Posts Tagged ‘Guest Post’

Build Mass with this SMASHING Kettlebell and Sledgehammer Workout

Thursday, January 9th, 2025
athletes doing a sledgehammer workout


Looking for a powerful and unconventional way to pack on muscle and boost your strength? Enter the kettlebell and sledgehammer workout, a high-impact training method that pairs a sledgehammer perfectly with kettlebell exercises to deliver explosive gains. Combining the raw, primal movements of the sledgehammer with the dynamic versatility of kettlebells, this workout targets multiple muscle groups, enhances functional strength, and takes your conditioning to the next level.

Are you tired of your current routine?

Do you want to increase athletic performance while creating the ideal physique?

In this guide, we’ll break down how to master this smashing combo, provide you with actionable routines, and explain why the sledgehammer workout is a game-changer for anyone serious about building mass and redefining their fitness. Get ready to swing, smash, and sculpt your way to a stronger, more powerful physique!


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Evasive Maneuvers to Battle the Avalanche of Holiday Sweets

Friday, December 13th, 2024
Santa eating holiday sweets

Today, our guest post author Josie wants you to ditch the weight loss gimmicks, deprivation of so-called “forbidden foods”, and severe calorie deprivation, in favor of Moderation, Discipline, Portion Control, and Commitment to exercising and eating healthy. Josie wants you to moderate those holiday sweets and opt for high-protein, healthier alternatives when possible.

Here are some ideas as to how you can try to stop yourself from binging on holiday sweets.


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The Ultimate Goal: Training Longevity

Thursday, May 30th, 2024
older male training longevity

A few years ago, Josh Hanagarne, aka The World’s Strongest Librarian, sent me this great piece of work on training longevity. Enjoy!

How to Train for Your Future

We hear about weight training goals all the time.

  • I want more muscle.
  • I want less fat.
  • I want to look good naked.
  • I want to deadlift more.
  • I want to bench press 500 pounds.

What about training goals that wily matter when you spot your first gray hair or when you buy your first pair of bifocals? Granted fat loss is always a concern as you age, but what can we, as dedicated strength athletes, focus on NOW that will help us stay healthy as the years tick by?


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6 Supplements for Increasing Strength and Muscle Mass

Monday, March 6th, 2017

6 Muscle Building Supplements

For those who workout endlessly in the gym looking to increase their strength along with their muscle mass, starting with the right workout routine and proper diet is the first step. After a while, even with the best conceived diet and exercise plans, many do find that they hit plateaus which is when they start to look towards dietary supplements.

There are a couple time-tested, scientifically sound muscle building supplements that can be used daily and a few that should be used in cycles. Protein supplements and BCAAs are two examples that can be used daily, while products like creatine and HMB are better used in spurts of 8-12 weeks before cycling off for the same amount of time. To find out more about these products, read on!

Strength Woman

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5 Risks Associated with Working Out

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

It feels terrible and amazing at the same time. There isn’t much else in the world that’s as necessary and as good for you. It pumps you up, builds positive energy (not to mention muscles), and keeps you alert. Working out is nearly perfect. Nearly.

There are risks associated with exercising that can ruin the experience of staying in shape and looking your best. Let’s take a look at 5 of them.


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The Importance of Meal Timing

Friday, December 17th, 2010

The Secret To Boosting Your Metabolism, Sticking With Your Diet, And Melting Fat Fast

By Shannon Clark

The Importance of Meal Timing
The Importance of Meal Timing

As you go about your weight loss diet or weight loss program, there are many different factors that go into the diet equation that will all influence how quickly you see results.

If you’re someone who wants to make progress as quickly as possible, one key factor that you cannot be leaving out is meal timing.

While what you eat is definitely going to have a huge impact on the progress you make, when you eat will also influence your results as well.

Let’s have a quick look at the most important reasons why meal timing is something that you absolutely must be paying attention to.

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Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern Workout Secrets

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern Workout: The People’s Choice in Brightest Day

Ryan Reynolds Workout
Ryan Reynold Workout

Guest post by: Chris Cannon

Is there a hotter commodity in Hollywood today than Ryan Reynolds?

The Vancouver, Canada-born actor (b.1976) has built an impressive T.V. and movie portfolio over a two-decade career. Best known for his roles in romantic comedies (“Rom-Coms”) like “Just Friends” (2005), “Definitely Maybe” (2008), and the blockbuster “The Proposal” (2009), Reynolds has also quietly built an impressive action hero portfolio.

Many of us recall his portrayal of Hannibal King in “Blade: Trinity” (2004), where his chiseled “six-pack” physique was prominently featured. More recently, Ryan played the swordsman-mercenary Deadpool in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009) opposite Hugh Jackman, and is slated for the title role in Warner Bros. and DC Comics’ “Green Lantern“, due out in summer 2011.

Other personal accomplishments include being named People Magazine’s “Sexist Man Alive” for 2010, and the new face for Hugo Boss fragrances.

Ryan Reynolds also happens to be married to actor Scarlett Johansson, GQ’s 2010 “Babe of the Year”.

Some guys have all the luck…

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10 Foods and Supplements for a 7 Day Detox

Friday, November 26th, 2010


Justin Woltering

Justin Woltering of writes today’s guest post. Justin has years of experience perfecting his exercise and nutrition program. He has spent countless hours mastering training flexibility, core strength, power and speed, cardiovascular fitness, and meditation. Having trained, and trained with, powerlifters, martial artists, bodybuilders, and various athletes, Justin knows what it takes to gain muscle, lose fat, or get into peak physical condition.

I just finished a cleansing program, and I am feeling better than ever!

The meals were delicious, and these supplements allowed me to do this as naturally and efficiently as possible. This seven-day plan will cleanse your body so that you can more easily shred unwanted body fat and increase lean muscle mass.

If you are feeling lethargic, slow, bloated, or ill; or if you are experiencing problems with your digestive system, then a 7-day detox might be just what you need.


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Exclusive Coupon Code for Fit Girl Gear

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Exclusive Fit Girl Gear Coupon Code!

Daria Holcomb
Daria Holcomb

Some of you may remember the guest post by Daria Holcomb about her sweet lines of workout clothes for women. Daria was so happy with her guest post, that she done gone and provided a coupon code that y’all can use to save some dough when you order workout clothes from her site.

Go ahead and reread her post now:

3 Features Women Should Look For in Performance Athletic Wear

Then visit her website here: Fit Girl Gear and order some clothes for yourself, your wife, your daughter, or your girlfriend.

Christmas is fast approaching!

Use the following coupon code at checkout to save 20% off any order until the end of the year.

Coupon code: ProjectSwole

Visit Fit Girl Gear today!

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Understanding the American Diet and its Effects on our Health

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010
Matt Paley
Matt Paley

Today’s guest post was written by Matt Paley, the founder and CEO of Share It Fitness, which provides us with a revolutionary new approach to health and fitness. The old model of paying a trainer, or yoga instructor, or golf pro, or you name it, 50, 60, 70 dollars an hour to simply count or re-use a generic workout routine on you isn’t effective nor cost-efficient. What if you could have a dedicated professional with you, not just a few hours a week, but EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE. Motivating, guiding, advising, and supporting you in all your fitness needs. The time has come for a change in the way fitness, health, and sport instruction is delivered. is the answer. The ShareItFitness blog, has a wide range of health and fitness news. The information found on the blog is only going to be the tip of the iceberg in terms of what ShareItFitness will be able to offer. You can also connect with us on Twitter and Facebook for additional fitness tips. Thanks for checking us out and keep on living well.

Breaking Down the American Diet

While not a “diet” in the sense you may be thinking, the American Diet is one that millions of people follow, mostly unaware, for the majority of their lives. The bad part is, this easily followed “diet” isn’t doing us any good. If anything, it’s contribution to the high rates of obesity and mortality that we are experiencing in this country.

The American Diet has large amounts of sodium, sugar, simple carbs, and bad fats, which include the worst offender, trans fat. We consume these by the plateful almost every time we go out to eat. Unfortunately as Americans, we eat out a lot.

These four things are the major barriers that stand between us and a long, healthy life. If we can learn how to eat less of these bad nutrients, and more of the healthy ones, we will unlock the largest component to a healthy lifestyle. This section is going to break down the health consequences of each of the above offenders so you may have a more practical idea of what’ s going on inside your body.

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Project Swole Joins Hive Health Media

Friday, October 1st, 2010

What is Hive Health Media?

  • Hive Health Media is first and foremost a website that feels like a blog and acts like a newspaper.
  • A network of the best health, fitness, food, and nutrition bloggers online.
  • A source of unique, innovative content about your favorite health topics.
  • A tool that you can use to drive traffic to your website by submitting guest posts.
  • A tool that you can use to increase your visibility to Google and get more search engine traffic.
  • A way for the little blogger to compete with industry giants like Mens Health, Diets in Review, and Live Strong.
  • An avenue to make some extra money when you decide to join the network.
Alexa Graph
Swole vs. Mens Health, Live Strong, and Diets in Review: No Contest

As you can see from the graph, I can’t do everything myself. Sites with multiple authors get more traffic, get ranked quicker, and ultimately become more prominent in the highly competitive health-website niche.


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3 Features Women Should Look For in Performance Athletic Wear

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

3 Features Women Should Look For in Performance Athletic Wear

Daria Holcomb
Daria Holcomb

Today’s guest post is written by Daria Holcomb. Daria is the amazingly fit and attractive founder of Fit Girl Gear, a fashion-forward online store for women.

How to Choose Athletic Wear

Our feminine curves and shapely figures may be fun to shop for when it comes to casual attire, but in the world of ladies fitness wear, we have high demands for performance & fit.

Here are some things to look for when shopping for your next gym tank top or a new pair of yoga pants.


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Guest Bloggers Wanted!

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Wanted: guest bloggers, guest posters, guest authors!

Attention everyone! I am looking for guest bloggers you can write intelligent content to post on Project Swole!

Promote yourself and your website to 10,000 unique readers a day, network with other bloggers within the industry, collect potent backlinks to your own online content for SEO benefits.

Guest Post
Write a Guest Post!

Who Should Submit Content?

Anyone really, but I would especially like to hear from people with experience in the industry:

  • experienced coaches
  • those who specialize in any sport, equipment, or technique
  • doctors
  • nutritionists
  • book authors
  • dietary supplement innovators
  • personal trainers who have a clue

I would also like to hear from anyone who owns a sports, health, or fitness blog. If you can contribute something, anything, useful to Project Swole readers, I want to hear from you! Got it?


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Top 5 Things Women do That Hinder Their Progress in the Gym

Friday, September 10th, 2010
Clint From Crude Fitness

Today’s guest post is by Clint Nielsen. He has 10 years of experience with fitness and nutrition. Clint runs a no-nonsense health and fitness blog over at Crude Fitness which is all about helping others achieve their fitness goals without the gimmicks currently being promoted in the fitness industry. Check it out.

Every time I set foot in the gym, I see people that haven’t the slightest clue as to why they are there, nor what they should be doing.

I often see them struggling with weights that are way too heavy or i find gym-goers that are training with the intensity of a sloth on Valium.

I’m not trying to be sexist here by any means, as these traits often apply to both genders.

Without further hesitation, here are the Top 5 things women do that hinder their progress in the gym:

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Workout at Work

Friday, March 5th, 2010

By: Trainer to the Stars Cornel Chin

Celebrity Body on a Budget
Celebrity Body on a Budget

If you’re one of many who work in an office and find yourself seated at a desk for prolonged periods of time, then you’re asking for trouble. The mass office working culture has led to more sedentary lifestyles.

Your body is designed for movement, so sitting for long hours at a time doesn’t do your body any favors. It’s therefore vital that you find ways to move around in order to keep the circulation in your body moving and to stave off unwanted fat or weight that may well be creeping up. Staying stationery for long periods can also lead to backache, stiffness and headaches.

If you don’t even get up and move around every so often you’ll gradually begin to feel uncomfortable, your energy level’s decline, and you’ll probably feel lethargic and possibly begin to lack concentration resulting in below par productivity.

Office exercises isn’t a total replacement of your regular exercise routine but it will help to keep you active, burn off the excesses of the day and hopefully give you the motivation to partake in regular exercise to keep your body trim and healthy.


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A Guest Post on Diets in Review

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Look, now I’m turning up in other places online!

Somehow gave me an opportunity to write a guest post. You can find it at How to Train Legs part 1.

I had originally written a 1500 word article for this, but ended up having to shorten it to 2, 500 word pieces. Now I know what it feels like when a Hollywood director is forced to cut 20 minutes off of his movie to be able to get his R rated movie down to a PG-13 rating.

Thanks to Diets in Review for giving me my first chance to write a unique guest post on a high profile website.

I also published a guest post from Heather Ashare of Diets in Review fame. You can find that post at Yoga for Men. Thanks Heather!

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