Posts Tagged ‘healthy food’

Evasive Maneuvers to Battle the Avalanche of Holiday Sweets

Friday, December 13th, 2024
Santa eating holiday sweets

Today, our guest post author Josie wants you to ditch the weight loss gimmicks, deprivation of so-called “forbidden foods”, and severe calorie deprivation, in favor of Moderation, Discipline, Portion Control, and Commitment to exercising and eating healthy. Josie wants you to moderate those holiday sweets and opt for high-protein, healthier alternatives when possible.

Here are some ideas as to how you can try to stop yourself from binging on holiday sweets.


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Best Air Fryer Baked Potatoes: Tips for Perfect Results

Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
loaded baked potatoes

Baked potatoes are a classic side dish that pairs wonderfully with just about any main course. The challenge, however, lies in achieving that perfect balance of crispy skin and a fluffy interior. Traditional baking methods can be time-consuming, and microwaving often leads to unevenly cooked potatoes.

Enter the air fryer, a modern solution that streamlines the process while delivering consistently excellent results. This guide will explore why air fryers are perfect for baking potatoes, how to make the most of your device, and tips for achieving that ideal baked potato every time.


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Oven Roasted Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges

Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
spicy sweet potato wedges

This is a recipe for Oven-Roasted Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges that you will want to eat with every meal. Sweet potatoes are readily available starting in the autumn and all through the winter, but they are tasty all year round.

Also known as yams, sweet potatoes are packed full of vitamins and minerals such as including vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber, copper, potassium, and iron, and best of all they won’t cause your blood sugar to spike as rapidly as white potatoes. There is also no need to add sugar to make them taste good because they are naturally sweet.

These orange-fleshed root vegetables are most often seen in a marshmallow-topped casserole around Thanksgiving, but why not try a recipe that adds savory and spicy flavors, such as these Oven-Roasted Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges?


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Halloween Recipes – Bloodshot Eyeballs

Wednesday, October 30th, 2024
Bloodshot eyeballs on a platter

For a Halloween treat that’s both spooky and savory, try these fun, easy, and protein-filled Bloodshot Eyeballs! Made from simple ingredients like hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cream cheese, and green olives, these eerie snacks are perfect for adding a chilling touch to any Halloween party spread.

Each “eyeball” is packed with protein and healthy fats, offering a balance of flavor and nutrition that’ll keep your guests satisfied without the sugar overload of typical Halloween treats. With their gory, bloodshot look and creamy, tangy taste, these snacks are sure to be a hit with goblins of all ages!

High in protein, and low in fat and carbs, this fun Halloween recipe is both delicious and nutritious. Eat your bloodshot eyeballs as a snack or serve them to the kids for some good laughs.


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Halloween Recipes – Zombie Brain Pate

Sunday, October 27th, 2024
eating Zombie Brain Pate

This is a recipe for Zombie Brain Pate, a creamy seafood pate, or dip, which you can put on crackers, vegetables, or bread wedges. You will need to get a brain mold, or some other kind of mold, to use to shape your pate. Makes a nice shrimp or crab-flavored dip, which can be spooky as long as you use a spooky mold.

I found the brain mold linked below for sale on Amazon. You can pick one up and do some additional Christmas shopping for the kids while you are at it.


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Halloween Recipes – Black Bean Dip

Friday, October 25th, 2024
Black Bean Dip

Halloween is here and we are going to need some healthy recipes to go with the fall season. From September through the New Year, this is a go-to recipe for friends and family gatherings. As always at Project Swole we prefer to focus on recipes that can help us either gain muscle or lose fat. This high protein, high fiber black bean recipe will go a long way in satisfying your craving for chips and dip.

Black bean dip is quick and easy and tastes great with yellow or blue corn tortilla chips. Look for baked versions of your favorite tortilla chips to save additional fat.

Now let’s take a look at why black beans are so good for you, and how you can make a delectable batch of black bean dip for Halloween, game day, or an after-dinner snack.


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Halloween Recipes: Kitty Litter Protein Cake

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
Kitty Litter Cake Recipe

High Protein Kitty Litter Cake Recipe for Halloween

This is one of the more disgusting Halloween recipes I’ve found. It is also not the healthiest recipe on Project Swole, but it is definitely fun for the kids. Just don’t let Fluffy near the final product or you might end up with more ‘Tootsie Rolls’ than you thought.

In an attempt to get as much protein into this recipe as possible, I am literally adding scoops of protein powder to everything and substituting protein bars for candy whenever possible. The recipe might not come out that great if you use every one of my substitutions, but you can pick and choose which substitutions to use based on personal preference.

I’ve also listed several substitutions for the cake recipes. If you use them all, the cake might not be that great, but using applesauce in place of oil never seems to ruin any recipe that I have ever tried.


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10 Tips to Manage Cravings with Healthy Foods

Friday, December 9th, 2022
girl running away from snacks

You are a hardworking person who gets up early, works a full day, exercises, and takes care of the kids at night. Life sure is easy, right? Riiiight… Something is already telling me you could use some tips to manage cravings during your weakest hours.

OK, maybe your story is a little different, but most likely you are living a busy life, full of stress, anxiety, and deadlines. While you sit at your desk or drive your car, your daydreams shift to thoughts of salty chips or a smooth, sweet chocolate bar. You most likely are not thinking about healthy foods.

Don’t fret, it’s perfectly normal to have food cravings. When you constantly give in to your cravings and overindulge, is when you pay the price. Go ahead and accept your cravings as part of life, but also be aware that you can take action to prevent going overboard.


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Halloween Recipes – Protein Pus Pockets

Tuesday, October 11th, 2022
Protein Pus Pockets

Another great gross-out Halloween snack for you and the kiddies. Looks like someone just squeezed a zit! Arrange these Protein Pus Pockets on an hors d’oeuvres platter as the recipe says, and you will have a fun and healthy treat for a Halloween get-together.

You could also make a handful of these and keep them in the fridge for a quick snack or a small meal. They are also easily taken to work for lunch because they are small and very portable.

So, how do we make them?


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How To Eat a Balanced Diet

Saturday, June 4th, 2022
balanced diet power bowl

Eating a balanced diet may sound cliché. Who doesn’t know that every meal should have carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins? Even the laziest of people can whip up a healthy balanced meal. 

Here are 5 tips you can use today to start transitioning your lifestyle to a healthier balanced diet.


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Beware of Hidden Sugar In Your Favorite Foods

Tuesday, October 12th, 2021
hidden sugar

Cutting out sugar is one of the most important steps you can take in improving your nutrition and overall health. Excess hidden sugar intake can have an effect on several systems in the body resulting in high blood pressure, weight gain, inflammation, and diabetes.

The addictive nature of sugar can make cutting down or quitting feel very difficult. You may be thinking, “No big deal, I’m not big on cupcakes or cookies anyways.” Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as ditching dessert.

Added sugar is hidden in many processed foods, even some marketed as “healthy” or “natural.” Is sugar hiding in some of your favorite foods? Read on to find out.


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Working Out? Five Dietary Components That Are a Must

Thursday, February 6th, 2020
healthy dietary components

Exercise and working out, while incredibly good for you, also generate a certain level of demand on the body. In order to fully benefit from the workout and not cause any kinds of detrimental deficiencies thereafter, there are some key dietary components everyone should stay on top of. The following represent five of those key components.


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22 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Strict Budget

Monday, September 16th, 2019
Budget Cuts

An athlete’s fridge and cabinets should be stocked full of nutritious, muscle building, healthy foods. The biggest problem with that is the fact that today’s economy does not allow most of us to spend as freely as we used to in order to eat healthily but it’s definitely easier when you budget with a spreadsheet template. It is much harder these days to spend $200 a week on bodybuilding food than it was 10 years ago. Besides, most of us want to squirrel away as much loot as possible so we can retire early.

Also, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend an hour a day preparing food. I’m not trying to cook a chicken every day for lunch. I don’t have time to whip up a 7 veggie, 2 cheese omelet’s every morning. However, the reality is that we need lots of healthy foods to helps us build muscle and lose fat. That being said, let’s examine how we can eat properly while minimizing the grocery bill and food preparation time.

Here are 22 tips to help you to quickly eat healthy on a budget.


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3 Superfoods to Help with Muscle Growth

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Healthy CoupleToday, we live in the age of the superfood. Foodstuffs long-forgotten or simply ignored emerge from the deep to offer their consumers a variety of health benefits from killing cancer cells to helping the body become more efficient at absorbing nutrients and keeping itself in a peak form.

While superfoods are by no means wonder-drugs that can take away all the issues our body can have, they are useful and helpful in maintaining our health and even to help our body build a larger muscle mass. So, here are 3 superfoods that can aid it to do just that.

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7 Ways to Snack on a Keto Diet Without Feeling Guilty

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

Many people are seeing great results with the keto diet, but if you are feeling guilty for cheating at snack time, you might not be one of them. In this article, we are going to talk about 7 ways to snack on a keto diet without feeling guilty so you can get results from the keto diet as well.

keto food girl


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5 Keto Snacks That’ll Help You Lose Weight

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

Snacks are a popular part of our daily meal routine. Most people resort to eating them for different reasons, whether it is to satisfy a craving for something sweet or for nutritional purposes. However, if you are trying to lose weight, not every choice of a snack is ideal for you. While some will only increase the fat content in your body.

ketogenic avocado fitness

The following are snacking treats that will help you achieve your weight loss goals using a keto diet:


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Drink Coffee to Keep Your Brain and Body Healthy

Friday, February 3rd, 2017

Drink CoffeeA cup of coffee daily will help you in more ways than you suspect. For example, the daily dose of caffeine can keep Alzheimer’s illness in check, can help reduce cholesterol, protects against dementia, and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have also determined positive effects on performance when consuming caffeine before exercise. Caffeine addiction is real, but is it really that big a deal when compared to all the positive effects?

Coffee Fights Cholesterol

A daily dose of caffeine blocks the disruptive consequences of high cholesterol that scientists link with Alzheimer’s illness. Caffeine equivalent of merely a daily cup of Joe from could protect the blood-brain barrier ( BBB ) from damage that happens with a fat heavy diet, according to a study.

The BBB protects the central nervous system ( CNS ) from the remainder of the body’s circulation, providing the brain with its own controlled micro-environment. Prior research has demonstrated that raised levels of cholesterol break down the BBB that may then no longer protect the CNS from the damage due to blood borne contamination.


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The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Nuts

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Healthy NutsNo, I’m not talking about you. Yeah you probably are a health nut if you are anything like most Project Swole readers, but today I want to talk about healthy nuts, as in peanuts, almonds, cashew, walnuts, etc…

I was afraid I scared everyone away with last week’s post about Peanut Butter of Death, so this week I’m here to tell you that as long as your peanut butter isn’t contaminated, you can be sure that eating nuts is just as healthy a snack as it ever was.

Without further ado, I give you:

The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Nuts

Healthy Nuts

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Sugar is Bad for You

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Should Bodybuilders Eat Sugar?

No Sugar

Another food myth. This time we have to decide if eating sugar is acceptable in a bodybuilding diet. Sugar can do some nasty things to the body, but it can also help sometimes. Let’s look at the pros and cons of eating sugar so we can decide how, when, where, and why to eat sugar, if at all.

The Myth

Similar to eating before bed, the sugar myth is another controversial subject about which everyone seems to have an opinion, whether educated or not. The two common opinions on sugar are as follows:

  1. Sugar will cause obesity, diabetes, and rotten teeth, so it must be avoided at all costs.
  2. Artificial sweeteners are bad for your health or taste horrible, so we must use sugar in our meals, drinks, and recipes.

The first opinion, that sugar has no place in a bodybuilder’s diet, is the most common myth that needs to be debunked. The second opinion is gaining in popularity, and although there is some sense in this approach, it too can be over used.

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10 Foods and Supplements for a 7 Day Detox

Friday, November 26th, 2010


Justin Woltering

Justin Woltering of writes today’s guest post. Justin has years of experience perfecting his exercise and nutrition program. He has spent countless hours mastering training flexibility, core strength, power and speed, cardiovascular fitness, and meditation. Having trained, and trained with, powerlifters, martial artists, bodybuilders, and various athletes, Justin knows what it takes to gain muscle, lose fat, or get into peak physical condition.

I just finished a cleansing program, and I am feeling better than ever!

The meals were delicious, and these supplements allowed me to do this as naturally and efficiently as possible. This seven-day plan will cleanse your body so that you can more easily shred unwanted body fat and increase lean muscle mass.

If you are feeling lethargic, slow, bloated, or ill; or if you are experiencing problems with your digestive system, then a 7-day detox might be just what you need.


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