Athletes have become bigger and stronger and are in better shape nowadays, and the trend to build endurance through specific training has only accelerated this phenomenon. Athletes are getting leaner and more ‘ripped’ than ever, in nearly every sport.
It used to be that a baseball player, for example, would focus on exercises specifically designed to improve the specific skill set that they needed to succeed on the baseball field. The same sport-specific training was true for every sport. But as people began to see the broad-spectrum benefits that came with endurance training for events like the triathlon, it became evident that an individual with greater strength and endurance in any sport could benefit from a more well-rounded circuit of exercises.
It didn’t take long before regular people started to realize that they could benefit from endurance training, too, and it quickly became more and more popular. Today, its appeal is at an all-time high. Even weekend athletes, as a result of endurance training, are becoming almost indefatigable.
Full of physical and mental benefits, a sauna regimen can be amazing. So you ask, what can the sauna do for athletes? Well, the sauna offers benefits to your skin, body, and mood. People use saunas for a variety of reasons, whether at home, at the spa, or in the locker room at the gym. In Finland and other Scandinavian countries, the sauna has an important cultural role. It’s not uncommon for co-workers to hang out in the sauna, as workers in the US get a happy hour and many homes are built with home saunas.
Well, saunas can be of great help. In this post, we will explore the different types of saunas and the benefits of saunas after training. Read on to learn how saunas work and how they can boost your workout results.
If you are a runner, a goal you likely have is to improve running endurance. While this may seem like a seemingly impossible process, it doesn’t have to be. Running improvements are usually less complicated than you think.
An effective strategy is to implement products and supplements, such as D Gary Young‘s ‘Young Living’ essential oils. However, there are other steps you can take, as well. Keep reading to learn some tips and steps on how to increase your running endurance.
Professional runners always aspire to get better, with new goals for distance, speed, and time. But running faster and longer requires more than just sprinting. It is as much about building your endurance base and maintaining your motivation levels. If you can manage both fronts, it will be easy to push your limits and level up your stamina. Here are some strategies that professional trainers recommend for runners who want to go faster and longer.
All of these things are important elements and rituals for runners to perform. They all support a healthy, safe, and productive workout where you can push your pace and strengthen your craft. But the rituals you perform after your runs and on your rest days are equally as important as what you do on the road. Active recovery is an essential part of any runners training program. Not only does active recovery give your body and muscles the time it needs to heal and strengthen, but it helps prevent injury.
Depending on your pace, distance, and terrain, running is considered a moderate to high-impact exercise. That’s because running places strain on your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back. When done correctly, running is a full-body workout that incorporates core strength and upper body stability. Working your body and all its muscles at the same intensity every day isn’t always best. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise at all on your “rest” days”. In fact, you should perform some type of active movement 7 days a week. But knowing which type of exercise to do on your day “off” will help improve your performance the next time you lace up your running shoes.
Cannabis could be the edge you need to take your running to the next level!
Endurance Training
Adrian Landini is not only a long-time runner, but he’s also a long-time cannabis user. Not only does he enjoy smoking cannabis, but he also enjoys smoking it before a run and sometimes during a run. What may have begun as a one-off, has now become an integral part of Adrian’s endurance training. “I just kind of Zen out, I pay attention to my movements and what’s around me and whatnot, and just bring it in with good form,” the Toronto resident says about why he smokes cannabis.
Adrian believes that cannabis is what helps him with focusing his sense of awareness and also with the pain associated with endurance running and training. Often during long endurance runs, the pain from sore toes and feet, while minor, can often become overwhelming if a runner can’t lock it out and power through it.
In cold weather climates, many runners log a large number of kilometers on the treadmill, and most of them complain that treadmill workout is rather boring. If you have the same problem and want to beat boredom while running on a treadmill, try the following tips. They will certainly make your treadmill running more fun.
Run with friends
If you have a friend who also trains on the treadmill in the same gym, you need to get her/him next to you. This way you will likely motivate each other as well as provide distraction in order to make your workout more efficient and faster. You do not have to run at the same pace with your friend(s).
Among the top pre workout supplements, Citrulline Malate is a supplement that provides amazing benefits in the world of athletes and bodybuilders. This supplement originates from the vital amino acid citrulline, which is produced when amino acid ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate is combined. This process occurs when the body disposes of nitrogen waste. On the other hand, malate (or malic acid) is a salt compound found in some fruits. This combination makes up citrulline malate.
Using Citrulline Malate Pre Workout
When citrulline malate is taken 20-40 minutes before a workout or weight training session, it improves overall performance and increased stamina. A citrulline malate study done by the Journal of Strength and Conditional Research shows a significant increase in strength a quarter of the way through a workout by 18%. Toward the end of the workout, participants’ strength increased by 53%. This enhances overall performance and allows for swift recovery in between workouts and many other benefits.
Benefits of Using Citrulline Malate During Workouts
Additional benefits of Citrulline Malate include reduced fatigue and improved aerobic performance. European studies show an increased reduction in physical and mental fatigue. This supplement allows for more intense training as it provides energy (increases ATP production by up to 30%) and a metabolism boost for heavy work-out sessions and fast recovery. Citrulline malate relaxes the blood vessels which leads to fuller looking muscles. It’s been clinically shown to help support lean muscle mass gains. It also includes the ability to decrease overall body fat. Some additional benefits include improved memory, increased mental alertness and overall clarity. It has the tendency to leave users feeling strong, well-relaxed and have an overall sense of well-being. (more…)
How to Effectively Combine HIIT Sessions with Endurance Cardio
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: walking or jogging for hours on the treadmill, peddling for hours on the stationary bike, climbing a mountain on the StairMaster, and plodding away on the elliptical trainer is NOT the best way to burn calories!
We’ve seen a hundred studies telling us that high intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more calories and fat, speeds up your metabolism, and is less catabolic than hours of endurance cardio. HIIT can also be far less boring, will actually help you build more muscle tissue, and increases your resting metabolic rate.
HIIT: Twenty minutes of HIIT cardio improves your VO2 max, burns a ton of calories, increases your metabolism, and maintains or builds muscle tissue all at once.
Endurance Cardio: Sixty minutes of endurance cardio is not only boring as hell, it also increases cortisol, burns muscle tissue (protein) for energy, and halts protein synthesis. (more…)
Should Bodybuilders Do Cardio After Weight Training?
Spend some time in a corporate gym and you will see hundreds of bodybuilders lifting moderately heavy weight for sets of 10-15 reps, then you’ll see them hop on a StairMaster or elliptical machine for about 20-30 minutes of moderate intensity endurance cardio. There are many reasons for this behavior, the most common being that weight training is just a hell of a lot more fun than cardio.
Apparently the weights-first-cardio-second protocol is considered the most effective way for bodybuilders to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. But is it? (more…)