Over the last year I have had to travel quite a bit for my job, and during my adventures I have learned a few tricks to staying fit while on the road.
Whether traveling by car or by air (or sea, I suppose), you have to take your exercise into your own hands. Do not assume that there will be facilities available for you to work up a sweat. For insurance purposes, many hotels do not offer much in the way of equipment. On top of this, walking or running in a strange city is not always a great choice.
You may even have some opportunities to attend a local CrossFit gym. Know how much that’s going to cost? $20 a day, if it’s not your native box. That’s right. Not cheap.
So what are we to do?
I am so glad that you asked. If you travel with a laptop computer that can play DVD’s or a portable DVD player, you can bring along a workout DVD to burn calories with. I usually have a couple in my computer case for just such an occasion. P90X and yoga routines are highly portable and require little equipment.
The sun was starting to burn off the clouds that had been lingering all morning, and was going to make itself known.
Two Pintail ducks land in the lake to the west, no doubt looking for a meal and to cool off. Green grass, lined with some old trees. Overall, it’s a quite early afternoon.
This was my experience at a recent company golf tournament.
I don’t play a lot of golf, even though I have a good time when I do. Recently I was invited to play in this tournament, and they’re usually a ton of fun.
Golf, in and of itself, isn’t exactly intense exercise. However, consider that we played 18 holes, and even while we were using carts, I still logged 18,000 steps on my pedometer.
Throw in the “explosive” nature of your basic golf swing, and you have some muscles being activated.
Because I don’t play on a regular basis, my lower back, and oddly, my left hamstring were soar for a couple of days after.
Golf requires flexibility, core rotation, and explosive strength. Without these, your basic swing goes to pot.
Diabetes impacts people at various times in their lives. Most adults are struck with type 2 diabetes as they grow older. How do you adjust with eating habits, exercise routines, and improve your overall quality of life to live longer? That’s a valid question for most adults diagnosed with this disease later in life.
One thing is for certain. You weren’t living a perfect healthy life before. Yes, diabetes may prove to be a genetic tendency found in your family, but eating habits contribute substantially to your chances of being diagnosed. Vociferous eaters with little control often find themselves fighting the disease later in life. Are there any solutions that help adults gain control of their eating habits?
The first step involves consulting the best doctors who help you manage your diabetes. They may suggest dietary tips and provide exercise restrictions for you. Knowing your limits as an older adult is tough, but you still possess the ability gain control of your disease and get into shape to be the healthiest you can be.
If you want long, lean muscles, swimming is one activity that is almost certain to deliver, especially if you like doing laps rather than, say, water aerobics. But you’re going to have a much harder time bulking and building upper body strength beyond a certain point if you rely solely on aquatic sports for your physical fitness.
If you’re into competitive swimming (like triathlons or swimming the English Channel) or you simply want to improve your performance for your own benefit, building upper body strength is a good way to accomplish your goals.
A regimen that includes a variety of cross-training options is likely to provide the best solution.
Here are just a few extra exercises that are sure to deliver the upper body strength you need to take your water-based fitness to the next level.
Arthur Boorman was a disabled veteran of the Gulf War for 15 years, and was told by his doctors that he would never be able to walk on his own, ever again.
He stumbled upon an article about Diamond Dallas Page doing Yoga and decided to give it a try — he couldn’t do traditional, higher impact exercise, so he tried DDP YOGA and sent an email to Dallas telling him his story.
Dallas was so moved by his story, he began emailing and speaking on the phone with Arthur throughout his journey – he encouraged Arthur to keep going and to believe that anything was possible. Even though doctors told him walking would never happen, Arthur was persistent. He fell many times, but kept going.
Arthur was getting stronger rapidly, and he was losing weight at an incredible rate! Because of DDP’s specialized workout, he gained tremendous balance and flexibility — which gave him hope that maybe someday, he’d be able to walk again.
His story is proof, that we cannot place limits on what we are capable of doing, because we often do not know our own potential. Niether Arthur, nor Dallas knew what he would go on to accomplish, but this video speaks for itself. In less than a year, Arthur completely transformed his life. If only he had known what he was capable of, 15 years earlier.
Do not waste any time thinking you are stuck – you can take control over your life, and change it faster than you might think.
Hopefully this story can inspire you to follow your dreams – whatever they may be.
If you’ve grown tired of your flabby countenance, not to mention feeling awful all the time because you fill yourself with junk food and live a sedentary lifestyle, then perhaps you’re finally ready to lay down the remote, pick up some weights, and start turning your excess baggage into toned, tightened muscle mass. Of course, you’re not going to snap your fingers and look like Arnold Schwarzenegger circa his Mr. Olympia years.
It’s going to take time, effort, and probably money to trim down and bulk up. And you’re going to need some help along the way. Luckily, there are plenty of trainers, forums, and even body builders at your local gym that can offer you pointers along the way.
Here are just a few basic tips to get you started on your journey to a muscular physique.
Using Exercise to Improve Your Life Proper and regular exercises are quite important in maintaining general well being, exercises come in different forms each having its benefits and demerits.
Regular exercises which include basic physical training such as jogging or brisk walking as well as extreme physical exercises such as weight lifting, aerobics, gymnastics and field sports ensure that all functions of the body are in tip top condition.
Exercises and nutrition go hand in hand hence the necessity to balance both aspects, too much or lack of exercises or proper nutrition will lead to unfavorable conditions.
Lack of adequate exercises leads to many adverse effects such as laziness, obesity, poor metabolism as well as disability. Regular exercises and proper body fitness ensures that disabilities are minimized due to the following:
Here’s a pretty cool infographic about building a bigger chest. I really enjoy infographics and I’m hoping you do too.
How to Get a Bigger Chest
It’s a dream for every men to have a good looking chest and there are wide range of exercises that can performed in order to grow your chest. The infographic shares data about different exercises for bigger chest along with few workout tips.
For an additional list of best chest exercises, also check out my post about the top 5 best chest exercises.
Surprising Things You Probably Don’t Know About Calories
We are a calorie-obsessed country. We obsess about how many calories we consume on a daily basis and then we turn around an eat way too many of them. We know so much about calories and how they affect our body weight, but most of us don’t really know all that much. In fact, only about 12 percent of people in the USA can estimate how many calories they consume each day! Here are some facts about calories and how they work that just might surprise you!
Most people who work out hard at the gym have a mentality that they must sweat for their food. These people know that in order to lose weight they must work off all of the calories they have eaten in a day. This is great mentality to have, but you shouldn’t base what you can eat on how many calories you burned off on the treadmill.
Many people feel like they worked hard so they can eat whatever they want afterwards. This, sadly, is just not true. Don’t expect your gym’s workout machines to accurately predict how many calories you have burned off either.
You need to pay serious attention to how many calories you consume both before and after your workout, and you need to pay attention to how you are consuming those calories. For example, if you walk two miles on a treadmill, you might think you have done well and deserve a snack. But a very small handful of chips can quickly undo all of that work!
A recent boom in the popularity of fitness and a move toward healthier living have created many new opportunities for businesses in the fitness world. Still, marketing your fitness website or blog online can be a challenge if you’re not an experienced veteran in this kind of business. Help spread the positive message of good health and increase your online fame at the same time by following these effective tips for online marketing of your fitness website.
Enhance Your Website
The number of websites on the internet today is practically infinite, and you can rest assured that there is already a website for almost anything you can imagine. This makes it more important than ever to enhance your website with high quality design. You don’t need to enlist a professional designer, though it may help if you don’t have much experience in the design world. If you do know your way around a web page, try browsing for new website templates that you can customize for a unique look.
8-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman said it best: “shut up and squat.” [1] After all, there’s nothing better for building lower body mass. Squats force you to use numerous stabilizing muscles and exhaust hamstrings, quads, and glutes.
To get the most out of squats, however, they must be executed with correct form. Avoiding these common squat mistakes will take both your performance and physique to the next level.
Mistake #1: Not Engaging Your Core
The core is the body’s center of gravity and is where movement originates. [2]If you have a weak core, it will be much harder to keep the weight stable. It also places you at a greater risk for hip or lower back injury. To properly engage your core when performing a squat, concentrate on sucking your belly button towards your spine. A strong core will be able to maintain this posture throughout the exercise. If you have a weak core, using a weight belt around the waist protects the spine and keeps you from relaxing the core.
Gynecomastia—or male breasts—is a very common affliction that affects men all over the world. Though not life threatening—or even dangerous—male breasts can have a psychological effect that many would rather not experience, a fact made even worse by how difficult they can be to get rid of.
Fortunately, however, if you suffer from male Gynecomastia, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Though difficult to get rid of, Gynecomastia is not something you have to worry about for life. Man boobs are easier to get rid of if they are made primary of fat. If you got gyno by using or abusing steroids, diet and exercise will probably not be able to remove them completely.
Without further ado, here are the best ways to get rid of those male breasts.
As a college student you might scoff at the mere mention of any kind of physical fitness routine.
With all the studying, late night cramming sessions, paper writing and exams, you might find it difficult to even walk to the other end of your apartment or dorm. However, physical fitness is crucial in college, because research shows that it will better regulate your sleeping habits, help you retain more information for studying and even give you more energy.
As a college student you might scoff at first, but as soon as you start experiencing the benefits you will realize what you’ve been missing all those groggy mornings and afternoons where all you want to do is crash.
Athletes know that lifting weights and exercising feels greater than anything (OK, almost anything) on Earth, but did you know that it can also reduce your risk of cancer?
Yes, it’s true – not only have you been working out all this time to get that stunning physique, but you have also been effectively reducing your chances of getting some of the most life threatening cancers.
One Third Reduced Risk of Cancer
Researchers say that regular physical activity and a healthy diet – two things that usually go hand in hand – can reduce the effects of colon and other cancers by up to 30%.
Moreover, diet and exercise can reduce the risk of many gender specific cancers too, like prostate and cervical cancer, largely because physical activity can decrease the amount of certain dangerous cell altering hormones.
When you start working out, whether you’re preparing for a triathlon or pumping iron in order to bulk up for a competition, you may find that early successes give you the motivation you need to push harder, exceed your boundaries, and reach your fitness goals. And anything that helps you to stay on track when all you want to do is veg out on the couch with a bowl of pasta is a good thing.
Of course, there’s always the chance that you’ll get a little over-zealous with your training and end up doing more harm than good. So if you’ve been putting a lot more into your exercise routine than normal and you’re starting to wonder if you’re overtraining, here are a few signs that could help you to determine if you should forge ahead or take a breather.
CrossFit is a great way to increase your level of health and fitness and stay in shape. It can help you to condition your body, build muscle, and improve cardiopulmonary function. Because it combines aerobics, gymnastics, weight training, and dynamic exercises into one comprehensive routine, you’ll get all the benefits of hitting multiple stations at the gym.
The diverse array of exercises can be tailored to your specific wants and needs, offering you the ability to reach your fitness goals more quickly than you might with traditional types of workouts, as well as keep the process fun and interesting thanks to changing routines.
Like any form of physical fitness, the practice of CrossFit isn’t without its risks for accident and injury, which means you need to observe proper safety tips when participating in such exercises. But also, because you perform so many different exercises, there are many movements to master. Performing them awkwardly for the first time, could land you will a sprain or strain.
Here are just a few tips to help you stay safe and ensure that you don’t get set back by injuries.
With time and experience you’ll learn that the things you end up getting done are the ones you assign priority to. While you can certainly say that health and fitness are priorities, the truth is that actions speak louder than words. And if you’re sleeping all morning, attending class in the afternoon, and then partying all night with your friends, it’s pretty clear where your priorities lie. That said, it’s never too late to start putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak.
Freshman 15
If you’re upset about the freshman fifteen you’ve packed on, not to mention the fact that you battle fatigue, anxiety, a lack of focus, and other obstacles related to your poor diet and nonexistent exercise regimen, then perhaps you’re ready to make your health and fitness a priority so that you can get back to looking and feeling your best. For most college students this won’t be easy, but with a few tips and tricks up your sleeve you can definitely reach your health and fitness goals.
What is The Most Effective Treatment for Diabetes?
Diabetes affects more than 1 in 10 adults in the United States, and the number is only growing—thousands of patients will be diagnosed this year, and most of these patients rely on medications in order to keep their blood sugar levels manageable.
The medications marketed for the treatment of diabetes allowed drug companies to rake in many billions of dollars, but it has become clear that the medications are not very effective against heart disease – the number one killer of diabetes patients.
Read more about other diabetes related complications and some of the best ways to manage diabetes with the help of a healthy diet by visiting, https://livehealthy-md.com.
Business is booming for the health and fitness industry. Gym memberships have soared from 46.4 million in 2003 to nearly 52.6 million in 2013. In addition to that, the number of fitness centers has increased from 26,830 in 2009 to 29,960 in 2011. The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) speculates that the U.S. health club industry has cleared over $21 billion dollars in revenue.
The health and fitness industry’s continued growth, despite the economic recession, has resulted in expos and trade shows popping up around the country. This post will highlight some of the bigger and more influential upcoming trade shows and expos for the health and fitness industry.