Posts Tagged ‘home exercise’

Benefits of Working Out from Home – A Beginner’s Guide

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021
Working Out from Home

Exercise is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But it can be hard to find the time and motivation to go to a gym or fitness studio, especially if you’re not very good at socializing. Luckily, there are many benefits that come with working out at home. Let’s unpack what we mean by “working out from home.” 

It doesn’t matter how old you are – your exercise routine should always include some form of physical activity such as walking or running (or even doing crunches) for at least 20 minutes per day. If this seems like too much work, think about all the things you could do during those 20 minutes! You could walk laps around your block, jog through your neighborhood, or even do squats and lunges in your living room. If you’re feeling motivated enough, you could create an entire workout routine using either online video exercises or checking out this article for some workout ideas.


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Benefits of Exercising from Home – Your Ultimate Guide

Wednesday, October 20th, 2021
Exercising from Home

How often do you find yourself with nothing to do, no one to hang out with, and nothing on TV? When those moments hit do you stop to consider how the benefits of exercising from home can improve your lifestyle?

The truth is that sometimes the best workout plan for us is just sitting around. That’s because when we’re bored at home, our bodies naturally move more than they would if we were completely entertained. And more movement means better health.

This article will help you figure out how to use your downtime as an opportunity to get some exercise. We all know it can be tough getting motivated enough to go outside for a run or head down the gym every day- so why not take advantage of those moments where you have time on your hands? 


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Tips For Buying the Best Fitness and Home Gym Exercise Equipment

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021
Home Gym Exercise Equipment

Building your home gym is an effective way to save money and still hit your fitness goals, by working out from the comfort of your home. The first step to building a home gym is always to evaluate the proper selection of home gym exercise equipment to maximize your time and space.

Working out at home has become a popular concept over the last couple of years, as we face one of the hardest challenges of our generation. This has shown people all over the world that you don’t need an expensive gym membership to get started with your health and fitness goals, instead, you can do it all from your living room, with the right set up of equipment. 

It is recommended that we participate in at least 150 minutes of exercise per week, so building yourself a home gym can help you easily meet the recommended standard and mix it up with variety. 


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Easy Summer Workouts You Can Do Right at Home

Tuesday, July 28th, 2020
workout at home

The summer is the season to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. While there’s nothing like the fun that can be had during this season, plenty of people struggle when it comes to feeling confident for putting on a swimsuit or going outdoors with little-to-no clothing on.

For example, I have plenty of male friends who refuse to take their shirts off at the beach. They don’t want their Dad-bods on display for the world. While this is perfectly understandable, albeit a little superficial, there are quite a few steps we can take to improve our health, confidence, and self-esteem, even while quarantined at home.


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