Posts Tagged ‘full body’

Total Body Transformation: Integrating Cardio, Strength, and Flexibility

Friday, February 21st, 2025
total body transformation girl

Achieving an ideal body or having a total body transformation is more than just physical; it’s about overall wellness. By integrating cardio, strength, and flexibility training, individuals can attain full-body fitness.

  • Cardio workouts elevate heart rate, enhancing endurance and burning calories.
  • Strength training builds muscle, boosts metabolism, and promotes fat loss.
  • Flexibility exercises improve range of motion, preventing injuries and enhancing performance.

This overall approach ensures balanced development with proper food, promoting overall health and vitality. Whether aiming for weight loss, muscle gain, or enhanced wellness, integrating these components fosters a well-rounded transformation. Embracing this multifaceted approach is a way to unlock the full potential of one’s body and achieve lasting results.


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A Generic Full-Body Workout Routine

Tuesday, December 14th, 2021
Full Body Workout

There are about 8,675,309 workout routines that you can try. One of the most effective types of routines I have found in the first 14 years of my training career is total body training. A full-body workout will stimulate all of your muscle chains sufficiently to elicit a powerful physiological response.

The Principles of Total Body Training

  • Train every muscle group 3 times per week.
  • Select one exercise per muscle group, per day.
  • Hit each muscle group from a different angle or intensity in each workout.
  • Never go to absolute failure on any exercise; leave one rep in the bank, except sometimes on the last set.
  • Keep workouts under one hour, not counting warm-ups and stretching.
  • Change everything up after two months.

Why Might This Be the Most Effective Form of Training?

  • High frequency (how often you train any given muscle) means more chances to recover and grow stronger/bigger.
  • Low daily stimulus (# of exercises and sets per day for any given muscle) lowers your chances of overtraining.
  • Avoiding training to failure also lowers the chances of overtraining.
  • Hitting muscles from all angles each week strengthens stabilizers and is proactive injury prevention.
  • Avoid muscle adaptation by changing up the whole routine after 2 months.

Let’s take a few minutes to example one of the better full-body workout routines I’ve written. The next time you want to change up your routine, try this for a month or two.


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How to do Wall Balls

Friday, July 9th, 2010
Wall Balls
Wall Balls

Wall Balls is a silly name for an exercise, I know, but that’s what you get when you borrow exercises from Crossfit. In fact, Wall Balls are a great conditioning exercise that builds full body stamina and endurance. It will also make you sweat.

This is an exercise that integrates perfectly into a high intensity interval training (HIRT) circuit, and can also be used to build high intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions, but do not translate that well into Tabata training.

Wall Balls also can be used separately as a full body conditioning exercise by attempting to complete X reps as fast as possible, or by attempting to complete as many reps as possible in a set time limit. Either way, it burns!

Medicine Ball Training

Medicine ball training has been around for a long time, and in fact they were used frequently at gyms back in the 18th and 19th centuries. Ancient (3000+ years ago) wrestlers and other athletes used to train with various sand-filled implements, which evolved over time into the medicine ball.

The standard medicine ball is a weighted rubber ball measuring roughly 14 inches in diameter, although sizes vary greatly nowadays as you can get a medicine ball from the size of your fist to the size of your body.

Used in a wide variety of fitness programs, medicine balls can be benched, rowed, curled, pressed, squatted, tossed, caught, bounced, squished, and generally manhandled all for the sake of fitness.


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Fat Loss for Men: A 7 Day Full Body Routine Plus HIIT

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Get Ripped

Originally posted: 1/27/10
2/1/10 updated routine, added Excel spreadsheet workout logs)
3/8/10 added example HIIT routines for days 2, 4, and 6.

Fat Loss for Men
Fat Loss for Men

Many of you are asking for a full body workout routine to burn fat, so here you go.

I have even customized the program for both men and women.

You can skip the details and go straight to the routines if you wish:

The Program

We are integrating 3 full body training sessions with 3 HIIT routines and taking the 7th day off. Since the goal is fat loss, we are striving to add some muscle mass, maintain strength, and burn as many calories as possible.

This is accomplished by staying in a slightly higher rep range than we would normally use for strictly strength training, while using super-sets for most of our exercises. We add an optional set to the end of each workout in case you are able to finish the workout early.

Major compound exercises are rotated to prioritize a different muscle group on each of the 3 training sessions each week.


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Fat Loss for Women: A 7 Day Full Body Routine Plus HIIT

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Get Ripped

Originally posted: 1/26/10
2/1/10 updated routine, added Excel spreadsheet workout logs)
3/8/10 added example HIIT routines for days 2, 4, and 6.

Fat Loss for Women
Fat Loss for Women

Many of you are asking for a full body workout routine to burn fat, so here you go.

I have even customized the program for both men and women.

You can skip the details and go straight to the routines if you wish:

The Program

We are integrating 3 full body training sessions with 3 HIIT routines and taking the 7th day off. Since the goal is fat loss, we are striving to add some muscle mass, maintain strength, and burn as many calories as possible.

This is accomplished by staying in a slightly higher rep range than we would normally use for strictly strength training, while using super-sets for most of our exercises. We add an optional set to the end of each workout in case you are able to finish the workout early.

Major compound exercises are rotated to prioritize a different muscle group on each of the 3 training sessions each week.


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Critique My Full Body Workout Routine

Friday, July 31st, 2009
Your Questions
Your Questions

I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form.

Generally I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.

The category, Your Health Questions is a more proactive approach to answering your questions so that everyone can benefit from the Q & A.

Raina wrote:

“Thanks for your guidance and insight. I recently joined Gold’s Gym and they have a lot of cable and other kind of machines.

Why do u recommend free weights vs using cable machines?

For example, a machine to do tricep extension or seated dips or even seated barbell curls does focus on the particular muscle group and i feel the burn.

So why are they not effective?

Also, can you please comment on my routine: (Mon, Wed and Fri)

  1. Bench, Dumbbell Press and Incline/decline press for chest
  2. Military press, Barbell upright rows and dumbbell side raise for shoulders
  3. Bent over barbell, pull ups and seated rows for back
  4. Barbell curls, Dumbbell curls and close grip chin up for biceps
  5. Skull crusher, Dips and Push down cable machine for triceps
  6. dumbbell wrist curl, reverse curl and wrist curl again for forearms
  7. Hanging leg raises, floor crunches and crunches on exercise ball for abs
  8. Machine leg press, squats and leg press for quad
  9. standing calf raise, donkey calf and seated calf extension for calf
  10. Stiff leg deadlifts and back extension (based on energy level left)

I do about 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps and i try to take less then a minute break. Is there something you would like to correct/add?”


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13 Ways to Get in Shape While Accomplishing Something Useful

Thursday, December 11th, 2008
Mowing the Lawn
Mowing the Lawn

After initially proofreading this post I was thinking to myself that I wouldn’t post it because it’s not a training article, and quite frankly some of the activities are pretty foo-foo. But on second thought, some of these ideas apply more to men, while others apply more to women, so there is something in this list for everyone.

I recommend referring to this list on your next boring spring, summer, or autumn weekend. When you are looking for something to do around the house or around the yard, these ideas might inspire you to create, clean, fix, or just burn extra calories.

After all being swole doesn’t always have to be about squatting, benching, power cleaning (the Olympic lift), or sprinting. Being swole is much more about the path we take to get there, than the end result. Although when you look great naked, the end result is pretty sweet.

13 Obscure Ideas for Accomplishing Stuff While Getting Exercise


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