight loss effect. The article mentions that animals that were given high doses has a tendency to lose weight.
How high of a dosage would we realistically need for the same affect?
This will be a good way to get antioxidants when blueberries are out of season…because I don’t drink red wine.
The key to living a longer and healthier life is Resveratrol. It comes from within the skin of grapes that are crushed and then traditionally used make red wine.
im 20 year old female and ive got heaps of stretch marks i wanna get rid of but cant find anything that would work..also i would like to know what would boost my energy level its very low..cant you help me please
lee: For energy you can try resveratrol, acai, or Biotest Hot Rox Extreme. Good luck.
I was advised by my opthomologist to take Resveratrol 100 mg daily for cataract prevention. I do not see what dosage is available in your supplement. Please reply.
can i get resveratrol in China? please i will appreciate
I’m pretty sure can’t get resveratrol in China. Sorry.
I am 58 yrs very robust, active ang weigh 75kg. I am taking hypertension drug. Is it ok
to take resveratrol and purity colon cleanser?
Check with your doctor Bernard. I would say yes it’s OK, but you should really take your doc’s advise over mine.
just curious, if this suppresses estrogen, will we have pimples, or produce some facial hairs or something
Kendra: nothing about resveratrol indicates an increase in pimples or facial hairs. This is not a ‘testosterone supplement’ of any kind. It just naturally suppresses estrogen enough to give us that extra fat loss boost.
How does the resveratrol work for weight loss?
how doyou take this product? what is its mg.? how much does it cost?
Marcia: You swallow it. I don’t know the mg off hand. It costs I think $4.95 for shipping, but between you and me, if you try to leave the screen it will give you a chance to get the product at only $1.99 shipping.
are you sure it is okay to take acai and resveratrol at the same time? I am on acai now.
Not only is it OK, but I highly recommend it. Acai and resveratrol are awesome anti-aging, antioxidant supplements.
Some additives could be OK though. For instance I would jump on the chance to take a resveratrol plus acai supplement, but only if it had high doses of each.
Ooops, should have added great post! Waiting on your next one!
I didn’t have the least notion of the benefits of Resveratrol.So it appears that Resveratrol can be a very powerful nutrient in your daily diet . In any case we should make sure that resveratrol supplement does not contain additives.
Some additives could be OK though. For instance I would jump on the chance to take a resveratrol plus acai supplement, but only if it had high doses of each.
Great article, I am a profound enthusiast of Resveratrol and this article helps show why. Thanks again.
Resveratrol is really amazing. I didn’t really know you could get it in this form. I can’t drink two bottles of red wine per day, either. But I could take this. Thanks!
Excellent article. I’ve been reading a lot about resveratrol after seeing Dr.Oz on TV. Other than women taking estrogen inhibitors, the upside for everyone else sounds great. I’m ready to give it a try.
Is this resveratrol %100 natural?