Posts Tagged ‘bootcamp fitness’

How to Prepare Yourself for Bootcamp With Diet and Exercise

Friday, March 25th, 2022
prepare yourself for bootcamp

Joining the military is a big decision and requires quite a bit of preparation before you leave for your boot camp. During basic training, you will be introduced to the military lifestyle and prepared for service physically and mentally. This initial stage can be grueling, especially if you aren’t in top shape. You should start to prepare yourself for bootcamp weeks or even months in advance to get yourself into peak condition and make your experience easier.

Here are a few suggestions to help you get started preparing yourself for bootcamp


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4 Perks to Boot Camp Workouts

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
bootcamp jumping

If you are looking for a workout that is challenging and intense, boot camp workouts may just fit the bill. All forms of high-intensity workouts have seen a surge in popularity over the past few years, but boot camp-style programs offer some unique benefits. With many gyms now opening up post-quarantine, group classes are starting to regain their popularity. Boot camp workouts are all the rage right now with group classes since they allow for both strength training and conditioning in a short 40-minute intense workout.

Here are 4 awesome benefits of boot camp workouts over regular commercial gym memberships.


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