If you are thinking of moving home soon and you find yourself in possession of a home gym, you’re probably all too aware of the enormity of the task that is ahead for you when it comes to moving everything from your old home to your new one. Just as you don’t want to injure yourself during a workout, you especially don’t want to do any harm to yourself moving your gym equipment without proper care!
Posts Tagged ‘Business’
How To Move Your Gym Without Breaking a Sweat
Friday, July 28th, 20174 Health and Wellness Trends Companies Should Follow in 2017
Friday, July 28th, 2017
2017 presents changes for corporate organizations in terms of employee health and wellness trends. After all, health is an indispensable ingredient that directly impacts a worker’s level of productivity in the workplace.
With so many goals and challenges that companies need to tackle, companies regardless of size and nature need to invest in various strategies that are aimed towards holistically improving employee health. If you are a business owner, manager, or a member of your organization’s HR department, here are 4 trends you need to look out for this year.
However, it’s important to put in mind that no matter the health and wellness strategies you adopt for your workers, what matters most is that they cater to their every need and integrate with their current lifestyles. Let’s get started, shall we?
5 Ways to Promote Your Personal Training or Fitness Business
Saturday, July 22nd, 2017It is said that you have to spend money to make money, and in the case of business promotion this is generally (but not always) true. Even products that practically market themselves, like the iPhone or iPod, have massive advertising campaigns behind them to ensure that every person on the planet wants to run out and buy them. Of course, you don’t need to spend the millions on advertising that Apple does.
If you’re a personal trainer or you’re running a fitness business (creating workout DVDs and selling related merchandise or running your own gym, for example) you can find means of promotion that don’t necessarily require you to buy air time for advertising on a global scale. What you should do, however, is explore several different avenues of promotion so that you can reach out to the largest possible segment of interested consumers. And here are a few great ways to do just that.
How Long Does It Take to Become a Certified Personal Trainer?
Thursday, September 5th, 2013The Personal Training Attitude
Becoming a personal trainer is something that only a select few are suited for. For one thing, it’s not enough to simply enjoy physical fitness yourself, although that is certainly a prerequisite if you want a career you love. You will need to exhibit specific strengths (pardon the pun) in order to excel in such a field.
You’ll definitely have to be committed to keeping yourself in shape; after all, who wants to listen to a personal trainer that isn’t fit? That’s like trusting a driving instructor that’s never been behind the wheel of a car. However, you also need to have the right disposition. If people want to be barked at and ordered around, they’ll join a boot camp class.
It’s the job of a personal trainer to motivate, not command. You need to be patient and nurturing and employ excellent communication skills. And above all, you have to be passionate about helping others become the best version of themselves. But you also need a fair amount of training under your own belt before you can train others if you don’t want to push them too far or cause undue physical harm. As a result, it may take you a little time to become a personal trainer.
Top Fitness Trade Shows
Thursday, May 2nd, 2013Business is booming for the health and fitness industry. Gym memberships have soared from 46.4 million in 2003 to nearly 52.6 million in 2013. In addition to that, the number of fitness centers has increased from 26,830 in 2009 to 29,960 in 2011. The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) speculates that the U.S. health club industry has cleared over $21 billion dollars in revenue.
The health and fitness industry’s continued growth, despite the economic recession, has resulted in expos and trade shows popping up around the country. This post will highlight some of the bigger and more influential upcoming trade shows and expos for the health and fitness industry.
Maintaining Your Health and Safety when Training Abroad
Monday, April 8th, 2013Staying Healthy on the Road
Although for some people a week or two’s vacation in the sun represents an opportunity to sit back and relax, if you’re someone who places importance on maintaining your fitness and physique through exercise and training, this won’t be you. Instead you’ll see it as another chance to work out.
While you might try your hand at some new activities when you’re abroad, if you have access to a gym where you’re staying, you may well want to keep up with your current training regime. However, while you may think that you can just pick up from where you left off at home, there are a few issues to be aware of. This will ensure that you can work out safely to avoid injury and ill health, allowing you to enjoy the rest of your vacation and not put your fitness back. Follow the tips below and seek out further advice on staying well before you travel.
How Bodybuilders Can Eat Clean and Train While They Travel
Wednesday, March 20th, 2013If there’s one part of a bodybuilder’s lifestyle that’s more important than the workouts, it’s got to be nutrition. If you’re not giving your body the fuel it needs to build muscle, all your efforts are going to go to waste as you burn out and lose both your energy and your muscle mass.
Traveling makes it even more difficult to stay on top of your nutrition, especially when you’re mostly limited to the offerings of airlines, terminal food courts, and restaurants. To keep your fitness routine up while you travel, it’s important to keep training and eating clean all the while.
Get acquainted with sludge.
It may not sound like the most appetizing food in the world, and it might be a bit tough to stomach at first, but it’s the traveling bodybuilder’s best friend. Most builders make their sludge by mixing whey protein and peanut butter or almond butter with with water until it reaches a pudding-like consistency.
Since you can’t bring liquids through airport security, pack enough pre-measured bags of whey and almonds to last through your flight, and a Tupperware container for mixing. Either buy bottled water in the airport, or take advantage of courtesy cups on the plane. Use a little less liquid than you would normally, and you can make your own protein-rich sludge anywhere.
Why Personal Trainers Should Have Liability Insurance
Friday, January 25th, 2013All kinds of businesses carry liability insurance as a way to protect themselves from lawsuits should a client slip on a wet floor or fall off a chair in the meeting room, for example. Whenever a client is on your property you are liable for their health and safety, so should they suffer some kind of accident or injury while in your care (so to speak) you could find yourself on the hook for medical bills and other expenses.
Of course, there are other types of liability as well, concerning the products a business manufactures, how they are promoted, copyrights, and so on. But when you’re a personal trainer, the main type of liability you’ll likely be concerned with is the physical variety.
But how does liability insurance apply when you don’t operate out of your own business location?
Does the average personal trainer really need to pay for this type of insurance?
Project Swole Logo Design Contest
Monday, June 25th, 2012Project Swole logo design contest announcement!
Are any Project Swole fans also graphic designers?
If so, Project Swole is in the midst of a redesign, and I NEED a new header graphic and logo. If you are interested in seeing your photoshop artwork plastered all over projectswole.com, a dozen social networks, t-shirts and other promotional material, please either post a comment here or go to the website and send me a message.
I will display the top submissions on projectswole.com and let you guys vote for your favorite, although I doubt I’ll get more than a handful of entries. Ultimately the decision is mine though.
Some designs I like are:
the stayfitbug bee https://www.fitzspiration.com/
the cutandjacked rhino https://www.cutandjacked.com/
The logo may or may not take inspiration from the successful Project Swole Werewolf Training series: https://www.projectswole.com/weight-training/werewolf-training-a-weightlifting-routine-to-gain-muscle/
So far, of the entries I’ve received, the best have been Werewolf themed.
What do you get if you win? I will promote your website or business, and if I need additional graphics created for this site, for clients, or for other web ventures, I will contact you first.
So that’s it. Please let me know if anyone is interested. By leaving a comment on this thread, send me a message with the contact form, or shoot me an email at [steve at projectswole.com]
Powerzone Fitness: The Best Gym in New Hampshire
Monday, July 11th, 2011I finally joined a gym that’s worth blogging about. It is called Powerzone Fitness and it’s located in Hooksett, NH.
Check out their website here: Powerzone Fitness and their Yahoo Local page with a 5 star rating and 4 glorious reviews here: Powerzone in Hooksett, NH
Why is Powerzone Fitness the best gym in NH?
- It is open 24×7. You get in after hours with an access card.
- No one is ever there. Turn the lights and fans on, crank your own music on the radio.
- No crazy meat heads taking up all the machines. It’s like the opposite of Gold’s Gym in Manchester, NH. If you ever go there you’ll know what I mean.
- It is owned by a former powerlifter. That means you can deadlift, lift over your head, and grunt without getting in trouble.
- They supply the chalk. Like using chalk when you deadlift or do Olympic lifts? They have a box of chalk beside the power rack.
- The have a power rack. They have a smith machine too, but they only use it for shrugs.
- Dumbbells up to 120 lbs. Not bad.
- They have a reverse hyper machine! It’s old, but it works.
- Training at Powerzone is like working out in your own personal basement gym, except they actually have all the equipment you could need.
Health Blog for Sale – Get it for the New Year’s Resolution Rush!
Friday, December 17th, 2010A friend of mine is selling his health blog. You can view the auction here: https://flippa.com/auctions/116568
This is a PR4 health and fitness blog with a 446668 Alexa rank, 2006 registration date, and just under 30,000 page views per month. It has 190 pages of unique content indexed in Google and already gets 70% of its traffic from search engines.
Make Money Online
If you are interested in making money online, or someone in the health industry that needs exposure online, consider buying Better Body Journal (BBJ). It has solid monthly revenue, and is considered an authority in the health niche. Traffic is consistent and grows every time a new article is written.
Search Engine Trust and Authority
It takes a lot of work to break into the health niche online. A site like BBJ gives you an incredible head start. The site is 4 years old and there is no way someone would ever catch up to that with a brand new website. This is an affiliate marketer’s diamond in the rough.
A Lazy Website Owner
I know the owner personally and he is very lazy with this site. This guy has a goldmine ripe for harvesting with BBJ, but he’s so busy making money other ways that he never updates the site and yet it still gets decent traffic and makes several hundred dollars a month without effort.
The Better Body Journal website has never come close to reaching its full potential. A new owner that is dedicated to it can easily increase its revenue to $1,000 or more every month. Especially with the New Years Resolutions coming up, you’ll probably make a grand in January 2011 alone!
Let Me Whine for a Minute
If I only had some investment capital I would grab this site today and promote P90X and supplement offers like crazy. Just bust out some SEO strategies, start using social profiles, network with other bloggers in the niche, get some bookmarks, and you’ll probably have a sub 100,000 Alexa ranking in no time flat.
Unfortunately I’m pretty broke thanks to medical bills, student loans, and family expenses; and since my “friend” here wants at least $4000 for this site, there is no way I could buy it. In fact I know when someone buys this thing and puts like 6 months worth of effort into it, I’m going to be so pissed off because I will have missed a golden opportunity.
Now Go Place a Bid at the Auction
Therefore, if you don’t want to miss your golden opportunity go to the BBJ Flippa auction and buy BBJ today. I will be envious of you and will probably kinda hate you, but none of that will matter when you are banking a couple extra grand a month. Just please don’t remove my homepage link on the sidebar.
Oh I’m so aggravated right now.
Technology is Rewiring Your Brain
Tuesday, June 8th, 2010Check out this very interesting article about how the deluge of information in our lives is actually rewiring your brain. Guys, now you have another excuse when your girlfriend/wife accuses you of being distracted and forgetful: “the Internet is stressing me out!”
Project Swole Redesign
Tuesday, February 16th, 2010Hello everyone.
Please bare with me as I roll out the new design and functionality for Project Swole. There will be bugs and glitches, but I promise they will get worked out.
Please let me know what you like or dislike about the new layout, and if you discover anything broken, strange, or unexpected.
You will find most of the site navigation that used to be on the sidebar, now up in drop down menus at the top of the screen.
Thank you for your patience. Some great new content will surely follow, as soon as I can perfect the site.
Question of the Week: Which Presidential Candidate Needs More Focus in the Weight Room?
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008There are still 4 presidential candidates for 2009. Allow me to break down the candidates and explain to you why each one of them needs to get back in the weight room. At the end, I would like to introduce you to my surprise independent candidate; the only player you can really count on to save the day.
[poll id=”6″]
John McCain, who will probably keep us in Iraq for eternity, thus killing off thousands more Americans, burning many more billions of ‘government’ dollars, and sinking the economy into a deep recession by 2010. I mean, it doesn’t make him look good when everyone knows he would make American women suffer by staffing his offices with pro-life Nazis.
Maybe he could improve his appearance and popularity by following a couple conditioning tips here on Project Swole. He’s getting older, and could probably firm up that face with a couple High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) sessions each week. I would also recommend some resistance training with free weights twice per week to help increase bone density.
Project Swole Now Uses CommentLuv
Friday, September 17th, 2010I’ve tried the WordPress plugin CommentLuv in the past on a different site and decided it wasn’t for me, but now I’m giving it another chance. From now on, if you register with CommentLuv and comment at Project Swole, you get a free backlink to your latest blog post. It’s easy and free.
Share the Swole!
Tags: Business, comment luv, seo
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