In today’s “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know” category, I would like you to read about how bullies target obese kids.
Um… no kidding, Sherlock.
I was bullied as a kid.
From 6th to 9th grade I really didn’t fit in anywhere. I was chubby, had acne, wore glasses, and I wasn’t any good in gym class. They called me names, drew nasty pictures of me, popular girls prank called me, and jocks punched me.
Looking back, I was probably one of the top 10 least popular kids in my class of 120 or so. It wasn’t any fun.
Bullying causes pain, anger, and resentment. So often in today’s society, we see so many acts of bullying the end in violence. Granted, I didn’t knife anyone, shoot anyone, or beat anyone up over it… but some kids do.
We need to educate our children and teach them how to avoid bullies, as well as how to avoid becoming a bully.
More than ever, victims of bullying nowadays tend to either take action against their perpetrators or simply end their own life. Those who don’t take action will go through life hating their junior high or high school peers, dreaming of revenge. You might not believe me if it never happened to do, but trust me: it’s true.