Posts Tagged ‘eating’

Evasive Maneuvers to Battle the Avalanche of Holiday Sweets

Friday, December 13th, 2024
Santa eating holiday sweets

Today, our guest post author Josie wants you to ditch the weight loss gimmicks, deprivation of so-called “forbidden foods”, and severe calorie deprivation, in favor of Moderation, Discipline, Portion Control, and Commitment to exercising and eating healthy. Josie wants you to moderate those holiday sweets and opt for high-protein, healthier alternatives when possible.

Here are some ideas as to how you can try to stop yourself from binging on holiday sweets.


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10 Healthy Sauces Ideal for Weight Loss

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
eating food with healthy sauces

When it comes to weight loss, sauces and dressings can often be the hidden culprits behind excess calories and unwanted fats. While they enhance the flavor of our meals, traditional sauces are frequently packed with sugar, oils, and preservatives that can sabotage healthy eating goals. But what if you didn’t have to sacrifice taste for health? With the right ingredients and a few simple recipes, you can create healthy sauces that are both delicious and waistline-friendly.

Delicate, spicy, fruity – our healthy sauces will make your dishes extremely delicious and healthy. In this article, we’ll explore 10 healthy sauces that not only complement your meals but also support your weight loss journey.


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How Much Protein Should I Eat in a Day?

Thursday, February 15th, 2024
How Much Protein Should I Eat

Hardcore bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters, and even most other athletes eat a ton of protein in a day. OK, they don’t eat a “ton”, but they do eat more than the average person. There are myths and stories about professional bodybuilders and strongmen who eat 300-500 grams of protein each day. Most of us can’t follow that prescription so we end up with the nagging question, “how much protein should I eat in a day?” This leaves us with a number of additional oft-debated questions, such as:

“How much protein do the professionals eat?”

“Exactly how much protein do I eat?”

“How much protein is appropriate for me?”

“Can I physically eat ‘too much’ protein?”

“If so, what are the side effects?”

“Exactly how much is ‘too much’?”

Let’s stop to consider all of the factors that go into determining how much protein we should eat.


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Intermittent Fasting: A Primer

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

Intermittent Fasting Part 1 – A Diet Strategy to Get You Ripped

For many people, losing fat and keeping it off is an impossible task, and they’d sooner reach China by grabbing a shovel and flinging dirt around. The road to leanness is littered with the remnants of horrible-tasting food, dingy Tupperware containers, and the dreams of those who abandoned their quest because of the seemingly insurmountable difficulty.

We’ve all been there at one point or another, but those who’ve managed to travel the wasteland and emerge on the other side victorious have done so by finding a way to stay on the path while others fell to the wayside, rules be damned.

And let’s face it: the fitness industry has managed to create a lot of rules and myths, both intentional and unintentional, to keep people in a constant state of fear and dependence, but the concept of intermittent fasting has come around and anecdotally proved that many of these claims are based off faulty and cherry-picked research, or are just flat out lies. Freeing people from the shackles of dogma and letting them indulge their inner hedonists without an ounce of guilt has helped hundreds if not thousands, achieve the body of their dreams.

Finally! A Powerful Diet That Anyone Can Follow

Forget about Atkins, low-fat dieting, low-carb dieting, the South Beach Diet, or any of those other fad diets. Here is a nutrition strategy you can use year in and year out to maintain ideal body composition, to get shredded for a show, or to lean out for summer.

Without further adieu, I’d like to introduce you to the new sheriff in town and how he can help you get to where you want to be as fast and painlessly as possible.


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The Project Shred Diet

Sunday, October 16th, 2022

Just in time for the new year! Lose fat quickly and safely on this 21-day fat-loss shred diet!

Disclaimer: the author is no longer a certified nutritionist and has not been a certified nutritionist since the mid-2000s. Use these diet guidelines and meal plans at your own risk.

Mermaid Abs from the Project Swole shred diet

To spare you from having to read this entire post to learn the premise, here is a quick summary of the Project Shred Diet:

  • A PDF that you can print out, containing meal plans that you can easily follow.
  • A strict diet is used to lose fat in 21 days.
  • A guideline for your post-diet lifestyle eating habits.
  • A detox diet is used to clean out your system of processed garbage.
  • A higher protein diet potentially allows muscle gains while losing fat.
  • Input from no less than 2 certified sports nutritionists.
  • I personally tried it, and it works!
  • Skip all the bunk and check out the meal plans.

Judging by a recent Swole Poll, most Project Swole readers want to build muscle – 53% to be exact. However, 33% of you are looking to lose fat and I’d wager a guess that at least 50% of the muscle-builders will, at some point, switch their goals to losing fat. Therefore I can say that if you are one of the 60+% of Project Swole readers that will eventually want to lose fat, then this article is for you.

The Project Shred Diet is, in fact, a diet plan that you can follow for the recommended 21 days or longer. There are 7 days of carefully planned out meals – 3 full meals and 2-3 optional snacks per day. Each of the 7 days can be switched and swapped around as you prefer. To get the most benefit try to hit all 7 days before repeating. Some food substitutions can be made within reason. I’ll tell you all about the rules in a moment.


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How Long Should I Wait to Exercise After Eating?

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
athletes waiting to exercise after eating

There are numerous considerations when planning an exercise routine; what type of exercises will you partake in? What clothes should you wear during said activities? How hard you want to push yourself and for how long, among other factors. One concern many people may overlook is the importance of how long to wait to exercise after eating or snacking. 

Eating too much beforehand can make physical efforts seem unbearable, leading to pain and potential health hazards such as cramps or constipation.

So, how long should you wait after eating before exercising? Will exercising make it harder for your body to digest food? What are the benefits of waiting before taking a workout break? 

This guide will discuss how much time you need to wait between meals and working out.


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How Can Students Diet Healthy on a Budget

Monday, June 13th, 2022
Students Diet Healthy on a Budget

There is still a big misconception that a healthy diet – and a healthy lifestyle – is expensive. For many, buying organic food, high-end supplements, and maintaining a gym membership is not always an option. Students in particular often struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, despite the fact that students diet healthy on a budget all over the world.

Students tend to stay up late and engage in activities that are not necessarily good for the body and mind. The same problems are seen among online students, especially since they have more freedom with their time.

Whether you’re pursuing your bachelor’s degree or taking an online degree while working a full-time job, these healthy diet tips will help you maintain a healthy body on a budget.

Let’s get started, shall we?


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How Much Fat Should I Eat in a Day?

Thursday, January 13th, 2022
How Much Fat Should I Eat

Almost all nutritious food has fat in it. Fats are used for a variety of purposes including transporting vital nutrients to cells, assisting in the digestion of certain foods, and providing us with energy in times of nutrient depletion. To be healthy you can’t, and shouldn’t, stay away from fat. Still, we find ourselves asking: how much fat should I eat in a day? What are the pros and cons of eating low-fat or fat-free? What kind of fat should I be eating most? Which foods provide healthy fats and which foods will kill me quickly?

As with my other articles how many carbs to eat in a day and how much protein to eat in a day, all depends on a couple of factors:

  • current bodyweight
  • dietary goals
  • cholesterol profile
  • activity level
  • lifestyle
  • time of day

The American Heart Association recommends limiting dietary fat to 30% of total calories. Take into consideration, however, if you are overweight, need to lower blood cholesterol, or have another medical concern, you may need less than the recommended 30%.

Let’s stop to consider all of the factors that go into determining how much fat we should eat.


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How to Structure Eating Habits For Maximum Workout Efficiency

Monday, January 10th, 2022
Eating habits to build muscle

Your workouts and meals are directly connected. What you eat and when you have it can impact the effectiveness of your exercise routine. Eating correctly based on your training is the best way to get the results you want to see. What we need to do is structure eating habits based on our sleep and training schedules.

Here are some tips to help you eat right to maximize the results of your workout sessions. 


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Only 6 More Days Until Christmas!

Sunday, December 19th, 2021
6 More Days Until Christmas

There are only 6 more days until Christmas and boy are we excited to dip into the egg nog!

Have you kept your fitness and nutrition in check this holiday season? Have you been able to stay slim this holiday or at least maintain your current progress?

Relax a Little

Hopefully, you have, so you can let your guard down a bit during Christmas or your main celebration day of choice. There’s no need to be a pig and eat ALL the fudge and cookies, but there’s also no need to avoid all desserts and gravies like the plague. (Have you finished all of your shopping and most of your wrapping?)


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How Can I Stay Active During the Holidays?

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021
stay active during the holidays Santa

The holiday season is such a fun time of year. There are parties, decorations and so many reasons to enjoy life. But a lot of times, all the celebrations come with a cost. It can be easy to fall out of your fitness routine and healthy eating habits during the holidays. Here are some tips on how to stay active during the holidays. 


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Is the Japanese Diet a Miracle Diet?

Wednesday, August 14th, 2019

Written by a Japanese friend of Project Swole, this treatise on Washoku and the Japanese diet will help us all to understand why and how a Japanese diet is healthy. While it might not be your prerogative to change your diet completely, taking away some elements from the Japanese diet to supplement your own diet, could lead to a healthier body and ultimately better progress as an athlete. Without further ado, Project Swole presents The Japanese Diet.

Why should you care about the Japanese diet?

Nowadays, what we eat can be very different from what was standard only a few years ago. Strong emphasis on processed unhealthy foods and eating out, which has a lot of unhealthy fats, sugars, and salt, has created a huge obesity problem. It is worth returning to simpler times and presenting a Japanese diet that can interest many people. I invite you to be educated.


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Diet Without Dieting

Tuesday, June 11th, 2019
Diet without dieting

For something that we say that we hate, we sure do a lot of dieting. More than half of all Americans say that they’re actively trying to lose weight, and millions of us are trying to do so by cutting calories or going on special diets. The idea, of course, is that our willpower and special diets will force our bodies to shed the pounds — at which point we will get off the diet and onto something more sustainable that, we hope, will help us keep the weight off.

The problem is: None of this stuff works!

Diets overwhelmingly fail. That’s partly because people don’t stick to them, and partly because dieting itself is a flawed idea. Weight loss is much more complicated than fad diets make it seem. Furthermore, health is more than how much you weigh. Even if you do crash-diet your way to your goal weight, study after study has shown that you’re very likely to regain all of that weight soon after you reach the goal.


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3 Ways to Make Meal Prepping Easier

Friday, May 24th, 2019

Living a healthy life is something most people strive to do. Trying to stay on an exercise regimen and a moderate diet can be challenging to say the least. Finding ways to make the process of getting fit easier is something you should view as a priority.

One of the best ways to keep your diet on track is by creating a meal prep plan. By meal prepping, you can avoid eating fast food throughout the course of your week. Taking the time to research the internet will allow you to read more about this process and the benefits associated with meal prepping.

The following are some of the things you can do to make meal prepping easier.


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Health Considerations for Bodybuilders

Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

barbell deadlift


The sport of bodybuilding increases your strength and changes your physique. The demands of sculpting your body are tremendous. It takes time and a lot of hard work to reach goals in bodybuilding, but it’s very rewarding when you do.

Bodybuilders push themselves and their bodies hard. The stress they exert on their muscles and bones requires specific health maintenance routines particular to a bodybuilder. What works for most of us, won’t work for someone who pushes the limits of working out to greater and greater heights.

Gains come in small increments, but if you take care of your body while building it, you have a better chance of faster returns. Here are some ways aspiring bodybuilders can ensure their bodies stay healthy and robust as they develop more muscle and drop body fat percentage.


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Enjoy Weight Loss Success and Improve Your Overall Health

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

Many people think that being overweight is something that has a major effect on your appearance, which is true. However, there are more important issues that you need to consider if you are carrying a lot of excess body fat, the key ones of which is your overall health. Being overweight can impact on both your physical and mental health, which is why you need to take action to get to a healthy weight.

fat cat weight loss

There are all sorts of products and resources you can turn to in order to get help with your weight loss these days. Using a high-quality appetite suppressant to help control your eating, a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and an improvement in lifestyle. While it may sound difficult to put all of this into place but once you get into a routine and engage in some forward planning it is often not as difficult as you imagine. You can then look forward to more successful weight loss and a reduction in the risk of a variety of health conditions.


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3 Superfoods to Help with Muscle Growth

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Healthy CoupleToday, we live in the age of the superfood. Foodstuffs long-forgotten or simply ignored emerge from the deep to offer their consumers a variety of health benefits from killing cancer cells to helping the body become more efficient at absorbing nutrients and keeping itself in a peak form.

While superfoods are by no means wonder-drugs that can take away all the issues our body can have, they are useful and helpful in maintaining our health and even to help our body build a larger muscle mass. So, here are 3 superfoods that can aid it to do just that.

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Diet Choices for Women to Make Muscle Building Easier!

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

Women looking to build muscle are already at a disadvantage compared with men because they have naturally lower testosterone and growth hormone levels. Due to this, women must be much more careful about their diet and training routine to build muscle.

Especially considering their diet, women must be completely focused on choosing the correct foods and drinks to build muscle.

Keep reading below to find out the best diet choices for women to make building muscle easier!


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6 Habits You Seriously Need To Drop To Lose Weight

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

We all have bad habits that hinder our quality of life. When it comes to weight loss, we need to reconsider our habits and eliminate those that keep us from healthier bodies. Our bad habits might relieve us of stress temporarily but in the long run, it is not the best for us. For example, fast food is convenient after a long workday but it adds to our waistlines gradually.

Poor Health Habits

Here are a few bad habits you must ditch if you want permanent weight loss.


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3 Details You Should Have in Mind Before Starting a Diet

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

Now that the warmer months of the year have rolled around, swimsuit season is upon us. For this reason, many of us are already planning to go on a diet so that our summer bodies are ready to embrace everything this time of year has to offer. However, dieting isn’t as simple as you think. In fact, it involves some serious decision making.

diet tips girl


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