Testosterone is popularly referred as an epitome of manhood, that doesn’t mean testosterone isn’t found in women. It’s just that testosterone is found in large quantity in men, while it’s in trace quantity in women. You might be aware of the fact that testosterone plays a vital role in enhancing your sex drive and muscle building, no wonder why most men have greater muscle mass than women.
It’s almost mythical to learn the true power of testosterone and its ability to burn body fat and boost your muscles. Testosterone also comes in handy to increase your libido, sleep, mood, and your quality of life. However, testosterone declines in most men after they hit 30 years, which isn’t good for health.
In many cases it becomes an issue and leads to testosterone replacement therapy, which some studies claim might also not be good for health. Sometimes we need to try to find ways to naturally enhance the testosterone level in the body.
Here’s a list of 7 ways to increase your testosterone naturally:
As we grow old, it is important to stay active and healthy, but you should not just concentrate on enhancing the body. The mind is just like any other organ and needs stimulating to keep it working at its best. There are some simple things that you can do to keep yourself fit and healthy in body and mind.
Eat the Right Food
There is real evidence to suggest that eating healthily and having the right foods can help with your brain’s health. People who eat fish once a week, for example, have a 60% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This is because fish has omega-3 fatty acids that help to slow brain degeneration.
Drowsy drivers are a danger to themselves as well as others on the road. According to the CDC, the problem has reached alarming proportions. The dangerous combination of fatigue, drowsiness, and driving often ends tragically.
When questioned, 1 in 25 drivers reported falling asleep at the wheel of a motor vehicle at least once within the preceding month. Data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates that driving fatigue and drowsy drivers are responsible for 100,000 accidents and 1,500 deaths every year. However, many experts believe these numbers may be a gross under-estimation.
Thousands of motor vehicle accidents are the result of a sleepy driver who wasn’t paying attention, had a delayed reaction time, or had an impaired ability to make decisions on the road. (more…)
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when attempting to gain muscle is to imitate your favorite professional bodybuilder.
If you’ve seen the magazines: Flex, Iron Man, Muscular Development, etc…, you’ve seen the pro bodybuilding routines. These guys train one body part a day, 10 exercises for each muscle group, 6 sets per exercise, 12-20 reps per set, and they put together brutal 6 days per week workout routines, sometimes with 2-a-days.
What they don’t tell you, is that routines written by professional bodybuilders are not going to work for you if you are not either a pro bodybuilder yourself, or an unemployed, juiced up, genetic freak. If you follow these routines, you will overtrain faster than Arnold shows his bare ass in a Terminator movie. At least you will learn how NOT to train, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
My Experience Training Like a Pro
I wish someone told me all these things before I started on some ridiculous pro routine when I was 16. This guy had me using ramps, training 6 days a week, once a day for two weeks then twice a day for four weeks, and focusing completely on machines, cables, and leg presses instead of squats.
What a complete waste of 6 months that was. When I finally confronted a personal trainer about my sore body and lack of progress, he ripped up my routine and set me straight. Thanks Ted!
Here are 10 reasons why you should not train like a professional bodybuilder:
Life is a wonderful journey. Each step comes with some new opportunities. Tests and tools both are its constant companions. However, sometimes life slows down. Sometimes nothing makes sense. People come to a point from which nothing but thick gloom comes to view. Most don’t understand this is the point of change.
From this point begins another life, another journey, lest you are willing to make some conscious effort to change. Anyone can get a job and stick to it. But, everyone cannot build a career. This is a difficult task which only a rare few succeed in making.
So, what are the changes that you need to make to build the solid foundation upon which the castle of your career will stand?(more…)
When you’re trying to make the most out of your body (as you only ever get one!), there’s a lot of different stuff that gets thrown into the mix. You have to watch out for your chemical imbalances, as well as anything else that could throw you off of your normal routine.
So, What Exactly IS Testosterone?
Testosterone is a chemical messenger that takes its place amongst other androgens – it’s also the primary sex hormone in males on this planet. It’s produced primarily through the Leydig cells, which are located in the testicles of men (although women do also produce this hormone in their ovaries), a small amount is produced in the adrenal glands as well.
Testosterone is there to help sway the two different genders into their sexual development phases properly; it adds to the aspect of desire, as well as producing sperm. Testosterone has many other functions, and even professional athletes are using it to get an edge above the competition; but why is that exactly? (more…)
In this day and age, it is absolutely pertinent for all consumers to put a greater amount of emphasis on their overall health. We’ve got news reports, magazines, blogs, celebrities… everywhere and everyone you see is promoting some form of ‘healthy lifestyle’, and research has proven that certain healthy habits can decrease obesity and healthify the body.
Nonetheless, there are still a lot of people that do risky and unhealthy things on a daily basis. If you wish to live a longer, healthier and happier life, you should begin taking steps to improve your health right now!
The good news is that a few minor changes and provide you with dramatic improvements. Some of the most dramatic changes you can make will be explored in greater detail below. (more…)
If you’re looking for muscle gain, you probably think that devoting more hours to the gym is your best bet. But you’re wrong. Your diet is also responsible for a high percentage of your progress, but it is not always the key to getting out of a training rut.
If you’re looking for the real secret to achieving the muscle development you want, it’s simple – get more sleep. That’s right. Sleep is likely the missing piece to your training regimen.
In fact, according to research, it just may be the most important component of your regimen as it helps to increase muscular strength and size and promote efficient recovery.
Whether you want to lose weight, become more fit, feel better, or even add on some weight and muscle, nutrition is key!
Exercise is important and should not be forgotten, but in order to lose and maintain your weight, up to 75% of that will come from proper nutrition, while the other 25% will come from exercise. This is frustrating, confusing, and sometimes infuriating to many because nutrition is a discipline filled with complicated and conflicting information.
Fortunately, nutrition and your “diet”, over time can become an easy and natural way of living, which is why a couple of my friends created the Fairburn it Off Nutrition & Fitness Plan. When you have a goal, a plan, and some motivation, progress falls right into place.
What is Fairburn it Off?
The Fairburn it Off Nutrition & Fitness Plan was created by husband and wife team David and Elyse Fairburn. Despite David being a certified nutritionist and Elyse being an instructor in the fitness world, they initially struggled themselves with trying to calculate the perfect amounts of food and succumbing to strict diets and several supplements. After finally taking a step back and using what they know and have experienced, they created a sustainable lifestyle nutrition plan to help people lose weight, maintain that weight loss, and not fall prey to some of the very pitfalls that the Fairburns experienced themselves.
The key to the plan is sustainability– the belief that when you simplify healthy living by making your lifestyle healthier and easier to maintain, that you will experience consistent and positive results. To accomplish this, the Fairburns plans were designed to help you better understand proper nutrition through eating clean, nutrient-packed, whole foods, while still maintaining fitness through both cardio and resistance training. Through sustainability and this balance between nutrition and fitness, you can see positive progress and build new and healthy habits. (more…)
Night owls are in for a treat as many gyms are embracing the 24-hour policy. Fitness centers around the world have realized that the demand is high due to the fact that so many people are working hectic schedules and are unable to exercise with any regularity due to other commitments. By offering around-the-clock service hours, not only can a gym goer can work out whenever he or she likes but it also means that everyone who had used lack of free time as their major excuse not to work out will now be able to work out irrespective of their schedule.
No matter if one is a gym rat or first-timer, 24 hour gyms are now open across the globe to help anyone reach their fitness goals, notwithstanding their schedules and lack of consistent free time. We are well aware that exercise is a crucial part in our daily lives and now people have a much greater chance at reaping the benefits.(more…)
Does a small streak of gray hair worry you? Are you afraid to smile because the wrinkle would show up on your face? If you’re worried about aging, then you aren’t alone. It’s one of the greatest fears that trouble most adults. Aging is a natural occurrence, but you can exercise control over it by following the right diet.
Here’s a list of food habits to help you have a healthy mind and body.
Reduce your wrinkles with argan oil
Argan oil is one of the most effective anti-aging essential oils. This “miracle oil” is obtained from the fruity pulp of the Moroccan Argan tree. It’s composed of 80% unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants, carotenes, and phenols that helps in keeping your skin healthy and youthful.
Using argan oil as a face mask can reduce the early signs of aging. Take a few drops of argon oil and massage your face in an upward motion, starting from your chin. The depth and severity of wrinkles in your face will eventually reduce. You can also see your age spots fade away with the regular use of argan oil.(more…)
Introducing 4 Superfoods You May Have Never Heard About
When you pass through the produce aisles, you’ll pick up all the usual items — tomatoes, lettuce, apples, bananas, and other common fruits and vegetables. And then you might grab a bag of almonds or walnuts, too. We all know that these foods provide us with the range of nutrients our bodies crave.
Now if this sounds like you, I want to start off by saying, great job — the more fresh, whole foods you consume, the better. With that being said, if you want to take your health to the next level, you may need to step a little outside of your usual comfort zone.
Say hello to these superfoods, a fantastic way to boost your health throughout the new year!(more…)
Looking back in my archives, I found this post from 2008; roughly 2 home relocations ago. About 8 years have passed, the ‘kids’ are teenagers now, the beach is in the backyard now instead of across the street, I still have those Powerblocks, and still love sprinting.
Today however it’s about 30°F out, 3 days before Christmas, and it’s snowing. Sprints will be much more difficult, biking is nearly impossible, and the unheated garage is freeeeeezing! I’ve been working diligently as a personal garage gym builder though, and now I also have a doorway pull up bar, push up equipment, an ab roller, springs, and big ole rubber tubes that work great for dynamic resistance training.
If you’ve no idea what I’m talking about, read the follow piece that details my thoughts on active recovery in 2008 and what I accomplished on a warm sunny day in June. I still feel the same way about active recovery, and if you’re not using it on the occasional rest day you’re missing out on fun activities that can help engage your friends and family, burn extra calories, and improve the recovery process from your strenuous gym workouts.
Even medical journals documenting active recovery research have found that, “active recovery can be prescribed and still retain performance benefits over passive recoveries”. Don’t you miss out!
Athletes drink. A survey that followed 6,000 teens into their mid-twenties found that while young athletes use fewer drugs than non-athletes, they drink far more alcohol.
Fitness buffs, why is this so dumb?
In addition to the obvious short-term health risks — like drunk driving — alcohol impairs muscle growth and prevents muscle recovery. In fact, according to research conducted by Matt Barnes of New Zealand’s Massey University, muscle performance loss was doubled in participants who drank alcohol.
That wouldn’t be a huge deal for a non-exerciser, but it could be a game-ender for an athlete whose future relies on physical fitness.(more…)
The Basic Fundamentals Of Losing Weight And Keeping It Off
Over the years, more and more consumers have discovered the paramount importance of losing weight and getting into shape. An abundance of health complications can be directly linked to obesity. This includes diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, losing weight can seem hopeless for a large quantity of the population. It is undeniably much more difficult than the majority of people will ever know and keeping the weight off can be even more difficult. Below, you will discover the fundamentals of losing weight and keeping it off for good.
Calories In vs Calories Burned
First and foremost, it is pertinent to follow the basics. The concept of losing weight is actually very simple. Individuals only need to consume less calories than they burn each and every day. By following this basic formula, you’ll eventually lose weight. Unfortunately, putting this simple plan into action can be very difficult. Hunger, lack of control, and other factors can get in the way and lead the individual astray.(more…)
When we mention the term “Superfoods” it is not uncommon for there to be a sense of confusion among most people. This is not really surprising either. While consuming nutrient dense foods is an ancient practice, the concept is basically lost in our fast-paced and convenience focused culture. Only recently has there been mainstream attention and research towards the importance of introducing this kind of nutrition back into the human diet.
The term “Superfood” refers to any nutrient-dense food that is widely considered to be beneficial towards our health and overall well-being. The term is a relatively new one, having only generated popularity in the last 20 years or so. However, the idea is simple. Foods that have a wide-ranging nutritional profile that includes; micro & macro-nutrients, phytochemicals, phytopigments, antioxidants, vitamin and trace minerals.
Most “superfoods” are plant based covering everything from fruits, vegetables, sea-vegetables, grains, nuts, grasses and herbs. There are even many all-in-one type of green superfood supplement powders. There are also some superfoods that are derived from fish as well. While most “superfood” products will have different ingredients and ratios of such, for the most part they will typically include all the same stuff.
What can Green Superfoods do for you?
There are so many benefits from regularly consuming foods considered to be “superfoods”. Whether you are consuming a green drink in the morning, or eating dense salads at lunch, or ending your day with a chia-seed pudding. By including any, or all of these foods into your diet most people will agree that you will see and feel great results.
The increase in foods rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene will add great regenerative and overall health benefits to your body. This plays an important role regardless if you are a young child, an athlete, a middle-aged parent, or an old timer. The ability to fight off illness and increase recovery time is crucial to living longer, and staying healthy and fit along the way.
“Superfoods” can offer a host of essential vitamins and minerals like B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. There are ingredients that are otherwise quite uncommon in a typical diet today. On average most Americans are lacking in essential vitamins and minerals that help our body maintain itself, and the vitamins we do take are usually in the form of capsules or sugary pills that do not always absorb into the body sufficiently to have an impact.
Greens, which make up the majority of the “superfood” category, are extremely important to the body. Not only do they provide fiber, but they are also alkaline forming. By maintaining a balanced ph level in the body, research has shown that it will help prevent the formation of many health related issues, including cancer. (more…)
Protein is an essential building block to the body, as it helps create strong muscles, bones and even blood. Athletes and those who exercise hard are among those who are at high-risk to be protein deficient.
Your body may be sending you signals that you aren’t getting enough protein, but you may be interpreting these signals as something else. Take a look at the following examples of symptoms that can be misinterpreted as another issue in the body.
Are Your Muscles a Pain?
Many people believe in the old adage, “no pain no gain.” However, sore muscles may
be a sign that you are protein deficient. Because muscles use Amino Acids as their building structure and Amino Acids come from protein, if you aren’t getting enough your muscles may feel sore and weak. Lack of protein can also cause flab to appear where you once had muscles, because your body may be using those muscle as protein for the body. If you are feeling sore muscles or even joints, take an inventory of your protein intake. Adding a bit of protein with a nutritional supplement like Advocare may help those sore muscles disappear.
You might have been doing fitness exercises you think are effective in achieving your fitness goals. The truth is that they might do the opposite. It is time to straighten up the facts and reject the myths that could have impeded your goal all these years.
Crunches are effective ab exercises You might have heard several times the advice that you must do crunches in order to bring out those abs. The truth is that they only work if done properly. If not, crunches could just lead to neck and back problems, and a potential spine injury. This exercise also doesn’t target general weight loss which is essential for ab formation.
Sweating means losing weight You might say that you have worked really hard to achieve a great body because you are sweating. This is not necessarily the right way to gauge the effectiveness of your exercise techniques. Sweating is a bodily response to cool your body down. It can be affected by other factors like the weather or physiology. Therefore, you must not presume that you are losing weight or you are doing the right exercises if you are sweating.
Staying longer at the gym helps achieve your fitness goals faster The number of hours you stay in the gym does not determine the effectiveness of your workout techniques. It also has something to do with what you do at the gym. If you stay there and sit for several minutes while taking selfie instead of lifting weights, then it is pretty useless. It is better for you to stay for 30 minutes to 1 hour only as long as you do intense exercises. You can also try high intensity workout training to maximize results.
Eating late at night can make you fat This is not necessarily true. Your body can’t tell the time. It processes calories at the same rate at any point during the day. The issue is on what type of food you eat at night. You might have the tendency to eat less during the day and make it up during the night. As a result, you eat a lot of processed and unhealthy dishes. This is something that you have to avoid. These are foods that are difficult to digest. If you sleep after eating, then the food that you have eaten could get stuck in your body in the form of fats. You also have to take note that eating at night has other unhealthy consequences such as difficulty in sleeping and acid reflux.
“Diet” foods are healthier You might fall for ads saying certain products are “diet” foods. This includes crackers, soda, dairy products and many others. Just because you have read the word diet on it does not mean it is healthy. It might be deemed as healthy due to the low calorie content. The truth is that in order for them to make it up for the bland taste, they need to add more artificial sweeteners and chemicals. You might have less calorie intake, but it could lead to other health issues. In short, it is not necessarily an effective way to lose weight. The key is to eat regular foods in moderation.
It is indeed surprising to see that the facts that we were made to believe were true, are in fact pure myths. Therefore, you need to start changing your diet and exercise plans now. In case you wonder why you still don’t achieve your fitness goals despite everything that you have done, then this could be the main reason. You are doing your exercise routines the wrong way or you are eating the wrong types of foods. You need to plan your meals better the next time around and understand the science behind every exercise routine before doing it.
Burning fat can be tough, there’s so many things you have to keep track of if you want to do it effectively. There’s calories to count, workouts to perform and even macronutrients to balance.
But there are ways to make things easier. Simple additions you can incorporate into your lifestyle to start seeing faster results.
< Here at Project Swole we show you the simplest ways to burn fat faster by following these simple methods. If you’re struggling to lose those stubborn extra pounds, this is the article you need to read:
1. Drinking Green Tea
When cutting fat, people think a lot more about what they eat, rather than what they drink – and that’s a big problem. Sodas, beer, and even fruit tea can contain huge amounts of calories, and can easily go against all that hard word you’ve been putting into your diet.
So what’s the solution? Green Tea.One of the better beverages for fat loss, Green tea is full of antioxidants, contains next to no calories, and it accelerates fat loss.
A right turn can always lead you to the destination quicker and safely. This is the best thing about knowing what is best for you. When it comes to body building and physique there is no doubt about the significance of using the right medication.
There are several people who you might have heard suffered serious side effect and it caused then issues. All of this can be avoided with proper care and the perfect use of right products that help your demands. Mass gains are hard to come by if no particular attention is paid to nutrition and supplementation.
Use the best
Trenbolone is quite popular among gym goers for the unique ability of the product to deliver massive gains. It is one of the most effective injectable forms of anabolic drug that have given many a body builders their dream physique. Trenbolone is banned in many countries as the abuse has led to tipping point and there is only one legal way. (more…)