Posts Tagged ‘disease’

“Gluten-Free” Does Not Always Mean Gluten-Free

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011
Gluten Free

Foods that claim to be gluten-free are not always gluten-free. Many of those foods actually have enough gluten to cause gastrointestinal distress in those who are intolerant to wheat protein, also known as celiac disease. Gluten is actually defined as the protein contained in wheat, barley, rye, and other similar grains.

How can food manufacturers get away with this? It’s actually not entirely their fault, as there has never been an established US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation to define just how much gluten can be in gluten-free foods.

What is the Standard for Gluten-Free?

As of this writing, manufacturers can decide how much gluten they put in their gluten-free foods. However, the FDA is now planning to push through a standard for gluten-free food, that manufacturers will be required to meet before they can put gluten-free labels on their packaging.

The Feds are proposing that gluten-free food – usually wheat products like cookies, cakes, and breads – should contain no more than 20 parts per million of gluten. At those levels lab tests are unable to detect the presence of gluten, thus meeting the label claim of “gluten-free”.

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What is Swine Flu? and 29 Other Swine Flu FAQs

Thursday, April 30th, 2009
Cute Pig

The current Swine Flu fears are both justified and overrated.

The fears are justified because of the 7-8% death rate in Mexico of a contagious disease, for which we currently have no direct vaccine.

The fears are overrated because that death rate seems only to apply to Mexico, and the virus itself does not seem to be replicating uncontrollably throughout the world.

Currently, the status of the disease warrants Mexican quarantine, worldwide concern, but not yet worldwide panic.

Hopefully, this document will allay some of your fears and answer some of your questions about Swine Flu.


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Sudafed with Pseudoephedrine

Friday, February 20th, 2009

Finally I am starting to feel just slightly better after battling illness for well over a week. This is still just a short nonsense blog post, but I finally feel comfortable writing material again.

I did end up having to go to the doctor, who ended up prescribing me antibiotics. But I also wanted to mention that I picked up some generic Sudafed with Pseudoephedrine, and that really helped a lot with trying to deal with my stuffy sinus infection.

Don’t get the Pseudoephedrine-free version though, as I hear it doesn’t help that much. Instead, ask for the real deal at the pharmacy window. Most stores no longer stock the high Pseudoephedrine based Sudafed in the isles, instead they have it protected in the back room where the pharmacists are.

That is all I have to say for now, as I am exhausted and must get to bed.

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