Posts Tagged ‘build muscle’

Top 5 Cooking Tips for Bodybuilders

Monday, March 17th, 2025
4 chefs following cooking tips for bodybuilders

If you’re interested in bulking up, then you may be aware of the fact that you need to change your approach to both diet and exercise. Although the fitness portion won’t be easy, you probably know that you need to start a program of weight training that involves scheduled increases to gain muscle mass. On the diet front, however, unless you’ve studied a few common cooking tips for bodybuilders, you may not have a very good idea of how to go about bulking without gaining fat in the process.

If you’re cooking for someone whose goal is to bulk, all you need to worry about is making that healthy food taste great. While I don’t have to time type out all of my recipes today, here are at least some tips to get started.


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Realistic Ways to Gain and Define Muscle

Sunday, March 9th, 2025
heaving weight training to define muscle

Everyone has a different body type, but very few people have well-developed biceps, chiseled thighs, tight glutes, and rock-hard abs without putting in at least a bit of work. Having great genetics helps if you want to define muscle or become more muscular, but it truly doesn’t matter what body type you have if you are determined enough. Be realistic about just how ‘swole’ you want to become, but more importantly, be patient with yourself. Gaining muscle is much like losing fat – major changes are not noticeable overnight.

Let’s take things day by day, step by step, and discover these realistic ways to gain and define muscle mass.


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Build Mass with this SMASHING Kettlebell and Sledgehammer Workout

Thursday, January 9th, 2025
athletes doing a sledgehammer workout


Looking for a powerful and unconventional way to pack on muscle and boost your strength? Enter the kettlebell and sledgehammer workout, a high-impact training method that pairs a sledgehammer perfectly with kettlebell exercises to deliver explosive gains. Combining the raw, primal movements of the sledgehammer with the dynamic versatility of kettlebells, this workout targets multiple muscle groups, enhances functional strength, and takes your conditioning to the next level.

Are you tired of your current routine?

Do you want to increase athletic performance while creating the ideal physique?

In this guide, we’ll break down how to master this smashing combo, provide you with actionable routines, and explain why the sledgehammer workout is a game-changer for anyone serious about building mass and redefining their fitness. Get ready to swing, smash, and sculpt your way to a stronger, more powerful physique!


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The 6 Best Arm Exercises You Probably Aren’t Doing

Thursday, September 5th, 2024
athlete with big arms from using the best arm exercises

Who doesn’t want bigger, stronger arms? Almost everyone who lifts weights will, at some point, do exercises for their biceps and triceps. Unfortunately, doing the same old curls and push-downs won’t produce the results you want so we need a fresh list of the best arm exercises that are probably not even in your routine today.

The triceps comprise 2/3 of the size of the upper arms. So while you may have fun building raging biceps, a more triceps-focused routine will probably get you where you need to be quicker. And as a side effect, stronger triceps translate to a stronger bench press if you’re into that sort of thing.

If you are stuck in an arm-building rut, use the following six exercises to breathe life back into your workouts.


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How to Deadlift

Friday, May 24th, 2024
man and woman learning how to deadlift

Deadlifts are one of the primary, fundamental exercises for all serious weight training programs. This important strength-based exercise works 100% of your legs and posterior chain, and it requires functional stability from 95% of the rest of the muscles on your body. Using proper form, a deadlift will help you get stronger, gain more muscle, and burn more calories than any other single exercise after the squat.

Deadlifts build lower back and hamstring strength, and they teach you to keep your lower back tight against a heavy load, which is critical to avoid injuries when lifting objects from the ground or floor. Unfortunately, this is also why deadlifts have gained a bad reputation for causing a variety of injuries, including spinal injuries and hernias.


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3 Reasons Protein Intake is Vital for Muscle Growth

Friday, April 28th, 2023
building muscle with protein intake

Building muscle is part of every fitness journey. While strength training plays a big role in achieving ripped abs, strong calves, or Popeye biceps, sufficient high-quality protein intake is essential for weight loss and optimal muscle growth.  This is because amino acids in protein act as building blocks to repair muscle tears that occur during exercise, support muscle tissue, and help you feel full longer which fuels muscle mass development.  

Research shows that proper protein intake is important for muscle growth because it increases muscle mass, optimizes the metabolism when consumed at the right time, and burns fat layers under the skin to help with better muscle definition to show off those gains.

Check out the 3 ways adequate protein intake can boost your muscle growth.


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What is YK11? The Ultimate Guide – Dosage, Benefits, & More

Monday, November 7th, 2022
Deadlift heavy with the YK11 Ultimate Guide

What is Yk11? This is a question that many people are asking, and for a good reason. Yk11 is a new supplement that has recently gained much popularity. It is said to have some fantastic benefits, including muscle mass gains, improved strength, fat loss, and reduced fat levels.

However, as with any new supplement, there are some questions about whether or not it is safe and effective. Therefore, this article will discuss what are Yk11’s benefits and whether it is safe to use.


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Twilight Workout Routine – Taylor Lautner Gains 30 Pounds of Muscle in a Year

Friday, August 5th, 2022

Updated slightly, here’s an oldie but a goodie from back in 200913 years later, the Twilight workout routine is still legit as ever.

Introducing Taylor Lautner and the Twilight Movies

If you are a Twilight fan, you have already seen The Twilight Saga: New Moon and you already know who Taylor Lautner is, aka Jacob Black the werewolf. And if you know about all that you know about the Twilight workout routine aka the Taylor Lautner workout routine.

I have seen the movie and I was not altogether impressed, although it was not a bad movie. I would give it a 7 out of 10, while IMDB has it at 4.5 out of 10. It is a thrilling romance/monster story for teenage girls. Almost everything about the flick is targeted at girls but I know a few bros who enjoy it and have watched it multiple times (including this author).

What I was more impressed by, is the evolution of Taylor Lautner. In nine months, this 17-year-old dude gained 30 pounds of muscle to better pull off his changing into a werewolf for New Moon. Granted, if he didn’t gain the weight the part of Jacob Black would have been recast.

Taylor Lautner Before
Taylor Lautner Before
Taylor Lautner After The Twilight Workout Routine
Taylor Lautner After

Taylor Lautner used to be a 5’10”, 140-pound fairly ripped martial artist, but now he’s a weightlifting beast. So, just how did Taylor Lautner gain 30 pounds of muscle so quickly?

He maximized his genetic potential, and you can too.


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Can Sermorelin Therapy Enhance Mass in Bodybuilding?

Sunday, January 2nd, 2022
sermorelin therapy to build muscle

People have always been attracted to achieving extraordinary strength, but it’s important to have some knowledge on the subject before proceeding on a hardcore fitness regimen. Sermorelin therapy helps in attaining and maintaining such a feat. It is a GH-RH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) with a peptide sequence of 29 amino acids which works by acting on the pituitary gland in the brain and increasing the endogenous release of HGH (human growth hormone). Nobel Laureates R.Guilleman and Andrew Schalley described the necessity of GHRH for the development and growth of the body, it has been used for both therapeutic age-related diseases and enhanced growth purposes since the 1970s. 


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5 Best Supplements For Health Benefits, Bodybuilding & Sport Performance

Friday, October 15th, 2021
best supplements for health

If you’re into bodybuilding, working tirelessly in the gym daily can only get you so far. Maybe this is also why victorious players and bodybuilders don’t depend on dieting and exercising only. They’ve learned to work smart so that they don’t waste even a single effort. Bodybuilders and experienced athletes gear their efforts towards workout success and progress by manipulating nutrition and lifestyle habits. Nutritional supplements can assist in the procedure, but how can we determine which are the best bodybuilding supplements for health without trying them all first?

Let’s examine and hows and the whys, so we can try to figure out the whats.


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7 Ways to Gain Muscle Mass on a Budget

Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
Gain Muscle Mass on a Budget

Building muscle mass does not have to be difficult or expensive. If we keep our gym membership fee low (or workout from home), grocery shop smart, and make smart nutritional choices, we can minimize our budget and maximize our progress. Keep reading to discover some ways to gain muscle mass on a budget.


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5 Best Ways To Help Build Muscle After Your Workout

Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

Whenever you’re working out, you’re working hard. Whether your goal is fitness, bodybuilding, or simply losing a few pounds, the combination of exercise and nutrition is key to making progress. In layman’s terms, pumping iron creates tiny micro tears in your muscle fibers, which are then repaired by your body to build the muscle itself. The recovery process is just as essential as the workout itself. In fact, you technically can only build muscle AFTER your workout. That’s why you need to maximize your recovery with the right post-workout foods. Protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats all contribute positively to the recovery process. Here are a few foods and supplements to try out for your next post-workout recovery. For best results, consult with a physician or nutritionist prior to making any significant changes in your diet. Now that we got that out of the way, read on!


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What Are SARMS and Which Types Can You Choose From?

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
build muscle

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators – the full form of SARMs. They are known to offer similar effects as anabolic steroids. The best part is that they are much safer than steroids. This is because they do not interfere with your hormones and genetic makeup but work on your muscle tissues directly. 

This is the reason why people are considering SARMs more than steroids. BCAAs or creatine are less potent than SARMs.  The good thing about them is that they are more anabolic than androgenic. As androgenic offers more side effects, hence they are not preferred. Are you getting confused? Wait don’t get confused as we have jotted down the types of SARMs so that you get a clear picture of them. 


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Why Ayurveda Treatment is Best for Weight Gain

Saturday, December 12th, 2020
Ayurveda weight gain

Let us face it- being skinny and underweight is no fun. Sometimes, people lose too much weight due to different medical conditions and become lean and unhealthy. They start looking underweight, and there are several reasons for it. When an individual starts losing excessive weight, they start looking for effective ways to gain weight. Although there are many remedies, tips, and popular diets, you can find that promise you to gain weight quickly. But if you are looking for a safe and secure way, Ayurveda has something most effective. This post highlights the ways in which Ayurvedic treatment is effective for weight gain. So, let us get started.


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5 Proven Hacks to Accelerate Muscle Growth

Monday, October 26th, 2020
muscle building hacks

Building muscle takes a lot of hard work and conviction, but it isn’t rocket science. Your biggest challenge will be to achieve your goals according to your personal timeline. Still, you can rely on the right workout plans and nutritional aids to speed up the muscle-building process and get the results sooner than you imagine. It does not require you to spend a fortune either. All you need to do is to stick to the right approach and make some adjustments to your workout, diet, and supplement routines. Here are some proven muscle growth hacks you can rely on.


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Understanding Muscle Development and How Your Diet Affects Your Progress

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020
Healthy Muscle

Being strong is totally in right now. While fitness and exercise have long been touted as boons to your overall health, new trends are putting muscle definition and size in the forefront. Firm, well-developed muscles are attractive, sexy, and a sign of health and vitality, for both men and women. 

What you eat can make a difference between an effective, muscle-building gym session and one that simply leaves you sore for a few days. Sure, your body needs protein and carbs to fuel workouts, but you may be giving it all the wrong things. Proper nutrition is about more than just macros, and you should understand what role it plays in getting swole. 


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6 Reasons You Need to Be Using BCAAs

Friday, January 17th, 2020
Skinny Muscle

Branched-chain amino acids, which are commonly referred to as BCAAs, include amino, isoleucine, valine, and leucine. Your body cannot make them out of other amino acids, which means you must ingest them via nutritious food or BCAA supplements.

BCAAs make up 40 percent of your essential amino acid requirements each day and for good reason. Amino acids are responsible for facilitating most of your bodily functions including muscle growth, digestion, and hormone production.

Ingesting enough BCAAs, via food or supplementation, leads to the following health benefits.


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How Much Rest Does My Body Need To Gain Muscle?

Wednesday, November 27th, 2019
How Much Rest Does My Body Need?

A common mistake made by those who are looking to change their body composition is overworking their muscle groups. Not giving your body enough rest can be counterproductive for both weight loss plans and weight gain goals. However, if your muscles are not getting significant downtime during a bulking period, your results can be drastically hindered. If you ever find yourself not able to pack on the pounds like you are wanting, you may need to work more rest days into your schedule. Here is everything you need to know to answer the question, ‘how much rest does my body need to gain muscle?’


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Building Your Muscle Mass After Age 50?

Friday, March 29th, 2019

What Happens to Your Muscles As You Age?

Al is a 55-year-old high school science teacher. In his youth, he was fairly active. He enjoyed cycling, hiking, and playing basketball. His frequent physical activity meant that he had significantly defined muscle mass and his heart was in great condition.

However, when he hit middle age, Al began to notice that he couldn’t do the same level of physical activity that he had in the past. He began to lose muscle definition. Additionally, he now notices that he occasionally trips or falls more frequently than he once did. This concerns Al since he continues to stay active, taking walks and cycling on a regular basis.


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5 Ways to Start Building Up Your Body Mass

Sunday, January 27th, 2019
Skinny Muscle

Incorporating more muscle training into your life can be beneficial, and there are numerous reasons you might want to build up your body mass. While it may be a great goal to have, it can sometimes be hard to know where to start. Learning how to balance your diet and exercise plans with the correct supplement intake is crucial for safe and successful mass building. Here are five steps you can take to begin building your body mass in the most effective way.

1. Set Goals

Building up your muscular strength and size is a process. While it can be good to jump right in and get started, it is also vital that you take some time to set goals. Not only can goals give you a way to track your progress, but they can also help you to keep things in perspective. You shouldn’t expect instant results, but you should also be able to enjoy the progress you’re making along the way. Goals help you to keep centered on the end results you want while still being able to identify improvement as it happens.

2. Plan Your Diet

Building up your body mass can require some changes in your eating habits. Incorporating a healthy amount of protein can be one of the most important things you can do. While it’s important not to overdo it, protein can act as the building blocks for your muscles and getting enough of it can make a notable difference in the results you get from working out. You may also need to eat more than you have been normally in order to give your body the nutrients it needs to power you through your workouts and recoveries. 

3. Create a Workout Routine

It can be a well-known fact that weightlifting is generally the exercise of choice for individuals interested in building up mass, but there can be a lot of different elements of a good muscle building workout to consider. You should plan a workout that pushes you to be stronger and capable of lifting more. The number of times you repeat a movement and the amount of weight involved should be designed to push you to new levels of strength without causing injury. Keep in mind that recovery time can be just as important as the workout itself and that overdoing it during training can cause more harm than good to your muscles and joints.

4. Consider Using Supplements

While not meant to be used in place of exercise and good nutrition, supplements can be one more tool for you to use in your journey towards increased strength and toning. Depending on your personal level of health, there are different options for supplements that can be better suited for you. Protein supplements, as well as vitamins and minerals, can all be worthwhile considerations. You should always make sure that any supplements you use are safe and that you only consume them in healthy amounts. 

5. Do Personalized Research

The most successful mass building plans should be catered to fit you as an individual. You can do further research into the different aspects of mass building online. There can be a lot of good information available such as this 30 Day guide to mass building. The more knowledge you are equipped with going in, the better prepared you can be to succeed at meeting your goals.

Reaching Your Preferred Mass

Like any worthwhile goal, building up muscle mass can require commitment. While it takes dedication of both time and energy, you should find that reaching your preferred level of muscle mass is a great reward that can make it more than worth the work. By using the steps above and balancing the different aspects involved with healthy body mass increase you should find that you are on the track to success. 

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