Posts Tagged ‘Conditioning’

How to Flip Tires

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Tire flipping is great!

How can you integrate tire flipping into your workouts?

Tire flipping is great for the following kind of training:

  • Strong men doing strongman training.
  • Powerlifters needing extra workouts, or trying to increase their work capacity.
  • High intensity interval training (HIIT): 10 flips, rest 60 seconds, repeat.
  • Conditioning training in groups, usually moving from station to station.
  • Conditioning for martial arts, especially when prepping for a fight.
  • Odd object lifting programs such as with sandbags and kettlebellssandbag core training, training with sandbags.

So what is the best strategy for flipping tires?
Do you deadlift the tire?
Is it more of a push?
How do you use your legs?
How do you position your arms?

I can’t put it any better than Josh puts it in this instructional tire flipping video:

This is what happens when you train your ass off and get real good at flipping tires: a 600 pound tire flip:

I personally am not too sure if I could even move that thing, never mind flip it.

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How to Train With Sandbags for Fat Loss

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009
Josh Henkin

Josh Henkin is owner of Sandbag Fitness Systems, and the creator of the Ultimate Sandbag. Josh is a graduate of Arizona State University where he received his Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science/Physical Education.

Josh is an NSCA certified strength and conditioning specialist, certified club coach with USA weightlifting, and certified Russian kettlebell instructor and a certified corrective high performance exercise kinesiologist. Coach Henkin is well known nationally as an expert in fitness and sports performance training and has been invited to appear at national conferences and write for numerous fitness magazines.

How to Lose Fat by Training With Sandbags

Fat loss, two words that you can say anywhere and you will get people’s attention. Getting leaner, more sculpted, or however you want to classify it is always a goal. I don’t care if you are speaking about professional athletes, housewives, or weekend warriors. Heck, even little kids know what a six-pack is!

The real question is how do you achieve these goals in a world that is crazier than ever?


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20 Pull Ups Program Integrated with a Regular Training Routine

Thursday, September 25th, 2008
Pull Up Routine
Pull Up Routine

There is a neat new program at that will help you increase your pull ups. Check it out then read this article.

Someone beat me to the punch. I was going to write a program like this based on what I saw at The 100 Push Ups Challenge, but I just didn’t make the time to do it. So what I will do instead, is to explain how to work this 20 Pull Ups program into your regular training routine so as not to sacrifice the rest of your muscles while on this program. Get ready for some 2-a-day workouts!

The premise of 20 Pull Ups is to combine several training methodologies throughout the week by doing several sets of pull ups each day. This is a 6-8 week program for those who can already do at least 5 pull ups. However, if you can’t do 5 pull ups, there is a slightly longer program that you can use, which incorporates assisted pull ups for the first 4 weeks. Either way, you should give this program a try if you want to be able to do more pull ups.


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12 Mistakes All Athletes Have Made While Training

Thursday, September 11th, 2008
Franco Columbo
Franco Columbo

Inexperienced athletes do dumb things. Most people look for the easiest way from point A to point B, and sometimes they become obsessed with trivial details. I did it; you did it… or maybe you still do it; and the newbie that jumps on the bench after you will do it too.

Hell, when I first started training, I was following a 6 day per week, 2 a day program, written by some professional bodybuilder. It took me a year to learn how to do barbell back squats and even longer to start deadlifting. I thought I knew what I was doing just like you do.

In order to take that first step towards knowing everything, we must first realize that we know nothing. This is what I want you to do before you read the rest of this article. Once you can admit that you know nothing about weightlifting, you can read these tips and apply them to what you have been doing, in order to start doing what you should be doing.

Once you have the proper train of thought, you may proceed…


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The 300 Workout for Total Body Conditioning

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

By now everyone has heard of the movie 300, and most strength and conditioning athletes know about The 300 Workout. This is how all those ripped actors in the movie got into such great shape. The 300 Workout is well known as a pretty hardcore conditioning program. Not everyone can complete this workout, and those that do have seriously trained for it before attempting the final challenge.

300 Gerard ButlerMost of the actors trained 5 days per week for 8-10 total weeks, while Gerard Butler (the star, King Leonidas) trained for 12 weeks. This is something that anyone reading Project Swole can accomplish, and this is definitely something I can accomplish in 10 weeks. Let’s take a look at the original workout:

The 300 Workout Challenge

  • 25 pull-ups
  • 50 deadlifts at 135 pounds
  • 50 push-ups
  • 50 box jumps with a 24-inch box
  • 50 “floor wipers” (a core and shoulders exercise at 135 pounds)
  • 50 “clean and press” at 36 pounds (a weight-lifting exercise)
  • 25 more pull-ups — for a total of 300 reps
  • 300 Total Reps

I have heard of versions of this program where you have to complete the desired number of reps by alternating exercises. For example, you might perform push ups as a superset to pull ups, performing 3 sets of 10 reps each to hit a goal of 30 before moving on to the next exercise. I will incorporate this strategy for my first two sets only.

Some 300 Workout routines consist of bodyweight only exercises, while others are apprised strictly of plyometrics. I have included some bodyweight exercise in my attack strategy, and hope to phase in some plyo movements as I get back into shape.

My 300 200 Workout Challenge

  • 15 Pull Ups on a tree branch
  • 25 Push Ups with push up handles
  • 25 DB Deadlifts with 45 lbs on Powerblocks
  • 25 1-arm clean and press 35 lbs on Powerblocks
  • 25 18-inch bench jumps (box jumps)
  • 25 Burpees
  • 25 1-arm clean and press 35 lbs on Powerblock
  • 20 Jumping jacks
  • 15 Neutral grip chin ups on the tree
  • 200 Total Reps

I have a stopwatch, which will be nice for measuring progress and setting goals. Some goals will be about adding a new exercise, some goals will be about completing more reps or more weight, while yet others will be about beating my previous time record. I also have to force myself to take pictures and measurements both before and after. All of which I suppose will be posted to this blog.

My weekly schedule will consist of The 300 Workout and Thai Kickboxing. The plan is to exercise 5 days a week. On the mornings when I do not have kickboxing the night before, I will complete a 300 Workout. Other mornings will be off. I must make up missed workouts on the weekends. Eventually I will be doing a true 300 rep workout. My 200 workout is just to help get back into shape again.

So, this is the plan and I am going to stick to it for 10 weeks. There is plenty of room for flexibility, so I should be able to get in at minimum, 4 workouts per week, but I will strive to hit 5. Before and after information will be posted. So who’s with me?

The 300 Workout


If you are not in shape, have a heart condition, or some other serious health ailment, please consult your physician before starting an intense exercise program. You should not attempt to complete the original 300 Challenge if you are not already somewhat in shape from conditioning and exercise.

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New Layout, New Purpose for Project Swole

Monday, March 10th, 2008

Welcome to Project Swole 2.0! This swell new layout goes right along with my new goals for Project Swole. I am still in love with powerlifting and strongman training, but I have found vacant spot in my heart for martial arts and conditioning.

The Old Goals

Previously in my training career, it was all about size. I trained like a bodybuilder, in the 8-12 rep range, 5 workouts per week, keeping myself lean, with medium weight. Progress was acceptable. My muscles got slightly puffy and I looked OK naked. The downside was that I looked big when I was pumped up after a workout, but much smaller half a day later when the pump was gone. I wasn’t very strong either. My lifestyle was that of diet logs, egg whites, bodybuilding forums, and posing. This left something to be desired.

Deadlifting off a Platform

Next I Decided to Take Up Powerlifting

I learned the ‘secrets’ of The Westside Barbell Club and followed the writings of Louie Simmons, Christian Thibideau, and Dave Tate. My diet became much more liberal, my reps dropped down to 1-5, training frequency to 3-4 workouts a week with heavy weight, and my exercise scheme moved to a max effort, dynamic effort protocol. The results were good. I maintained my pumped up bodybuilding appearance full-time as my muscles became dense and strong. On the downside, my tendons and joints hurt at times, my cardiovascular health went out the window, and I bulked up to about 210-220 lbs. Over time I realized that 190-200 was the upper limit of a comfortable body weight for me.

On the upside, my efforts to learn all the best exercises really paid off:

  • bench press – with chains, boards, max effort, dynamic effort, floor-press, wide grip, narrow grip, etc…
  • deadlift – off blocks, off racks, half-rep, quarter-rep, with chains, bands, stiff-leg, max and dynamic effort
  • squat – back squat, front squat, jump squat, half squat, box squat, one-leg squat…
  • overhead press – seated, standing, behind head, in front of head – this is a key exercise to overall strength!
  • rows – barbell, dumbbell, t-bar, etc… “Big back, big bench” – a powerlifting mantra
  • abs – heavy crunches, weighted situps, rotations – your abs are at the core of every movement you make
  • curls, flys, leg extensions, cardio, calves, forearms – directly training these things is a waste of time and energy that could be better directed towards powerlifting (this is not one of the powerlifting beliefs that I necessarily support)

The next phase of my lifting career saw me try to embrace olympic lifting and functional training in combination with powerlifting. I started training 2-3 times per week with full body workouts, and added an extra workout or two per week with olympic lifting complexes. This resulted in my staying strong, my cardiovascular system got healthy, my tendons and joints stayed strong, and my muscles stayed strong as I kept the powerlifting aspects as part of each workout. The downside is that I got bored. Each workout consisted of bench, squat, deadlift, overhead press, abs, and calves. On a bad day, I would push through the workout and it would take me over 60-75 minutes to get everything done. I limited myself to the most effective exercises only, and rarely tried anything new. For some folks who only care to lift weights, this IS the best form of training. For me, I still needed something else.

Bruce Lee

Enter Mixed Martial Arts

MMA, Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Judo, Karate, Kenpo, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do… call it what you want, martial arts are great. Of course I learned and practiced by watching Bruce Lee and Jean Claude Van Damme in my teens and early twenties. Chuck Norris is the man, Bruce Lee is the king, we all know these things. But what could I learn by myself? I had always wanted to take martial arts classes, but had never had the time or resources to get involved. Recently I discovered a Thai Kickboxing class at my local Toykeo Joe’s karate school. Finally I could get in shape with serious conditioning, learn a martial art, possibly get involved with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu down the line… exercise was finally looking fun again.

Future Goals

I still hunger for powerlifting and olympic complexes, for strength and conditioning. On the other hand, I refuse to give up my newfound love for martial arts training. Thus my plan is as follows:

  • Thai kickboxing 2-3 nights a week for 1 hour.
  • Max effort (1-5 reps) bench, dead, squat, overhead press, once every other week.
  • 20 rep bench, dead, squat, overhead press, try to get one workout in per month.
  • If possible squeeze in one Olympic complex once every two weeks.
  • If possible squeeze in one bodybuilding style workout once a month.
  • Eat heartily: high protein, moderate everything else, lots of water.
  • Proper supplementation: vitamins, 5-HTP, melatonin, amino acids, Bone Boost, and anything else that I think can contribute to proper over-all health, recovery from workouts, provide energy, and isn’t too expensive.
  • Watch strongman and martial arts competitions for inspiration.

Join me in my quest to kick some ass, have emergency strength, stay healthy, and look good naked! Project Swole is a place where we can discuss these matters at length; where we can teach each other and learn from our mistakes. Motivate yourself to get Swole!

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The Benefits of Thai Kickboxing

Monday, February 18th, 2008

I’ll start off by saying that I never thought I would be writing an article touting the benefits of a Cardio Kickboxing class. On a similar level as cardio kickboxing, one might think that a class called Thai Kickboxing is targeted towards overweight women. Not true. The class I’m in is one of the best conditioning programs I have ever been involved with, aside from some stair-running/jump-roping drills I used to do back in college in the stairwell of the dormitory, and a heck of a lot more motivatingly diverse.

Right around the end of January I visited my local Tokyo Joe’s School of Self Defense in Hooksett, NH. They specialize in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, and Thai Kickboxing. Now, like I said, my particular class is more about conditioning, but we do learn and practice some Muay Thai combinations. We frequently put together combinations with moves such as jab, hook, cross, thai kick, knee kick, and elbows. For an hour straight we pretty much push it without more than a 1 minute break for air and water. Leg day is pretty fun too, as we get to complete a circuit of squats on the toes, duck walks, 1/2 bottom squats on the toes, duck walks, 1/3 bottom squats on the toes, duck walks, lunges of some sort, and finally lying leg presses with your partner lying on your legs. It’s great stuff.

If you are bored with your current conditioning program, or maybe you are just getting back into fitness after a layoff, or perhaps you have some other reason not to hit the weight room; give Thai Kickboxing a try. At the very least it will cut down on your body fat ratio while strengthening your lungs, heart, muscles, and joints.

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The Swole Principles of Exercise

Friday, April 27th, 2007

How do we maximize our time spent in the gym?

Exercise Selection

Compound free weight exercises are what I choose 9 out of 10 times. The reason for this is several-fold.

a) Free weights build strength in assistance or stabilizer muscles.
b) Free weights eliminate injuries that normally occur from repeated motion along one plane of resistance, such as that with machines or even cables.
c) Free weights burn more calories by stimulating a chain of muscles rather than a single isolated muscle.
d) Free weights = calluses. =)

We also want to reduce or eliminate muscular imbalances, so it is a good idea to use uni-lateral exercises (dumbbell or single leg presses) once in a while in order to determine if one side is stronger.

In order to make the most of our time in the gym, we want to get as much done as possible in the time that we have. Therefore we will be using the concept of Giant Sets nearly everyday. This means we will be pairing each larger exercise with a mechanically unrelated smaller exercise (think of pairing bench presses with calf raises, or deadlifts with cable flies).

Sets and Reps

High reps (25+) will give you endurance.
High-Medium reps (15-25) will give you some mass and some endurance.
Medium reps (10-15) will give you mass, although this is the ideal range for most women and will function more to tighten and tone than to build much mass.
A Project Swole service reminder:
Low-Medium reps (6-10) will give you some mass and some strength.
Low reps (1-5) will give you strength.

I tend to promote 1-2 warm up sets and 2 work sets on small to medium exercises. I will recommend 2-3 warm up sets and 2-3 work sets on the biggest, hardest exercises.

Exercise Execution

Clearly we do not need to psych up for warm up sets, but for each subsequent work set, we intend to lift more weight or more reps. The initial goal will be to lift a certain weight a certain number of times before moving up in weight the next workout. Sometimes it helps to take a couple breaths and picture yourself completing the set successfully for the prescribed number of reps, before hoisting the first rep. Then it becomes all about breathing and the mind-muscle connection. There is also almost never a reason to drop any weight from 2-3 feet in the air all the way to the floor. If you do this you are as big of a dickhead as the guy that curls in the squat rack or power rack… or on the deadlifting platform.

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