Posts Tagged ‘benefits’

Lesser Known Benefits of Weight Lifting

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Crossfit girlWeightlifting requires an exceptional amount of motivation, endurance, and discipline. Pushing through the pain and sweat requires a lot of mental strength in addition to physical strength. As such, the things you learn by lifting weights can be translated into other important areas of your life. Think about creating and sticking to a budget or even writing your first novel (the best stories come from personal experiences after all). Having the discipline, endurance, and strength it takes to train your body and mind are invaluable skills you can implement into your daily life.

Here are a few lesser-known ways weightlifting can benefit your life:

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5 Unexpected Health Benefits of Bodybuilding

Thursday, September 8th, 2011
Benefits of Bodybuilding
Health Benefits of Bodybuilding

The Many Unexpected Benefits of Body Building

There are many reasons to build a stronger body that most people wouldn’t think of when they picture bodybuilding. Bodybuilding can be a very healthy hobby for both your mind and your body.

Despite the misconceptions of the general public, bodybuilding is not necessarily all about eating whey protein, lifting heavy weights, and oiled-up posing in a thong on a stage. There are a ton of great health benefits as well.

These are just some of the many unexpected benefits of bodybuilding:


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