Posts Tagged ‘circuit training’

Lose that Holiday Weight Gain, the Circuit Training Way!

Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

Overindulging during the Holiday season is all too easy, I know from experience! Even the best intentions can be forgotten among the parties, and generous meal portions and sizes. Holiday weight gain is an inevitability for 99.8% of the US population so those of us who are not competitive bodybuilders need to be ready to combat that added girth come January.

What happens in January when you want to shed those extra pounds? Back to the same old gym routine? Why not start the New Year with a new training philosophy – high-intensity circuit training?

Let’s see how we can battle holiday weight gain with high-intensity circuits.


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What is Circuit Training?

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Today I would like to examine the physiological benefits of circuit training. There are many forms of circuit training, from machine-based static circuits, to boot camp style workouts and even kickboxing workouts. But what is circuit training and how can we put it to the best possible use?

Many gyms offer standard cookie-cutter circuit training programs, which are sometimes prescribed by the in-house personal trainer and recommended by other lazy staff members. The circuit is set up in some back room with a timer alarm to tell you when to move to the next station. Should you use this system or put together your own free weight circuit or join a boot camp?

What does circuit training actually offer you?

What are the physiological benefits and who is best suited to participate in circuit training?

What is Circuit Training?

There are several theoretical benefits of circuit training that are disseminated online.


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HIRT and Swolen

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

HIRT and Swolen is a High Intensity Resistance Training routine that you can use to either burn fat, build muscle, or maybe even both. It is a circuit of compound exercises performed back-to-back-to-back without rest (sometimes called a giant set), followed by a taxing abdominal superset.

You can use HIRT and Swolen twice a week with light weight in addition to your standard workout routine, if you are looking to get ripped. If your only goal is to build muscle, then use more weight and opt for 90 seconds rest between sets, but be careful not to overtrain if you are still performing your standard workout routine.


  • 5 sets
  • 5 reps per set
  • no rest during the set, that means no rest between exercise and no rest between reps
  • 1 rep means you have to complete each of the exercises back-to-back-to-back once
  • Level 1: 90 seconds rest between sets
  • Level 2: 60 seconds rest between sets
  • Level 3: 30 seconds rest between sets


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Staying Motivated to Lose Weight with P90X

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Order P90XWith so many at-home cookie-cutter workout routines out there, I figured it would be a great idea to discuss one of the best: P90X. After all, P90X is pretty cheap compared to paying a gym membership and hiring a personal trainer.

Will P90X turn you into a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, an Olympic gymnast, a marathon runner, or a sport-specific athlete? Oh, hell no!

Could P90X possibly get you in the best shape of your life with a minimal initial investment? Could P90X strengthen your body, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help heal nagging injuries, and dial in your 6-pack abs for summer? Oh, hell yes!

Click here to check out all of the Project Swole P90X articles, tips, tricks, hints, and reviews.

How to Lose Weight with P90X

PX90 suggests that a ninety-day weight loss regime jumped into with both feet will start you on your weight loss journey. The program implies that shocking yourself with the first 30 days of their system will get your metabolism going, and because of the results you see, you will be gung-ho for the rest of their ninety-day program.


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What is the P90X Home Workout System?

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Order P90XWith so many at-home cookie-cutter workout routines out there, I figured it would be a great idea to discuss one of the best: P90X. After all, P90X is pretty cheap compared to paying a gym membership and hiring a personal trainer.

Will P90X turn you into a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, an Olympic gymnast, a marathon runner, or a sport-specific athlete? Oh, hell no!

Could P90X possibly get you in the best shape of your life with a minimal initial investment? Could P90X strengthen your body, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help heal nagging injuries, and dial in your 6-pack abs for summer? Oh, hell yes!

Click here to check out all of the Project Swole P90X articles, tips, tricks, hints, and reviews.

What is P90X?

You may already of heard of P90X (other names: Power 90X, X90 Workout, and PX90) either by way of TV and radio commercials or word of mouth. And you may be intrigued by the numerous reports of success enjoyed by people who have shed unwanted pounds, and by the images of people who have used the P90X program to work their way to a toned and attractive physique.

The collection of articles I will be presenting delves into the potential of the P90X program and whatit has to offer you as an individual. I consider it my job to provide sufficient information in this series to answer any and all questions you might have about P90X.

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Hardcore Circuit Training for Men

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Hardcore Circuit Training for Men (and Women)

Hardcore Circuit Training for Men
Hardcore Circuit Training for Men

Chohwora Udu & Jim McHale are the Authors of Hardcore Circuit Training for Men, which is available at and bookstores nationwide.

Special Project Swole discount:
Use coupon code HCCT to get 15% off the cover price!
Click here to order.

My Review

I posted an article written by the authors of the book Hardcore Circuit Training for Men the other day, called Losing Weight with Circuit Training. Since then I found my copy of the book and finished looking through it.

Here is what I think:

First and foremost, despite the book’s title, this is not just a book for men. These circuits can be used and adapted by women and even kids. It can be used by weightlifters, triathlon athletes, regular athletes, MMA fighters, boxers, and pretty much anyone else who is looking to develop their conditioning.


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