Posts Tagged ‘healthy’

Experience the Flow of New Energy in your Body

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016


Healthy NutsAre you feeling stressed mentally after day’s work at your work place? Do you require any health product for boosting up the energy level in your body? There are numerous companies in the market which has come up with capsules and syrups that can assist you in maintaining the balance of vitamins & minerals in your body. Le-Vel Brand has been created with the aim of providing healthy lifestyle by premium edge products for both men and women. This vision has come up with THRIVE which offers nutritional and rich multi-vitamin supplements, for shaping a long & hearty lifestyle.

About the Brand:

Le-Vel Brand has been rigorously working upon creating healthy products such as weight loss & gain capsules, shakes etc. where it has marked its name in the market. There are a lot of users of this brand and yes, the numbers of consumers has been seemed to be on an increasing pane positively.

Making it work right for every age man and woman, the company currently offers the following products:

  • Thrive M
  • Thrive W
  • Thrive Lifestyle Mix
  • Thrive Lifestyle DFT

This brand has been consecutively categorized via its quality and true passion for the better living of men as well as women by offering various products.

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Gaining a Better Understanding of Obesity

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

The Obesity Epidemic

Weight Loss TipsOne of the biggest problems in our society today is obesity. This is caused due to a variety of different problems, and this is also leading to a number of different treatment options. As such, finding the best weight loss Westchester NY has to offer depends on a variety of factors. Either way, we must accept that obesity is a true epidemic and that it requires more than a quick fad diet in order to be resolved. Not only must we come up with ways to help the people who are obese, we must also make sure that we prevent further people from becoming obese.

We know that obesity is dangerous. We know that it is a huge health risk. Yet we still don’t seem to truly understand what it all means.

When Does Obesity Happen?

Obesity can happen at any point during your life. It can, sometimes, escalate very quickly, and take on truly dramatic proportions. This is known as ‘malignant obesity’. Malignant obesity usually occurs after the early 20’s when we have stopped growing up, get too ‘busy’ to exercise, and when we still aren’t paying attention to what we’re putting in our bodies.

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Gluten – Should It Be In Your diet?

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Should you eat Gluten

Gluten Fit Boy
One of the hottest topics in the nutrition world in the last 3-5 years has been gluten-free diet. As usual, the media and a general population acting like sheeple have once again blown something out of proportion.

People are needlessly following a gluten free diet just because they heard about it in the media or read about it on the Internet. Some of these people have even lost weight. But why? Most likely because they cut down on carbs altogether, or at least started eating healthier carbs.

But the question is, do YOU need to be a on gluten free diet? And the answer is, probably not. Here’s why


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Stay Fit While Traveling

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

Over the last year I have had to travel quite a bit for my job, and during my adventures I have learned a few tricks to staying fit while on the road.

Whether traveling by car or by air (or sea, I suppose), you have to take your exercise into your own hands. Do not assume that there will be facilities available for you to work up a sweat. For insurance purposes, many hotels do not offer much in the way of equipment. On top of this, walking or running in a strange city is not always a great choice.

Fitness Roadtrip

You may even have some opportunities to attend a local CrossFit gym. Know how much that’s going to cost? $20 a day, if it’s not your native box. That’s right. Not cheap.

So what are we to do?

I am so glad that you asked. If you travel with a laptop computer that can play DVD’s or a portable DVD player, you can bring along a workout DVD to burn calories with. I usually have a couple in my computer case for just such an occasion. P90X and yoga routines are highly portable and require little equipment.


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Secrets for Success: The Top 5 Effective Healthy Eating Plans

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Top 5 Effective Healthy Eating Plans Review

Healthy Diets
Finding the right diet plan can be very challenging because there are plenty of diet plans to choose from. However, as long as you know the things to consider in choosing the best healthy diet plan, you can ensure that it will help you in losing weight. An effective and safe diet plan should be scientifically evaluated as well as recommended by the health and wellness authorities.

It is important to choose diet plan that helps the dieter not only in losing weight but also lead healthier life. Thus, you should know the top 5 diet plans that you can consider in losing weight.


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3 Exercises that Give Diabetics a Fighting Chance

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Old Man FitnessDiabetes impacts people at various times in their lives.  Most adults are struck with type 2 diabetes as they grow older.  How do you adjust with eating habits, exercise routines, and improve your overall quality of life to live longer?  That’s a valid question for most adults diagnosed with this disease later in life.

One thing is for certain.  You weren’t living a perfect healthy life before.  Yes, diabetes may prove to be a genetic tendency found in your family, but eating habits contribute substantially to your chances of being diagnosed.  Vociferous eaters with little control often find themselves fighting the disease later in life.  Are there any solutions that help adults gain control of their eating habits?

The first step involves consulting the best doctors who help you manage your diabetes.  They may suggest dietary tips and provide exercise restrictions for you.  Knowing your limits as an older adult is tough, but you still possess the ability gain control of your disease and get into shape to be the healthiest you can be.


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Inspiration: Yoga Heals Man With Back and Knee Injuries

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

The Tale of Arthur Boorman

Arthur Boorman was a disabled veteran of the Gulf War for 15 years, and was told by his doctors that he would never be able to walk on his own, ever again.

He stumbled upon an article about Diamond Dallas Page doing Yoga and decided to give it a try — he couldn’t do traditional, higher impact exercise, so he tried DDP YOGA and sent an email to Dallas telling him his story.

Dallas was so moved by his story, he began emailing and speaking on the phone with Arthur throughout his journey – he encouraged Arthur to keep going and to believe that anything was possible. Even though doctors told him walking would never happen, Arthur was persistent. He fell many times, but kept going.

Arthur was getting stronger rapidly, and he was losing weight at an incredible rate! Because of DDP’s specialized workout, he gained tremendous balance and flexibility — which gave him hope that maybe someday, he’d be able to walk again.

His story is proof, that we cannot place limits on what we are capable of doing, because we often do not know our own potential. Niether Arthur, nor Dallas knew what he would go on to accomplish, but this video speaks for itself. In less than a year, Arthur completely transformed his life. If only he had known what he was capable of, 15 years earlier.

Do not waste any time thinking you are stuck – you can take control over your life, and change it faster than you might think.

Hopefully this story can inspire you to follow your dreams – whatever they may be.

Anything is Possible!

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Improving Quality Of Life Through Regular Exercises

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Using Exercise to Improve Your Life
Healthy Woman
Proper and regular exercises are quite important in maintaining general well being, exercises come in different forms each having its benefits and demerits.

Regular exercises which include basic physical training such as jogging or brisk walking as well as extreme physical exercises such as weight lifting, aerobics, gymnastics and field sports ensure that all functions of the body are in tip top condition.

Exercises and nutrition go hand in hand hence the necessity to balance both aspects, too much or lack of exercises or proper nutrition will lead to unfavorable conditions.

Lack of adequate exercises leads to many adverse effects such as laziness, obesity, poor metabolism as well as disability. Regular exercises and proper body fitness ensures that disabilities are minimized due to the following:


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Can You Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Through Diet and Exercise?

Monday, May 20th, 2013

A Workout a Day Keeps the Cancer Away

Running Chick
Athletes know that lifting weights and exercising feels greater than anything (OK, almost anything) on Earth, but did you know that it can also reduce your risk of cancer?

Yes, it’s true – not only have you been working out all this time to get that stunning physique, but you have also been effectively reducing your chances of getting some of the most life threatening cancers.

One Third Reduced Risk of Cancer

Researchers say that regular physical activity and a healthy diet – two things that usually go hand in hand – can reduce the effects of colon and other cancers by up to 30%.

Moreover, diet and exercise can reduce the risk of many gender specific cancers too, like prostate and cervical cancer, largely because physical activity can decrease the amount of certain dangerous cell altering hormones.


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How Athletes Can Prevent Bruxism

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

What is Bruxism and Why Should You Care?

Fitness Smile
In case you didn’t know, bruxism, more commonly known as grinding your teeth, is a fairly common condition that affects nearly every person at some point in their life.

For many the condition is temporary and mild, presenting no real health threat. But whether you do it while you sleep or it occurs during waking hours, you may not realize that it’s happening until you start to notice headaches, pain in your jaw, or wear and tear to your chompers. And by then the situation has likely gotten a little more serious.

As a bodybuilder or athlete, you could be more prone to this issue than most. If you want to keep your smile full, healthy, and white, like the fitness chick to the right, take these tips into consideration sooner rather than later.

A Few Causes of Bruxism

Although many attribute the condition to high stress levels, which can certainly be a contributing factor, the truth is that bruxism is a habitual activity, even though you may do it subconsciously, like twirling your hair, tapping your foot, or jingling change in your pocket. And when you’re lifting you likely clench your teeth, which can definitely lead to the formation of bruxism.

Athletes using performance enhancers are also at a greater risk, especially if you use a strong cycle of steroids or human growth hormone (HGH). Feeling of aggression and stress are exaggerated when you are cycling, are are nighttime conditions such as sleep apnea and, as you may have guessed, bruxism.


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How to Manage Arthritis Pain When You Exercise

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Exercising with Arthritis

Fit Woman Kickboxing
If you have been living with arthritis for a while then you probably know that exercise is a key part of fighting the pain, stiffness, and swelling that accompany this chronic condition. And yet, hauling yourself to the gym, hitting the track for a jog, or joining your local sports league can be difficult when you are already suffering from the discomfort and fatigue of arthritis.

You might not want to move, let alone stress your already painful joints. And yet, without your daily workout to increase strength and flexibility, your condition only stands to worsen. This could lead to even less activity, accompanied by increasing stiffness, soreness, and weight gain, all of which could further derail your progress in the fight against arthritic symptoms.

Without exercise you could eventually become incapacitated by the ongoing degeneration of arthritis. Luckily, there are ways to manage your pain in the here and now so that you can continue to follow your workout regimen and hopefully improve your overall condition, ultimately reducing pain and other symptoms.

Here are a few tips you can try.


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Maintaining Your Health and Safety when Training Abroad

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Staying Healthy on the Road

Vacation Fitness
Although for some people a week or two’s vacation in the sun represents an opportunity to sit back and relax, if you’re someone who places importance on maintaining your fitness and physique through exercise and training, this won’t be you. Instead you’ll see it as another chance to work out.

While you might try your hand at some new activities when you’re abroad, if you have access to a gym where you’re staying, you may well want to keep up with your current training regime. However, while you may think that you can just pick up from where you left off at home, there are a few issues to be aware of. This will ensure that you can work out safely to avoid injury and ill health, allowing you to enjoy the rest of your vacation and not put your fitness back. Follow the tips below and seek out further advice on staying well before you travel.


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The Importance of Staying Hydrated When Trying to Build Muscle

Monday, April 1st, 2013

Hydrate for Health

Fitness Girl
We all know that it’s important to get eight glasses of water each day in order to ensure that our bodies are properly hydrated and that waste and toxins are flushed out of our systems.

When you engage in intense exercise, a lot of fluids can be lost to through sweat, increasing the need for not only water, but also essential electrolytes that allow your body to retain the life-giving fluids you drink.

While you might not think that pumping iron is as intense as running a marathon or swimming laps, the truth is that lifting weights can make you sweat.

That said, there are other reasons why staying hydrated before, during, and after your weight lifting regimen is important. In case you didn’t know it can have a dramatic effect on the results of your workout, as well as your overall state of health.

Here are just a few reasons why you should definitely strive for optimum hydration.


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How to Fight Your Cravings for Midnight Munchies

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Midnight MunchiesWhether you’re bulking, cutting, or straight-up losing weight, you have no doubt developed a targeted diet meant to enhance your exercise regimen in order to help you meet your goals.

Restrictive or specific diets can leave you feeling unsatisfied or craving your favorite foods, and if you’re not smart about how you get your daily caloric intake you can find your tummy grumbling before you go to bed, or even waking you up in the middle of the night, just begging for a midnight snack that is definitely not diet-approved.

However, there are plenty of ways that you can keep yourself satisfied and full on nearly any diet plan so that you can stave off cravings for midnight munchies.

Here are just a few tactics you may want to try.


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Get Fit to Avoid Injuries Skiing

Sunday, March 10th, 2013
girl trying to avoid injuries skiing

Heading off to the mountains for some winter sports fun is a great way to give your entire body a workout and get out of the gym and into the great outdoors. Winter sports are a great way to exercise and will strengthen your leg muscles as well as your core muscles, as long as you can avoid injuries skiing and snowboarding.

We know we are already past the holidays, but you can use these tips in-season as well, to try to build up your lower body and core strength and healthy throughout the season.


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5 Great Foods for Burning Fat and Building Muscle

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Health FoodIf you are weight training to build muscle, your biggest goal is to keep your body mass index in check. Body builders around the world will tell you that having the perfect, sculpted body is also about staying lean and keeping your body fat at a minimum.

To be pure muscle and no fat you have to find creative ways to exercise, but you also have to eat the right food. In order to sculpt your muscles, you need food with enough protein to keep you energized, but also food that helps burn fat – you also want to suppress those unwanted cravings.

Here are 5 great foods for burning fat and building muscle.

  1. Oatmeal.

    Oatmeal is the secret weapon for a lot of body builders that want to sculpt the perfect body. Eating oatmeal 1 to 2 hours before an exercise or weight lifting session will give you an adequate amount of sustained energy, which will allow you to work out longer. Oatmeal is also great at regulating your blood sugar levels, which can stave off cravings. It is also a great source of fiber, which can prevent your body from storing excess fat.


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The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Nuts

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Healthy NutsNo, I’m not talking about you. Yeah you probably are a health nut if you are anything like most Project Swole readers, but today I want to talk about healthy nuts, as in peanuts, almonds, cashew, walnuts, etc…

I was afraid I scared everyone away with last week’s post about Peanut Butter of Death, so this week I’m here to tell you that as long as your peanut butter isn’t contaminated, you can be sure that eating nuts is just as healthy a snack as it ever was.

Without further ado, I give you:

The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Nuts

Healthy Nuts

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BBQ and Picnic Foods to Avoid at All Costs

Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

CookoutWhen it comes to supporting your fitness routine with a suitable diet, it can be rather difficult to stick to the program, especially when you’re confronted by the delicious foods commonly found at social gatherings like BBQs and picnics. Not only are these traditional recipes fragrant and delicious, but it can be very difficult to deny yourself when everyone else is digging in with obvious relish.

In truth, most people have a much harder time sticking to a diet than an exercise regimen, likely because of the vast abundance of food options available to modern man, as well as a culture that urges us towards excess and instant gratification (often at the expense of long-term goals).

So the next time you go to a picnic or BBQ, you should prepare yourself to avoid certain foods that are sure to tank any type of diet (even when you’re bulking you’re likely to have some guidelines for appropriate foods).

Here are some foods you’ll want to steer clear of and how you can compensate for continued success.


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The Best Weight Lifting Foods to Help You Build Muscle

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

Diet = 75% of Progress

Healthy Muscle

Regardless of your fitness goals, your diet plays an important role in achieving the levels of physical strength, muscle tone, and overall health and fitness you desire. And since most of us have specific results in mind, it’s a good idea to spend just as much time and effort working out a targeted diet as working out at the gym.

For example, the dietary needs of a bodybuilder are very different than those of a person running a marathon. So if you’re looking to build muscle and your exercise regimen doesn’t seem to be delivered to your satisfaction, perhaps it’s time to do a little research and discover which foods will ensure optimum results in concert with your weight lifting efforts. In addition to food, you can use several testosterone products to build muscle faster too.

For today we will focus on nutrition. Here are a few foods that are sure to help you pack on the right kind of pounds.

You might think that any high-calorie foods will be sufficient when it comes to bulking up, but this is not true. Some will add fat as well as muscle, or only fat, and that’s definitely not what you’re looking for.

What you really need are foods that will repair and build your muscles as you add greater amounts of weight to your lifting routine, and your best bet is to use a combination of foods that make a complete and balanced diet that is nonetheless high in certain nutrients. You’ll need plenty of protein to build and maintain muscle, as well as carbs to replace all the calories you’re burning, but you’ll also need fruits, vegetables, and fats (yes, fats) to keep your body healthy and functioning properly.


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Healthy Breakfast Dos and Don’ts for College and Beyond

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

Set the Tone for a Healthy Lifestyle During and After College

College Breakfast
When it comes to health and fitness, many college students are too wrapped up in the demands of their academic pursuits to pay much attention. Even those that have been athletic in the past or are currently members of sports teams on campus might neglect their nutrition when they’re in a rush to get to class or they’re cramming for a test.

In case you hadn’t heard, unless you are practicing Intermittent Fasting, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The reason for this is that it sets the tone for your metabolism, your satiety, and your level of energy throughout the rest of the day.

What you eat (and how you go about eating it) could have a major impact on your overall health and vitality. Keep in mind on test day, that your brain operates on carbs. Having some fruit and oatmeal before a big exam is scientifically the best way to exam prep.

As you can see from the picture of the girl on the right, breakfast does a college body good.

Here are just a few breakfast dos and don’ts to observe in college if you want to optimize health and fitness during your time on campus. Practice these tips now, and you will be more likely to carry them through the rest of your life.


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