Posts Tagged ‘fitness’

Health and Fitness Trends in 2021

Saturday, January 16th, 2021
Fitness Trends in 2021

It seems that health is on everyone’s mind lately. And because life is so different these days due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, focusing on nourishing your body with healthy foods and diversifying your at-home workouts is not only essential for your physical health, it’s beneficial for your overall sense of well-being too.  There are so many new, easy, and healthy ways to refocus your diet and workouts nourishing your body and your mind. Here are five innovative health and fitness trends in 2021 to make you healthier, fitter, and more disease-resistant this New Year.


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4 Reasons to Try a Boot Camp Workout

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020
boot camp workout

If there’s one thing in life that offers plenty of options, it’s exercise. The question is, why can it be such a challenge to find a routine that works and stick to it? It could be boredom from repetition, frustration from not seeing the desired results, or simply a lack of motivation. While these are all common reasons, they don’t have to mean the end of a fitness journey. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to change your perspective. Keep reading for four ways boot camp workouts can benefit your life as a whole. 


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Top 5 Key Ways To Help Build Bigger Muscles

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

For many bodybuilders, patience, hard work, and consistency are important ingredients to obtaining successful outcomes. Their goal is always to have bigger, stronger, and better performing muscles. However, the road to attaining this goal isn’t easy. So, what are the recommended ways to help build bigger muscles? 

More often than not, people tend to forget the basics. Take a look at the following helpful tips below to choose the best strategy you can employ to achieve bigger muscles. 


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5 Post Workout Nutrition Tips

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

To Make Optimal Gains, Never Neglect Post Workout Nutrition

Strongman Mariusz

Knowing what to eat after a workout is a big question mark for many active adults, even those who have been exercising for years. Over time you’ll no doubt figure out your own system of food consumption that helps you to stave off fatigue and other symptoms following a workout, but did you know that there are proven methods you might be missing out on?

If you think that there may be a better way to get nutrition and optimize your workouts by pairing them with an appropriate diet, here are 5 post-workout tips that could prove useful.


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How to Prepare Your Home Gym for the Next Wave of Quarantine

Thursday, July 2nd, 2020
do yoga in your home gym for quarantine

Staying fit during quarantine doesn’t have to be complicated. After all, you’ve already gone through quarantine once. You may not have worried about preparing your home gym for quarantine before, but now with multiple waves destined to hit us, it is a good time to give your equipment a little boost.

While the first time may have caught you off guard, there’s no reason the second lockdown should too. This entry into the Get Swole During Quarantine series provides some great tips for shoring up your home gym NOW, in case another pandemic hits in full force.

Having a well-equipped home gym can be the key to success! Don’t worry! You don’t need fancy, expensive things. 

Basic equipment, such as dumbbells and resistance bands is enough, but even those can be replaced. 

Sounds interesting? Keep reading to find out how to prepare your home gym for another quarantine.


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5 Simple Fitness Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Workout

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

When you start a new workout routine, it’s normal to assume that you’ll start seeing real results almost immediately. While this may be true for some people, most find that they have to keep up their workouts for several months before any noticeable results start showing up. That said, there are always things you can do to speed your improvement and start getting the results you’re looking for more quickly and easily. Here are a few simple fitness tips to help you do just that.

Simple Fitness Tips

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5 Workout and Fitness Mistakes to Avoid

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
 5 fitness mistakes to avoid

Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player to ever walk the planet, missed potential game-winning shots over 20 times in his career. Even the best have mistakes, no matter how many hours of practice and dedication they put into perfecting their craft. There are gym etiquette and lifestyle fitness mistakes to avoid, here is a small list.

The same goes for the gym. Even though you may have been working out since the time the dinosaurs roamed the planet, we can all have those potential lapses of memory and judgment where we forget to do something so basic.

Don’t worry, we’re all human and these mistakes happen from time to time. That’s why it’s always good to have a small reminder even when it comes to a dedicated hobby.


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Effective Ways to Warm Up Before Working Out

Sunday, December 8th, 2019

warm up for a workout

Warming up before a serious workout is very important. Choosing a good, effective warm-up before working out will help you avoid injuries that can delay your fitness progress. The right warm-up exercises can create an amazing difference in how quickly your fitness improves.

However, choosing the wrong warm-up can also have an impact on your overall performance. You could end up getting injured or not maximizing the workouts which you make time for in your busy schedule. Keep reading as we talk about the most effective ways to warm up before working out!


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Which Muscles Are Used During Deadlifts? Possibly More Than You Knew

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
Which Muscles Are Used During Deadlifts

Do you ever wonder which muscles are used during deadlifts? Well, you need to start with understanding the muscles that get affected by the ‘King of all Exercises’ to know about their role in your workouts. There are many grips, foot positions, bars, and acceleration techniques that can be used to target different muscle groups in different ways. Let’s examine the techniques and learn which muscles are directly affected when deadlifting.


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How to Calculate the Number of Calories Burned By Cycling?

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
calories burned by cycling

Most of us, powerlifters excluded, try to burn as many calories as possible on any given day. Cycling can be a great way by which you can burn a lot of calories a day without doing much. Can you give me a definite number of calories burned by cycling? Maybe you don’t have an answer to this question. This is where you need my help so read this post which will discuss how to calculate how many calories you burn while cycling.


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How Wearable Technology Monitors Progress and Keeps You Motivated

Monday, October 7th, 2019

Progress is a key influencer when it comes to health and fitness. It’s a great motivator, but it can also be defeated if progress isn’t happening fast enough or in the way you want — understandably so, considering that progress is how we know if our new diet, workout, and lifestyle are actually working in our favor. Still, frustrating enough, progress takes patience — a lot of it.

wearable- echnology

It can be easy to give up if you can’t see any sort of that positive change you’re looking for. However, new wearable technology monitors are here to help track, monitor, and most importantly, provide important insight of the progress you’ve been making, even if you can’t see it in the mirror yet.


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The Missing Tools to Your Nutrition & Exercise

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019
fitness tools tire sledgehammer

The body is amazing. It is capable of phenomenal strength and recovery, but there are times when a person can experience problems and not know the cause of them. When this happens, a doctor might conduct a variety of tests to discover the root cause of weight gain, fatigue, and other issues.

But wouldn’t it be great if you could diagnose yourself? I don’t mean ask Google or query WebMD, I mean wouldn’t it be great if you could recognize your fitness or nutrition bottlenecks and change your lifestyle to fix the issue?

Let’s explore some common types of problems the body can experience by lacking something it needs.


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Bored With Your Workout? How to Make Your Tired Exercise Routine Interesting

Tuesday, September 17th, 2019
bored fitness girl

Do you find yourself at the gym, completely disinterested in the workout routine you are about to perform? Some of us go to our workouts religiously, but we have completely lost our faith. Like most things, exercising can get boring too. There are many reasons for this—it could be your mood, lack of sleep, or the fact that what you initially enjoyed has now become completely routine.

If you are experiencing a workout slump, here are several tips to revitalize your program:


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Ultimate Boot Camp Workout: Seen Through The Eyes of a Personal Trainer

Monday, July 8th, 2019
bootcamp workout

Choosing the right boot camp exercises is crucial to creating an effective workout that will challenge you without discouraging you as well. Many personal trainers struggle unnecessarily doing precisely that and end up losing clients in the process.

So, here are three surefire tips to help you select the right combination of exercises for the ultimate boot camp workout as recommended by a professional personal trainer.


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How Athletes Keep Their Bodies Fit

Friday, July 5th, 2019
athletes keeping their bodies fit

If you are among the billions who watch sports, then you’ve probably wondered what it takes to maintain a fit body. Top-performing athletes have different tools that help enhance their skills and keep them healthy and strong. While every athlete may have a different fitness routine, the basic principles of health and fitness remain the same.


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Does Yoga Actually Help You Lose Weight?

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019
SUP Yoga

There is a huge debate going on at the moment about whether or not yoga is effective for those looking to lose weight. In fact, this topic has been debated for years now. We see many that say it is impossible for yoga to burn as many calories as needed because it is slow-paced. However, others guarantee that yoga is the most effective way to exercise when you want to lose weight. What is the truth?

No matter what people say, the truth is that yoga is extremely effective when you want to lose weight. This is due to the fact that it helps with three really important aspects of weight loss, as presented below.


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Reasons Why You Should Not Ignore Your Mini Trampoline At Home

Wednesday, March 13th, 2019
trampoline rebounder

You have been slacking most of your adult life and your stomach folds are getting harder to ignore. Then you tell yourself it’s enough as you try to think of ways to lose weight. Little did you know, you have been ignoring the answer to your problem – the rebounder your mother bought you back in your “active” days.


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Four Certified Facts About Creatine

Wednesday, March 6th, 2019
Creatine and Beta Alanine

Overview: What is creatine and how does it work?

Creatine is an organic compound primarily found in vertebrates, which is an overwhelming biological division that comprises close to 70,000 species, humans included. The reason why creatine is mostly found in these animals is because the substance is crucial to the recycling of energy at a molecular level, especially when it comes to muscle and brain tissue. Despite the fact that we have known about the compound’s beneficial effect on physical performance for over a century, creatine only came to our attention in the 1990s, when several Olympic medallists disclosed that creatine loading was part of their dietary protocol.


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How to set up a perfect fitness routine – tips from Treadmill Hire Ireland

Wednesday, March 6th, 2019
Fitness treadmill

“Should I try CrossFit or cardio?”, “should I be doing 5 reps or 4?”, “should I be doing Insanity to get my muscles in shape before summer?” these are all valid questions that every gym goer and fitness enthusiast ask even after months of working out. Picking the right routine can be incredibly confusing for anyone. Even the celebrity fitness trainers have a tough time selecting fitness regimes for their clients after dedicating the better part of their day to their fitness and health.  

Asking these questions shows that you are serious about your health and fitness. It also shows that you are finally ready to take the next step and take matters into your own hands. For most fitness enthusiasts the next step involves taking their fitness regime back home with them. In fact, today, gyms go wherever the fitness enthusiast goes. You don’t have to pay a fortune to buy the membership of a fitness boutique and drive there four times a week to exercise. Health and fitness mean a lot more than sweating it out on the stationary cycle or power rower with crowds of strangers.


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5 Ways to Enhance Your Workout

Thursday, February 28th, 2019

Working out and having a consistent plan can be a job in itself when you’re trying to reach your fitness goals. However, there are many things you can do to help improve and enhance your workouts so that you get the best possible results. It’s all about making small changes to help you get stronger, get more gains, and accomplish more results. Just a few simple changes can enhance your workout almost immediately.


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