A healthy lifestyle starts right from what you consume. Lucky enough, people are more conscious than ever about healthy living nowadays. They have greatly embraced the idea of food management for the purpose of saving money, losing weight, and healthy eating.
However, this comes at a cost, and many of them can no longer eat the cheap, low-quality food on offer in most restaurants. They have to pack their food in containers and tag them along, maybe to work in order to eat their favorite meal every few hours. With this in mind, several companies are solving this problem by manufacturing excellent meal preparation bags. So…
Many people in the United States experience digestive troubles, specifically irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Common symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or bouts of both. Most people can relieve symptoms on their own but in a few cases, the symptoms are severe.
Stomach pain should always be brought to the attention of your doctor, especially if recurring. Strong abdominal pain could be an indicator of a serious problem so needs to have medical attention. For less serious pains or a diagnosed condition of IBS, there are several remedies you can use yourself to ease painful symptoms.(more…)
At Project Swole we don’t care for steroids, we don’t promote them and we don’t recommend using them. However, we realize some folks are going to use them anyway, and we DO support health. Therefore, every once in a while when we receive reader questions about a steroid stack, we get motivated to publish a post about using steroids as safely as possible, and one of the biggest factors of a safe cycle, is PCT – post cycle therapy. That being said, here are our tips for safely coming off your steroid cycle to maintain the best health possible.
So lets you have come to your decision and you are considering risking it. You made the choice that completing a course of anabolic steroid is what you needed. You got all the information you know from the supplier in the gym or a website like this. You know how they are taken and how long you should do it. At least you think you know. It’s what you don’t know about coming off the cycle that could destroy your results and impact your health. (more…)
It’s hard to move forward on your path to getting Swole when you get trapped by unhealthy lifestyle habits. Quitting smoking is a big step, but many have done it before and many more will do it after. So, here are some tips to ensure you’re the next one to kick the habit.
Set Goals Set your time and date to quit; you are going to naturally quit smoking so until then you want to continue smoking as usual.Set your time and date to stop and then keep smoking as usual up until that time. Don’t try cutting down before then, all that does it make cigarettes appears to be more valuable than less valuable.
More people are now preferring to smoke e-cigarettes as opposed to the traditional cigarettes. This is so because traditional cigarettes are known to have negative effects on oral health. The tobacco in the cigarettes is known to affect the teeth as well as gums. It reduces the ability of a person to smell or taste foods, causes stains on the teeth and results in gum disease.
Smoking of tobacco has also been associated with high cases of oral cancer. With the introduction of vaporizer pens, many questions abound on the safety of vaping and its effect on oral health. Below are ways that vaping seems to be better than smoking in terms of its impact on oral health:
The chances of having stained teeth are lower with vaping
Smoking causes teeth to get yellow staining particularly from the tar and nicotine that is present in tobacco. The staining does affect the tooth enamel despite the fact that it has an extremely hard enamel. Though the teeth enamel is really hard, it has tiny pores. The tar from tobacco sticks in these small holes and build up. After some time to tar and nicotine build up on the enamel, the teeth become discolored, becoming brownish or yellowish in color.
If a person smokes heavily for years, the staining becomes nearly impossible to remove. Vaping usually does not result to teeth staining. Unlike traditional cigarettes, the e-liquid contained in vape pens only gets heated as opposed to getting burned. As a result, they do not produce the kind of brown sticky tar that is common with smoking traditional cigarettes. This means with vaping, there are lower chances of ending up with stained teeth, which is some great news.
Vaping does not result in bad breath
It is common knowledge that people who smoke traditional cigarettes end up having bad breath. This is because the chemicals and particles found in tobacco remain in their mouths as well as lungs longer. Also, the hot gas that smokers inhale during smoking causes their mouths to dry up. This creates a conducive environment for oral bacteria called halitosis to reproduce.
On the other hand, vaping does not produce any particulates. This means that is does not result in bad breath. Though it does cause dryness of the mouth and does produce hot gases, people who opt for vaping are able to mitigate these problems by staying hydrated.
Vaping lowers the risk of developing gum disease
Gum disease is a serious ailment and smokers are at high risk of developing it. This is because smoking tobacco weakens the immune system which reduces the ability of their bodies to fight infections. For people who smoke, the accumulation of calculus on the base of their teeth provides a conducive environment for bacteria to breed. This results to the spread of bacteria which cause gum disease, commonly known as periodontal. Once this happens, gum tissues take a long time to recover, which slows down the body’s ability to heal itself. When done responsibly, vaping e-cigarettes does not damage tissues nor does it reduce the process of regenerating gum tissues because calculus does not accumulate on the base of teeth. This reduces the risk of developing gum disease.
The risk of developing mouth cancer is lower
Though it is not yet clear whether vaporizing can result in mouth cancer, it is a fact that most of the chemicals found in traditional cigarettes are not present in vaporizers. It is almost certain that vaping will at least lessen the risk of developing mouth cancer compared to smoking. Smoking traditional cigarettes causes damage to DNA including the main genes that are responsible for providing protection against cancer. More than 70 chemicals that are found in cigarettes worsen the situation.
For instance, a chemical known as chromium causes poisons to hold strongly on DNA, which increases chances of severe damage. With majority of these chemicals being absent from e-cigarettes, there is a significant reduction in the damage to a person’s DNA. The chemical levels have been found to be so low to the extent that UK’s Public Health estimates the safety of e-cigars to be up to 95% compared to traditional cigarettes.
Typically, vaping exposes users to significantly lower amounts of nicotine than persons who smoke ordinary cigarettes. This reduces their risk of developing oral problems. While actual scientific details on the effect of vaping are not yet available, it is a fact that in terms of, bad breath, staining teeth and gum disease, vaping is much better than smoking ordinary cigarettes.
Even so, it is not 100% safe and vapors need to be vigilant in detecting oral problems through frequent screening and always being considerate of the quantity of nicotine they ingest at all times. Efforts should be redirected to maintaining good oral hygiene, flossing daily and brushing teeth on a regular basis. While vaping may not be considered the best option, for those who are trying to quit smoking so they can take good care of their bodies, it is a step that brings them closer to their goal.
Hemp protein is made from hemp seeds and it is considered to be a high-fiber supplement. Many people use it to enhance how much protein they get in their diet with other foods. Because it has higher than average digestibility, it is considered a good form of protein for athletes who are trying to bulk up and gain weight.
What is Hemp?
Hemp is a type of crop that is very diverse and can be grown for medicinal purpose. The hemp protein made from its seeds is mostly made up of 45% hemp oil, 35% hemp protein, and 10% carbohydrates. Because of these amounts, hemp is a good source of nutrition and it can have a lot of benefit to your health. (more…)
GM Diet – The Quickest Way to Reduce 3-5 kgs in a Week
Everyone these days are trying to lose weight, for health reasons or just to look good, and trying every trick in the book to lose those stubborn kilos. But most people give up midway as they are unable to get the desired results within the stipulated time frame? But what if you get to know about a diet plan which can help you lose 3-5 kgs in 7 days. Would you believe that?
I know most of you would regard me with skepticism, “are you taking us for a ride?” Not really, the General motors diet or the GM diet can help you lose weight within 7 days. Okay, even if it is not your ideal weight, at least closer to your ideal weight.
The General Motors diet broke into the diet horizon in the year 1985, taking the nutritional world by storm. Conceptualised by the General Motors with the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture, who worked in tandem to create a diet for its employees.
This was chiefly designed to make their workers sprightlier and definitely healthier so that they can devote 100% to their work. Well, the diet worked and how! Most workers reported a loss of 10-17 pounds in a week. The diet is very easy to follow, as it hardly has any complicated foodstuffs to procure or make great demands to your existing lifestyle. So does the diet work for you?
Good morning! It is time to start your day, and breakfast comes in handy in giving you the energy to get you going. Eating the right breakfast will not only ensure that you jump-start your metabolism but also trigger your body to burn fat for improved weight loss.
Are you interested in losing weight, but do not know how you can shed an extra pound through your breakfast? Well, there are viable ideas that if incorporated into your morning meals can cause significant changes in your weight.
This article samples the top 6 breakfast ideas for weight loss. Enjoy!(more…)
So when the cravings hit you forget all about diet and fitness and start relishing whatever is on the table? Suddenly, New Year Resolution fades into oblivion and after a gourmet meal, you feel of indulging in your guilty pleasures? This is a dilemma of every person with little on the heavier side and their struggle to reach their ideal weight goes down the memory lane with every bite of glazed doughnut.
So here we bring smart hacks that will help you stick to your diet and break up with junk food at least for some time:
A lot of people are sleep deprived… Everything from last minute travel to anxiety prevents people from getting a good night’s rest on a regular occasion. While sleep deprivation is nothing uncommon, you’d be surprised to know just how many people don’t get enough sleep…
Last year, Pegasus Capital Advisors teamed up with ResMed and Dr. Oz to from SleepScore Labs, an organization that aims to enables us to understand our sleep and deliver the first clinically proven standard for measuring sleep in our homes.
Back in January, they organization conducted the largest sleep study in the history of the United States, which looked at sleep information from more than 20,000 people and a collective 1.5 million nights’ worth of sleep. And they discovered that sleep is chronically neglected by most Americans.
Just check this out – according to data from the study, almost 80% of US citizens aren’t getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. Moreover, men in the US average only 5 hours and 45 minutes of sleep each night, while women are slightly better, with 6 hours and 9 minutes.(more…)
Squeezing a workout into a busy day can be near impossible, but whether because we need the reliable rush of endorphins or because our resolve cannot be challenged, we end up fitting it in there. Despite all the days where we don’t feel 100 percent, completing a grueling workout can turn around our mood for the better. As fitness becomes a habit and a lifestyle, the question shifts from “Will I work out?” to “How will I work out?”
Now, designing a routine takes a lot of research and effort, but if you’re not careful, you’ll overlook a very important step. Before you can maximize your workout, you have to know what equipment is available to you, and before you know what equipment is available to you, you need to know where you’re working out. Ultimately, your choices are an outside gym or creating one in your own home.
In many situations, you may need to stay awake at odd hours. However, this is not easy for every individual. While a section of women and men manage this without much hassles, others find it tedious.
While sipping cups of hot coffee or trying caffeine induced drinks has been tried by a lot of people, it is not absolutely healthy or safe in long run. In some cases, you may get addicted to caffeine and there could be side effects as well. A smarter and better alternative is Moadafinil. It is safer and more effective than caffeine to induce wakefulness and alertness.(more…)
2017 presents changes for corporate organizations in terms of employee health and wellness trends. After all, health is an indispensable ingredient that directly impacts a worker’s level of productivity in the workplace.
With so many goals and challenges that companies need to tackle, companies regardless of size and nature need to invest in various strategies that are aimed towards holistically improving employee health. If you are a business owner, manager, or a member of your organization’s HR department, here are 4 trends you need to look out for this year.
However, it’s important to put in mind that no matter the health and wellness strategies you adopt for your workers, what matters most is that they cater to their every need and integrate with their current lifestyles. Let’s get started, shall we?
With the summer in full swing, it’s only natural that more and more people are taking full advantage of the long daylight hours by spending plenty of time outside. A natural source of annual encouragement for an increase in activity is certainly a good thing, especially for those of us who are serious about health and fitness.
On the other hand, those inspired to begin a fitness-training program during the summer months ought to be keenly aware of how to build a proper training foundation to ensure their continued progress while also avoiding deterrents like an injury or training plateau. Dale Parducci, a fitness coach and personal trainer from North Bergen, New Jersey, offered a few common-sense tips for summer fitness training. (more…)
Do you think about the Vitamin D when you are bathing in the sun? If yes, then you are among us. The Vitamin D is commonly termed as “Sunshine Vitamin.” The reason for this is because Vitamin D is produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin D is fat-soluble with a family of D compounds that includes Vitamin D-1, D-2, and D-3 and affects as many as 2,000 genes in the body. Apart from this, Vitamin D is also obtained from various foods and supplements to maintain the adequate level of Vitamin D in your blood stream.(more…)
When we consider getting bigger and stronger in the gym, we often think of our muscles first and for good reason. If we are trying to increase aspects of our appearance or simply become stronger, most of the effort needs to be done with our muscles. However, our brain and our body are not as separated as we might believe.
Instead, the brain and the body are a single unit, which helps us to achieve a stronger and more aesthetically pleasing physique. For example, all of the body enhancing hormones, such as testosterone, growth hormone, and others, are released through signals from the brain. Our brain is intertwined with our body.
If this concept is strange, that’s probably because it is uncommon. Most people don’t think in this way, which is why we’ve got a list of 3 surprising nutrients that will change both your body and body.(more…)
Your diet affects your health. When you eat properly, it benefits your everyday health. It also reduces your risk of serious health conditions. Whether you are planning a meal or thinking about a snack, you will benefit in many ways from choosing protein.
Protein And Weight Control
Whether you are overweight and want to shed some pounds, or want to maintain your current weight, protein can help you achieve your goal. First, protein is a natural appetite suppressant. When you consume protein, you will feel full and satisfied. This can eliminate overeating and between-meal cravings.
Second, protein boosts your metabolism. Whey protein, especially, will help your body burn fat and calories. Your body will burn more calories when it digests food.
Another way protein helps with weight control is the amount of food you eat. When you choose a protein-rich product, you will generally eat less than when you eat fats or carbohydrates. You will consume fewer calories, instead of overeating high-calorie products.(more…)
Aspiring to be the best you can possibly be has always been a part of the human condition since time immemorial. And yet, in an era where a gym membership is almost as indispensable as a mobile phone and more and more people swear by the benefits of so-called superfoods, we appear to be pushing this ethos further than any of our ancestors could ever have imagined.
No other industry has profited as much from this demand as the HealthTech sector of Silicon Valley – estimated to be worth $3 trillion. With new health trends and fads popping up seemingly overnight, start-ups are rushing to create the next big thing.
From this frenzied scramble, a number of bold and progressive ideas have emerged. Here are three of the most radical.
If you don’t recognise this word, you are not alone – it was only coined in 1974, and is made up of the Greek words for mind and bend. And no – nootropics are not the latest evolution of psychedelic drugs, but they are not far off. (more…)
Losing a huge amount of weight in a short time-span may not be the healthiest practice out there, but it sounds as no short of a dream come true to many. Still, one of the things that they often tend to forget is that the fat in their body is not the only thing that has expanded over the course of the years. In order to follow up, your skin has probably significantly stretched, as well, which might turn into a huge issue once you lose all that extra weight. With this in mind, here are few ways of dealing with loose skin and getting that beach body you always dreamed of having.
Why Is This Such a Problem?
Ok, so you lost weight, have some extra skin, what’s the big deal, right? It is a serious issue, as reported by NBC news, faced by many bariatric surgery patients or really anyone who has lost 300+ pounds of fat. Keeping sagging skin long-term is even reported to directly affect the longevity of the weight loss. (more…)
When it comes to health, it’s safe to say that pretty much every part of the human body is equal, right? Well, the reality is, there is one part of the human body that, if left untreated or taken care of, can lead to detrimental results. If you did not know, your adrenal glands play an essential role in creating sex hormones and cortisol, which a human cannot live without. Due to this, researchers have begun to draw a connection between adaptogen supplements and an increase in adrenal health.